
TUSCL psychology: What is the basis for Dougster's beefs? How many people does D

In a brilliant place!
Monday, November 14, 2016 4:12 AM
I know about the whole rickdugan beef. Does that conflict have a basis in anything other than rickdugan's general d-bagginess? He also has other beefs that don't really make sense to me. Probably buried in the depths of time but I'm still curious. Dougster, feel free to chime in. No judgement either way from me. Just curious!


  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Nathan and ball park I think
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Dougster did not like Alucard. Neither did I.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I just don't like fags. And there are alot of fags on this board. Seems really strange that gay guys like RickyBoy and zipman68 would pick a strip club discussion board to hang out on just to annoy people, but, for whatever twisted reason that's what they do.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Lol! Should also mention that although our female stripper members who usually pop up for brief periods are generally much better than all the male idiots we have on this board, sometimes we get female versions of faggots (faggettes I like to call them). Prime example is NinaBambina.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Myself, rickdugan and others called in to question the validity of dougster's reviews and in some cases just about everything he posts. His response was pure troll behavior that's gone on for years.
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    Tell the truth Doogie. You're just a dick. Lemme tell ya sumpin Captain Dirtyass (great handle BTW...sure to drive Doogie up a wall!). Doogie just targets folks. Now Dugan-dude is a d-bag, as y'all say. But Doogie targets others. Alucard, Jester, etc. Alucard was a good guy. Bit of a weird willy, but nice enough once you realized he wasn't fuckin' wit' ev'rybody. Alucard really valued his posts here. I tussled with Alucard when I thought he was joking. But once I realized I was hurting his feelings I backed off. Doogie don't have the empathy to do that.
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    I also love that Doogie, who also trolls as NotaDoctorPhil and tit-TAY-fag, has picked up a troll that he alleges to be yours truly! O' course he's bein' two-faced by accusin' me o' bein' you. But that be our lil' Doogie! Doogie, lemme clue you in: lotsa folks find you to be a boring troll. Not just me! I figure trollin' will make you step up yo' game. Now do yo' lil' monkey dance an' reply. I needs me tha lulz!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster is working with the pals he listens to Wagner with in Bayreuth to split the human race into two. SJG
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Sorry, zippie but alutard was the one who started shit with me. I offered him a truce many times but he would have none of it. I've always had an open offer for a truce with anyone who wants one, and I've kept all the ones I've made: with mikeya, ranukam, and lopaw for instance. As I've said many times: I'm easy. I just play by the rules the other guy or girl wants to play by. They want polite rational discussion. Sure I can do that. They want to start a fight like alutard okay, I'll play by those rules too. The funny thing is how many start a fight with me, don't like how it turns out then claim I was the one who started it. Just another minimize cognitive dissonance phenomena.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I think the thing that caused people to pick fights with me was that I said that strippers met the dictionary definition of being "whores", which is offering sexual (of or related to sex) for money. Seems they didn't like that even though I'm right. That was many years ago, but slowly people came around to my point of view. We even did a survey about it and the consensus was that even just taking off their clothes for money was enough to make them whores. So that's the basic pattern. I say a true thing that dumb people don't understand. They insult me, and start a fight. I fight back and annihilate them and then they cry about it and say I started it all. Meanwhile I'm amused by all the cognitive biases in them it demonstrates (like their false memories that they actually believe).
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I really enjoyed the Alucard Dougster talks. Quite entertaining. I miss those
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Dougster is always grumpy because of his toothpick dick.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Sorry, Nina, I got that you like me based on how riled up my posts got you, and now, apparently, you spend alot of time thinking about my dick. But I'm not interested. Maybe if you didn't have the anxiety disorder and went to a better school, and had some kind of a future beyond being a whore...
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Lol you're weak. And bitter. You talk about me when I'm not even posting and you make threads about me. It's not my fault you have a toothpick dick.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Yeah, and I made some about zippy too for the same reason: you were both so confident about the election outcome but got it completely wrong. Seems you deserve to be made fun of a bit. Especially with a head as swollen as you and zippy have. Assuming you are even distinct people.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    See it was just your anxiety disorder making you worry that I was singling you out. You'll get irrational worries like that when you don't take the benzos like you're supposed to.
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    You're cute Doogie. You do realize that I believe only about 10% of the bullshit I post here. But you buy it and respond like you're having an actual debate with me. LOL! I view you and Mikey as little more than dancin' monkeys. I'd say the moon is made of green Manchego if I thought it would get a rise out of you and give me the lulz. Now go dance you monkey man! The only sad thing 'bout Alucard is that he couldn't see through you. He took your mean-spirited attacks at face value and responded accordingly. I see that you're a fool and just fuck with you for the lulz. Sad that Alucard couldn't see you for the sad lil' man that you are. He was so much smarter than you in other ways. Taking you seriously was his blind spot.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Well accordingly to you I responded to the 10% non-bullshit, so you seem to be the one dancing here. Nice try though!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Or is zippy trying to deny (conveniently after the fact) that he thought Hilary would win in a landslide. And he was just fuckin' with us when he said she would win. Ok, zippy... Sure thing. We do believe!
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    Doogie, did I SAY what I viewed as bullshit and what I actually believed? Nope...yo' jes' be assuming things. And you know what that say 'bout people who assume things... Seriously Doogie, if you think you're winning the debate this way you're reading comprehension is worse than Mikey's. And that guy is barely literate. Psst...I'll clue you in to a lil' sumpin sumpin...the Chinese aren't going to invade. It's the mole people from planet Zargon VII that will invade the US and oust the Trumpster, imposing a radical lefty administration that will force Mikey to hug everything out. And I for one welcome our Zargonian overlords!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Well zippy zou are obviously serious about how hurt you are that I didn't get along with alutard. Why it hurt you so, I have no clue? Maybe you see yourself in him? Now if you are talking me calling you out about calling the election wrong and claim you knew all along Trump would win. Well you love for Hilary/liberal causes has been pretty plain for years. So I guess you can try and say you were just screwing around all along, but nobody is going to believe you. Think you tangled yourself a bit there. And now your pity for alutard is going people like you here. Just like the day's when you sucked Juice's dick didn't. But keep grasping for some strategy will work. Maybe with enough tries you'll find something...
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    How others see TUSCL: [view link] Shout from @11bravo "@dickarmy, that's the reason I love it here (so far). On sites like TUSCL, ppl are constantly calling other faggots or worse." SJG Warren Haynes "River's Gonna Rise" [view link]
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