Ever witness another PL in the club make an OTC arrangement?

avatar for s275ironman
I recall a time I witnessed some activity in a club that could've been some guy making an OTC arrangement with a stripper. This was maybe 6 years ago. It was long before I found out there was a message board here on TUSCL, so I was somewhat oblivious to the fact that OTC really does happen.

The club was Cruisin' Chubby's in Wisconsin Dells, WI. For those who are not familiar with that area, it is a hot spot for summer tourism. One summer night I was at the club and it was decently busy. My usual seat along the stage was occupied, so I took a seat on the other side, where I could see people as they enter or exit the club. There was a guy who came in wearing a suit and tie. He took a seat at the stage, several seats away from where anyone else was sitting. He pulled out a thick stack of cash and set it down on the stage. The girl on stage went over to him and rolled in the pile of cash he placed on the stage. She ended her set early so she could sit and chat with him. They were chatting for a good 15 minutes or so. While they were still chatting, I went to get dances with one of the other girls. When I came back to my seat, the man in the suit was gone. Girls that were on stage earlier were going back on stage again. However, the girl that sat with the man in the suit was skipped when it would've been her turn. I may have stayed for another hour, but I never saw that girl or that man the rest of the night. Since I did not actually see them leave the club, it is possible they may have gotten a champagne room, but I think it is very likely I witnessed an OTC arrangement.

Has anyone else witnessed another PL making an OTC arrangement in a club?


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avatar for Doces300
7 years ago
Never seen that, but that is an interesting technique to get her immediate and undivided attention and to let her know you can afford her all at the same time.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I did once but it was so long ago that I don't remember the exact wording. He was definitely an amateur in his 40's and she was playing him for all it was worth. It was pretty comical. Obviously had never read TUSCL.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Our local clubs are no touching, little or no private dances. So less girls do OTC. But the arrangements are made.

If you dress nice, I can personally attest to getting OTC offers.

Some girls will make a point of singling you out for attention, ignoring other tippers, just for effect upon you.

Some girls, defying rules, will engage in intense DFKing.

Some guys ask about doing "Bachelor Parties", which can be a code for OTC. And some girls talk about doing "Bachelor Parties", and they also talk about dancing in San Francisco, all a way to suggest OTC.

At out underground Mexican Bar table dancing circuit, most all of the girls there do OTC, all they can get. So in most all of the interactions, if words are exchanged, its about OTC.

avatar for joc13
7 years ago
Isn't that more of a "takeout" than an OTC? Or is "takeout" just a subset of OTC?

If takeout is a subset of OTC, what is a non-takeout OTC called? date?

E.g. would I say "I like OTC dates, but I don't do OTC takeout." or would it be "I like OTC, but I don't do takeout."
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
Takeout is OTC without the pleasure of getting to know the girl first. I've done OTC lots of times with four different strippers; I wouldn't even consider takeout with a stripper I don't even know.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
Dang, now we have three categories. Deuce you're really messing with my CDO tonight (that's OCD, in the proper alphabetical order)
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I've see OTC and takeout used interchangeably.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
I have witnessed a number of guys try to arrange OTC and get shot down after the dancer tells me and anyone else who will listen what just happened.

Also, a CF was telling me about how a guy who had offered to take her shopping. From talking with her on future visits, it sounded like she took him up on it. I normally don't pay close enough attention to what everyone else is doing to notice something like that, though.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
No, but dancers have told me about OTC propositions they've gotten from customers.
avatar for SeattlesSickest7
7 years ago
Hey PLs it's plucko !
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
At the club I used to go to in Dallas ( in the 80s ), it was standard procedure for the dancers to all make arrangements for OTC at the end of the night. They'd wander the parking lot at closing time, finding their date's car.
avatar for LecherousMonk
7 years ago
I saw a 20-something guy who was slightly drunk telling a stripper, "You should come spend the night at my place," or something along those lines. They were standing near the restrooms for some reason.
avatar for sharkhunter
7 years ago
It's been years since I've been to a strip club in Wisconsin and I no longer put money down in front of me. :)
I have seen dancers write their phone number on a napkin before everyone had a phone.
That was before I got the napkin.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
No, but I started seeing one dancer OTC after over hearing her pitch OTC to some other customer. It's really hard to keep a straight face when she tries to give me the "you're the only one I do this with" line.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I mind my own business.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
Rickyboy spotted in a Wisconsin strip club?
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