
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    anyone get money back from disappointing service
    I actually got money back from good service once. The girl was quite open minded (CFS) and didn't do any negotiation up front. When we got done and I started to pull out money, she said, "Whatever you think." I offered up $$. She not only accepted, she gave me $20 back "for the valet." Sadly, this was out of town, but if I ever go back, I'm seeking her out.
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    10 years ago
    Jayne Mansfield doing the twist....
    Jayne is the type of girl who would be a perfect dancer. She was becoming known near the end of her life for having a lot of wardrobe malfunctions to get attention, so she would have been completely at ease at being naked. As evidenced, she could shake it and she had a sensuality. We need more like her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Boys only schools consequences
    The two, large, gender-specific schools in my area are Catholic run; one all-boys and one all-girls. They've kind of developed a brother-sister school relationship at a very high level, such that they have dances together, root for each others' teams, etc., even though they're in somewhat different parts of town. They do tend to be institutions for the more well-to-do, upper-middle-class and higher, so there's a good chance these guys will be customers at some point. We also have a couple hoity-toity prep schools in the area, too. The one that is simply a haven for blue-bloods is co-ed. The other is a military academy that I believe is boys-only but tends to cater to a very specific audience that either really want their kids to eventually head to West Point or feels they really need some discipline.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    No more marriage due to porn?
    We're at a time of cultural transition. On the one hand, you have devout Catholics still preaching abstinence before marriage and the banishment of birth control. On the other, you have kids using Tinder to find hookups and recognizing they like having the ability to be with anyone at any time. Plus, we're in a generation of options. Folks are becoming disillusioned with politics because there's only two choices. We'd prefer something like TV, where we've gone from three or four choices in the 70's to hundreds in the 90's to thousands today, or the Internet, where the options are infinite. Are we expect a generation used to infinite choices and the ability to pursue something new at any time to make the decision to commit to doing just about everything with one person for upwards of 70 years? Maybe it's time for us to rethink marriage on the whole.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Boys only schools consequences
    I've read that it's generally accepted that girls do better in single-gender schools while boys tend to do worse. Women-only schools tend to allow women to let down their guard a little more and focus. I've heard stories of women at women-only schools coming to school in rollers and pajama bottoms, no longer having to be concerned about dolling themselves to impress boys or dealing with male egos, being able to focus better on their schooling and achieve more. Women tend to be more supportive of each other and, together, they get a lot accomplished. Guys, meanwhile, often feel the need to be consistently more macho when around nothing but other guys as they all try to be the alpha male, making them a little more boneheaded as meathead antics start coming before schooling. They probably also engage in a lot more macho guy bonding type stuff, which is often sexual humor, butt slapping, blah blah blah. Having women around forces guys to be a little more refined and behaved. I also suppose that yes, those who are more socially sheltered and don't get to spend a lot of time with women outside of school, end up having their effeminate traits almost magnified, in part to avoid the wrath of the alpha male types but in part because they're around nothing but other boys, in a boys-only school. We have a very large one near us, distinctive because they made their students wear blazers in a lot of circumstances (on the bus to games, at events where a slightly nicer dress was appropriate, etc.), and you could tell that it produced both a lot of meathead jocks and a lot of diminutive wallflowers. As for whether or not it makes guys more homoerotic, or prefer more boyish women ... I dunno, and I don't know enough guys from those kinds of schools to say for sure. So maybe there's something to what you said. But yeah, there definitely seem to be differences between going to a co-ed school or a single-gender institution.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A BBFS girl with a bun in the oven
    If she does BBFS with you, she probably does it with others, so I would say the odds of it being yours are always a little lower than you think. Nonetheless, this serves as perhaps a good reminder that BBFS might not be such a great idea. If you do, at least try to pull out. Wow, all you guys are snipped? I've thought about it. Almost feel like that warrants its own thread.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bitting in Chicago.
    If I had to pick one ATF, she would be from Chicago, while I've also probably had my best non-extras dance experience there as well. But yeah, extras and OTC are really tough to find. Plus, yeah, they'll bite your ear off.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Outlier Visit
    I've had ATFs but I like variety. Even my ATFs don't exactly have a consistent thread to them. [shrug]
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    City Downfalls
    A little surprising Jones didn't want clubs around, given those stories that came out about him earlier this year. In doing research on Nashville this year, it was clear that was once a pretty wild place that isn't anymore. It can happen.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Outlier Visit
    Papi, that's another piece. This is a newer place relative to the area. Whereas the other few primary options in the city have been around over 15 years, I think this one is two years old. Ran into a dancer at another club that worked at the one I'm speaking of. She said that if it wasn't for a multi-year deal they had signed for the space, they'd probably be closed by now. Said they were offering sizable bonuses for dancers in the beginning to draw them up there, but that's no longer happening. Granted, I've absorbed so much SS over time that I take any such talk with a grain of salt, but it seemed plausible.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Outlier Visit
    Good stuff, all. I mean, you expect variability between visits. But this has been to the extreme. I think a lot of it is the club. It's in a strange place, about 45 minutes north of the city, nowhere near any main highway and in an area with a golf course, a small airport and a lot of rural land, so it's not like there's a built-in customer base. The only person I've recognized from multiple visits has been the bartender, so I get the impression turnover is high. They're trying things to get folks to go that far out of their way, like doing away with a cover for a one-drink minimum. I honestly think they're not that concerned about what goes on in the back, so the right girl and right night can lead to really good things. But that's not something normal for this area and if girls don't make enough money quickly enough to figure that out, they probably won't stay there long enough to.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I don't understand why so many of you rave about Kate Upton.
