
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn "Stars" in the club
    I saw Lisa Ann feature once. The most striking thing is, she's tiny -- 5'2". Her nipples also kind of point in a strange direction, which is something that is more noticeable when you see her in person. She wasn't necessarily a stunning dance, but she just has that very sexy way about her. The smile. The look on her face. I think of Jenna Jameson, too. Women that were just naturals as pornstars. Best part was, I was standing near the door as she was leaving. We made eye contact and she said, "Thanks for coming," as she waked by. It was the kind of thing that could make you melt. She still tours. Go see her if you can.
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    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    An Extreme Case of Hot Woman, Awful Dancer
    I'm only 5'5" and she was shorter than me in heels. Then she took them off for the dance and I don't think the top of her her head came much above my chin. She was tiny. Kristen Chenoweth is 4'11" and still looks plenty fine (annoying voice, though). Phantom: At least she didn't bug me for money. She asked me some of the standard "What do you do," "What kind of music you like," etc. questions before the dance, but she wasn't conversational at all. I dunno. Maybe -- hopefully -- she was new. But the experience was so bad that I'll gladly give her a year or two to improve before I try and get a dance from her again. Clubber: I haven't had that experience, either. The idea that the less-hot girls "work harder" and the hotter girls don't have to do as much hasn't been what I've encountered. Ultimately, I think ability, effort and willingness to please the guy are independent of looks.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn "Stars" in the club
    There was a feature that came through a club I frequent on occasion. Don't think she was a pornstar, but a burlesque dancer of some sort. Didn't get any dances with her, but struck up a lengthy conversation. Interesting talk for about 30 minutes. She was dealing with fluid in her knee. Coached gymnastics back home and did some sort of work that she could do from the road; no one really knew of her "second career." Loved travel. Smart. Unfortunately, wasn't really game for OTC, but I did sense she was just ... lonely. Probably the most interaction I've had with a feature.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Overall, Has the Impact of the Internet Been Negative or Positive
    It's been such a game-changer that it's hard to remember, sometimes, what the world was like without it. While I think the world is better because of the Internet, there are a lot of unintended consequences. Information is far easier to find, but so is misinformation. Social media makes it easier to stay connected with friends & family in distant places, but a side effect of bringing people together is it tends to allow those of like minds to isolate even more from those unlike themselves, contributing to the highly partisan political environment, and intolerance, we Americans deal with. Since everyone can now be a news reporter and photojournalist in a moment's notice, the quantity of news and content has gone way up. But that makes it a lot harder to find quality news or to monetize it. If anything, I wish there were more values inherent to the use of the Internet. In a way, it's oddly like the strip club: Yes, you have access to great stuff, but you have responsibility, too. You have to play by the rules of the club and dancer (moreso the dancer -- even if she's extras-minded, she's the one who establishes what she's willing to do). You have to pay. You can't stir up trouble. At worst, a very large man will literally throw you out. At best, if you're smart, you can probably get whatever sort of erotic act you'd like with a highly desirable woman. It's a great reward, but one with some risk and definite limits. The Internet has access to great stuff, too, but no rules or responsibilities. As a result, it's great, but probably not as good as it could be if folks were a little smarter about using it. But people are lazy, so instead, the Internet is often just a display of how dumb people are. Oh well.
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    10 years ago
    Pregnant Strippers
    I have seen a pregnant dancer, however, they moved her from dancer to waitress while she was pregnant.
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    10 years ago
    Is there some sort of statewide no touching law in Wisconsin?
