
Do Strip Clubs Make You Sick (literally) ?

Seattle, Washington
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:22 PM
As I'm nursing a cold right now, I thought to myself that I haven't had a cold in a few years. I quickly associated that time frame with when I greatly reduced my club-going. Until about mid-2008, I was going to clubs two or three times a week. Some weeks more. Now I only go two or three times a month. In my very active period of clubbing, I got a cold about three times a year for about a two-year period. I was discussing my frequency of colds with a dancer one day. She reminded me (back then) that I go to strip clubs a lot. Further she explained that dancers and others that work in strip clubs also get a lot of colds. That's because of how freely contagious coughs and colds are transferred to one another. Some factors: Dancers and customers are very affectionate with each other in strip clubs, so there's a lot of bodily contact. Dancers touch a lot of surfaces where cold germs can easily be transferred to them and hence, on to the next customer: The pole on stage (nearly every dancer in a club will touch that during the day), all the cash they're handling throughout their shift, numerous other surfaces throughout the club and the dressing room, etc. Maybe strip clubs aren't really any more vulnerable to catching colds in than any other workplace or public place, but I can certainly see a relationship in my case: The less I'm in strip clubs, the less I catch a cold. What's been your experience ?


  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    I don't get sick, ever. I club about 3x month, more in warmer months. I do exercise a bit of observational skills though. For example, a couple weeks ago this real hottie asked me to get dances with her. Well, I'd just observed her coughing up a lung and prior to that sneezing several times. mmm sexy, I passed.
  • HonestT
    12 years ago
    It happens to me, too. In fact I thought about writing a similar discussion a few months ago. BTW, I take lots of extra caution with touching things. Hand sanitizer, hand washing, never touch door knobs with my bare hands, don't eat or drink after anyone.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I haven't noticed getting colds from strip clubs. I wash my hands often too which I believe helps. I have noticed I get colds and get sick from shaking hands in church which I have avoided if anyone around me is sneezing definitely. If they are wiping their nose, I usually just give them a peace sign. Sometimes if they are coughing too. All it takes to get sick is to shake the hands of someone who is already sick and touch your nose mouth or face and you can easily come down with a cold within a couple of days. It takes that long for symptoms to show up. If you go to church, that could be where you are picking up the germs. I give a peace sign to everyone if someone is definitely sick. Sick people go to church and want to shake everyone's hands where I live it. Idiots. Unless they are really sadastic and want others to die and get sick as well. With over 20,000 people dying from the flu each year, you think people in church would be nice by not shaking your hand if they are sick. I think it's more likely they are idiots than sadistic.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I have seen a few strippers who are obviously sick but I can easily avoid them. In church, the sick people always show up and they always seem to want to shake hands and spread their germs. Thousands dead each year from spreading germs. How nice of them. I think they should ban shaking hands in church to save lives and save money on doctor visits and pain and suffering. It's not a smart way to greet people. It's tradition but sometimes tradition is not in our best interest. I would prefer a peace sing instead of hand shake. Now when it comes to a dancer, there's no telling how many people sucked on that dancer's nipple you're about to suck on. There are often bathroom trolls deterring the guys from washing off their hands. Not too many guys want to wash their hands and pay to do so. I want to wash my hands in spite of feeling like I need to tip the bathroom troll. Most guys do not. On the plus side, most guys if they are really sick in my opinion, stay home and don't go out clubbing. Sick people do go to church though.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I don't shake anyone hands when I'm sick with a cold or sinus infection and go to church. I could only wish others would be as respectful. I don't go out to strip clubs when I'm sick, just church like all the other sick motherf.... There have been times when I felt like getting revenge and shaking hands even though I knew I had a cold. May have even done it once or twice, buhhahaha. There's a lot of truth in want goes around comes back around. I remember one sick guy was in church shaking hands one weekend. My relative and an old person's wife shook the guy's hands. I gave him a peace sign. My relative got sick. I did not. The older person died within days of shaking the sick person's hands. I think he killed her via his germs.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I've cut down my colds and sinus infections almost to nothing since avoiding shaking hands in church with anyone who appears sick. Strip clubs aren't the problem in my opinion. Of course I try to wash my hands often. Door knobs, gas station pump handles, anything that lots of sick people touch are possible routes to infection if you don't wash your hands afterwards before touching your nose, mouth or other methods of getting infected.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I read dollar bills have surprising low levels of germs. I don't recall ever getting sick by putting one in my mouth.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Between the germ-fest that is my job, the local gym, and stripclubs, it's hard to say which is the cause of my yearly cold. Probably the stripclub, though, since I'm not macking on my co-workers or the dweebs at the gym.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Another factor. Many of the dancers have young kids. And kids seem to get sick alot. I don't get a yearly cold like a once did. But the few I've had did seem to occur right after a night with a sick dancer. Just this past weekend, my ATF warned me before we started DFK that she was sick. I said don't worry. But I did wake up with a sore throat the next day. Coincidence ?
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    I literally bring a small travel-size bottle of Purell with me into the club. So it doesn't get in the way of LDs, I place it on the table at which I'm sitting and then use it in between feeling girls' pussies during LDs. At first I thought dancers may think me weird, but I was astonished to discover they love it too, and ask to use it, often before giving me some glad-handing love of their own. Might be worth a try - it certainly can't hurt to keep down those pesky communicable germs.
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    Purell all the way
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    You would think in frigid northern Canada that colds would reign supreme. Not so. I get colds only when I am in urban areas. I get the annual flu shot and have not had flu since I was a little kid. But colds? I have picked up those buggers all over the world. Worst cold I ever got was in Jakarta, Indonesia in the 70s. I really wanted to die with that bone.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    Colds shouldn't be associated with cold weather, cold temperatures, or where there are cold climates. People get colds mostly in cold weather because they're indoors more, and hence more susceptible to catching something from being amongst a higher concentration of people. Art's explanation, above, explains the "catching a cold phenomenon" precisely.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    I've never noticed getting a cold from a strip club. There was one time I went to my favorite club and then spent most of the next week out of commission, basically unable to do anything, but I didn't attribute that to the club. I say you're just as likely to catch a cold at work as you are at a club.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I only hope that a cold is the worst thing I ever catch in a strip club.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    Not to start down a pretty well-worn path again, but customer mouth contact on dancer breasts could be a prime way to pass on germs. It is all up to the girl cleaning up between customers with alcohol wipes or something. Some girls do. Many girls don't. It would be wise to know what your fave is doing between dances in the dressing room.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I did get a nasty rash on my knee once when I wore shorts to the club... I blame the cheap latex boots she was wearing though.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    This just gave me the cough lol !
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