    Wait ... she has a face? IHearVoices: The fact she doesn't have B's is why we like her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Asian girls
    I once did a little research on the Asian celeb women I find most hot and while, generally speaking, an Asian mix (particularly Asian & Irish) is best, I've found my favorites have been Chinese more often than not. Also, some Hawai'ian women have an Asian look, and I've found they're pretty hot, too.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Yelp vs TUSCL reviews
    Protip: If you're not willing to spend $30 to get into a club, you're not going to have much fun once you get inside.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Closing Time
    On the whole, I don't think it makes that much of a difference, but there might be a drop-off for a lot of dancers near the end of the night. Some of these girls work long shifts and they get tired near the end of a workday like all of us do. If OTC is on the table at a place, though, the end of the night is the easiest time to make it happen. Such places are usually stingy with their girls (hence their want/need to do OTC), which often means they expect them to finish their shift, even if they have enough to tip out. For ITC places, the last hour of the night is often the worst time to be there. I've observed the girls get far less aggressive in the final hour at the Penthouse Club in Detroit. In places like that, where girls are more "on their own" and earning money requires more, um, effort, once they've done what they need to do for a night, they don't have an interest in putting in any more time or effort than they have to. The last hour is a good time on weekends, but a bad time on weeknights. Plus, on nights where there wasn't a good crowd on the whole, the better dancers are more likely to just leave while the lesser, more desperate ones are going to stick around. I once had a girl come up to me, knowing I wasn't going to want to get a dance with her, and ask me if I could give her a few dollars because she hadn't made enough to tip out for the night. So yeah. I think it varies.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    RE: porn stars at SC
    I think there's one or two management agencies that deal specifically in dance tours for porn stars. Seems like a number of clubs that do have them seem to have similar rosters (Lisa Ann, Gianna Michaels, Rubber Doll, Alexis Texas, Chelsea Charms, etc.), which suggests the same group does most of their booking. Some clubs believe in it and bring in a star monthly. Others do it irregularly. Others don't bother. I think it's a bigger thing in middle-sized cities and the rural/Rust Belt markets than it is in the big cities.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "You have a big dick"
    I'm not like that. I want you to be honest with me. Don't tell me how big I am. I'm decidedly average. Come up with something smarter. At least say for a guy my height (I'm short), it's big, or that you don't like it too big and that I'd be just right. In short, if you're going to use SS on me, at least use the good SS.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Club Recommendations
    Milwaukee: OTB.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Yelp vs TUSCL reviews
    The casual attendee approaches clubs a lot differently than us mongers. The casual attendee goes on Yelp. The mongers come here.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    "Tusk"!! My strip club anthem..
    I figured you had, but I much like Queen at Wembley, I still like to go back to the live classics occasionally. As for the one picture ... I didn't even look that far through the slideshow. Sorry to kill your buzz. Gotta admit, though, before that, not bad.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    More from SW...
    @ranukam: You're right, he fell off the table last year. But, his being in Detroit probably results in Kate Upton coming to town occasionally, so there's that. As an aside, the last time I was in Detroit, the girl I "worked with" reminded me of Kate Upton from the neck down in terms of shape and, if she was to be believed, age. I had fun.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    "Tusk"!! My strip club anthem..
    Clubber, for you, a pair of treats. First, the video of the live performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gt7KYrk-lg Next, for some reason, USC decided to have some sort of a pep rally/fundraiser/who knows in Lake Tahoe in 2012, sending the Song Girls out in their tight-white-top uniforms to splash around in the lake with the band. All I can say is that if I was one of the guys in the band, I'd have made sure the water was up to at least the waistline of my shorts to hide what the Tahoe tent I would have been pitching. http://bustedcoverage.com/2012/08/04/usc-song-girls-get-wet-in-tahoe-2012-edition-52-photos/#!gallery-170519-170574-26
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Would You Do This?
    Anal? Before I die, I'd like to try it. Only on the giving end, however, and only with a female. Thinking it will be nice and tight but wondering if everything lines up like it's supposed to. Bareback though? Eh ... nope, seems like too much of a risk with a professional who allows others to do it, too.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "You have a big dick"
    If the home office in Wahoo, Nebraska could do a "Top 10 SS Lines," "Wow, you're so big," would probably be in the top five.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    "Tusk"!! My strip club anthem..
    When they did "Tusk" at their televised reunion special, and the USC band showed up, it was pretty cool. Then they did "Don't Stop" with the band, and it was equally awesome. All that was missing was the USC Song Girls.