Tipping for LDs?

avatar for dudeanonymous
Do you tip a dancer for lap dances? I usually don't, unless I've received an excellent dance or had a deep volume discount that she probably wouldn't have normally given. Or I'm interested in getting more dances from her later. I'm not talking about tipping for extras or "services rendered", but for a lap dance with nothing more requested or negotiated. As a point of comparison, I can tip pretty heavily at the stage, especially if I'm trying to get a dancer's attention. Am I joining the ranks of cheapskates?


last comment
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
at kahoots the dances are $30, and Club X they are $35. If I get great service I will give them 2 twenties and tell them to keep the change..but other than that, no I don't tip.
avatar for troop
15 years ago
only once and coincidently it was the last time i got lapdances.
i went into a club that i don't particularly like and ran into a girl that i knew that was just starting there.
she gave me a couple dances then we just sat and talked, cuddled, etc while still in the lapdance area for a couple songs then she gave me a couple more dances and we sat talking for awhile again. when we were done talking she said 4 dances even though i was back there with her for at least 8 songs. because i really like her i paid her for the 4 dances and tipped her the price of 2 more.
matter of fact while i'm thinking of her now i think i'll give her a call.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
"Am I joining the ranks of cheapskates?"

You say that like it's a bad thing. (Personally in this context I prefer the term skinflint, but to each his own).
avatar for inno123
15 years ago
The usual way I signal to a dancer that her dance was excellent is to buy another.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
No tip unless it's for extras.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
"I'll give you a big tip if you make me cum" is a line I have used with success before during a lap dance.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
"I'll give you a big tip if you make me cum" is a line I have used with success before during a lap dance.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
I'll tip almost every time. Occasionally, a dancer is so bad (odor, from either end, not listening to what I like, etc) that I won't tip her, but I've been pretty successful at weeding those out beforehand lately.
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
I usually don't tip, but if I like the dancer and the dances she gives, I'll buy more dances.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
15 years ago
If I like it, I'll give her a few $2 bills.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
"The usual way I signal to a dancer that her dance was excellent is to buy another"
"if I like the dancer and the dances she gives, I'll buy more dances"

and if those dances are excellent as well, then you ??
avatar for Prim0
15 years ago
samsung1 says:
[ignore]Posted: 06/28/10

"I'll give you a big tip if you make me cum" is a line I have used with success before during a lap dance.

How does that go over? I'm still afraid of pissing the girls off by even mentioning that I might enjoy the dance. Have you read stripper web.com. Some of those girls talk about wanting to cut a guys nuts off for having a good time!
avatar for Ellemon
15 years ago
I only tip for extras. I hate it when a dancer asks for a tip though, and its always the ones who give the worst dances. That is when I like to see their face when I inform them of the conditions for which I tip.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
stripper web.com is the same site owner as menstrual cramp.com
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
It has been many years since I looked at the pink site. I posted once and got my ass chewed. Never again. I don't need that.

I fall into the same category for tipping as those who will buy more dances if they like the dance/s they got and only tip for extras. My favorite line is "send me home with a smile on my face".
avatar for kumasdaisy
15 years ago
First of all, at any decent, classy strip club there are no extras to be had.

Second, general etiquette is to tip after or during a lapdance... if you're trying to get our attention, forgetting to tip in dances is NOT a good way to go, regardless of how you tip at the stage.

Don't be cheap.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
"tip...during a lapdance"

oh, so that's what I've been doing wrong
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I have noticed that the only strippers who ask for tips are the losers who aren't making enough money on dances alone. They belong out on the streets with the other panhandlers.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
kumasdaisy: Well, that must be why I don't go to decent, classy clubs then. As for your other point, a tip is a sign of appreciation for a job done well, or for some, extraordinarily so. It is *not* a given, and if a dancer is expecting a tip regardless of the quality of her service, she should prepare to be disappointed. You are, of course, well within your rights to refuse to dance for someone you know won't tip, just as it's a customer's right to decline to tip for a dance he considers unworthy.
avatar for dudeanonymous
15 years ago
I'm with you, sam. I can recently remember being asked for a tip once, and that was a lousy dance from a lousy dancer. As the OP, I think I'll stick with my current tipping methods. I don't seem to have much trouble attracting dancer attention.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
During the LD the dancer starts hinting she wants a tip. I stop the dance right there and pay her for the dance only, no tip. Leave the VIP and get another dancer. If it happens with the next dancer I leave the club. I will tip, big, if I feel the dancer earned it, but to be hustled for it is rude and distracting. It just turns me off, so goodbye.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
When I go to restaurants I usually will tip 20% regardless of the quality of service because this is standard and how they make their living...but as for strippers tipping is only something a pathetic loser would do on a consistent basis.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
15 years ago
kumasdaisy, welcome to TUSCL. In your post did you mean "a decent, classy strip club" like Kuma Charmers? Reading their reviews was hilarious:

-Clearly, Kuma's could use some remodeling
-Dances were bizarre and not that great.
-they weren't the typical dancers you would think of
-looks like a double-wide trailer from the outside
-the place is very old, dingy, and leaves you smelling smokey and unpleasant.
-a dancer sprayed my friend in the face with breast milk!
-they must have just redone their web site, and it looks way better than the club does.
-Next girl comes on and she's old enough to be my mother.
-She's followed by a girl who could be my grandmother, though...
-This isnt worth he drive from far away
-You've got to be kidding
-Dark, dingy, no booze, no touching, no nothing.
and my favorite
-overwhelming hillbilly aesthetic
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
"overwhelming hillbilly aesthetic".
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read that.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Tipping for bad service, in any industry, rewards bad service, and tells the provider that bad service is acceptable.

