
Comments by farmerart (page 81)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    British Columbia
    Great Sign
    Many of the hookers on Seymour outside that club try to get away with wearing that 'back to school special'.
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    13 years ago
    Sacre Bleu!
    So...., gurgling guts caused by Rotten Ronnie's swill somehow brought tuscl and its regulars back to your mind? We are complimented, I think???????
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    13 years ago
    Off Topic- I'm doomed, would really appreciate some advice.
    As scpatron says squeeze your insurance company as hard as you can. You might get a cash payout. It is most likely that a car that is almost 15 years old has no residual value greater than the damage estimate. If your car is mechanically sound rig a repair to the hood yourself. Use a crowbar or some kind of leverage to pry open the hood. If the hood still raises and lowers fasten the hood with an array of bungee cords. Bingo! Good to go. (As long as local authorities allow you to drive an obviously damaged vehicle with no police accident damage sticker on the windshield.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Enough about economics and politics. Lets talk about food. Strip club food.
    I have had exquisite sushi at Club Pro. Clam was the primary ingredient of the sushi - very fresh and sweet.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    In The SC World, North Dakota Sucks Worse Than Alberta
    @harrydave: You can still go to North Dakota; just don't expect much from the state's SCs. The economy is pure rock and roll right now, very similar to Alberta's. I am sure a water guy could find a gig in ND. Maybe do something about the annual floods sent north into Manitoba?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    In The SC World, North Dakota Sucks Worse Than Alberta
    @jackslash: The Gulf is for the real big boys not minnows like me. I happily nibble at the crumbs that the big boys leave behind. Besides, I hate the heat and humidity of that part of your country. I`ll take the -40 temps of winter in northern Canada any day!
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    @fetish_dancer: There is no more pure true capitalist than the small independent wildcatter in the North American oil patch (ahem, like me). I would be delighted to impart my 45 years of experience and knowledge to you as we did our stuff in a SC VIP somewhere. Do a tour of Alberta SCs. farmerart would be delighted to play with your nipples and...............?? Showgirls in Grande Prairie would be most convenient for me for the next few months.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Finishing" a Lap Dance
    @stiletto: Once or twice a shift on average? Really! Who are your customers - super horny 18 year old virgin nerds? You need a clientele of elderly Canadian oilmen.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    This tax already exists in Canada. It is called the GST, Goods and Services Tax. Current rate is 5%. Many goods and services are exempt and GST rebates are paid quarterly to low income Canadians. I am a big supporter of this tax. I think that its scope should be extended to taxing every dollar spent in the Canadian economy with the concomitant elimination of income, corporate, and capital gains taxes. Even though the GST is only 5% and many exemptions exist, this tax is a cash cow for the federal government. It has allowed the federal government to bring our taxes to a very competitive level vis a vis the US. Currently, capital gains, corporate profits, and incomes of high earners are taxed at a LOWER rate in Canada than in US.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What's the most money you have spent on a stripper?
    I will provide some hilarity again with my spending habits. Last summer I connected with a dancer in Calgary. First encounter - $400 in club then $300 OTC at hotel. Second encounter - $500 in club then $200 OTC at hotel. As a result of my actions with the girl during our second encounter in the club the dancer was blackballed from Alberta clubs for six months. I felt horribly guilty about this and cut her a cheque for $30k to cover her lost Alberta income for that six month period. We have hooked up twice this year at no out of pocket expense for me. I spring for meals and booze when she comes to my place for a weekend - how to value that? So, I have probably spent in the neighbourhood of $33k on this one girl. Granted, this is a special case. On one of my usual dine-and-dash SC visits I will spend in the range of $500-$700 on a compliant dancer in a mid-range club; $300 or less in a 'dive'. I generally avoid the ultra high end clubs; I just don't seem to have as much fun in those kind of clubs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Not missing the club scene?
