
When you sleep with a stripper do you actually sleep with her?

Atlanta suburb
Recently one of my ITC favorites was complaining about her breasts aching and asked me to massage them because she likes my gentle hands. I know...it's a dirty job but some body has to do it. She said that she wished she had somebody at home to do that for her. I jumped on my white horse and told her that I do house calls. Then she says if you did that, then you would have to sleep with me.

I'm pretty sure that she is kidding because she has a teen age daughter living with her. But it dawned on me that I have never spent the entire night with a stripper in any of my OTC experiences. Could I even sleep. My ex wife said I snore. Would that bother her? Is it safe to do so? I mean I wouldn't want to wake up dead or robbed.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Perhaps a dancer that I've known for a good length of time and have built up some trust. But I've never gotten to that point.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I've never stayed overnight, but I know there are some guys here who do overnights. I guess it's as much about his much do you trust her then anything. I doubt she would follow through on it with a teen daughter at home.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I've spent the night with strippers. Either at my motel or her place. I'm not driving home in the early morning hours. Too many drunks on the roads or cops looking for them. Once in Columbia, SC, I got pulled over for allegedly weaving in traffic. One, there wasn't anyone else on that road then. Two, within a few minutes, 6 patrol cars had also pulled out in case I was fugitive axe murderer. I got let go without a ticket. F'ing cops.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    so she has a daughter who's a teen-ager? this stripper must be one of the older ones. shadow, you know her age?
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Would need a lot of trust, never at my place, don't want robbed. Oh yeah and then there's my wife. Not at the motel room too much time to get robbed. Not at her place, death by boyfriend seems possible. On second thought no, no sleeping with the stripper present better things to do
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    GV- She is turning 33 this week and her daughter is 16 but she has a Victories Secret face and body and my TUSCL friends find it hard to believe that she is that old. She is also black.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @shadowcat you know what they say; black don't crack
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Fuck no. The only woman I actually sleep with is my wife and I hope that will be the case for the rest of my life. Strippers are just for fun.

    Now would I consider it if she ever divorces me? Idk, anything is possible, but it would take more trust than I've ever had in any stripper thus far.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I slept with my ex-ATF. I'm big on cuddling and sleep after sex.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Yes, I have done it but not with many.

    1. My retired ATF and I lived in different time zones, so we would usually meet in Vegas, she would work, and at the end of her shift she'd come to "our" hotel room. When I visited her in her town she would stay with me in my hotel. She offered for me to stay with her but she had two teenage boys and that was too akward for me.

    2. A stripper in Detroit who has since retired used to spend the night with me. I felt safe with her but for extra precaution I'd put everything of value in the hotel safe. The one time the hotel I chose didn't have a safe I hid everything in my car and hid the keys in my room. Probably just being too paranoid on my part. Probably had 3 or 4 others similar to this situation over the years.

    Many strippers are happy to stay in a nice hotel over their own crib for the night.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    I have slept with strippers overnight several times. It's standard with with my ex-stripper SB, and a couple past favs. SB is the only one that's been to my place. I've stayed a couple times overnight at the well-appointed apartment of an OTC playmate.

    Agree caution is needed. I've been with a few strippers overnight where I didn't sleep a wink and kept careful watch over valuables.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I do overnights with strippers whenever I can -- but "whenever I can" translates to, very few. I do not pay extra for the length of the date, so what we're really talking about here is: a stripper who will stay with me overnight, for whatever OTC price we've agreed to already. Typically, she's got to be at least as comfortable with me as I am with her, so it's really close ATFs where this happens, for the most part. So it it balances out: I'm not going to be interested in sleeping with her unless I know her super well, and if I know her super well, then I won't be worried about safety either.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I suppose that "sleeping with a stripper" can be literal rather than a euphemism. I have literally slept with a few strippers, and some have spent the night with me. These were girls I knew well. Caution is required and I sometimes throw caution to the wind. I wish I could say nothing has ever gone missing from my house or my wallet.

