Comments by sharkhunter (page 52)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    I'm so over this election
    I wonder if Trump will get petitioned to build a Death Star just like Obama did? I thought Obama said there wasn't enough money in the budget. Now can we really be great again if we don't have a Death Star in orbit around our planet for everyone to see up in the sky? Trump has a lot of promises to fulfill.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Do TUSCLer Get at McDonalds?
    Hamburgers or cheeseburgers, sometimes fries and a shake too. Their shake machine is always turned off after midnight in Greenville SC. They probably saved me over $100 bucks in the last year alone by having the machine turned off. I end up getting ice water instead.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I like em small and perky.
    I like several different sizes. Small and perky, medium size, full size too. The only ones that disappoint are super hard.
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    8 years ago
    Does this Inspire you to go to the gym?
    They've been trying to get me to join the local gym with all kinds of offers but they didn't include partners with nice boobs yet. I can work out at home in the time it takes me to travel back and forth to the nearest gym.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Did that Dumb Whore NinaBambina Also Call the Election Wrong?
    I took a test with It said I side with Trump a whole lot more than Hillary. Plus I don't plan to vote for those I think belong in jail. I plan on possibly being a millionaire by the time I retire, hopefully, and with Hillary, she might tax me to death after succeeding in getting there. No thanks. However I don't believe Trump is that smart and Hillary is a crook. No good choices. It's over now. Trump won. I just hope he doesn't screw up my job with my company by starting a trade war. Many jobs could disappear.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Weekly club visits
    4 times for sure. I was on vacation for 4 nights and didn't stay very long my first night at one club but it was only a few minutes from my hotel.
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    8 years ago
    Fastest run to a strip club
    208, Wow. I never got to drive that fast. Sounds like fun except when you get caught. Even worse are those guys who end up with their car flipped over and their body is lying in a field. I've seen that but didn't see the wreck as it happened. I guess they can tell the grim reaper it was a thrill ride of a lifetime in a few cases.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    pictures old and new
    Thanks for sharing. You look good on the pole.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    TUSCL psychology: What is the basis for Dougster's beefs? How many people does D
    I really enjoyed the Alucard Dougster talks. Quite entertaining. I miss those
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Like JimGassagain I don't hate. I have contempt for right wing idiots. Cool thin
    There is a business cycle if central banks don't manipulate things too much. Many presidents try to get any recessions over fairly quick so that the economy is improving by election time. If he were to suddenly cut several trillion dollars in government spending on departments he thinks we can do without, that could trigger a recession. The tax cuts he could temporarily give back to the people would be huge especially if he gave extra tax cuts in the first few years. The poor and middle class will likely spend most of the extra money they get. I promise to buy more lap dances if I get a lot more money and regulations are lifted on strip clubs. I want to see real nipples, not pasties, and I want to fondle titties. I don't want to hear a gazillion rules.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Is Nina actually Donald Trump!
    No way. Nina is not trying to make America Great Again. After doing a psychic mind meld with Nina and Trump, she is more concerned with making money for herself, not trying to do something for the country. I get more concerned with those who act like they want to do something for the country because if they get it wrong, we're all screwed.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Did that Dumb Whore NinaBambina Also Call the Election Wrong?
    Oh, I missed the chance to give Nina a hard time. I'm still waiting for Founder to bring back pics so I can see Nina in that hot cheerleader outfit she posted on here some time ago. I voted for Trump and Trump is doing exactly what I expect so far. By the way, Trump is married to an immigrant. I don't understand all the hostility towards legal immigrants. Its the illegal immigrants that are breaking multiple laws that Trump said he wants to go after. This is supposed to be a land where the law is supposed to be followed, not broken all the time. Exceptions apply in my opinion if it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter in my opinion if laws are broken in strip clubs. We have too many regulations applied to this legal business. If 2 grown adults want to fondle each other in a strip club, there should not be a law against that in my opinion. I can only hope that Trumo get rid of regulations as they apply to strip clubs. We need freedom of expression and freedom of speech like Oregon has.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Did that Dumb Whore NinaBambina Also Call the Election Wrong?
    Trump is simply applying the economics of proposals to each item he proposed. If it doesn't make economic sense, he's dropping it. I knew he didn't think everything out in detail that he talked about. He said he was speaking off the top of his head without researching anything. Businessmen research ideas before they put money towards it unless they have money to burn. On the other hand, talk is cheap and I don't want Trump stirring the pot too much while he's not even in office yet. His number one goal should be improving the economy of our country. He's going to have a very tough time when interest rates go up and other problems eventually pop up in my opinion. I think the thing to do is improve the economy in time for the next congressional election in 2 years, then talk to the stock plunge protection team and engineer the needed stock market correction in only a week or month or a short time period and get the economy back to a booming economy in the last two years of his first 4 years. Sounds like a plan. Use elliotwave analysis to time the plunge and then recovery in stocks. As long as GDP improves in his last year and he delivers an improving economy without messing up big time, reelection should happen. One exception. If his opponent is not under FBI investigation and doesn't have a suspected criminal history, it might be tough to win another term.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Breaking News: Cubs are forced to give up World Series Title!
