
Comments by MrDeuce (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    That Must Be What She Likes About Me Too
    My ATF did nothing but complain about her ex: he seldom worked, he spent most of his time smoking weed or playing video games, he checked her phone every night for incriminating texts when she got home from the club (where she did extras to support *both* of them). I asked her why she stayed with him as long as she did. Her answer: He was the best lay she ever had. Last I heard she was fucking him and another lazy, abusive ex in a frenzied attempt to get knocked up. Yeah, we're over.
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    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Slutty Lindsey Vonn = Ace!
    Well . . . da-yum! I am otherwise speechless.
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    7 years ago
    Strip Club Lost and Found Box
    Great answer, flagooner! Whenever I leave a VIP room with a stripper and she asks me if I have everything, I feel like answering "Everything except my dignity!" :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    A little OTC advice
    Don't overthink this -- what does your experienced PL gut tell you? I've received OTC offers after one or two VIPs but didn't pull the trigger until we had done several (5 in one case, 7 in the other). Anyway, what could possibly go wrong? You have a spare kidney, don't you?
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    7 years ago
    Just gotta love strippers because, damn, that was fun...
    Yeah, TT, I get all of that, and a threesome isn't something I'd want to do repeatedly, but . . . Dude, it's two hot strippers who want to pleasure me, each other, and then me again! If the opportunity presents itself -- and I think it will, maybe with a little prodding on my part -- I have to do it just once in my life!
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    7 years ago
    Just gotta love strippers because, damn, that was fun...
    Nice! I have two lovely CFs with whom I've been doing VIPs all summer, often with each one (individually) in the same afternoon. I spent last Tuesday afternoon OTC with one and am hoping to do likewise with the other fairly soon. The thing is, they're also into each other and have hinted that they would see me OTC *together*! That is now the goal, but I have to get there gradually. After all, my first OTC date was less than two years ago!
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    7 years ago
    Stacey Poole is a heavy-hootered butterface
    @lopaw succinctly sums up my attitude about the butterfaced yet boobalicious Ms. Poole.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Addictions are my hobby
    Rejected Reviews?
    None of my 113 reviews have been rejected, though my first attempt at an article was. My reviews have grown longer and more detailed over time, but they will never attain the magnitude of a Papi_Chulo opus.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Do the dirty girls know they're dirty?
    At my favorite day shift, some of the girls do extras in the VIP room and some don't. Once I'm on friendly terms with a girl who does extras, we talk openly about it. My favorites admit that they either "do extras" or "do naughty stuff". There is a refreshing honesty in this approach, as compared with the attitude of my ATF, who always implied that she did certain things (like fellatio) for only a select few when everyone knew otherwise. I had a conversation on this very subject with my CF last week. When she started stripping about eight years ago, at age 18, she worked in rather high-class, low-touch clubs and never did extras. When she switched to her current club, a veteran extras girl pulled her aside one day and asked her "Which side of the fence are you on?" My CF was confused and asked "Fence? What fence?" and the vet explained "You have to decide whether you're gonna suck dick or not -- but you'll make a *lot* more money here if you suck dick!" So my CF has been on the dick-sucking side of the fence ever since :)
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    7 years ago
    Kylie Jenner might as well be topless
    @mark94: When you say "There are literally a billion women on the planet better looking than her.", I assume you're using "literally" to mean "figuratively", as so many people do nowadays :) You can't honestly mean that over 1/4 of the women in the entire world look better than Kylie, can you? That literally makes me want to blow my brains out! LOL
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Longest road trip for a Strip Club
    I've occasionally driven about 160 miles one way for a strip club weekend, though I usually include a concert and/or some movies.
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    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Propositioned at Tilted Kilt
    +1 for ppwh -- LMAO!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Turning gray
    I'm 63 with graying hair on my head, and my beard (such as it is) comes out gray, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna have any gray pubic hair -- so I always keep it well trimmed before any intimate encounters. If any stripper is going to call me a distinguished gentleman, it's going to be because of the gray hairs at my temples, not the gray hairs on my nutsack!
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    7 years ago
    Stacey Poole is a heavy-hootered butterface
    Gentlemen, gentlemen: I never said I wouldn't bury my face in those fabulous funbags; I just wouldn't be looking at her face while doing so :) I'm actually surprised by the number of posters who came to the defense of Stacey's rather homely (IMO) face.
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    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Propositioned at Tilted Kilt
    I could imagine this (the proposition by a 9) happening to me in a strip club but not in a breastaurant. That's why I go to strip clubs and not breastaurants!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Charlotte McKinney Nude
    Da-yum! I *love* Charlotte McKinney! How did I miss these pics?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When you sleep with a stripper do you actually sleep with her?
