Tipping floormen/hospitality?
At my favorite local club there is one guy that works as hospitality/bouncer during the day. If I'm getting a private room with a girl for 30 minutes (or doing this twice), is there general etiquette on tipping him? My thinking is that with tipping him when I get a room with my ATF while asking him to come back when we have 10 minutes left will give us more privacy to engage in extras. Has this been your experience? In the past I have tipped them and received extra privacy, but don't know if it was the tip per se that did it. What is an appropriate tip (10% of the room, etc...)?
In many cases, the girl will let you know if some grease is needed. Every once in a while I will end up at a club where the "host" himself will have some special fee or other way to solicit the tip up front.
In situations where real fun is potentially on the menu, it is not about whether or not to spend another $20, but rather whether or not you want the $200+ you are about to spend to be wasted money. VIP hosts/managers can become dickheads when they don't get a taste for the courtesy of leaving you unbothered with your companion, so why fuck around over $20 when you are already spending a big chunk to have a good time?
Thanks to rick and shadow for furthering my education. I guess I am still a rookie at this game.
@farmer: I found the practice at Arnie's to be odd as well, though given the relative value of the place overall I really did not have an objection to it. ;)
Let me give you a couple of examples.
A place I used to work at was monitored like a maximum security prison, cameras everywhere and the girls were NOT allowed to go to VIP without a floor guy watching the cams. As you can imagine this place was pretty strict, any kind of sexual contact was completely out of the question and even grinding was forbidden.
In the same night I had 2 guys in from out of town for business. We had talked about what could and could not happen in the club because I'm a pretty stand up guy and I'm not going to mislead people until they've done something to piss me off.
That being said they both got the picture that they weren't going to get their dicks sucked but both opted to stay. One guy tipped me a 20 to "look the other way" and the other didn't.
So when they both went back to VIP, the tipper got A) a girl who didn't mind being groped a bit and B)got a much dirtier dance than the non-tipper. Meanwhile his buddy who opted not to tip got warned like a regular joe to please keep his arms to the sides and not touch the girl.
He didn't get nearly the bang for his buck as the guy who threw me a twenty.
Another guy who came into the same club tipped my a hundo and I let him get away with murder in that same strict club. I even went back to warn him the manager was coming around and that both he and the dancer had to back it down for a bit until I gave them the all clear.
He had a great time and the dancer, myself and the club all made money. That was a good night.
The only thing I can tell you that bouncers are people too. Treat them with a bit of respect and generally they'll do the same. If your local place has hardcore, asshole bouncers-find a new place.
I'm just trying to make a living like everyone else but I have to do it with the within the parameters of whatever club I happen to be working in.