
I'm so over this election

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Friday, November 18, 2016 12:00 PM
You guys are a bunch of children, this election is over it's Trumps to get right or wrong. All of you on the Right hope it goes well stop with this endless baiting. All of you on the left the world is not coming to an end, why don't you stop whining and do what you need to.


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I can't wait until 2020, I'm voting for the Chackin Wang ticket: Juice for pres and CrazyJoe for VP!!!!!
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @25 " You guys are a bunch of children" well they started it
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^Funny ; )
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Sheriff Clarke for President 20?? I resent being called a child I am a Pathetic Loser or PL for short. I agree its time to stop the baiting on one side and the whining on the other to get back to what is important: Clubbing!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The center did not hold. Our problems are going to get worse and keep getting so until something breaks. This is a dire situation. SJG
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I won't be happy until all of us get together for a massive meetup, down in Tijuana.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    In in TJ as we speak! Actually in San Diego X-mad shopping but heading that way on the freeway after getting a bite to eat. I may write a review if it's tame, yet if it gets too busy I will keep it to myself. Next time we meet up in TJ I will be happy to join. My compadres are with me for back up security. Never go there alone. Federalies..... Don't trust them.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Meat never shop when you're mad. and whatever you do don't mess with the federales.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I wonder if Trump will get petitioned to build a Death Star just like Obama did? I thought Obama said there wasn't enough money in the budget. Now can we really be great again if we don't have a Death Star in orbit around our planet for everyone to see up in the sky? Trump has a lot of promises to fulfill.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    25, I would hope all the left would also hope for Trump's success. I was very doubtful of obama (I was correct) but I wanted him to succeed with a good for America agenda. Unfortunately, his hope and change was very anti-American.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Clubber the only way that all of this rancor ends is by recognizing everybody's rights from the get go and always keep in mind that questioning the patriotism of the other opinion ain't going to get you very far. The other side is an opponent to be won over not an enemy to be crushed. At the end of the day we are all Americans get that straight.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    If Trump doesn't fulfill the majority of his promises then it will be status quo. Like somebody else said, if we can live through Obama then you'll live through Trump.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I heard a rumor on Fox News that Hillary might be considered for a position somewhere in the Trump administration. Then they played it's the end of the world music. That makes you feel like it's 2012 all over again. I would like to say I did play a flight simulator program. I could be the pilot. Lol.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    25, Yes, we are all Americans. But to try and change the "American", well, I will always view those as an " enemy to be crushed." That said, if they wish to change it via the US Constitution, then that is fine, but anarchy, NO!
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Hate to burst everyone's bubble, but if college students cannot go to class and need grief counselling because they didn't get their way then America has already jumped the shark.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I clearly remember Obama's sentiment of, "I won, now fall in line." One of his actual quotes was: "You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about." Much of the media and other outspoken leftists snickered and supported this position. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and the reaction is worse. Violence, property damage, and a petition to prevent Trump's inauguration. It's time for the libtards to stop demonstrating what crybabies they are, pull up their big boy pants, and accept the election results. Just as they championed 8 yrs ago.
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    I've accepted this election Goon boy. Jes' sayin' that y'all conservadudes gonna fuck up so bad that our country will end up a thirds world nation where our daughters will be forced to suck Putin's dick! Why do you want virginal American girls to be forced to suck Russian oligarch dick at gunpoint? Why Goon boy? Do you hate America that much?
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I'm maybe the last person to say this... Wow. Very mature.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    DrPhil's post above and TheeOSU's thread "Trump Evicts Family" are the best humor I have seen so far about this election here on, TUSCl, wish more of you would lighten up but I guess it's a hopeless cause.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    The thing that's amused me about this election: I have NEVER seen such mean winners and butthurt losers. I mean, there's a little needling going on in every election. But in this one, the Trump supporters are really digging into the wound and Clinton supporters are throwing tantrums like 2 year olds. Just in my personal social circle, I know of 3 separate cases of huge horrendous fights, kicked off by really mean-spirited celebrations by Trump supporters... incredibly, I think people are permanently cutting social relationships over it.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    25, I also thought Meat72's thread about how the Cubs were forced to share their World Chamiinship with the Indians was absolutely hilarious as an analogy about how the protesters looked.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Subraman- That is the reason I posted this thread. My thoughts exactly, and here is my reasoning as to why its like this, the results are shocking, the Trump people never thought they would win so they never prepared to govern, and as I stated in a convo last year, with Motorhead, Trump himself never intended for this to go this far many people myself included don't think he was serious but it all came together. Combine that with the Clinton ,camp's arrogance, they never thought they could lose, all adds up to a real conundrum. Trump became the quintessential dog chasing the car, leaving the question of what to do, if he actually caught said car.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Yeah Jim, I forgot about that one that was pretty clever also.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    @subra. I agree with most of what you said. The reactions by both sides have been juvenile at best. The point I was making is that there were just as many poor winners and butthurt losers 8 yrs ago. Just the other side won this time. It just seems that the post-election demonstrations have been ratcheted up a few notches this time around. Plus I was trying to stir the pot a little. :-)
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    flag: I don't remember it being nearly as bad. I was on the losing side both this time with Clinton, and 8 years ago with McCain... although in my defense, in both sets of elections, I truly disliked both sets of candidates. Anyway, I don't remember the winners being quite so ungracious and angry -- usually winners are happy, not angry! I do also think that quote from Obama absolutely applies ... like I said, there's a level of butt-hurtness and tantrum-throwing that to me is unprecedented in my lifetime, although I can say the exact same on how truly deep-down mean-spirited the winners seem, too. For myself, I get to seek a small silver lining in the few things I do agree with Trump on, and hope for the best on the rest.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Except this time the losers have to burn and loot, cut classes, have cry-ins, be issued crayons, play-do, aromatherapy candles, comfort dogs, etc,etc......:)
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    ^^^ zipperhead was so distraught about his dream of a fourth reich going down in flames he needed a whole new therapy gerbil
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    You know, no matter what side you're on, the politics and culture being spread on college campuses has been shit for 50 years, and now is a completely twisted version of reality. Safe spaces, cultural appropriation, the complete lack of tolerance under the banner of tolerance, etc.... it is crazy
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I am anti-Hillary, and maybe that has caused me to be a little biased in my perception.... I don't see nearly as much gloating this year than I did 8 years ago. But I lived in NorCal then and Fla now. The demonstrations are certainly more extreme and unlawful. In any event, the country seems to be much more deeply fractured now compared to then. Whether that is true or if the switch in victorious sides and the reactions to it make it just seem that way... I don't know.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    Jim, The Cubs item was really a great analogy!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Now that I am a successful entertainer I rarely eat at McDonalds anymore. But I still like to talk about it because I present myself as an Authority on Average Americans, and this is how I get people to laugh and how I sell out shows in Ohio and Indiana. I was fully vetted before they let me open for the Pope. SJG Stevie Nicks [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Also this time we have to keep a big supply of tissue paper boxes for mikeya02. His candidate won, but he still is inconsolable over the fact that those who opposed Trump, still oppose him. Mikeya02 doesn't know what he is going to do. SJG Fleetwood Mac - RHIANNON Live on the Midnight Special 1976 [view link] Tijuana Street [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
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