    After about 16 OTC dates with 4 different strippers, it's obvious to me that my preference is a nice long overnight date, starting with dinner at 8 or so and lasting through brunch the next day. I enjoy the unhurried feel of such a date and, frankly, as rockstar said, "I'm big on cuddling and sleep after sex." Yes!! Also, my aging body appreciates having 8+ hours between attempts :) On the issue of safety, as is so often the case, Subraman nailed it: "I'm not going to be interested in sleeping with her unless I know her super well, and if I know her super well, then I won't be worried about safety either." I just did a 6-hour afternooner with my new CF on Tuesday that went exceedingly well: great lunch and fun times in my hotel room for $300 for 6+ hours. We are talking about a sleepover, possibly at her place, on our 3rd or 4th date in a few weeks, at a price of about $500. Yes, I've become a big fan of actually sleeping with *some* strippers that I sleep with, but I have to know her really well from many visits and VIPs in the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever witness another PL in the club make an OTC arrangement?
    Takeout is OTC without the pleasure of getting to know the girl first. I've done OTC lots of times with four different strippers; I wouldn't even consider takeout with a stripper I don't even know.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What would you do?
    My ATF disappeared just before a planned overnight date in March. Eventually I found out that she had violated probation and was in jail for three months. We briefly re-established text contact when she got out, but I just found out she has violated *again* and is in jail *again*. Yeah, I can pick 'em :) We can't make these women us like us, love us, see us, or even communicate with us. The most we can do is stay in just enough contact (e.g. by sending an occasional text) that they can get back in touch when *they* are ready to. I won't text her while she's in jail, but when she's out, I'll hit her with an "Are you OK?" text without revealing that I know where she's been.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In search of OTC
    I certainly don't go to SCs *exclusively* to find OTC, but it has happened a surprising number of times the past couple of years. Tomorrow I'm meeting my new CF for lunch and some OTC fun. It will be my 16th OTC date (not counting two that were dinner-only) with my 4th OTC girl. I'm certainly confident enough these days to ask for it, but in fact all four of these girls asked me during or right after a VIP. In general, we already have several VIPs and some long afternoons together ITC before we meet OTC. I can't imagine meeting a stripper and taking her immediately to a hotel room as soon as her shift is over!
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    7 years ago
    "Fiancé" of ESL Sadie
    The same dude asked me in a PM which girls at Wise Guys in WP do extras, specifically mentioning Sadie. I answered him as follows: "Wise Guys is the king of extras clubs -- I suspect they *all* do extras! Just sit at the bar and order a drink. Assuming you're not too disgusting, someone will sit with you. If you hit it off, move to a table for greater privacy. Then -- are you ready? -- Just. Ask. I promise, if you ask politely for what you want -- HJ, CBJ, BBBJ, FS -- that she will not be offended. Trust me, they've heard it all." My own opinion is that dudesky99 is neither a boyfriend nor a fiance but is merely trying to get free intel instead of just going to the club and telling someone what he wants.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    She Really Loves Me
    Congrats, man! If I had $1000 for every heart or kissy-face a stripper has texted me, I'd be a millionaire. +1 for Mainster's remark -- now *that* is my kind of humor!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OT: Sleep, What Do You Require?
    For almost all adults, the right amount of sleep is 6-9 hours a night. When I'm really busy at work, I sometimes get by on 5.5-6 hours for a few nights in a row until my body rebels and I get sick, thus forcing me to get more sleep. Strangely, as I get older I finding myself needing to sleep *more* to feel good. Nowadays I feel better and am healthier if I sleep 8 hours rather than 6-7.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Empirical perception versus outside perception
    As far as detecting orgasms in our strippers is concerned, if my ATF moans and thrashes around three times during 69 (since I have a *lot* of time to get her off while she's pleasuring me), I'm gonna believe that she actually came three times. OTOH, if a CF who is trying to make me her regular pretends to get off from dry-humping me during three lap dances, I'm going to outwardly applaud her orgasmic ability while inwardly calling BS but also appreciating the gesture. Part of our empirical perception of how we interact with favorites is an ability to distinguish between real and fake affection or real and fake orgasms. As we get to know them (and ourselves) better, we improve in that discernment. So it's not contradictory to *know* that our favorites actually like us or actually cum while other PLs' favorites are just faking.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Empirical perception versus outside perception
    ^ LOL! Mamisan would say "Shairynn, you one funny round eye!"