RE: porn stars at SC
I have never see one in a Miami club. Doesn't mean there aren'tjust that is there are I don't visit that club often.
Key West, yes, and in TX, the only two I'v seen. Is it more a regional thing? Seems that way to me.
Key West, yes, and in TX, the only two I'v seen. Is it more a regional thing? Seems that way to me.
Since Key West is a small market, maybe that is their draw. No need for the cost in a larger market. I'll follow that up with the "porn star" I saw in Austin, TX, Bridget the Midget. My buddy (from NYC) and I were about the only two that didn't surround the stage. That also fits my paradigm.
Some clubs believe in it and bring in a star monthly. Others do it irregularly. Others don't bother. I think it's a bigger thing in middle-sized cities and the rural/Rust Belt markets than it is in the big cities.