    Pretending to be a liberal. Whew, I'm glad both teams can share the victory and everyone is getting an award for participation. Acting like a realist. Haha, real funny. Joke imitating the left leaning rioters.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm The Victim Of A Terrorist Hate Crime
    Sorry to hear about the attacks or violence. I do not support violence. Fortunately I haven't heard of any violence in the state I live in. My car has been the victim of it in years past and I know how that feels especially when you don't know why someone did it or who did it or when they may strike again. They will have to answer for it one day. I believe when they die, they will get to experience everything they put everyone else through and know how that felt. I believe there is a heaven and hell and there will come a judgement day for everyone. It's sad that people aren't living by the golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Everyone doing these acts of terror or rioting is representing a group of voters. I want the group of voters I voted in union with to be peaceful. We won. I hope no one makes us look bad. Be better than the people rioting. Sorry to hear about the violence.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Go to Tijuana before there's a wall :)
    Don't worry. After we get the Trump Wall we will likely get a Trump Tunnel after you pay the toll charge and get thoroughly frisked.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Politics driving you nuts? Strippers making you crazy?
    It's a super moon tonight. Good time to act crazy. I stayed home last night instead of visiting strip clubs and saw a cam girl who looked like an elf with blue hair and saw another cam girl who was cross eyed and could move her eyes independent of each other.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ever get confused when?...
    I surfed web cam sites last night. I saw a good looking female elf with pointy ears and blue hair. I also saw a cross eyed girl that could move her eyes independent of each other. They made strip clubs in my area seem mainstream and a bit boring. However I think I got dances from a dancer with blue hair already. She just wasn't an elf with pointy ears.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Why Do Some Girls Sit With You But Don't Ask For A Dance
    Maybe she's taking a break pretending to be asking for dances but didn't really want to.
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    8 years ago
    Would you get dances from these girls?
    It all depends on what you look at during your dance and your own situation. Plus how determined the girl is to dance for you. I remember a dancer with a really hot body but an ugly face. She was determined to get dances from me. I bought some grinding table dances from her. I might have bought lap dances if the prices weren't fixed at a high price and I also wondered how much trouble she might get me in because she promised a lot more. However I thought I saw cameras in the lap dance room so I wondered if she knew something I didn't. She told me she was going to suck on my private parts if I got a lap dance but I didn't want to go that far with her. If she had overall better looks in the face, I would have caved in. I didn't doubt what she said after I got curious with another dancer in another club. Most dancers don't joke around with me when they say they will do something, unless it's a ROB and she's attempting to scam me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Did that Dumb Whore NinaBambina Also Call the Election Wrong?
    Probably lying low avoiding hearing the news and anywhere Trump supporters post online just like a few of my relatives. They live in a upper middle class zone where everything is rosy, no crime, no major issues, and probably think like Hillary that the people do not need guns to defend themselves. We're all a bunch of morons for not agreeing with them. At least my relatives don't riot or throw insults around. They don't think Hillary was involved with the deaths of all those who had evidence and we're going to talk. They thought it was ok to say one thing in private and another in public. They wanted more of the same. In the case of female relatives, they just wanted a female president. It was the wrong female.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Is it time to panic?
    They might try to get rid of the requirement to sign up for healthcare and penalties on the poor etc for not signing up and then work on decreasing health care costs by increasing competition, possibly increasing choices for people across state lines. Get rid of stuff voters hate, keep what works. Porn is not an economic issue so it will be extremely low concern in my opinion. Taxes, jobs, the economy, entitlement issues with running out of money, paying for infrastructure improvements are all higher priority and by the time we get through all that, if the economy doesn't tank first, it will be election time again.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Is it time to panic?
    I was being sarcastic. I do not think Trump is going to act like Bill Clinton getting the secret service to help him get pussy. Of course by help, all that meant with Bill Clinton was the secret service allowing people to enter the White House. I'm kind of wondering if Trump will spend more time in New York instead of DC and let Pence do most of the governing type of activities. What agendas do Pence and Paul Ryan have on their plates might be the questions to ask. I heard to change Obamacare that they still need about 8 democrats to side with republicans in the senate so I expect some compromises instead of outright flip flops on existing laws unless it was due to executive decrees from up high.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Will women voters go for Trump?
    The liberal left only knows how to insult everyone who doesn't agree with them it appears. How many times have you read anyone who voted for Trump is stupid, ignorant, has a low IQ, etc. Earlier the word deplorables was used. I'm kind of glad she spoke her mind so enough people could get a better glimpse of h. er. That was unusual of her to tell the truth for once in my opinion. If a liberal sees this, I might get insulted but we've all been insulted countless times already by the liberal left. I'm glad Trump won. I had my doubts and still do about him but I think he will be a far better president than Hillary would have been. I'm not completely surprised the polls are wrong. If you only poll the poorest people without caller id, I believe you are bias in your counts toward democrats. I never answer the phone anymore like countless other Americans because the do not call list doesn't work anymore and all I mostly get are scam calls and people breaking the law. Our government has abandoned us as far as enforcing a do not call list in my opinion. I've filed complaints against dozens of callers. I still get these stupid calls every week. I can only block 30 numbers on my current phone and the numbers called from keep changing every week. I didn't want t get my hopes up too much though.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Is it time to panic?
    Is she worried Trump is going to grab her by the pussy and tell her, you can't show this unless you make a deal with me. If that's the case, he'd be a better deal maker than Bill Clinton. Maybe, I heard rumors Bill had arrangements with the secret service to let in certain girls. However Trump is married now and he has economic issues to attend to. Keep free porn, getting rid of free porn will only strengthen the porn industry. The porn industry pioneered the internet so hopefully he won't touch it. If people are worried about porn, they could create a safe zone where worried adults can go where no porn is allowed. It could be called or something like that.