
Asian girls

Breathe, breathe in the air
Questions for you guys that particularly like Asian girls. Do you like girls from a particular area of Asia e.g. Thai, Chinese, Malaysian etc.? If so why, or is there no discernable difference?

I'm talking about dance quality/extras/mileage, usual sort of stuff.


  • warhawks
    10 years ago
    I absolutely LOVE Asian girls... Also like Latino/Hispanic girls too. I'm a white guy from Detroit. So, unfortunately, there aren't a lot of Asians or Hispanics dancing at the Detroit area clubs... And since we don't see a lot, I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference from a Malaysian, Filapino, Thai, etc.
    But when you do see one here in Michigan at a club, I'm usually smitten.
    Probably in my area, it's just that there is a real lack of these types if girls.
    So, being the PL that I am, I always want what I can't have, or isn't readily available. I can have my pick of blondes or AA girls, but would really fall for an Asian girl. One of my past ATFs was a Mexican girl... Thinking back about that time... Damn that was great. lol!
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I've "dated" Japanese, Thai, Chinese, Korean and Filipina girls and they're all different. I can't say I have any particular preference for nationality. Most don't share anything in common by nationality or just being Asian, other than they don't have the same sense of entitlement that black girls can have. Some Asians are very sweet, many are very conservative in general although Thai girls tend to be the most fun. In general.

    Hispanic girls however DO seem to have a lot in common with each other, at least in my experience. They tend to be very outgoing, honest, brash, very much aware of their appearance and are generally very kind and giving unless you piss them off. Then they'll be VERY difficult to deal with.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    I'm not a big fan of Asian's, but I really like Filipina's. I think the reason why is because they tend to have more of a Spanish look to them than the typical Asian. Would you agree with that, rockstar? You seem to have a lot of experience with Asian's.

    I remember about 3 years ago, I met a half Filipina/half black dancer who to this day--is probably the best looking dancer I've ever seen.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Never been a big fan of Asian women.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Filipina have a typical "look": round faces in particular, but there's so many genes in that pool that they vary from one another more than any other Asian nationality. I'll usually guess Filipina if I can't tell.

    Japanese are the easiest to differentiate IMHO. Koreans and Taiwanese look similar to each other and are also easy to narrow down. Thai are easy to spot although Vietnamese and Cambodians look similar if they're American born because they'll not be super skinny like the natives. Chinese are northern and southern; the northern Chinese look more Mongolian while southern Chinese look more Korean.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I've taken a liking to Asians in the past year or so. My favorites would have to be Vietnamese and Filipino. What I love about Asians is that they don't age!
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Where is the mu shu?
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    I've dealt with tons of Asians in civilian life. I tend to find Koreans and Filipinas most physically attractive. Vietnamese are a blast to hang with, but they're a culture of hustlers. Most won't cheat their friends, but they are very willing to bend ethics with strangers, so be very careful with Vietnamese dancers.

    Of course by third generation they're all American anyways.

    As for Latinas, unless you're in NYC or Florida, most Latinas you meet are mexican. Here the Mexican girls are a lot dirtier. I think it may be the fact were so close to TJ here? It also could be the language barrier makes it harder for them to run other hustles besides Dirty Girl.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I don't understand the fascination with Asians, but I encourage it because it leaves more blonde bimbos for me.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    ^^^ here here, pip pip, cheerio, and totally cosign with jump'n Jack false on this one.

    Please leave the big booty white hoes to the bros. I dated a variety if Asians too. Koreans be the freakiest (in LA anyway), National City hoes (aka Filipinas) eh, but at least some can come correct with the curve -- super bossy bitches though, so I don't date them no more. Viets are crazy and will endorse JSD's schemerz observation. And love latinas. Those girls are always ready to go, definitely baby making in the DNA, always ready it seems. I've never had to work to get the lubed and ready for action.
    But I love love love my head giving freak in sheets lady in the streets Jewish sweeties -- god I miss LA.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Asians are my preferred dancer type by far. I love their petite body and they're soft olive skin. On average, higher mileage and better attitude. Met one the other night, Vietnamese I think, busted her ass for 5 songs entertaining me. Talked dirty, flirting, complementing. Gave me a lasting rock hard woody. I've never gotten that from a non-asian, at least not nearly as good.

    I like Thai's. Malaysian's are the most exotic looking asians but I don't recall ever seeing one dance. Given that the Asian dancers always seem to be making bank, I'm surprised there aren't a lot more of them on the pole.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I’m into extra-curvy black women so Asians are kinda often on the opposite end of that spectrum.

