
Empirical perception versus outside perception

Going deep on TUSCL. Please work with me folks...

A PL can post a story on TUSCL how he gave his favorite three earth shattering orgasms during an OTC encounter. Many PL's reading the story may (or probably will) think "BS, the honey was faking and was probably baby-barfing the whole time".

Or, A PL shares a story about a dancer having real feelings for him even if just friendship. The immediate perception on TUSCL is "BS, its a hustle and the honey was probably baby-barfing the whole time she is with the PL"

My point is this - empirically most of probably think dancers are at least enjoying our company on some level. In contrast, when other PL's relay just that, our inclination is to assume the dancer is just a great faker and it is a hustle (baby-barf)

How can we all assume what is personally happening to us is real and at the same time suspect, the same activities, are all fake BS for all other PL's?

And yea, I know most are going to come back and say they know everything in a SC is a fantasy hustle, (I would say the same thing) but I even find confessions like that suspect.


  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I don't automatically mistrust what others say.

    Strippers (escorts, massage girls, SBs) are real people and sometimes experience real emotions.

    The thing about "3 earth shattering orgasms" I might consider exaggeration before I call BS on it. After all, we are mongers in here, and as Gandalf would say "every good story needs a little embellishment"
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Empiricism relies on our senses, which adds a layer of interpretation to any observation. Saying that a stripper had an orgasm, or that she is being honest, goes way beyond empiricism to knowing what is going on inside her head. That's not empiricism. It's assuming the unknowable.

    Then, add our fragile egos to the mix, and we'll assume things for our actions and the opposite for others. Again, that's wishful thinking, not empiricism or perception.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I have been blessed by the gods with a larger than average penis. I can flick my tongue quicker than a Spanish speed reader. I can hold my breath longer than the average otter.

    That still doesn't mean I know how to put these talents to use.

    Also, a small random sample of the last 5 strippers I had sex with 3 were there for the money, 1 was there because she wanted to spend the night in my nice hotel and the 5th was just hoping the condom would break so she could lock some payment down for 18 years.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    ^ LOL!
    Mamisan would say "Shairynn, you one funny round eye!"
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Just going to say that her internal temperature increasing 15 degrees in a period of 5 seconds is pretty hard to intentionally do for anyone other than an advanced yoga practitioner.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    As far as detecting orgasms in our strippers is concerned, if my ATF moans and thrashes around three times during 69 (since I have a *lot* of time to get her off while she's pleasuring me), I'm gonna believe that she actually came three times.

    OTOH, if a CF who is trying to make me her regular pretends to get off from dry-humping me during three lap dances, I'm going to outwardly applaud her orgasmic ability while inwardly calling BS but also appreciating the gesture.

    Part of our empirical perception of how we interact with favorites is an ability to distinguish between real and fake affection or real and fake orgasms. As we get to know them (and ourselves) better, we improve in that discernment. So it's not contradictory to *know* that our favorites actually like us or actually cum while other PLs' favorites are just faking.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    "Just going to say that her internal temperature increasing 15 degrees in a period of 5 seconds is pretty hard to intentionally do for anyone other than an advanced yoga practitioner"

    Pretty sure that would also be lethal in a relatively short amount of time. Perhaps you meant 1 to 5 degrees? Even that would only be surface temperatures; I'd expect core temperature to rise only a little.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Sorry, but just without question, the TUSCL stories of guys in their 50s and 60s paying for sex and writing about giving teenage girls multiple orgasms are the absolute goofiest.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Just for some perspective, typical quote from one of the girls over at a SB forum (she's 19):

    "To be completely honest, sleeping with someone decades older than me for the first time made me physically sick:
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @RM - is below the rest of the post ?

    "To be completely honest, sleeping with someone decades older than me for the first time made me physically sick: ....but then the old dude gave me three earth shattering orgasms, now I won't fuck anybody under 50."

  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    While money is always a factor in why dancers do what they do, some have a high libido just like men and enjoy sex and/or pleasuring a man. Some women like variety just as some men do. Put these things together and strip clubs are a perfect place to be for them.

    So it's not out of the realm of possibility some of them truly enjoy what they do and the reactions you get are natural.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    @georgmicrodong, I wasn't using the most accurate thermometer, but noticed that temperatures taken vaginally would increase considerably in a very short time.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I think one of the key things people can miss is the pretty-much-universal aphorism "the exception proves the rule".

    I do think there are general truths (e.g., middle-aged guys are not giving young women orgasms on the reg). That said, some people here seem to think that every person is cookie cutter -- every stripper is exactly the same, basically a money-controlled automaton who does the exact same things depending on inputs. It's a belief that IMO shows a deep misunderstanding of humans in general.

    That said, I'm one of those people who thinks the rule is: middle-aged guys are not giving multiple orgasms to young women. I think that applies to 95% of the stories you guys post. And BTW, I think that applies to me, too. It doesn't mean there aren't sometimes exceptions ... hell, the last time a stripper turned into a FWB for me, I was 45 I think. It IS the case that young women, especially damaged ones, might end up with surprising feelings.

    Exception proves the rule. As a general rule, speaking in absolutes as if there's NEVER an exception ignores the fact that these are real people, and in fact I believe such positions are more about posing to look cool than anything else. And it's even true that if anyone is going to run into an exception, a bunch of guys who hang out with damaged strippers are probably strong candidates. I still nevertheless think that middle aged guys making young women cum is waaaay rarer than discussed here. (that of course is just one example)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I might believe that she's enjoying my company while in the moment. But during the drive home... that's a whole other matter.

    But I'm okay with being convinced in the moment.

    It's interesting when new TUSCL users will post a short novel, hoping that the extreme level of detail and prose will convince everyone that, in his case, it's true love.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Ish, agree with "I'm okay with being convinced in the moment". Fuck yeah, agree with that.

    Also agree with your last point. I'm especially amused when the new poster invariably throws in "I work out and I'm in good shape", as if that's some huge factor in what we'll think :)
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    Love and sex with sex workers ain't cut and dry. These girls can and do orgasm, do enjoy the company, but at the end of the day the driving force behind it all is MONEY stupid. It a big part of the whole story. No money no orgasm no loving feelings.

    A stripper told me she got an actual orgasm As One customer made it rain and rain on her while she was on stage. she said the thought of that much money being thrown at her all at once made her coochie squirt. And she got strong feelings in the moment (high on endorphins... and other drugs in her case)

    PLs trying to be you like stripper boyfriends, if you can afford to go to a strip club then you don't have what it takes to be a legit stripper boyfriend.

    So when these PL's act like, she caught feelings oh she loves me, or that it's anything more than a financial transaction I call BS.

  • GACA
    7 years ago
    **PLs trying to act like they can be better than a stripper boyfriends

    Fckn speech to text
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