Do you ever worry about Deer on the way back home from a strip club?

avatar for sharkhunter
I must have spotted about 9 to 12 deer last night along the interstate on my drive back home.

Sometimes driving home late at night from other clubs, I have spotted probably anywhere from 10 to 18 deer on some nights. They make me nervous when they stand near the road or almost on the road and face the direction of the road. I hit my brakes one night when a deer ran across the road in front of me. I even stopped. Looked around. Then another went across the road in the same path. I was glad I stopped my car. Most nights I see no deer or only one or two.

When I was younger and a bit more reckless, I would rev my engine and hope on a smaller two lane road that no deer got in my way.


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avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
No, only on my way back home from work.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I have problems with them in my driveway and back yard. They love to eat pansy's, so I don't plant them anymore. The most that I have seen in my yard at the same time is six.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Yes. I live in a rural area and there are always deer being hit on the roads. However, I've heard that dusk/dawn are the worst times for deer.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Deer? No.
Crackheads running onto the road in the middle of the night?....maybe.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
hmmm, more deer towards dawn, I knew there must be some disadvantage to getting back home before sunrise. I have seen more deer in the 4 to 6 am time slot. Even saw one large dark panther. Fortunately no deer were around when I spotted the big cat. I apparently have a wild jungle just a few miles up the road from me or some kind of migratory path.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
Deers are dumber than dancers, that's for sure. Usually when you see 1, there are others nearby; like dancers, they travel in laps. As in a "lap" of dancers were seen crossing the street. Driving in my neighborhood during rutting season is scary - even during the day.
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
It is like a game seeing how many stray/feral dogs and cats you can hit in places like Detroit and East Saint Louis. Bang! Rusty, ten points! Bang, bang! Buddy and Rover, double bonus!
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Q: What did the doe say when she staggered out of the woods?
A: I'll never do that for five bucks again.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Yes. I've had several close calls on my drive into the city. Dead deer along the highway is a very common sight in Michigan.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
No, but I imagine some of us worry about "Dear" on the way home from a strip club. (:
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
Deer are as common as flies where I live - on my farm, in the river valleys of Edmonton and Calgary, and the rural areas of Alberta. I have smacked a half dozen of the buggers with various trucks over the years; never hit one driving a car, thank heavens.

On my farm I subscribe to the 'shoot, shovel, and shut up' method of deer population control.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
No deer just drunks,dui check points, crack heads, Back in Atlanta I had a hooker jump out in front of my truck & hit me up for some fun
avatar for Blue42TX
13 years ago
here down south we have crazy people crossing the 3 lane freeway while wearing dark colored clothes at night.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I always worry about it. I have to go thru rural areas with waterways throughout to go to most of the clubs I go to. I hit one once when I was within half a mile of a club once and basically turned around. Of course, the worst experience I had once, I hit a dog once on the way home from a club. That screwed up my car, but at least insurance paid for all of it.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
No not realy.....crack heads and hookers yes !
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I can top off the deer. One night I was following a car and it suddenly hit the brakes. Of course I did too with it being a two lane road. I thought about passing but then spotted why he hit the brakes so hard. A big old cow was standing in the middle of the road.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I came closer to hitting a so called mythical animal in South Carolina than I have any deer so far. I was inches away from hitting a large black panther or some kind of very large dark cat. In fact I was so close, I was bracing for impact. That was one big cat and I couldn't believe I didn't hit it. It was lightning fast. I see why no one ever hit one before. It is apparently active when almost no human is and can dart out in front of a car doing around 60 and still cross the road faster than the car. I just hope I never see one of them in my back yard. It was only a few miles from my house.
avatar for bb12
12 years ago
Yes... not least because it will be hard to explain where I was going when I got all that auto damage.
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