Is it time to panic?

Detroit, Michigan…


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    IMO, like many unhappy w/ the election I think they're being over-dramatic - George W was way more conservative than Trump & I don't recall the adult industry being overly affected during W's term, in fact often times it's the libs most opposed to the sex industry, after all isn't California overly liberal where they tried to pass the prop
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Is she worried Trump is going to grab her by the pussy and tell her, you can't show this unless you make a deal with me. If that's the case, he'd be a better deal maker than Bill Clinton. Maybe, I heard rumors Bill had arrangements with the secret service to let in certain girls. However Trump is married now and he has economic issues to attend to.

    Keep free porn, getting rid of free porn will only strengthen the porn industry. The porn industry pioneered the internet so hopefully he won't touch it.
    If people are worried about porn, they could create a safe zone where worried adults can go where no porn is allowed. It could be called or something like that.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    No disrespect Papi_Chulo, but I don't think the issue is conservative vs. liberal.

    I think you're absolutely right about the porn industry having nothing to fear. Trump doesn't care. The only way he'll act against the porn industry is if he thinks his voters want it, and I doubt that he thinks that.

    I'm scared of Trump for three reasons. First, I have no idea what he will actually do. Nor do most people. Second, he's pissed off a lot of Republican politicians and he is likely to need them. Third, his erratic behavior (if it continues) is likely to hurt the economy.

    I predict things will go downhill for two years and we'll see a wave of anti-Trump republicans in Congress in 2018. Given current districting that a democratic sweep is very unlikely (but not impossible).

    But who knows? With this president all bets are off.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    sharkhunter, you're crazy if you think Trump won't have the secret service help him get all the pussy to grab that he wants. He may be married but he's going to getting more tail than Bill Clinton by a long shot. He may give JFK a run for his money.

    I'll give Trump one thing: he'll be grabbing some ace pussy! We're talking about models, actresses, Playboy models, and porn stars. We'll maybe not porn stars and Playmates because that'll raise eyebrows. But he'll still be getting brilliant pussy! ;)
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Trump is not personally against porn, but he has shown he will say or do anything to advance himself.

    Then we have Pence. He would outlaw gays and porn along with the right to a safe abortion. Pence does not even believe in evolution. An religious bigot, Pence doesn't care about freedom of speech or religion or science. He wants to impose a narrow-minded Christianity on everyone.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... Pence does not even believe in evolution ..."

    Last time I checked evolution was a theory not a fact yet many believe in this theory w/ "religiosity".

    And of course as a Christian he's not gonna believe in evolution, the Bible, the basis of Christianity, teaches God created man, not that they came from damn monkeys - many will say believing we came from monkeys actually takes more blind faith
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I was being sarcastic. I do not think Trump is going to act like Bill Clinton getting the secret service to help him get pussy. Of course by help, all that meant with Bill Clinton was the secret service allowing people to enter the White House.

    I'm kind of wondering if Trump will spend more time in New York instead of DC and let Pence do most of the governing type of activities. What agendas do Pence and Paul Ryan have on their plates might be the questions to ask.

    I heard to change Obamacare that they still need about 8 democrats to side with republicans in the senate so I expect some compromises instead of outright flip flops on existing laws unless it was due to executive decrees from up high.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    They might try to get rid of the requirement to sign up for healthcare and penalties on the poor etc for not signing up and then work on decreasing health care costs by increasing competition, possibly increasing choices for people across state lines. Get rid of stuff voters hate, keep what works.

