
Comments by farmerart (page 71)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much time do you really need in VIP ot CR?
    @georg: This is the first instance of a drug costing more in Canada than in US that I have ever encountered. As I posted, my doc prescribed the 20mg dose; but adjusting for the dosage size would give a comparable price in Alberta of about $250 for the same amount of Cialis as your 30 day supply. I don't know if that extrapolation is how drug companies price the different dosage sizes of the same drug.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Do Strip Clubs Make You Sick (literally) ?
    You would think in frigid northern Canada that colds would reign supreme. Not so. I get colds only when I am in urban areas. I get the annual flu shot and have not had flu since I was a little kid. But colds? I have picked up those buggers all over the world. Worst cold I ever got was in Jakarta, Indonesia in the 70s. I really wanted to die with that bone.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much time do you really need in VIP ot CR?
    @clubber: My doc introduced me to Mr. C. Suggested that for my lifestyle Mr.C would be a better friend than Mr. V. So far, Mr. C and I have become quite close buddies on occasional weekends and especially the week in Hawaii! @shadowcat: Sheesh! At my most recent physical Doc Joanne gave me precisely 2 freebies (20mg). Half of one of those keeps me powered up for a three day weekend. Unhappily, no four hour boner yet! If you buy a full price prescription of Cialis would you mind sending me a PM giving me the price? I pay a fortune for it in Canada and I am curious about US prices. My two drug plans do not cover Cialis or Viagra.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Missed this when you posted it, shadowcat. Here is a better idea of what my life is like in winter http://licencetodrill.ca/episodes.aspx#!prettyPhoto/13/ This a 'reality show' running on Discovery Channel Canada. It is hokey like all reality TV but it will give you southern pussies an idea of winter weather in Canada's North.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much time do you really need in VIP ot CR?
    Now that my friend Mr. Cialis accompanies me on my adventures, 30 min can be enough. Prior to meeting Mr. C I needed more time than that in the VIP. No MSOG in a club but OTC in the hotel? Sure!! (Again, thanks to Mr. C).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Farmerart loses another watering hole.
    Never made it to this place, shadow. It is a mere 1000km drive from my farm! It is part of a sad trend in western Canada - strip clubs closing. Real estate development pressure in Vancouver and Calgary, fire in Penticton, lousy business in Edmonton and Red Deer. This makes 7 or 8 club closures in Alberta and British Columbia recently. Whatever is a horndog like me going to do?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Seriously Outspent
    I guess it can happen to all of us, rick. I am a fairly well-off guy not shy of spending my cash on attractive dancers in clubs but.......... On one of my eastern trips I saw a dancer in an Ottawa club that really turned my crank. This lady was the epitome of all my silly teen age fantasies. Her costume was my favourite variety - side-slit, decollete gown. I primed her with tips in her cleavage as she made her way through the crowd to the stage. Her stage show was elegant, sensuous, and pleasantly raunchy. I sat mesmerized on my bar stool during her show, twitching grotesquely with a ferocious boner. I was in serious lust, dead eager to drag her off to the VIP. I slyly counted my cash and decided that I was willing to use the remaining $2500 in my wallet to get 'closer' to this beauty. She rejected my entreaties and went to the VIP with a geeky young guy in jeans and sneakers. I moaned to the bartender about my cursed luck and the bartender told me that this beauty dances exclusively for this geeky guy who was purported to be some kind of high tech millionaire. I wanted to shout out that I was an oil patch millionaire and that I was sure I could write a much bigger cheque than could the geek in sneakers! Of course, I did not do that. After some desultory lap dances with less worthy ladies and a few more beers I made my way to a steak house and spent the remainder of my $2500 on an excellent Bordeaux and a mighty tasty rib eye. From time to time, however, that beauty torments me in my dreams.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Tipping floormen/hospitality?
    I was encouraged to tip the guy AFTER leaving VIP in Arnies in south Chicago but I have never been in a club where tipping before the VIP was necessary. Thanks to rick and shadow for furthering my education. I guess I am still a rookie at this game.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Do you ever worry about Deer on the way back home from a strip club?
