Closing Time

avatar for Lone_Wolf
I'm almost always a daytime PL. However recently I had the opportunity to stay 'till closing at a favorite sc. Exactly at closing, the very fine honey I was partying with suggested OTC that night. I damn near fell out of my chair from surprise as I did not see that coming at all. It makes me wonder what I've been missing all these years.

So for folks that are able to stay to closing, what advantages or disadvantages are there from staying to closing?


last comment
avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
On the whole, I don't think it makes that much of a difference, but there might be a drop-off for a lot of dancers near the end of the night. Some of these girls work long shifts and they get tired near the end of a workday like all of us do. If OTC is on the table at a place, though, the end of the night is the easiest time to make it happen.
Such places are usually stingy with their girls (hence their want/need to do OTC), which often means they expect them to finish their shift, even if they have enough to tip out.

For ITC places, the last hour of the night is often the worst time to be there. I've observed the girls get far less aggressive in the final hour at the Penthouse Club in Detroit. In places like that, where girls are more "on their own" and earning money requires more, um, effort, once they've done what they need to do for a night, they don't have an interest in putting in any more time or effort than they have to.

The last hour is a good time on weekends, but a bad time on weeknights. Plus, on nights where there wasn't a good crowd on the whole, the better dancers are more likely to just leave while the lesser, more desperate ones are going to stick around. I once had a girl come up to me, knowing I wasn't going to want to get a dance with her, and ask me if I could give her a few dollars because she hadn't made enough to tip out for the night.

So yeah. I think it varies.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago
I prefer daytime also. But have spent many a night at closing too...

In my experience, it hasn't been more or less either way.
If the girl and you hit it off, it seems like OTC is available both during the day at the end of their shift or nightime at the end of it. I havent really noticed a huge difference either way. Except that it might be easier on say a Thursday or Friday or Saturday night.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
It depends entirely on the club.

In clubs that make girls stay until the bitter end, hanging out until closing can be beneficial, especially on slow nights. I've negotiated a lot of OTC gigs in the last hour or so that the respective clubs were open, when it became clear to the girls that they were going to be leaving with short money. And even in cases where OTC does not become available, at least the talent should be at its peak as many of the best girls in these types of clubs come in later in the night (at least in many of the clubs that I visit).

Same generally holds true for clubs that let their girls go after their last stage appearances, which can give you a nice little head start on the after hours fun. The downside, however, is that, if you did not manage to snag an OTC partner, the last hour or so can suck as girls are thinning out during that time.

Obviously there is much less benefit in sticking it out in places where girls can leave at will, especially on slow nights. I've been in clubs where over half the girls disappeared 2+ hours before closing and it really sucks the life out of those places. However, when you have an OTC hookup, that policy can be a blessing.

Anyway, just a few thoughts fwiw.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I'm never around at closing these days, but when I was in Thailand I've snagged bar girls for free at closing so I would assume it's similar here. Although American dancers are hardly ever free.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I can't stay awake that late so I think I'll follow SJG's suggestion and drive a motorhome to the clubs. That way I can go to bed at a reasonable hour and the girls can stop by when the club closes, I'll fuck several of them, and then I can go back to sleep. Nothing can go wrong with that plan.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Lol JS69...

Depends on if you want to see a 2amer
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Don't think I've ever closed a club. Late evenings yes, but clubs close at 4-6 AM. Couldn't get to work on time.

Closing Time:…
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
When I was a little younger I used to stay at closing all the time to secure the OTC. The club would close and I would drive like a block away from the club and wait. 30 minutes later the dancer would meet me where I was waiting and we would drive off.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Semisonic - Closing Time:
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Ranukam rode off into the sunrise...and...
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Ranukam rode off into the sunrise...and...
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
I don't see why night and day shift would be any different. From a dayshift girl's perspective, "closing time" is 7:00pm when she clocks out. Post-shift OTC is very readily available, except of course with girls who work dayshift because they want to get home to their family at night. 'course, maybe nightshift girls are bigger partiers and more apt to go OTC, but I've always found it easy to negotiate post-dayshift OTC.