    No dancer me, just a horndog customer. cincy's closing words - 'Am I the only one who treats it ONLY like a job and not like a lifestyle?' speaks volumes of the difference between the SC world and the straight world. For anyone, male or female, working in the straight world, the job IS part of one's lifestyle however much one would like to separate the two. Trying to keep work out of your lifestyle is an exercise in futility, even for a dancer. If you think you are doing so you are engaging in self-delusion.
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    13 years ago
    Eastern Montana/Western North Dakota - SC Wasteland?
    Yeah, sam; your SC life in Ohio really is not that bad. There are plenty of places on this continent much worse than Ohio for this hobby. You would think that these economically vibrant areas of the continent would support more clubs but I guess that the 'boom-bust' nature of my industry is too scary for SC operators.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    In a rut, and not minding it much at all.
    Rather your 'rut' than mine - celibacy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it really a fantasy?
    Fantasy is torturing yourself with your SC memories when you are living the delights of northern bush camps. As george says, reality is doing what I do in SCs (though not with Mr.microdong's regularity).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Altering Your Strip Club Experience: Drugs
    My drug of choice is alcohol. If I am not driving I consume my drug while visiting SCs. My wallet usually takes a severe beating when alcohol is combined with hot dancers. Amazing how discriminating and thrifty I can be when sober!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stop with the "f***ing" reviews!!!
    The difference in the laws regarding prostitution in Canada and US colours how I review a club. I am pretty explicit in reviewing Canadian clubs and I am trying to tone down my reviews of American clubs but I don't always succeed. The laws being what they are in Canada means that I have no compunctions about being explicit. I learned very quickly NOT to name dancers.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    SURE!! Get my blood boiling once again about this rip off charge. I hate valet fees. I FUCKING HATE VALET FEES!! Hate 'em. Hate 'em. Hate 'em. Hate 'em.
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    13 years ago
    Spas and Salons
    Before I discovered SCs massage parlours were my go-to option. (In western Canada they are not referred to as ÀMPs'). My favourite massage parlour moment (posted here before): Coming into town from rigourous work in the field I was in the market for a bona fide massage when I entered one of my preferred spots in Calgary. The 'therapist' told me: "I don't do massages. I just fuck." Sigh.....................
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strangest/weirdest/grossest patron you've ever seen at a strip club?
    I once spent an afternoon with vincemichaels in Bogarts in Detroit. Now, I am a fairly hefty lad but that afternoon in Bogarts saw at least a dozen guys over 300lb cavorting with the dancers. A couple of those boys were well over 400lb. I am a svelte 265lb. It was kind of nice not to be the biggest PL in a SC for once.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Christal photo and more...
    shadowcat, Tell her that there is serious money to be made in Alberta SCs. Certain PLs in Alberta have been known to get foolish with a hot dancer!!
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    13 years ago
    Dancer coming
    The only pussy residue I have ever taken out of a club is that freakin' glitter some dancers insist on applying to their nether regions. That crap is almost impossible to remove. Thank heavens very few dancers use it!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A Shilll?
    Hmmmm. Just read that before I go out to check things on the rig. Thanks??????? a whole bunch for the post, shadowcat. (farmerart says as he grinds his teeth and wanders outside screaming and shrieking in frustration).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Wow! I don't know what ANY of these ladies looks like. I recognize a couple of names but can put no faces or bodies to the names. My fantasies involve movie stars from the 50s and early 60s - Brigitte Bardot, Elizabeth Taylor, Elke Sommer, Senta Berger, Claudia Cardinale, Sophia Loren (who remained supremely hot into her seventies).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Golden Showers, Scat, And Moose Penises - A New Low For tuscl?
    george: Using the word 'needle' in my post had little to do with your penis size. My brain is too small to understand subtleties like that. I do not like to tax my brain's limited capabilities with such insignificant trivialities. Life is much too short to linger over such minutia. Even spending this tiny amount of time typing this post lessens the abbreviated amount of time I have remaining in my now reduced life expectancy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    PETA Does Porn?
    Clubber: Another off-the-wall discussion topic - The Most Revolting Stuff I Have Ever Eaten? Could maybe tied into the SC hobby, but seal meat would be right up there for me.