    More often a stripper and I have fallen asleep after drinking and sex. A nap, not a full night's sleep.
  • K
    7 years ago
    It happens frequently with women I trust. neither of us has to worry about how much we drink. We can enjoy the amenities of the hotel. Morning sex is a very good way to start the day
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I slept with DS I and II all the time. It is necessary if you want a true and complete girlfriend experience.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Yeah I've done it with my ATF.
  • RTP
    7 years ago
    Shadow, I definitely know who you are talking about and I think that is a great offer. You know her way too well. She will not rip you off. Give it a shot. She may even make you dinner.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    After about 16 OTC dates with 4 different strippers, it's obvious to me that my preference is a nice long overnight date, starting with dinner at 8 or so and lasting through brunch the next day. I enjoy the unhurried feel of such a date and, frankly, as rockstar said, "I'm big on cuddling and sleep after sex." Yes!! Also, my aging body appreciates having 8+ hours between attempts :)

    On the issue of safety, as is so often the case, Subraman nailed it: "I'm not going to be interested in sleeping with her unless I know her super well, and if I know her super well, then I won't be worried about safety either."

    I just did a 6-hour afternooner with my new CF on Tuesday that went exceedingly well: great lunch and fun times in my hotel room for $300 for 6+ hours. We are talking about a sleepover, possibly at her place, on our 3rd or 4th date in a few weeks, at a price of about $500.

    Yes, I've become a big fan of actually sleeping with *some* strippers that I sleep with, but I have to know her really well from many visits and VIPs in the club.
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    Before I finally manned up and broke things off with my OTC/SB she frequently (2-3x per week) spent the night at my home. I liked it. A lot. She was exceptionally cool and would clean up around the house too. I only spent a couple of nights at her place over the two years I saw her. Both times I picked her up after the night shift at her club and I'd been drinking to heavily to drive home. I was an hour away from home she lived two minutes away from her club. Never had any issues.
    A different chick I met on SA spent a couple of nights at my place and I at hers. Not a good experience though. She was a raging alcoholic and had violence black out issues. Life is to short for that shit.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    I have done it a couple times it's actually kind of cool if you get the right girl only
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    Occasionally. More than occasionally with my ATF. The MILF and I have napped a couple of times, but never overnight.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Many times with some of the escorts I befriended, and several times with SBs from SA. Not with a stripper, yet!

    A couple of the escort sleepovers were at their incall locations (decent apartments, but not their main residence), the rest at hotels.

    Like Subraman said, I wouldn't do it with someone I didn't already trust enough to not be worried.

    Hell, in my single days I had civvie girl friends and one night stands spend the night all the time, and I'm sure some of them went home with souvenirs. And some of them were as bat shit crazy, if not more, than most strippers I've met.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    I slept the night with my ATF several times. The first time was the night after her breast augmentation. The dr told me to get her up and walk every 2 hours. I rented a 2 bedroom suite. I always liked "overnights" because she had a wonderful way of taking care of what she called, "morning wood".
    She frequently would leave the bed during the night due to my snoring. I once found her on the couch with cotton balls in her ears.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I used to have concerns about it, and told a few girls who asked no. Then one day I let one stay. I slept just fine and she was very appreciative. It became the norm for us after that. There's some that I wouldn't have stay overnight, but at this point I'd say most of the girls I bring over stay the night. Some view it as a perk, some view it as an obligation. I don't pay more for it, but I do prefer the girls I know will stay the night so they do get more from me as I'm much more likely to see them.

    I've never stayed at her place, and I don't see myself doing that any time soon, but I guess I also said the same thing about letting one stay over at one point.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Deuce gave a very good explanation of why it can be so much fun with the right stripper to have "sleepovers." That's what the DS always called it when we spent the night together. I I liked the term "sleepover" because it sounded like something that you'd do with a high school senior. She liked "sleepover" because it didn't make her sound like a prostitute.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    My 9 yo grand daughter does "sleepovers". :)
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    "I slept with DS I and II all the time. It is necessary if you want a true and complete girlfriend experience."

    No, a true and complete girlfriend experience does not include the overt exchange of cash for services rendered.
  • K
    7 years ago
    "No, a true and complete girlfriend experience does not include the overt exchange of cash for services rendered."

    You are correct. For a true GFE we go through the pretense of converting that cash into presents, dinners, movies and catering to their whims in the hope that tonight we will get laid.
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