    Deer are as common as flies where I live - on my farm, in the river valleys of Edmonton and Calgary, and the rural areas of Alberta. I have smacked a half dozen of the buggers with various trucks over the years; never hit one driving a car, thank heavens. On my farm I subscribe to the 'shoot, shovel, and shut up' method of deer population control.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Thinking about working security in a sc
    Hey bang69, you are a big strong guy? Not afraid of back-breaking, dirty, dangerous work in isolated, cold, wet conditions? Earn $2k-$3k/wk? Lots and lots of overtime. Check out the oil patch. Severe labour shortage up here in Canada's North right at this moment. No 2 AMers.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Clubs with the most reviews
    When I joined tuscl I was sucked in by the review count for a club. I hit a few of the high review clubs and was usually disappointed - Industrial Strip in Hammond, Indiana, anyone? My favourite club is Club Pro in Vaughan, Ontario and that joint has had precisely 16 tuscl reviews. Most of the clubs on my reviewed list have fewer than 10 reviews. That is a function of the low population where I spend most of my time but they are also all useless clubs. I have since learned to disregard completely the review count for a club. Rather, I read the reviews of the reviewers who have credibility with me. Even this is not 100% reliable. Not all of the good clubs in North America have been reviewed by a credible reviewer.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Couple's friendly clubs.
    shadowcat, sometimes the candy just does not cut it. Bring out some of the green if you want to compete with that couple! Shit, man! You are 70 years old now, get rid of some of your stash before you are back in diapers.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit ... I really did it this time.
    silky, thanks for the heads up about BT's on Michigan Ave. I have driven by the joint many times but never thought to give it a try.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    My Stripper Shoes
    @vincemichaels: Pics of me? Unhappily, the answer is yes. I will NOT be posting them. I avoided the publicity photos but one of the boys from the local watering hole where this all started around a table of pitchers of draft beer got me on his cell phone. Haven't decided yet what to do with that bugger.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A comparison of Atlanta and Detroit strip clubs
    Can't comment on Atlanta clubs, but I could sure help this guy find something in Detroit that would be much more 'interesting' than what he described of his Detroit club experiences.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    new changes to tuscl again
    I have been on tuscl for a bit less than two years and I am now resigned to the seemingly never-ending changes with the site. I welcome and adopt new innovations in my business with alacrity; in my personal life- less so. I think that the hand held browsers are just silly - tiny screens always smudged with finger grease that are difficult to read with the failing eyesight of this elderly tuscler. I see no reason to own one. The Blackberry is unsurpassed for the mobility and security I require for my business and even its mini key board is a trial for my aged, gnarled old fingers. I shall continue my tuscl fun on my laptop. In the machine shop on my farm I have a reliable 70 year old rotary dial phone on the wall.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stalked By A Cougar - Not What You Think
    @georg: Your stories take place in SCs. I really have to stretch credibility to give most of my stories a SC connection. Obviously, I suffer from diarrhea of the keyboard.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    To hell with the GOP debates
    Those are very tame photos to be pulled from the pages of the Sun. You should see some of that paper's Page 3 girls! That paper should be based in Bristol not London (apologies to londonguy for that sad groaner).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Hotels for OTC
    Well, I once talked a dancer into doing the deed in the sleeper of a Kenworth, but I much prefer a hotel. Usually by the time I reach that stage with a dancer, the nearest hotel/motel will do.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is libertarianism doomed to be a minority view the world over?
