
Dancer: "I missed the club"

Dancer had told me she was taking the rest of the week off and going to the beach with family and (non-stripper) friends. Next time I saw her in the club I asked how she enjoyed her time off.

She said she enjoyed it at first, but after a couple days she started missing the club scene, kept texting her stripper friends and asking what was going on at the club, etc. Said she was glad to be back, because she "missed the club."

A common reaction?


  • cw
    13 years ago
    how sad.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I remember Stilletto's posts about her addiction to the club life and the loneliness of a dancer's life; very similar thoughts to what your dancer expressed, steve. Goes with the territory, I guess, and as cw says - a little bit sad.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    My fave has mentioned the same thing, but it's not the club she misses. She misses some of the other dancers, and they are "friends" in a very friendly way. Oh, and of course, the money. She has a home and school to pay for.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    For some dancers it must be a confining or almost addictive way of life. Really meaningful relationships outside of club life may be rare and hard to maintain.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    gridget - "I like coming back to the club, hanging out with you, and seeing some of my old friends again, but I would not like to do this every day again".
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    It's just not strippers. Volunteer firefighters absolutely love their work and can't get enough of it. In a study done in 1970, and repeated in 2000, it was found that a firefighter's blood pressure doubles between the point when the call comes in and the moment they arrive at the fire. They are adrenaline junkies.

    Same for some (not all) pilots. Fighter pilots who go Mach 2, bomber pilots who love the risk, and airline pilots who live for the cameraderie.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I don't think it's sad at all. Virtually everyone who actually enjoys their job has the same reaction. Since there's nothing inherently sad or wrong about stripping (which says nothing about some of the practitioners), it's just another instance of that. Nothing surprising or sad about it.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    She missed the cocks
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    Agree with dudester and gmd. There are a lot of people who find dealing with a vacation more stressful after a few days than being at work.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    ehh, when I'm there, I enjoy myself, and on good nights I really love my job, but I love my life outside of it equally as much.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    dudester makes an excellent point.... she's an adrenaline junky. she's simply bored by the vacation she chose. sounds a lot like my ex-ATF.

    I also agree with farmerart. I don't remember that post by Stilletto, by my ex-ATF also seems to fit the 'loneliness of a dancer's life' comment.
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