
Stalked By A Cougar - Not What You Think

I just came in from walking the dog along the creek that runs through my land. The dog got all antsy, barking and running in circles around me but staying real close to me; most peculiar behaviour for the old girl. It took me a while to figure it out. Finally a motion on the far side of the creek caught my eye. It was a bloody cougar and it seemed to be stalking us. Gotta tell ya, my sphincter tightened as if sucking on a lemon. The dog and I scooted back to my machine shop as fast as we could go, keeping an eye open behind us warily. Never been so glad to have Grandpa's old 16 gauge in my hands! This was the first time I have ever seen a feline cougar so close.

I'll take those cougars that attack me in SCs any time over this variety.


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Art - Big mountain lions and cougars can be very dangerous but a little pussy never hurt anyone. :)
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Art- If its a human cougar your best weapon is a condom. The animal cougar is gun. A heavy caliber pistol like a .45,.44,357,454
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Forget the caliber, for the most part. Just be a damn good shot with whatever you are carrying.


    Yes they can! Ever been in a deep sleep and have a couple run across you with all claws in action and grabbing whatever they encounter, including genitals??
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Clubber - yes. Once in awhile Shadow will jump up on me while I am napping on the sofa and land right on my balls but I was reffering to the other type of pussy. :)
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Actually bear spray is better for situations like that. Not a lot of aiming involved and it clouds. A bullet covers such little space and vector. A shot gun is better, but a little unwieldly when ya got something jumping on your back.

    Bear spray works well. If they think they have lost the ability to best ya, they haul ass.

    Bear spray can also provide entertainment when used on drunken thugs too.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    Art, you have some great stories to tell!
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Deo I will need to try this bear spray next time I'm having a late night at godivas lmfao !
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    When I lived in Texas in a gated community, a cougar arrived and started feeding on the herds of half-tame deer. We had lots of deer living on the golf course and in the wooded areas because they were safe from hunters and some residents put out food for them. I liked to get up early and go for walks around the golf course, but my neighbors' reports about the cougar spooked me. As I was walking, I would keep glancing back over my shoulder to see if the cougar was stalking me. I bought a .357 magnum revolver to carry on my walks, but I never had an encounter with the cat. It must not have found me appetizing.

    As for the other kind of cougar, they're even more frightening. For me, an older woman is someone who uses a walker and lives in a nursing home.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    juice why do you need bear spray at godivas?
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    I never even thought of the other "type". : ) I would have preferred just jumping on my balls, rather than jumping AND lacerating.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Bang its like a dine and dash...lol.....I get my full service then as I go to pay "BAAAM!!" Bear spray !
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I once saw a large black cat that apparently the SC DOT calls a myth or legend in our state because no one has hit one with a car. I almost became the first one night. I was even trying to brace for impact. With the tail, it stretched longer than the width of my car and jumped across the road right in front of my car and I was going close to the speed limit at 55, maybe it was 60, don't remember that part clearly, anyway, that sucker ran across the entire road only 20 to 25 feet in front of my car and cleared my car at that speed with inches to spare. It could have brushed my car but I felt nothing. It was big and lightning fast.

    The biggest black cat I've seen. The only previous cat that decided it had to jump out in front of me felt like a speed bump. It was on it's 9th life. I'm not 100 percent sure the big cat was black but it was right in my headlight beams and it was dark like black dark. After some research I believe they have been spotted in Florida and in Virginia as well.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Glad you didn't get bitten Farmer.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    @Art: And you claim *my* stories are interesting...
  • farmerart
    13 years ago

    Your stories take place in SCs.

    I really have to stretch credibility to give most of my stories a SC connection. Obviously, I suffer from diarrhea of the keyboard.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Farmer you tell a good story.

    I left out the part in my story that I was coming back late at night from a strip club visit or I would have never had a close encounter with a mythical cat. I'm glad I didn't hit it. I really did not want to make the news becoming the first person in SC to hit a large black panther with their car. It would have messed my car up ruining my whole night. The bad part I thought was that it was only a few miles away from my house. Probably migrating to Florida though.
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