
Comments by MrDeuce (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many sex partners have you had?
    This is an interesting subject that I find awkward to discuss. Since my own number is quite low and the numbers for my stripper friends tend to be very high, I choose not to talk with them about "what's your number". For example, I know, just from listening attentively to my ATF ramble on about the guys she's fucked since she was 12 (!), that her number is at least 15.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers' favorite restaurants
    @Bj99: Thanks, chica -- though I am disappointed by your "correction" of, you know, disappointed :) I've dined with enough strippers to know where I want to sit with them, so I always request a remote booth if there's one available. @ButterMan: Thanks, ese! Dude -- I took my ATF to the Stone Creek Dining Company in Zionsville *twice* early this year! It was close to her place and we liked it so much the first time that we went back.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    "Fuck You, Pay Me"
    No, our responses don't miss the point. You expressed utter cynicism about strippers and their motives and many of us are calling you out on it. Of *course* strippers are working in a strip club to make money, but that doesn't mean that they never have feelings for customers or that they're predators or that everything they say translates to "Fuck you, pay me!". Damn, dude! If my attitude toward strippers were as bitter and cynical as yours, I would find another hobby.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Columbus OH Clubs Trip Preparation
    ^ Excellent answer, Lech!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    I see that the default smiley avatars are gone.
    ^ What he said! If you were so creeped out by the smiley-face, you should have just found your own avatar!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers' favorite restaurants
    @Lech: I assume your question is for me. Here's my answer: I love pussy. I don't fuck strippers. I'm not sure what that has to do with strippers' restaurant preferences.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers' favorite restaurants
    @Bj99: Once again you're saying exactly the right thing! I *love* cheap Mexican places and would love to take my stripper friends to them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers' favorite restaurants
    Well . . . in *my* neck of the woods, in Midwestern fly-over country, Longhorn Steakhouse is considered pretty nice. In addition to a delicious meal with my stripper friend, I took a civie to a Longhorn earlier this year. Both were rather new and in excellent condition. [I mean the restaurants, not the stripper and the civie :) ]
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers' favorite restaurants
    @25: (1) Thanks for the P.F. Chang tip . . . Indy has one -- I'll keep it in mind. (2) In answer to your charming question: In my part of the world, Longhorn is NOT a dump, and the $95 total was driven up by maybe $20 worth of wine for the two of us.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Odd bumper sticker/decal mix
    He's hopelessly confused or schizophrenic. Of all his causes, I support only Star Wars -- the rest of them suck ass. Well, I am kind of a bad ass :) Sorry, chessmaster!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Lone Wolf's Olive Garden Experience
    Come to think of it, when I asked my second OTC girl last year where she would like to eat, offering to take her anywhere she liked in her suburb of Chicago, she instantly requested the Olive Garden. Fine with me: the food is OK, though not very Italian. This reminds me of comedian Mike Birbiglia, who says "“My family isn’t really Italian. We’re more like Olive Garden Italian.”
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Mixed Drinks
    Man, this discussion makes me glad I drink only beer in SCs! I make an occasional exception for a Coke when I've had enough beer, like during a five- or six-hour afternoon at a club. Now I've had lots of different beers in SCs: Bud and Bud Light, Miller and Miller Light, Coors and Coors Light, Michelob, Sam Adams, Heineken, Corona, Dos Equis, Negra Modelo, and any number of other Mexican beers. One thing I like about the Hip Hugger in Kokomo is that it features the entire range of beers, from Bud to Bud Light :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC Services ?.
    I think my new favorite has me spoiled. She's satisfied with $300-350 for a SIX-hour date with *two* BBBJCIMs -- if I'm up to it :) I'm trying to persuade her to spend the night with me for $500-550, first in a hotel and on later dates in her house. I think she'll come around.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So how long do you wait?
