
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Being married to a stripper
    It is generally believed that most strippers out there are not well-adjusted and have issues with drugs, bad families, etc. But I know there are some, though rare, that have their act together. I think it takes a special breed: Someone who either didn't live in a family where draconian religious or moral negatives were assigned to sex or sexuality or was able to overcome and set aside such digs, someone with an ability to understand lust and love are separate and such feelings don't necessarily have to be limited to one person, and someone with an ability to separate good, constructive feelings (helping people feel better about themselves, feel better about others and just feel good, period) from destructive ones (the addictiveness and harm some drugs can cause, actions that make others feel bad, etc.). Sounds like your wife might fall into that "rare breed" category, and rarer still is the man who can accept what she does and even enjoy it. Good for you. If only there were more like you out there. I've often said I'd be more than OK if my SO would ever decide to have a physical relationship with others and might even like the idea. It would make me feel more at ease with my feeling of wanting to have physicality with others myself. She's not that way, but your wife is and you are, so ... good for you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    okay, so what percent of dancers do provide extras?
    It will vary VASTLY by city. Ask anyone who clubs regularly in Milwaukee or Chicago but has been to Detroit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Ex Tampa Bay Buccaneer Warren Sapp fired by NFL Network after arrest for solicit
    A. Just go to a strip club. Many of them will bring in extra dancers due to the demand that weekend. Some might be looking to make their trip worthwhile. B. Dude, you're a Hall of Famer. Just go to one of the many, many parties and flash your ring. Isn't there still a Playboy Super Bowl party? Wouldn't it be hard not to get laid at a party like that? Go to those. Don't risk this.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    tampon during LD
    I had a girl leave a red streak down the front of my pants once. Seriously. Not cool at all.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Monogamy, non-monogamy and polyamory
    I was interested in a woman who was poly. A little on the heavier side, but it was mostly in her chest, so I didn't mind. She had other things going on in her head that kept us from getting together, but I learned a lot from her and she changed my perspective on things. Read my profile, which I cobbled together from a couple posts over time. I'm poly at heart.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Ex Tampa Bay Buccaneer Warren Sapp fired by NFL Network after arrest for solicit
    The groupies aren't as interested when you're retired. They stick with the guys still playing, kinda the same way most of us don't follow dancers into retirement, either. So, guys turn to this. Protip: Not a good idea to be trying this sort of thing during Super Bowl weekend. LE is trying to bait just such a thing 10 times harder around the Super Bowl than they do anyplace or anytime else. Just go to a club and check on OTC. I don't feel any sympathy for him. After he nearly killed Chad Clifton on the field in 2002, then was ready to fight Mike Sherman for pointing it out ... he gets whatever punishment he deserves.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    "Don't be an idiot at the strip club: a Stripper's Guide"
    Two bad extremes in that article: 1. Customers who are going to a club with an admitted internal conflict about objectification of women, but are planning on ignoring that conflict, which makes them very hypocritical, and who are also ridiculously cheap. 2. A dancer who's in it pretty much entirely for the money.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Ever wish a civvy was a stripper?
    There was a pair of blonde twins I met about eight years ago. I would have done awful things to both of them, but specifically the one with the sweeter personality. Both are married now. One has a child. Dang it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A strip club coming to Cincy?
    "There's talks of bringing the only strip club to Cincinnati." So there's only one strip club and it can relocate to different cities? Dang, that'll make it difficult for my next trip. Lots of kids graduate from journalism schools every semester. Hire the ones that know how to write, even if you're a TV station.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Would you smell a dancer's ass?
    It'd have to be pristinely clean. Some ladies are. Others aren't. I've had some girls where I could smell their crotch from three feet away. Others, it smelled like perfume. For the most part, though, if you're going to put something in my face, make it what's up front, not what's in back.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How Often Do You Finish This Way
    A lot of dancers will do a variation of this over the pants, particularly the busty ones, even in one-way contact clubs. Maybe not too long, however, as it's often uncomfortable for the dancers. When it's at a place where extras are available and you can Free Willy, this would be considered one of them.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fun quiz ........What movie did this come from?
