
Accounting for a Stripper-Related Expense

Detroit strip clubs
Friday, August 19, 2011 1:09 PM
I learned long ago that in business you need to track your expenses if you are going to manage and control them. If you don't, your expenses will get away from you and you'll end up bankrupt without knowing why. I apply this to my personal expenses as well, and I keep a monthly income statement so I know where my money comes from and where it goes. But I'm unsure this month about how to classify an expense that relates to a stripper. Six weeks ago, I took my ATF to dinner at a bar after work. She mentioned that she was out of her anti-anxiety medication and didn't have the $300 to refill her prescription. (Of course she doesn't have health insurance.) So I drove her to her pharmacy and paid for the prescription with my credit card. (Of course she doesn't have a credit card.) She said she would pay me back. The next few times I saw her, she mentioned the medication and said she would repay me. Then she stopped mentioning it. Of course the money is gone. I know better. Dancers never repay you. I could force the issue and simply tell her after our next OTC session that she had already been paid. But she's a hot blonde who's less than half my age, and I like to keep her happy since she keeps me happy. Besides, I only have myself to support, but she has herself, her young son by a deadbeat dad, and her boyfriend who can't keep a job. So the $300 is gone, but I don't know how I should classify this expense on my personal income statement. I'm considering these categories: 1. Medical: I bought medicine, but it wasn't for me. This would give an inflated picture of my annual medical expenses. 2. Dancer Services: This is an actual line item on my personal income statement, and over the past three years it's grown to a significant monthly expense. But this doesn't seem right because I did not receive any services. 3. Gifts: I give my ATF and other dancers gifts, but I did not intend this as a gift and so I don't think it belongs here. 4. Education: This expenditure could be looked at as a part of my continuing education in stripperology. 5. Tips: I am leaning toward calling it a tip. It could be viewed as a general tip for our continuing relationship rather than as a tip for a specific service. 6. Memberships & Dues: My annual membership dues in the Pathetic Losers Club. I would like to hear how you guys think I should account for this expense. (For any IRS agents in the audience, please understand that this is purely a classification issue. I have no intention of trying to deduct this expense on my income taxes.)


  • joesparty
    13 years ago
    It's a classic bad debt. You intended to be paid, and she intended (or so you thought) to repay you, but you have (wisely, in my pinion) decided not to collect. Classifying it as such will remind you to think twice in the future. Or, in accountant-nerd lingo, the account is "CNC." Currently not collectable.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    If you need additional space, write on the back. :)
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    I'd say Tip or Gift. "she has herself, her young son by a deadbeat dad, and her boyfriend who can't keep a job" Man this story gets repeated SO MUCH with Strippers.
  • rell
    13 years ago
    that was the longest scroll down of all time lol
  • zman429
    13 years ago
    Great story very typical, I need money for blah blah lol. If she's been good to you and it doesn't get out of hand who cares. So get a life and pick something I'm thinking dancer services but who cares.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    In the oil patch, there is an expense called 'equipment lost downhole'. Over the years I have made as liberal use of this line item as I dared. Seems to me that you could apply that expense to the SC world under 'hypnotized by SS'. I once put up a post with lots of 'air' like this one. I got reefed pretty good about it before founder fixed things. Always comfortable to stick your head up your ass, isn't it? Send a PM to founder.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    Its a gift. Never expect to be repaid. If you look at it as a gift, then there is no resentment for her not paying it back.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    Even though you didn't intend it as a gift, that's what it became.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    This is the longest discussion ever what happened
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Sorry, guys, I don't know what caused all that blank space. An unintentional blunder.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Maybe you asked the question of the board, but were trying to put off hearing the answers? You get points for actually going to the pharmacy to see if it was used for what she said it would be used for. But the money is gone, gone, gone anyway. What we don't do for these girls.
  • JohnBuford
    13 years ago
    OK,she had a kid out of [view link] happens.I get it.But wtf do these girls see in these zero's who cannot/will not seek/keep a job ? I joined the military at 17 and have NEVER been unemployed,was never a burden on my parents and yet we see and hear all the time these girls with million dollar bodies,ten cent heads and sob stories.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    I'm sure Payer11 has all kinds of ideas about how to track every dime related to stripper related expenses. Probably has, literally, a thousand spreadsheets for this, and macros to generate charts and slide show presentations about the whole matter. You should try mailing him.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Btw, if you are seeing her for multiple sessions just deduct a fraction of the $300 each time. Yeah, she can't take a $300 hit all at once, but how about 6 hits of $50 each?
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