Would you smell a dancer's ass?

avatar for Bavarian
I have seen guys stick their nose in the dancer's butt crack.

I don't like it that close and personal, but I do like to admire their ass, because it turns me on more than boobs.

During a lap dance, if she bring her ass close to my face, I make sure not to breathe deeply. I don't want a foul whiff to turn me off.

I have been lucky so far. Only one dancer that smelled like ass and another one like urine. I only lasted two dances.


last comment
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I prefer not to smell anything but sometimes I smell a whole lot more than I want to.
You know things are bad when you can smell someone from over 50 feet away.
I could be part vampire with a nose like that. Usually I don't get overwhelmed with overpowering scents until I'm within 10 feet. I'd rather not smell anyone 98% of the time.
Some people are sick. Soe people have infections. Some people have smoke residue on their clothes. Some people didn't wipe that good and just stink. With some dancers, I can smell their female hygiene products. Perfume smells can be overwhelming in intensity. I try to stay at least 20 feet away from any female with it on too strong or I could start sneezing or get a runny nose and my eyes might start itching.
avatar for wms1066
10 years ago
Like sharkhunter I would rather not. Whats more should a dancer stick her ass in my face I am inclined to walk away without any further reward for her. It is amasing just how fast that gets around the club.
avatar for sinclair
10 years ago
Some dancers shove their ass in your face before you can react. It is called a stinkface. Just hope she doesn't fart in your face.
avatar for Poof
10 years ago
I wouldn't. A dancer has asked me to kiss her ass. I told her I don't kiss ass, but she kept insisting. I told her I'd bite it. I bit her cheek & she moaned.
avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
It'd have to be pristinely clean.

Some ladies are. Others aren't. I've had some girls where I could smell their crotch from three feet away. Others, it smelled like perfume. For the most part, though, if you're going to put something in my face, make it what's up front, not what's in back.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I've kissed my ATF's asscheeks, but that's about it.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
No but I recalled this comment I made.

May 23, 2008 • I can never forget a famous line from a review by StripShopper "she stuck her pussy in my face and it smelled like ass" Dude she is back. After having a baby and spending some time in jail. Come and have another wiff!LOL...
avatar for HungryGiraffe
10 years ago
I like smelling a woman's ass. Natural funk is fine with me.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
I wouldn't even smell a stripper's titties let alone ass. And don't even ask me to smell her pussy. That's just suicide.
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
As an ass man I adore the cheeks. Butthole not so much.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
No way. Not on purpose anyway
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Always smell it first before you lick it.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
avatar for minnow
10 years ago
Only if her BF/SO puts on too much cologne.....
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I love azz and I’m primarily into black dancers.

I will sometimes squeeze a black dancer’s big ole butt cheeks together and against my face – but I’ve never made contact w/ the ass hole AFIK – black dancers w/ huge asses often means there is a large “barrier” b/w her butt cheek and her ass hole.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
One stripper I came across with an ample butt liked to back up onto your face and bend your nose from side to side with her butt crack. Probably to demo how full and round her butt was. Or maybe to show you big your nose is.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
In a single word, the answer is, NO!
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Uh hell no. Only one ass I'll get near am I'm married to it. I can't stand it when they do the whole head in your lap ass in your face move.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
There once was a group of three (insert nationality of your choice here; we are after all PC here) walking on the street. They came upon what appeared to be a steaming pile of dog poop. One guy bent over and picked some up and squeezed it between his fingers. "Sure feels like it. . The second guy picks up a bit and brings it up to his nose. "Phew! Sure smells like it.". The third guy picks up a bit more and puts it in his mouth. "Yuck. Tastes like it too. I guess it must be crap. Good thing we didn't step in it!"
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
Hell yes. I'll stick my nose in there. Most smell sweet as roses. A little natural BO can be a turn on. The down side is if the honey is really smelling uncomfortably funky, I can never get past it and never get dances from her again.

Man, it must take a ton of courage for the dancers to thrust their smelly parts in some strange dudes face all day every day.
avatar for Selfdest
10 years ago
It's the best thing to do. I literally buy nude dances for that sole reason. I love frmale booty holes!
avatar for bkkruined
10 years ago
If it smells, keep it away. I don't even want to put my finger in it.

But if it doesn't smell, is kept nice and clean, it's all good. (Ya, I've licked a few in my time)

However, some random stripper that's been on shift for 4-6 hours already and danced for 10 other guys comes up to me and 1st dance sticks her ass in my face, I'm probably not going to be happy about that.
Taking her "OTC" and getting a nice thorough shower in first, that I can be OK with.
avatar for Amvetguy
7 years ago
There was a strip club on canal st in Virginia that did not have a vip area. So all the girls got tips at the stage. The guys would pay $5, 10 or 15 and sometimes 20 to sniff the babes coochie and or backdoor. The babes that were not clean never got tips! But, the dancers that had a natural pheromones not soap made hundreds per night. There was a section of the stage that had groves in it for the men sitting in chairs and the babes would bend over them with the goods over and on the men's noses and face.
avatar for orangepicture
7 years ago
In my experience, the girls that push their asses into your face know they are clean down there. They may be on a good poop cycle that is opposite their dance schedule and may make several touch up wipes in the dressing room during shift for hygienic purposes. They may even ass douche before a shift like porn stars.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
I'm with Clubber on this one. NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
"Smell a dancer's ass" ... what an unattractive way to describe such a beautiful, romantic gesture ... or not LOL :)

If my CF sticks her ass in my face, there's a good chance I'm kissing it. I don't try to smell her ass, or sticking the tip of my nose into her asshole, but I don't hold my breath, either ... in fact, I specifically want to know if she stinks, so I can pull my face away and not try to kiss it.

I am stuck in no-extras SC hell, but in this particular case, that has some advantages, coupled with some advantages of the way I happen to SC:
- No extras club, so she hasn't be fucked in her pussy and ass all afternoon
- Touching is limited, so guys probably haven't been finger banging her asshole (aka, moving the contents of the inside of her butthole, to the outside)
- I tend to be one of the first customers in the club, and stick with the same girl my entire visit, so chances are I'm her first and only customer that day
- She's my CF -- she knows in advance I love asses, and hers is going to get spanked, kissed, kneaded, rubbed, etc., so she's going to prepare herself and her ass

There's a funny thing that's happened enough that I don't think I'm imagining it. The very first time I'm with a stripper, her ass may not be eat-dinner-off-it clean. After she realizes that I'll be paying a lot of attention to it, from then on her ass is absolutely squeaky, to the point that I'm pretty sure she's baby wiping between dances to make sure.
avatar for JimGassagain
7 years ago
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’m not one to lay down with strange dogs - as I don’t want to wake up with fleas. By the same token - I’m not taking a deep whiff of a dancer’s dumper - as I don’t enjoy the smell of doody...(or stale farts for that matter)
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
^^^ That's where you and differ in our dancer choices. The princesses I dance with neither poop nor fart.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Well said @Subraman! I’m definitely looking for a lower class of dancer. A lactose intolerant - black bean eating - girl who doesn’t really need to know how to dance!
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Meanwhile, my stripper's asshole actually tastes like a Lemon Drop with powdered sugar around the rim
avatar for Estafador
7 years ago
I'm with sharkhunter
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