
okay, so what percent of dancers do provide extras?

Friday, February 6, 2015 1:38 PM
Let's define extras as ITC HJs or more, or anything OTC. LDKs don't count, nor does stick shifting. Nor do kissing, tit sucking or pussy fingering. .. this is about intentionally getting guys off for cash. Obviously it varies by club and city. But be honest, if you walk into your favorite club, what percent of girls at least occasionally do extras? More or less than half?


  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    A hand job is setting the bar low. In the Detroit clubs I visit, I think 99% will do hand jobs or more. BJ and FS are available from most dancers. The question should probably be, What % of dancers will do extras for $X? As the dollars increase, the extras increase. For $1000, every bitch will be sucking and fucking.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    My *favorite* club? Probably 80% of the dancers so something on your "counts" list. At the two dive clubs near there, if there's a girl in either of those two places who doesn't at least suck dick, she's never there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    33.33% - give or take a few tenths
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    35% if you use The System. Much higher otherwise.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    James, I've been to Cheetahs a lot, no one offered to unzip me, if that's what you mean. But i never tried that icebox room. But a few girls offered OTC without asking.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Mikey, I've gotten a couple offers at that club. I'm going to avoid specifics, but there's usually at least one who offers without me asking, although often not up to my tastes. Never the white girls though. Jackslash, I think Detroit is a special animal. The pink site agrees clean dancers can't earn anything there. I suppose it really varies by market. I do agree that for enough cash most are probably available, but paying 5x an escort rate seems silly.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    My hunch is that the answers you get will be skewed by the characteristics that make a club our favorite. At my club, I'm sure it's way more than half, but the percentage is not important to me. I may go there for the extras, but I stay for the stick shifting, kissing, tit sucking and pussy fingering. And, you know, the conversation.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    It's funny, but at my favorite club one night about a year ago I counted 7 different dancers that have given me head. Last night, there wasn't one. Club culture changes and expectations vary. At the clubs I know it's probably about 25%.
  • TheProphetJuice
    9 years ago
    Every striper that I have touched with my holy sausage fingers has becum a hore four the LORD mane and they art blesset
  • TheProphetJuice
    9 years ago
    I tell them too cum too my house and fuk us so thou shouldst cum too my house an bee on of us
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    It will vary VASTLY by city. Ask anyone who clubs regularly in Milwaukee or Chicago but has been to Detroit.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Sorry, but you have your definition of extras, and I have mine, which definitely include "tit sucking or pussy fingering", as long as it's done to me as well as by me. And I'm running about 95%.
  • whodey
    9 years ago
    The places i go would run about 90% for a hj @ a reasonable price. Probably 100% if you went crazy with $$$$. A bj drops the percentage to about 50% if you're not going crazy. Probably 75 for crazy high $$. Fs would only be 10% itc or up to 30-40% for a lot of $$$$. Otc would be about 80% that offer and 40% that would actually follow through.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I disagree that the question should be what % will do extras for a given dollar amount. There are always some doorknobs who'll give anybody a turn for a price, but for most dancers I've known, who is asking matters a lot more than how much you're offering. In real world application, none of these percentages being thrown around mean a thing.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    At my favorite club, I have no doubt at least half will do a HJ if you pay them enough. OTOH, it's been a while since I've been back (I was burned out on it, so I took a break from my favorite club) and who knows who's even there nowadays.
  • ujay
    9 years ago
    I think it depends on the time of the day. Nearly all of the day girls at the Delilah Den Toms River will fuck and suck for at least a $200 tip and $125 for the room. Night time is a little bit different. There may be some peer pressure. I no longer partake in ITC extras, except if it is a new girl I am seeing for the first time. I prefer OTC.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Some will take the initiative and offer. In that case there is roughly a 50% chance they will flake or otherwise disappoint. The ones you have to badger into it, there's more like a 90% chance they will flake or otherwise disappoint.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    All valid points. It depends upon the city, the club, the time of day, who is asking, how much $ is being offered, etc. impossible to come up with any meaningful percentages because there are so many variables.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    It is impossible to answer this question. I have historically guessed the OTC number to be 35%, but I am pulling that number out of my ass and I've probably done OTC with as many different girls in as many different clubs in as many different regions as almost anybody on this board. There are so many variables that factor into this, such as the region, the clubs, the girls who choose to work in each club, etc.,etc., that it is impossible for one person to gauge this on a national basis. What further complicates any accurate assessment is the fact that, in more conservative areas and/or clubs, traveling hounds may not be offered the same levels of service as known regulars, so while I might walk out of a club thinking that it sucks for OTC, 4 known regulars may be leaving with their favorites that night. Anyway, suffice it to say that it is plentiful enough to satisfy the needs of hounds looking for it or else we would have far less to talk about, lol.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    RickyBoy: "so while I might walk out of a club thinking that it sucks for OTC, 4 known regulars may be leaving with their favorites that night." Not much if an endorsement for The System which be able to overcome all that. If The System was even worth shit that is.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Lol Dougster. While my approach to clubbing in strange places was designed to make me as attractive a prospect as possible, the "System" (as you keep calling it) was insufficient to the task in the clubs that I visited in KS and WI, which are both very culturally conservative areas. Fear can be a powerful emotion, especially the fear of losing one's job and/or gaining a reputation as a prostitute in a place where people are very judgmental and other club options are limited. I'm sure that there were club regulars getting the goods somewhere in those areas, but not an unknown quantity like myself. And yes, I asked, more than a few times. ;)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Maybe if they hadn't been witness to you greasing the bouncers you would have had better luck. Better luck next time, RickyBoy!
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    JS69, My first thought when I saw this topic was, "What difference does it make?" As long as the dancer I want does, it's 100%.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    More than you think
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