    For non-black women (white, Latinas, Asians, etc); I still prefer the dark look (naturally dark/tanned skin; dark hair; etc).

    I’ve gotten dances w/ a few Asians over the years that I’ve enjoyed; but these have tended to be Asian girls with the darker skin tone and sometimes not as straight (or more curly) hair – and they’ve had some meat on their bones (at least some nice full titties).

    So I can go for Asians that don’t look too Asian (certain Filipinas; certain Cambodians; etc).
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    I'll add that when it comes to straight out fucking, the trophy would have to go to the Filipinas and Koreans. Filipinas love to fuck but the Korean honey's were bred to please. Mind readers.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    I'm all about the big ol Jewbs. Especially if they're Eastern European. JAPs can be annoying to date seriously, but the first couple months were always fun.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    @lone wolf, a lot of clubs seem to have quotas on non white girls. They probably worry about being seen as a "Asian club" or "black club".

    Or maybe AMPs just lure away potential talent?
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I think it depends on location. Chicagoland has a fair Asian population so there's a few in the club but there are times there's no Asian dancers at all. Having two last night was about par for the course. We have a large black population but there were only three black dancers last night so I do think there's a quota. The club is in a white suburb with Hispanic and black areas near by, but they definitely cater to white/Hispanic customers even though all are welcome. I've never seen any racial issues in the club.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I suspect that the Asians who work in SC's are, besides often being younger, more Americanized than the Asians who work in AMP's. In San Francisco, Crazy Horse and New Century often have lots of Asians. But overall, SC's are not the place to look for the most Asian of Asians. For that you go to AMP's, and be prepared for total cultural immersion.

    On the whole, Asian girls are less inclined towards drugs or alcohol, but watch out for their gambling habits. Gambling can be done in casinos, but it can also be done over the Internet via the New York and Nasdaq stock exchanges.

    There are differences in the various Asian nationalities when it comes to P4P venues like AMP's, and how likely they are to go in for DFKing.

    At RedBook AAMP's, this was highly promoted and the girls were well coached. This worked well with those from Taiwan and Singapore, and so so with those from Mainland China. Japanese and Thai I would say less so in general. Vietnamese were a minor factor in this realm. The ones it did not work with were Koreans. And at the Korean 10 day walk-in AAMPs they do not kiss.

    But then again, there are individual exceptions to all of this. I have learned that at one storefront AMP in Monterey CA there is one Korean girl who is really something, worth the trip all by herself.

    Vietnam is more Westernized than most of Asia to start with, in their language and in all of their practices. Their women are lots of fun, and they make up a big part of San Jose.

    My own view is though that most Asians are extremely materialistic, and they are also fatalistic in their thinking. Perhaps others have come to similar views?

    But I also offer this. You have heard my take on White Shitheads, those who live in a world of drugs, alcohol, child abuse, and Evangelical Christianity. Asians are not like this. For one thing, they actually want their kids to do well in school.

    The kinds of Whites I am describing would not want this, as then the child would not be like its parents. The issue with this group is lack of political consciousness.

    In my experience Asians come here, and they do not come with political consciousness either. But at least they are not using their children to make war on the world in the way that the sorts of Whites that I am describing are.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Overall though, Asian women are more conservative in their view, and especially when it comes to gender roles. This is in part why they have things like AMP's, as the career options for women are far less in their culture.

    If you become involved with an Asian girl, be aware that her real views may be far more conservative than she lets on. She likely has deeply held positions which she has not even learned to articulate and discuss. Believe me, I know this.

  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    The last Asian dancer I saw was in Indianapolis. The girl would not shut up -- and it was all about how gorgeous she was. Even when we went back for a couple of dances (I was really hoping that would shut her up), she kept babbling about how gorgeous she was, how everyone thought she was gorgeous, and how she couldn't figure out why her boyfriend left her, considering how gorgeous she was. The girl really had the intellectual and emotional depth of a sheet of paper.

    Right after we were done, I was done and out of there.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    I once did a little research on the Asian celeb women I find most hot and while, generally speaking, an Asian mix (particularly Asian & Irish) is best, I've found my favorites have been Chinese more often than not. Also, some Hawai'ian women have an Asian look, and I've found they're pretty hot, too.
  • VeryBigDawg
    10 years ago
    Japan. Japan. BTW, did I mention Japanese girls.
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