    Back to you Mrs. m00tpoint: You throw anecdotes about Canada's health care system at me. I can do the same to you about your health care system.. Many Americans come to Canada for health care services as do Canadians go to USA for services. Here are some uncontestable facts: Life expectancy is longer in Canada than in US. Infant mortality is lower in Canada than in US. Percentage of GDP devoted to health care in Canada is much less than in US. 100% of Canada's citizens have health insurance. Your country? Doctors spend much more time on paperwork dealing with various insurance companies than do Canadian doctors who deal with a single payer. Health services are delivered much more efficiently as a result. And here is something that Americans do not understand about universal health insurance. It makes businesses more competitive when health care is funded from the general tax revenue. A small guy like me competes on an even playing field with Exxon. Shell, etc. in this area. Everybody receives the same health coverage regardless of employer or employment status. When I took contracts in USA I could not buy health insurance for my employees at the same rate as my larger competitors. The difference came right of my profit margins. Taxes are lower in Canada than in US; income taxes for high income earners, capital gains taxes, and corporate taxes are all lower in Canada than in USA. Total government debt is lower in Canada. Canadian tax code is infinitely simpler than in the US. How does any of this make Canada more socialist than your country? From my vantage point I see a much lighter federal footprint on the economy in Canada than in US. To be sure, there are government idiocies in Canada. The mandated bilingualism drives me absolutely bananas even though I do speak my country's two languages. The division of powers between the federal and provincial governments is a serious problem for my country. The level of government with the most power is not the level of government with the taxing power. You can imagine the wrangles that this causes. My experience working all over the world has made me appreciate the two countries occupying the North American continent. I do not denigrate your country. I can make jokes about your idiot politicians but we have our share of dolts in Canada as well. Once in a while each of our countries can produce a genuinely great leader. At the moment, Canada does not have a great leader and I don't think that your country does either. All things considered, I am a happy proud Canadian (even with our ridiculous winter weather).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is libertarianism doomed to be a minority view the world over?
    Let me throw in the views of a Canadian businessman. Looking at the US from my vantage point I consider the USA to be one of the most socialist societies in the world. The largest employer in the entire world is US Dept. of Defense. The portion of US economy devoted to the military is grotesque. Add that to other federal agencies with bloated employee counts and you have what is, in my world, a bloated inefficient economy. The woeful public education system is featherbedded with lousy, overpaid teachers and the results in US student performance are there for all to see in international student performance rankings. The bloated US penal system is further socialist idiocy draining blood from the economy. All this non-productive government spending is the pure simple definition of a socialist economy. A brief story of my business sorties into the US oil patch (and there have been only two in my 45 year career). A drilling project in California in 1995 had me dealing with NINE different local, state, and federal governments and their agencies. The paper work was mind boggling. The same project in Canada would have had me dealing with precisely one level of government and the land owner. The regulatory bodies stayed away unless I fucked up. In the USA, the assumption was that I would fuck up and the resultant hoops I had to jump through were just plain silly. The ridiculous US health insurance system was the other reason I chose not to work in the US. Health care spending in your country is almost 17.5% of GDP, and rising relentlessly. Much of that is spent through Medicare and Medicaid. It was easier to operate in Indonesia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and the North Sea countries than in USA. Government interference was much less. I just hated the weather and corruption in the Middle East and South East Asia. From what I see in the current campaign for the Republican presidential nomination no candidate apart from Paul has any understanding of the idiotic underpinnings of the US economy. I weep for your country and I desperately hope that I am dead before the inevitable economic implosion.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Lust and Love
    Can't comment on love, never been there. Lust and I are close companions.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    so why the ignore button ?
    I have a spammer on ignore, can't remember the handle of the guy but nobody else. I don't mind the personal attacks. During my retirement I had two vigorous battles via PMs that turned sort of funky but I never thought of putting those characters on ignore. I am not unarmed in any battle of wits.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    So Raise a Glass to "Fuck"
    Just stumbled into my room in a crappy hotel after a jolly evening of good Canadian draft beer in Dirtyass, Alberta. I'm fuckin'drunk.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    So Raise a Glass to "Fuck"
    Working in the oil patch introduces a person to this word in all its forms. A green rookie returns home just at dinnertime from his first three month stretch in the bush. First words out of his clueless mouth: "Ma, pass the fuckin' butter, please." Mother bursts into tears and runs from the dining room. A younger sister and three younger brothers giggle uncontrollably. Father has a broad grin on his face controlling his laughter and says: "I'll go explain to your mother, then you come in and apologize." Clueless greenhorn looks up from his meat and potatoes: "Whaaaat? I said 'PLEASE'!"