If one tips for bad service, one deserves bad service.
avatar for Prim0
15 years ago
I might round up to the next twenty dollar bill at the end of dances but that's about it during a LD. I'll often stage tip to get attention and I always tip servers and bartenders in order to get better service. If I don't get that better service, then they don't get the nice tips.
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
I started laughing when I read PAS's post, wow, thanks for sharing that, PAS, I will make it a point never to go there, although I'd like to see what kumasdaisy looks like if she dances there.
avatar for scatterbrain
15 years ago
I usually get as many dances (per lady) that allows me to drop a hundred dollar bill or $150 depending on my mood, tip is rounded up to meet that budget. If I ever leave any other tip, it's at the end of the night for a job well done and so they might remember me next time I'm in the club.
avatar for uscue13
15 years ago
Tipping just for the LD? Depends on who she is and what the cost was. If she's really good and it's easier to just pass on that $20 and say I don't need the rest ($5,10) back, that's fine. If you get extras, tipping is fine because she went the extra mile.

Tipping just because like "kumadaisy" said? No way. If a dancer wants a certain amount of money for a dance, then make that your dance price. If you say $30, you're getting $30. If you wanted $35 or $40, then ask for $35 or $40. When you go buy something at the store, do you tip because you bought it? That makes no sense. Dances are business transactions. We set and agree to a price between us, service is provided, I pay the price. That is in no way related to what a waiter or bartender does. They don't have a say in prices, they don't have a say in customers, they just do the job and that's why they get tips.
avatar for dudeanonymous
15 years ago
Smokey seems to have the perfect customer service attitude on this.
avatar for Jmoney007
15 years ago
im with samsung, if the girls make me cum then they will get a tip,

however i have also been known to tip women who have a nice body with a
great personality to encourage them to keep up the good work ;)
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
At my current fav club, I tip the girls that break the club "rules" during our lapdances, to encourage future rule-breaking behavior.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
I tend to overtip when a girl goes above & beyond what I expect, which is often. I gotta stop doing that so much.
avatar for bigdude012
15 years ago
I usually tip unless the dance is that bad. So far it only happened when I got an all air dance for completely no reason. I laughed when she asked for a tip. I gave her a $5 to ensure I wouldn't have any problems w/ bouncrs or other dancers but that was the only reason she got a tip
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
I have generally not tipped for "standard" table or lap dances that had a set price. However, in less formal clubs without a house price or where a table dance (with some contact) is $5 (a huge bargain these days) I will occasionally give an extra $5 or $10 for an exceptional effort or to generate future good will. In a bar full of non-tipping cheapskates, this gesture often works well. I do occasionally reward favorites with an extra $5 or $10 for lap dances just to keep things heading in the right direction. When getting a quantity house rate (e.g. 1 for $20 or 3 for $50) I will add $10 to make up the difference for a job well done.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Tip for extras. Only.
avatar for stan1986
15 years ago
the club i go too has a 3 for 30 at midnight i have asked several girls they get 18 and the club gets 12 , i usually give two 20s i ask for a couple free passes i get 3-4 each time so the 10 i spent is made up the next time i go in , i even got 10 free passes one time
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
"Do you tip a dancer for lap dances?"

It depends, but most of the time, yes. As I've said before, tipping really isn't expected in Canada, and more than a few Canadian dancers have responded with glee after receiving any tip from me. I can only remember less than a handful of times being asked for tip by a dancer after a LD. Most of the time, I have a hard time figuring out how much of a tip to leave. I personally wish that there was an expected standard on this issue in the strip club world. The most that I've ever tipped a dancer after a set of LDs was the price of another LD.
avatar for 59
15 years ago
My normal means of tipping is buying repeat dances and/or a drink or two.

If a girl new to me asks for a tip I will typically give it to her, but then that's the last dance she'll get from me - ever.

If a girl delivers an extra, particularly if she's efficient (doesn't string out a bunch of songs) and doesn't leave me a sticky mess, then I'll tip her. If it's a lengthy set with a grinding finish in my pants I may not tip.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I did meet a dancer who wanted $20/song recently. I got her down to $10/song. We did one song, and I was happy with the price and the mileage so I gave her a $20 instead. We then did 3-4 more songs later that night at $10/song, I lost track of the number of songs because of the mileage, so I gave her a $50. When the LDs are only $10 I do not mind tipping but when they are overpriced at $35 tipping on those is another question.
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