For me, the real inhibitor to nightshift is how fucking crazy crowded the clubs get from 11pm-2am, the resulting horrible ratio and aggressive hustling makes it less fun for me.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
@Subraman: Day girls usually are single moms and have to get home; they're the rule rather than the exception. But in my limited experience they are much easier to get OTC because they need the money, and since days are slower and quieter in the club it's easier to build trust and rapport.

I've never done OTC with a night shift dancer but that mainly because I became a night shift customer only recently after 20 years as a day guy. So far, I've only asked one dancer and she turned me down flat; she's not an OTC type to begin with and she's the one who pissed me off last night. I think my new interest (see the "Too Beautiful" thread) will be quite willing to go OTC once I've seen her 1-2 more times. Not only was she in to me as far as a PL goes, she seems to have no problem earning some extra money on the side if I've read her right. Thank god for a sex worker who has sex!
avatar for IHearVoices
10 years ago
I've never done a dayshift, but I close clubs (or get close to it) most every time I go. The difference in the last hour is that the hustle picks up exponentially as girls try to make their goals or whatever else. They also get more hurried and snippy. If there's a positive, it may be that you're able to benefit from someone's desperation.
avatar for Nelly632
10 years ago
I don't know about OTC after closing but I have realized recently that at a certain time at my go to place is when the sad "Closing time" music starts... I have this one girl who I hit up OTC every so often who says hi when I first arrive then re appears about 2 hours before closing and just sits with me and drinks. Kind of like her hustle is over and she is just chilling. She knows that I am good for a hundred or so at the end of the night and basically we always try to get it in before the "Sad" music starts but never do. We always laugh when the sad music starts during our dance because it never fails...

One time she couldn't get to me at closing because some other girl sat with me all night and by the time I was free it was closing. She asked me to grab a bite to eat with her after the club closed at a 24 hour joint down the street but it was shitty timing because my buddy had to jet early for work the next morning so I gave him my car keys and I was hitching a ride with my other buddy. Haven't been able to organize shit with her OTC since that failed attempt.

I love this discussion because it gives a lot of insight into what these girls are thinking close to closing time.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I agree w/ Subraman and that it probably does not make a difference whether it’s day or night shift and more to do with you being there when her shift ends.

As unreliable as many dancers are; being there at shift’s end may increase one’s OTC chances (kinda striking while the iron is hot).

If a dancer is having $$$ problems and really needs to make a personal quota; there a slightly better chance that she may want to continue her hustle right after her shift.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
I've stayed until closing more than my fair of times. Back in the '90s, it was basically just to see the ladies to the sad, bitter end of the night. I must've done it way too many times because every time that song starts up on the radio, I start getting good-bye flashbacks. The past few years, I've been doing it when I visited Indy. Repeatedly dumb move. Club closes at 3, I get to sleep between 4 and 5, and then I have to get up about 6:30-7 to shower and eat to get downtown by 8. Makes for some long -- but good -- weekends.
avatar for sflguy123
10 years ago
I had a closing time OTC with a girl who worked at two different clubs I visit. She worked daytime at one and nighttime at the other. I saw her after the nighttime closing which is a club 2 miles from my place. This was at 4:30am and I had a hard time keeping it up with the late time and drinking affecting me.

One other girl who irronically also worked at the same two clubs made me a closing time offer just as I was sitting at the bar.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I hardly have any OTC contact w/ dancers anymore (sex; phone calls; etc).

But back when I did a bit; on more than one occasion I got the post 2:00 a.m. call about how bad she (dancer) had done that night and if we could get together (“bitch – no – I got a job I have to get to in the morning – geez”).
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago

I'm glad you finally understand about the motorhome. I wouldn't want to be doing it at the night time closing, for safety reasons and on account of LE. But for when the day shift gets off, or for mid-shit OTC, it would be ideal.

I just don't know how many clubs would let me get away with it.

It all gets back to trying to make something as good as the TJ Hong Kong Bar…

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