    Porn is not an economic issue so it will be extremely low concern in my opinion. Taxes, jobs, the economy, entitlement issues with running out of money, paying for infrastructure improvements are all higher priority and by the time we get through all that, if the economy doesn't tank first, it will be election time again.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Riot like crazy
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Papi you know that I like you, but believe it or not evolution is more than just a theory much of it is a settled science.
    here is the link to the long version.…
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago

    So you believe we humans came from monkeys?
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @Papi: You didn't ask me, but no, I don't believe that humans came from monkeys. I am confident however, based on the evidence, both fossilized and experimental, that I've seen, that humans and monkeys, along with all the other primates, are descended from the same ancestors.
  • SuperDude
    8 years ago
    Trump believes that the will have a total of four vacancies to fill on the Supreme Court, thus giving the Court a 7-2 conservative balance. There are also almost 100 seats open in the lower federal courts. The GOP controls 34 state legislatures. The movement is to use the legislature to attack porn, with the GOP/Trump judiciary in support.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    "Trump believes that the will have a total of four vacancies to fill on the Supreme Court, thus giving the Court a 7-2 conservative balance. "

    Now that is truly scary shit. Set the clocks in the courts back a century.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Well Papi they did have a trial about that early in the twentieth century.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    When I say Pence does not believe in evolution, I mean that he rejects the overwhelming scientific evidence that all plants and animals have evolved from earlier forms. In science "theory" does not mean some wild-ass guess. It means an explanation that explains what occurs in the natural world. A theory is not a fact but rather a way of explaining the facts; a theory is tested against facts.

    As a Christian, I certainly reject the idea that Christians don't believe in evolution. Narrow-minded fundamentalist Christians who read the Bible literally reject evolution, but most Christians do not think that Genesis is a science text book. Many denominations--including the one I belong to--embrace science. And the largest Christian denomination--the Roman Catholic Church--has always been open to evolution. Pope Francis stated that there is no contradiction between a belief in God and accepting the science of evolution and the big bang.

    Sorry for the rant.

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    jackslash writes: "Pence . . . would outlaw gays and porn along with the right to a safe abortion. Pence does not even believe in evolution. An [sic] religious bigot, Pence doesn't care about freedom of speech or religion or science. He wants to impose a narrow-minded Christianity on everyone."

    jack, you know I like your posts in general, but this one is tendentious leftwing secular codswallop. Papi_Chulo's objection is really the *least* of my objections.
    * Pence would not outlaw homosexuality or pornography.
    * He favors freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and science (you're a little obscure here).
    * He is a Christian who does not try to impose his religious views on others.
    * Yes, he is opposed to the fictitious "right to abortion" that the Supreme Court created out of whole cloth in 1973.

    The presence of Mike Pence in this administration, and the fact that Trump will probably be too inattentive to detail to pursue policy matters consistently, give me some hope for the Trump presidency. I would have voted for a Pence-Trump ticket!
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    @ Papi_Chulo:

    The Monkey's Disgrace

    Three monkeys sat in a coconut tree,
    Discussing things as they are said to be
    Said one to the others, "Now listen, you two,
    There’s a certain rumor that can’t be true,
    That man descended from our noble race,
    The very idea is a great disgrace!

    “No monkey has ever deserted his wife,
    Starved her babies, and ruined her life.
    And you’ve never known a mother monk,
    To leave her babies with others to bunk,
    Or pass them on from one to the other ,
    Till they scarcely know who is their mother.

    “And another thing you'll never see,
    A monk build a fence 'round a coconut tree,
    And let the coconuts go to waste,
    Forbidding all other monks to taste.
    Why, if I put a fence around this tree,
    Starvation would force you to steal from me.

    “Here’s another thing a monkey won’t do -
    Go out at night and get in a stew,
    Or use a gun or club or knife
    To take some other monkey’s life.
    Yes, man descended, the ornery cuss,
    But brother, he didn’t descend from us!”

    Author Unknown
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Pence is a hypocrite, sure and simple. He lives the Golden Rule "He who has the Gold makes the Rules", not the one that is taught by his professed faith that you treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Of course, there are plenty of hypocrites on both sides of the aisle, but I for one am NOT impressed by Pence's "morality".
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    C'mon Papi. There's a Wikipedia page that says evolution is fact. It must be true. Sources don't come any more reliable than Wikipedia.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Calif Prop 60 failed by a large margin. I don't know who was behind it.

    And yes, George W. may be more to the right in some ways than Trump, but George W. never said any of the sorts of things Trump has said. This is a disaster of the first magnitude.

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