    "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" I may be only 32, which means the Berlin Wall fell when I was seven, but Strangelove still is and always will be an awesome, biting satire of power & politics in general. Also, if you watch carefully, you can see the "Vegas" line from Pickens was dubbed. The film was mostly shot before the Kennedy assassination, but released afterwards. It should surprise no one that Maj. Kong's Texas drawl led to his saying "Dallas" when the film was shot, but that became really poor taste after the events of Nov. 22, 1963. Some quick editing and the line was more palatable.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Carnival Strippers
    As an aside, I can only imagine what you get when you put together some elements of carneys with some elements of strippers. [shudder]
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How Often Do You Finish This Way
    The TF is one of my favorite things in life. Best time I ever had in Detroit involved that particular act with a slightly older woman whose large, fake ones were VERY nice. Asked for an extra tip because I, um, messed her long hair. I really let fly. So worth it, though.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is going to strip clubs regularly unconventional? How many of your friends do th
    I agree with jack. I go probably once or twice a month on average. More at certain times of the year, less at others. If I knew someone else who was a "semi-regular" like me, I would think I would have run into them more than once by now. I don't think it's conventional at all. If I had to take a stab at the reason others don't, it would be the stunningly powerful ability of humans to believe perception over reality. "Those must be skeezy, disease-riddled ugly sluts who can't land a man or a job of their own and screw all those pathetic loser drunk guys for money. They corrupt the morality of the community!" A lot of folks just make that assumption and never even go. Kind of wish I could introduce them to one of my ATFs, the dancer who has a PhD (I believed her; you couldn't fake the topics we discussed) and is pushing 40 but looks 25. Or the dancers I've met that have been classically trained and moved more sensually than Shakira. Or the dancers who have given dances, and joy, to guys in wheelchairs unable to talk or old men with no one else who wants to listen to them. These people aren't hurting anyone. If anything, they're making life better. Yes, there are some of those ugly ROBs out there, but the search for the diamonds in the rough is so worthwhile, it's amazing. Plus, once you separate sex from love, when it's done safely, it's just a thing folks do and won't transmit or hurt anyone, so it's not that big of a deal. You pay for the privacy of being able to have that understanding without those who can't handle it freaking out, which is a majority.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting her number or giving her yours. Do you have a preference?
    Nope, don't want a dancer having my number. Seems like an invitation for her to give me a call whenever she needs money, which won't be opportune for me. Plus, we all know the nature of ROBs. A girl that will call you needing money probably won't be afraid to threaten blackmail with exposure to your SO or job if she thinks it can her more. Getting her number, however, a very different story.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    A useful blog
    From his review of The Flight Club: "Note to this club and every other club that has women in gowns: guys don’t like that." Speak for yourself, buster. Not to mention, he drew on a bunch of stereotypes about my hometown based on two of its worst clubs without any mention of its better ones. Sorry, but while he's a decent writer, seems like his tastes and mine are very different.
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    10 years ago
    What's your exit strategy?
    Applause to Papi for thinking it through. Great case. I've said before that I think I'll go until I don't believe the girls could actually be interested in me anymore for anything other than my cash. I know that's probably all they're interested in from me now, but at least I'm still young enough (32) and baby-faced enough to think a 20-something chick might think I'm doable with enough drinks in her. When I feel to fat or wrinkly for that to even seem plausible, then I'm not going to try and pay someone to try and b.s. me and my ego when I don't even believe it when I try to b.s. myself.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Do they instinctively hate us?
    This is one of those things I don't think you can paint with a broad brush. I met a dancer in Detroit who talked so matter-of-factly about sex, orgies, anatomy and whatnot that I honestly think she was just a nympho. I think she loved doing what she did with different men, just to see their different approaches to it. On the other hand, a lot of these girls hate men, themselves, other women, you name it. I think every girl has a reason. The goal is to find the ones with the right ones.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    what are your pre SC visit rituals????
    I often work nights and go straight from work to the club, so an elaborate pre-club ritual isn't going to happen. I might change shirts or put on a coat. I keep some Axe in the car and put on a couple spritzes. That's about it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What Is There Left For Me To Learn?
    I suppose I should clarify: I'm basically lumping anything over D into a "very large" category. Yes, there are more than four cup sizes, but basically A, B, C and D (or D+).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What Is There Left For Me To Learn?
    Yeah, there's always new land to conquer. Done OTC with a blonde, a brunette and a redhead each yet? Each of the four cup sizes? The various different ways a woman can, um, finish you off? I'm basically echoing clubber here, but yeah. I like variety. I will never get sick of variety. There will always be something new and interesting around, and I will probably keep pursuing it until it really starts to feel fake.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Patriots accused of cheating in championship game......
    Here's the thing I don't get: The punishment, supposedly, for doctoring the footballs is a $25,000 fine. Seriously? In a league where players are making upwards of $750,000 per game, the fine is a measly $25,000? For that price, if I were the Kraft family, I'd punish the ballboys if they gave the Colts footballs with any air in them.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    deep thoughts
    They call it a couch dance, yet I've never seen a couch start to dance.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Follow-up: I-94 Pile-up
    It would be really hard to tell who was driving too fast and who wasn't. It's perfectly plausible that you could be involved without going too fast. You're going a reasonable speed, you see stuff going down in front of you and you try to slow to a stop. That doesn't stop the person behind you, however, who's going too fast from being unable to stop and careening into you. I can say for certain that some were going too fast, but maybe not all. Ultimately, when that stuff start to happen, there's not much you can do. Fact of the matter is, it's just really dangerous and risky to be out driving when there's that kind of weather. I've had to make lengthy trips in it and while it's possible to get from one place to another, you white-knuckle it the whole way.