
Comments by farmerart (page 82)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I feel the earth move...
    I've never experienced a 'quake. Standing near the vibrator unit on a seismic shoot is the closest I have been to the experience. It's nothing like 'those' kind of vibrators either.
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    13 years ago
    PETA Does Porn?
    Clubber's avatar is suitably ironic for any topic about PETA. Seal, and particularly seal flipper, is a much appreciated source of protein in Newfoundland on Canada's east coast. It is certainly a taste that I have not yet acquired. Seal meat is a most peculiar colour - almost ebony black!! I had a tough time getting it down without gagging and retching.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Golden Showers, Scat, And Moose Penises - A New Low For tuscl?
    Missed that post, troop. Sheesh..........
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    TUSCL Bloopers - Vol 1
    There is always puki, harrydave.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Golden Showers
    The scatological has no sexual appeal to me; and, stiletto, I am pretty sure I know where that guy wanted to go! It is just coming lunch time here in camp, you know.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Using TUSCL PMs to communicate with dancers.
    Unlike most replies to the OP, I would love to communicate with an Alberta dancer via PMs on tuscl. I have yet to meet a dancer in Western Canada who even knows about tuscl. I am a missionary spreading the tuscl gospel as I make my way through Western Canadian SCs. Dancers are fascinated to be taught the lingo of this hobby and perk right up when I tell them what happens in SCs elsewhere in North America. Most will say: 'Really? That's just gross! Ewwwwwwww!'. The occasional gem will respond: 'I could do that'. BINGO!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Review Standards
    While staring at the Aurora Borealis this evening I pondered the meaning of life. The grandeur and magnificence of the vast northern sky emphasized my own insignificance. Why am I here? Is there a purpose to my existence? What could I ever do that matches the breath-taking beauty of the Northern Lights? Perhaps the wisdom of my tuscl posts is the best that I can do. Just as Aurora Borealis does not appear every evening the perfect tuscl review appears only infrequently. All we can do is watch and read and when those few gem reviews appear we must clasp them to our bosoms, savour them, learn from them, and then go forth and try to emulate them. @ harrydave: I have never seen the Aurora Borealis at this time of year - a winter time phenomenon only in my experience.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Accounting for a Stripper-Related Expense
    In the oil patch, there is an expense called 'equipment lost downhole'. Over the years I have made as liberal use of this line item as I dared. Seems to me that you could apply that expense to the SC world under 'hypnotized by SS'. I once put up a post with lots of 'air' like this one. I got reefed pretty good about it before founder fixed things. Always comfortable to stick your head up your ass, isn't it? Send a PM to founder.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What was your most surprising ITC expierence??
    My very first lap dance in Honey's in Everett, Wa. The dancer slid her hand up the leg of my shorts, grabbed hold of Mr. Wood and got to work. Picking my chin off the floor, I reciprocated boldly by probing her lady parts with a pair of fingers and massaging her clitoris with my thumb. A happy time was had by at least one of us. My introduction to the world of SCs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    how many clubs in your area?
    Get a map of northern Canada. Put a compass point on the site of my bush camp and enscribe a circle of 600km radius. You have just encompassed an area of approx. 1,100,000 sq km or approx.630,000 sq mi. Number of SCs in this area - a big fat ZERO! Life is grand.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    spending large amounts of money on one dancer or a bunch of dancers
    How much are you going to spend? Mid 3 figures? Concentrate on one girl. Mid 4 figures? Spread the joy around. Higher? Don't do it in a club. That is trip money with a hottie.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another reason why I won't run for public office
    Oy vay! You Americans just have to lighten up about sex and other personal peccadilloes. We Canadians are not so exercised about our politician's sexual exploits. Our prime ministers have been a rather horny lot banging actresses and siring children out of wedlock (Pierre Trudeau), cavorting with prostitutes (William Lyon Mackenzie King), a drunk saddled with a strange wife seeking 'solace' elsewhere (John A. Macdonald). We are much less tolerant of the crooks - Brian Mulroney's reputation was forever shredded upon the discovery of a cache of $1000 bills found in one of his safety deposit boxes.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    In a fantasy world if you were president and could pass a law to write off strip
    Question from Canada. What is the rationale behind the tax deductibility of residential mortgage interest? It does not exist in Canada. I do not know how the US constitution can permit this egregious discrimination against a specific group of people i.e. renters. Such outrageous discrimination in tax law would cause an uproar here in Canada.
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    13 years ago
    In a fantasy world if you were president and could pass a law to write off strip
    I tried something similar in Canada, not SC expenditures but hostess and 'hospitality' room expenses during the big industry trade show one year in Calgary. CCRA (Canada's IRS) said 'NO' and it was a most emphatic 'NO', complete with a nasty penalty. Learned my lesson and never tried it again. I was also an idiot otherwise - never sampled the delights of my own 'hospitality' room for myself!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Industrial Strip is no longer open for days starting next week
    I could never understand the popularity of this place - no alcohol, stage shows with pasties and double g-strings, smoke-laden air, high cover charge. And, Arnies with all the delights therein is relatively close!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another strip club shooting. This one in Canada.
    troop, For your new reality show, 'Oil Drillers Gone Wild', I could happily be a 'technical advisor' verifying the reality parts. 35 years ago I could have taken on one of the starring roles as one of the 'bad-assssss' rig pigs!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another strip club shooting. This one in Canada.
    troop, In Quebec it is most likely me that is butchering the French language but I make do quite nicely all the same. I once had a late, late night at Le Pigale directly across Gleber from this club. Didn't get shot at but to read this story is no earth shaking surprise. There was more than a sniff of bikers in the air at Le Pigale.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer: "I missed the club"
    I remember Stilletto's posts about her addiction to the club life and the loneliness of a dancer's life; very similar thoughts to what your dancer expressed, steve. Goes with the territory, I guess, and as cw says - a little bit sad.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Laugh at her and tell er to go away.
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    13 years ago
    Obligation to get LD?
    When I go to a SC I WANT to spend some bucks. I will at least buy one drink as I check out the talent. My SC visits are precious. I want to make the most that I can out of each visit. Now that I am back in business I no longer have the time to troll aimlessly through various SCs to find what I want. I don't consider this an 'obligation'. I consider it an efficient use of time and money.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Compliments To rickdugan
    Compared to Alberta and British Columbia, you are living in paradise, SC-wise, steve.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Travelling I-75
    I am also annoyed that Lizzie's face adorns all Canadian coins and our $20 bill. End of my republican rant for the day.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Travelling I-75
    Idiot politicians are always fiddling with highways in my province coming up with cute names instead of the old tried-and-true highway numbers that everybody uses. I was particularly irked when the main north-south artery in Alberta was re-named The Queen Elizabeth II. Give me a break! Dimwitted matriarch of one of the world's most dysfunctional families! That is an embarrassment to all right thinking Canadians.