
"Fiancé" of ESL Sadie

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I don't know whether you guys remember this guy posting a couple weeks ago. This member with 0 review and 1 discussion wanted information. "Caskel" called him out on it. See below.


The dude messages me because I reviewed a MIss S at Wise Guys club in Washington Park. He claims he is her fiancé. Bullshit!

He said in the discussion he wasn't a boyfriend and accepted an apology. He said in my email that he was her fiancé.

Which is it? I don't believe either. I believe it is Sadie herself. Not many people are dumb enough to believe their stripper girlfriend never provide extras in VIP. This guy has to be a phony.

Nice call, Caskel!!


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The same dude asked me in a PM which girls at Wise Guys in WP do extras, specifically mentioning Sadie. I answered him as follows:

"Wise Guys is the king of extras clubs -- I suspect they all do extras! Just sit at the bar and order a drink. Assuming you're not too disgusting, someone will sit with you. If you hit it off, move to a table for greater privacy. Then -- are you ready? -- Just. Ask.

I promise, if you ask politely for what you want -- HJ, CBJ, BBBJ, FS -- that she will not be offended. Trust me, they've heard it all."

My own opinion is that dudesky99 is neither a boyfriend nor a fiance but is merely trying to get free intel instead of just going to the club and telling someone what he wants.

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Mr. Deuce, I think your description of Wise Guys is accurate.

Sadie is too big and too old for me. There are way cuter girls at that club.

I don't believe he is her fiancé ether. I told him he was full of crap and needed to post some reviews if he wanted information. I told him I thought he was trolling but if he was serious, he needed to call off the wedding and run. She isn't wife material unless he is a cuckold.

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That is her fiancée don't plug no holes.

My ATF was engaged when I met her and fuked me ITC and OTC and then OTC after she married their whole 5 yr narriage (she quit club after getting married). She remains my whore going on 8 yr.

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Thanks for the props.

The whole original post seemed sketchy. There are no clubs in 'ESL.' Seemed like he really didn't know where his girlfriend was selling her wares and needed to be as general as possible. The 'Sadie' I met was in Brooklyn as mentioned in my post. You and Deuce mention WP. I can't recall for sure but it's possible I've met 'Sadies' in Centerville and Sauget as well.

So... to the original poster, If you really want to know how many guys are boning or not boning your girl, Be more specific.

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Nice 1, Caskel.

As far as, "how many guys are boning his girl," it's safe to say anyone that anyone who wants to that has at least $125, but I don't want too!

I still say it's a fake profile. How many real guys believe what their stripper girlfriends are telling them?

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