
Couple's friendly clubs.

Atlanta suburb
Sunday, February 5, 2012 6:45 AM
I had always assumed that this ment clubs where the dancers were eager to dance for couples. I got my mind blown yesterday afternoon at Follies in Atlanta.This is the most popular club in Atlanta right now and it is standing room only by early afternoon but normally the club is just packed with horn dog guys.

This couple came in around 2PM, nicely dressed, took a table and were immediately swamped with dancers. I took it that they were well known. They had 3 or more dancers sitting with them at all times. They bought the dancers drinks and both of them bought mulitple table dances from the girls. They had some of the prime meat of the club tied up and I couldn't get dances from those girls. They dropped some serious coin. At $8-10 a pop for drinks and $10 for dances, I could guess that they had spent at least $500 by the time I left at 6:30 and they were still at it.

I don't want to see them again.


  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    shadowcat, sometimes the candy just does not cut it. Bring out some of the green if you want to compete with that couple!

    Shit, man! You are 70 years old now, get rid of some of your stash before you are back in diapers.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Shadow don't let those mother fuckers out show the Godfather on his own turf ! Say hello to my little friend and start throwing those stacks all over that mother fucka ! Fuck makin it rain ! Shit make it SNOW !!!!
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    I've been to a couple of frendly clubs and some not so friendly
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    I don't see the need to bring sand to a football game
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    If it makes you feel better, I noticed a number of guys making it rain at Platinum Plus in Columbia last night. They were plenty of guys apparently willing to pay two for $40 because I noticed some dancers busy a lot of the time. Unless one dancer was charging two for $30 and asking for tips afterwards. She has been sneaky like that. Who wants to tip one dollar after some guy just made it rain throwing 10 to 20 dollars? It leaves you feeling cheap if you tip a one or two after that so I didn't bother and neither did most people.
    Well I did tip one girl early on because I am familar with her from other clubs. She's looking hot now. Got boobs implants. It's nice to see she's not hiding her boobs anymore. She was the tiniest A cup I've seen in years.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    For some reason the guys making it rain often seem to tip dancers I have absolutely no interest in. I wouldn't tip them in the first place. I might have been willing to pay two for $40 right before I left but the dancer had a slight hygene problem and I could smell her. It wasn't that bad. I think she had just been sweating a bit. Sometimes I think I would be happier if I didn't smell everyone without trying. I'd rather not smell anyone unless they smell good. Well two weeks makes a big difference, a couple of weeks ago the same club wasn't nearly as full and some dancers were coming at me very aggressively. I'd like a happy medium.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    I see a lot of cpl's in strip joints. Once when i was bouncing I had to tell some guy's wife to calm down or I would half to escort her out. Women get a bit more routy in a sc then men form what I've seen
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    lol that's me in a club, shadow - minus the sausage accompaniment, of course.

    No worries - I don't plan on being anywhere near your neck of the woods anytime soon ;)
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    It could have been their once a month or once a quarter night out. Might have been just bad timing. I suppose if the economy were a lot hotter, people would see money raining everywhere on stages and dancers would be choosy who they got dances from and charge extra for routine dances. I noticed on nights like this, I spend a lot less so someone must be spending extra.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Damn, sc, I would expect you to get in there and take on those two! :) But then, as you indicate, they may be very much regulars there and that could put you on the second team. BTW, I found the "second team" enjoyable if not special. :)
  • uscue13
    13 years ago
    "For some reason the guys making it rain often seem to tip dancers I have absolutely no interest in. I wouldn't tip them in the first place."

    Shark, I agree. On a related note, I have been approached by dancers and random guys before to "make it rain" for a certain dancer of their choosing. Every time I spent nothing - they gave me money to walk up to the stage and throw it on there.

    As far as the dancers that ask me to do it for another dancer, it seems it's just a perception move to make the girl on stage look busy. One time I saw a girl get off the main stage and give a bunch of bills to another dancer to throw back onto the satellite stage for her. As far as the customers, I assume they're either 1) the girl's pimp or S.O. trying to make her look good or 2) a random guy trying to make it look like he's a big money guy that doesn't care much (but in reality we all know he just wants the attention)
  • Papi_Chulo
    13 years ago
    "Making it rain"

    Although I spend my fare share when clubbing, I don't particularly like to "make it rain" b/c it really does nothing for me (pefer to spend my $$$ in LDs). I think most guys (can't say all) that "make it rain" just want the attention and want to make it look like they are big time players.

    At least most of the clubs I visit, the guys that "make it rain" I usually don't really see them getting any lap dances?

    I think the real big spenders are often the quieter guys that end up in the CR and no one sees them spending the big bank roll or "making it rain"!
  • rentz2
    13 years ago
    a black man and white woman? if so, i have seen them in Follies before
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    rentz2 - No. Both white 45-50 yo. I think I saw them there once before.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Since I originally posted this, I have seen this couple quite frequently. Usually on Saturdays.

    Well yesterday they were in the club again. This time celebrating their wedding annivarsary. They had a cake with candles, etc. Their favorite dancer was with them too. I mentioned her on another thread about having a sugar daddy & a sugar momma. They had to push two tables together to make room for all of the dancers partying with them.

    Unlike the first time I saw them, They did not hog all the action. I was there with snowtime, Chandler, & joewebber. We still got plenty of action,
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I need to go to a strip club with one of you guys. Would do me wonders
  • Digitech
    12 years ago
    'The Godfather' - Haha, that's a good nickname for Shadowcat!
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