    JMJM has an excellent idea that I encourage you to embrace. I'd also point you toward Club Bristol in Madison or Spearmint Rhino in West Bend, though all three can be hit-or-miss. Of the 12 or so Wisconsin clubs I've been to -- mostly in the cities (Milwaukee, Madison, Appleton, Green Bay) -- I'd say a quarter allow touching, a quarter say they don't but a few girls let you get away with it, and the rest are pretty strict. And I've only seen extras available at two of those clubs in an extremely hit-or-miss way. Protip: Silk is the big Wisconsin chain, but also tends to be the strictest because they're always battling to build new clubs and don't want to give the government, i.e. a sting resulting in something bad, for their fight. They're the biggest advertisers, though, so they still make oodles of money off the clueless bachelor and "let's be wild and go to a strip club once" crowd. This being Wisconsin, they probably make most of their money off those folks on drinks. There's a lot of factors I think play into Wisconsin's club doldrums. We have a bad mix here of moral conservatism, a populous notorious for being cheapskates, overbearing law enforcement, a lack of large and/or financial businesses or executives, a blue-collar citizenry, a low cost of living (which also means low wages and little money for clubs) and, honestly, some ugly, larger women. Can't really blame them, though: If it hurt your face just getting out of your car because of the cold eight months of the year, you probably wouldn't jog or go to the gym that often, either, and if you wanted to, anyplace warmer would look mighty good to you. I know the Chicago club scene is much maligned by many nationally (and apparently full of European mobsters with automatic weapons, per the crazy post from the other day GMD referred to), but if I have the opportunity to slip down to Scores or Polekatz, I do. Hotter ladies and looser rules relative to much of Wisconsin, though still nothing like Detroit. Also, when I get the chance to get anywhere near the vicinity of Detroit, I'm a happy man. But that's rare.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Any computer repair experts out there ?
    Overheating is the one of, if not the, most common ways for laptops to die. Laptops have all the same kind of circuitry in them as desktops, but in a smaller space that's either more-tightly sealed or more subject to whatever dust and junk you kick up when you're using it. And that's all with only a little fan on the side to try and keep it alive, whose vents no one ever cleans and sometimes gets caught up with hair and dust and junk. Plus, yeah, when your battery is going bad, that energy that the battery isn't taking as a charge still has to go somewhere, so it often becomes heat. And that's bad. All it takes is one time overheating the wrong way for a circuit or two to go in the motherboard. And at that point, you're getting a new laptop. George hit it right on the money, though. $20 can get you a little shelf with a couple of USB-connectable fans on the bottom that will pull enough heat away from the machine to keep it safe. I make sure to have mine with me during the summer, as I have to be on mine outside on 100 degree days sometimes. Probably the best thing for you to save your laptop.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Clubs WTF#1
    In fairness, there are reasons why ladies might spend a lot of time with a particular customer: 1. I noticed this a lot at one particular club where I was able to get OTC action relatively easily. If a dancer can lock in an OTC commitment that will cut out the middle man and make her more than she would have made in the entirety of her shift, then why should she bother doing dances? 2. She might be sizing up the customer for VIP and figuring a greater investment of time yields a greater likelihood of conversion. Much the same way a charity gets a $5 donation in a bucket much differently than a cultivated, $1 million gift, I think some dancers aim more for the "big score" than the small pieces. 3. They might know the guy(s). In smaller clubs/places that cater to a more-local crowd, that might just be the M.O. 4. It might not be their primary source of income. If they do it for extra money and have to be in on shift, but just aren't feeling up for the hustle that night, then they might take a night or two where they say, "Screw it, I'm just going to find a guy willing to listen to me and try again another night." 5. Some older regulars will literally just pay for conversation. Not a reputation any of us want to get, probably, but some do. Just trying to think outside the box as to why what you're talking about could be.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How should a Stripper Approach You?
    dw.buck: Ask the right questions and you can get to things that can't be faked. I have a little bit of journalist in me, I guess. Also, I've done this thing long enough to know the dancer probably doesn't give a crap about me at first. So asking me questions about me feels more like a sales tactic than it does a way to actually get me to get dances.
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    10 years ago
    Strippers and Athletes/Entertainers
    Yeah, athletes could get any girl they want. But imagine what it's like for them going to a "regular club." Either they get mobbed once word gets around an NBA player is in the house, or they have to seclude themselves in VIP to stay away from all of that and cherry-pick women to have the privilege of joining them, which, while probably cool for those picked, is also a little awkward. Plus, then all of that ends up on every form of social media when everyone's getting cell phone video. Go to the strip club: No phones, the culture is such that it's a straightforward transaction, you get the privacy and it also dispenses with the pretenses. Want to get a girl who's not going to be ticked that you live a life such that you get a different woman in every city on every road trip? Go to a place where the girl has a different man every night, if not every 15 minutes. Seems fair.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fake or real tits and why?