    I've almost always picked up my OTC girls at their homes. I would say they have consistently run 30-60 minutes late, though the one I called "veritable shit-storm of chaos" girl had me wait *two* hours before she was ready to be picked up. My ATF, who was generally at least half an hour late, impressed me once on an afternoon date last spring when she appeared at her apartment door at 2 on the dot. On my most recent OTC date (for lunch and afternoon playtime) with a new favorite, we were supposed to meet at a restaurant at 12. She texted me at 11 to say she was running a half hour late, so I gave my standard laconic response: "Oh. I guess I'll just drive slower!" To her credit, her arrival time clocked in at just 27 minutes late -- and she made it up to me with the quality of the date!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    "Fuck You, Pay Me"
    Thank you, Lurker, for a less cynical perspective on strippers' motivations than that posted by the OP. Strippers have *often* pointed out money that has fallen out of my pocket, especially in the VIP room. Of course they're pointing out ten or twenty dollars when they're about to get two hundred, but still . . .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper put a condom on me just using her mouth.
    A few extras girls have done that for me before a CBJ. I'm not a fan of covered BJs, but if it has to be covered, I certainly enjoy that method of putting on the condom. I've heard that it's a well-known trick among prostitutes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Lone Wolf's Olive Garden Experience
    Good story! I met my new CF for lunch at a rather upscale Italian restaurant in a hotel last week for our first OTC date. I must admit, I *loved* it when she sashayed in (a half hour late -- oh well!), wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me on the lips to start the date. Surely our fellow diners had some inkling what this 26-year-old cutie was doing in a restaurant -- in a hotel -- with a 63-year-old! I didn't want to embarrass her, so I let her make the first move, and she was, to my delight, completely unabashed. After a leisurely lunch of salad and pasta, the remainder of the afternoon was spent most pleasantly in my hotel room. Things went so well that I'm seeing her again next week for lunch in a nice steakhouse followed by another round of afternoon playtime. I'll say it again: OTC dates are the best part of this hobby!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    MWM threeways
    My ATF told me during a VIP on her birthday last year that she wanted, as her birthday present, to do a MFM threesome with her boyfriend and another dude. The implication was that I could be the third wheel on that cart if I wanted. I told her then, and many times since then, that I have only a few rules for my interactions with strippers but one of them was: Mine will be the only dick in the room! I'm happy to report that my two new CFs at the same club are very much into each other, so there's a chance that my first-ever threesome will take place with the two of them later this year. Fingers crossed!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pay to read full reviews?
    Personally I'm *appalled* that I have to pay for my Internet service! Don't I have a right to free everything? LMFAO
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everywhere. Currently Phoenix
    OTC. Details of making arrangements.
    I've had about 16 OTC dates with strippers, mostly staying at my ATF's place, but half a dozen times in hotel rooms. I book rather modest motels costing $50-60. I would much rather spend the money on food, which is *always* part of the deal: lunch before an afternoon date, dinner before an evening-only date, or brunch after a morning-only date. My preference, of course, is a date lasting up to 16 hours, starting with dinner at 8pm and extending to brunch the next day at 11am or noon. Make absolutely sure that you know the girl well enough to spend several hours with her. I recommend seeing her ITC a number of times before you see her OTC. I prefer to work out details of payment and services before the date, within reason, to avoid unpleasant surprises. With the right girl, OTC dates are the best part of the hobby! Have fun and let us know how it goes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Away from TUSCL for a bit
    Get well, Papi_Chulo!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Would you get a dance from her?
    Why yes, I believe I would! Beautiful face, big booty, lots of breast meat -- what's not to like?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Another old man thread
    For some of the strippers in my life, I think I represent a rock of stability in a sea of turmoil. I know that they’re not likely to be sexually attracted to someone who is 20-30 years older, but I treat them well and tip them generously. In return they’re willing to spend many hours at a time and do fun things with me. In the past two years I’ve decided that OTC dates with hot young strippers (mine have been 42, 38, 32, and 26 in that order) is the best part of the hobby!