    I've seen girls with Bs where it looks great on their frame and spectacular with a padded bra. I also like a girl with a healthy C or bigger. It depends. Hate to say this, but for a truly honest opinion, I'd have to see you. Keep in mind, too, that the added income isn't always worth the time you'd have to take off, the pain, knowing you're not totally natural and all of that. I think it takes the right kind of girl to truly be OK with implants and, if you have any doubt at all, better off not to have them. But, if you choose to get them, I'd be lying if I didn't say I don't mind girls who have them and sometimes even seek them out.
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    In Your Opinion
    Amy Anderssen: http://www.sextvx.com/en/video/477124/amy-anderssen-stepmoms-boobs-mar
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Many dances from one or fewer dances from many
    Eh, wrong approach altogether. Wait. Scan the club. See who the most appealing dancer(s) are that meet your standards. Get a dance with one of the ones who does. If she doesn't give a great dance, move on. If she does, keep going. Hold on as long as she doesn't get boring. If you still have money for dances left after she either gets boring or takes full care of you, then move onto another.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How should a Stripper Approach You?
    dw.buck: Yes, actually, I do. I spend all day in a cubicle. For the most part, the only time people talk to me is if they want something from me. No one ever really asks me my thoughts on the "big things" in the world. So I like it when someone does that. Plus, if someone is smart enough to talk about that stuff intelligently and is hot, whoo boy, they're likely going to be smart enough to know what I want and give a damn good dance. They're rare, but they're awesome, and as long as you're going to try to be best, why not try to be as awesome as can be? That stuff you talked about? No thanks. Honestly, one of the reasons I'm in the club is probably because I have low self-esteem. Ask me about my day, my interests, all of that? Blech. I know that. I want to know about you, the dancer. Plus, so many dancers do that already. I don't want another typical girl -- I want someone who sets themselves apart in a good way. Boring small-talk is just that to me: Boring. I dunno. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fancy a fuck?
    Cute ... but a little young.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fancy a fuck?
    I'm an admitted geek. There was an older, redheaded stripper, though still quite fine, with whom I once got into a conversation with about the British version of Whose Line is it Anyway? and Monty Python. It was pretty awesome. If she would have said something like that, I would have gladly taken her up.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do you care about Extra's?
    Whether or not you will have to provide extras to be competitive with other dancers & clubs will depend upon where you are. In my hometown, it's nearly guaranteed extras aren't on table and I'll happily get dances with you if you're attractive and skilled. In Detroit, meanwhile, I'll feel let down if extras aren't on the table. Your willingness to do something extra might make a difference as to whether I'll spend, but you have to go a little beyond "We can have a REALLY good time in VIP" because every girl says that. The stripper handshake helps, maybe even a little tug on the zipper if you can do so discretely. You might want to say that, "Yes, there are rules, but they can be bent and I can be sneaky." You might also want to say that you're open-minded and use a double-entendre or two that outlines what services you offer. Do try and keep it flirty throughout, though. I'd rather you not just lay everything on the table and say, "Here's what I do and here's what it costs." Be subtle. You might want to mention some things you're not willing to do. That also can be helpful for determining your limits because the things you don't do can be a good gauge of what you are willing to do. It doesn't even have to be in the context of extras -- sexy talk happens in the club, anyway. "Oh, I'm not a fan of anal, and when I'm with a guy, I do prefer him to have some protection. Is that how you like it?" There was an occasion I set up OTC with a woman and she discussed it with me in terms of going to see the theater. "The better seats cost more, but you'll also enjoy the show more, too." She then asked what kind of show I'd like to see and how much I'd like to pay. From there, we were able to negotiate. It was subtle, but fun and it worked, even if my starting point was one where she said, "That doesn't even get you in the theater."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    small breast
    I'll have to admit that I tend to lean towards C and higher. But I'll take up a smaller-breasted girl if she has a particularly attractive face, is a good conversationalist, is a great dancer or is very flexible. Not going to lie; you're going to have to work a little harder to get a guy like me to buy dances with you. But it can be done.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How should a Stripper Approach You?
    Let me echo someone earlier when I say the best way you can sell me is to be real. I don't want to feel like I'm being sold a bill of goods or someone else's idea of a fantasy. Come on too strong at first and I'm going to feel a little repulsed -- no one believes any woman wants to just hop on a guy the moment she sees him unless he looks like a billionaire or Channing Tatum. You don't know what my fantasy is before you meet me so trying is likely to fail. If you're going to do a fake accent, it better be damn good and believable, otherwise, I'm going to see through it unless you're ridiculously hot. The best opener you can have? "Hi." I'll want to know your name, but I probably won't remember it. Your wanting to know my name will show you are interested in me and what makes me unique, so ask for it, and use it occasionally. Easy questions like "where are you from" and what not are kind of boring. However, I want to know about something you really like. Start talking about something in the news, or something you did recently, or something like that and I'll be interested. Don't talk about your kids or problems. Make yourself look interesting and fun. If there's anything you do that you feel like makes you feel particularly smart, that would be a great starter. Obviously you're going to need to make a sale at some point. After 5-10 minutes is a good time to bring up dances. Longer than that and I think you're potentially wasting your time with guys who might not be interested. Less and I think you're rushing it a bit. Best of luck.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    PL Sex Award Nominee
    I would guess her temperature would depend on how recently she died.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The Declining entertainment value of the American strip club
    All I can say is that I would encourage you not to paint all clubs across the country with a broad brush based on your experience in one part of the world. While I don't feel like dancers provide the same kind of connection to guys that they did 10 years ago, that might also just be my experience now that I'm older or have become more regular. It ebbs and flows, but it's different in a lot of different places. Shake it up; try clubbing elsewhere (Detroit) to see if that changes your mind.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Skeet Removal
    It should. Protip, though: Might not want to take that jacket to a club with any blacklights anytime soon.
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    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    She is fine, so I might make another run. I'm going back and forth on it. Don't want to land in another spot where I get taken again. My memory of the original incident is hazy, but I thought I asked her for her number then and she didn't want to give it to me. I can't imagine I would just go for "meet me at Spot X" and pay $200 up front without some probing questions, though she's the kind that can make you throw logic out the window. Good Cs, natural I think. Good shape, too. But I do think there was a reason she didn't want to give me her phone number before. She gave it to me now, though. Yeah, if she starts jerking me around for more cash without action, then screw it. She's burned me one too many times already. But she made good-faith gestures to me and I made a limited good-faith gesture back. Why not give it a shot?
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    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    OK, I see where you guys are coming from and maybe you're right. She seemed to intimate she remembers I paid her and that, as a result, the first OTC instance might be free, too -- kind of like when you get bad service at a restaurant and they give you something that says your next meal is free. Do note that we live in a pretty non-extras, strict-enforcement part of the world, so ITC was out of the question. She was the best looking girl in the club last night, so I got dances with her. She allows more touching (the kitty, namely) than any other girl I've encountered in the bottoms-on club. It was worth it. I dunno. I'm also of the belief that money isn't that important. I pay the dancers to feel good. Usually, that just comes from a good grind or, when I'm in Detroit, whatever's on the menu. Last night, a girl I thought was an ROB at least took the time to not act like an ROB, intimated she wasn't trying to be an ROB and took legit stepts to try and prove she's not an ROB. Most of the time, the girls just are shameless ROBs, but at least this one went beyond showing some shame and actually took some respectful, business-like steps. It wasn't a grind or an extra, but it made me feel good, which is why I go.
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    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    OK, maybe not vindication, per se. I couldn't follow through on things last night. I was on a schedule due to some work this morning I wanted to be fresh for. I'm busy the rest of the weekend. I only wanted to make a quick stop to tide myself over; wasn't expecting what happened. I still paid for dances, but I was running low on cash in pocket and didn't give her as large of a tip as I normally give after dances. I told her that I had taken care of her before, though, and she agreed. I dunno. I may not even follow through, and maybe I got a little too excited about just getting her number. Who knows if she'll even pick up if/when I call. But unless she has some elaborate scheme with her longstanding Facebook page, it is actually her number, and she apologized multiple times before prompting, which is a step above where I think a lot of girls would be. She seemed surprised and borderline disappointed we couldn't follow through. Heck, even just remembering the circumstances is a step above where a lot of girls would be. If she would follow through on the time as a make-good for before, I'd be more than satisfied. But, from my perspective, the money's not that big of a deal. It's just nice to know she wasn't like, "Yeah, I'm out to take you for cash and that's how I operate." I guess that's PL-ish of me, but so it goes.