I'm The Victim Of A Terrorist Hate Crime
I got in my car to go to work, and when I slammed the driver's door closed, the back window exploded! I know old glass can do that, so I called the 'come to your driveway' glass guy and figure that is that.
The police show up. They were notified by my glass guy, because there are 2 other ethnic households in our neighborhood (my wife is Asian), and all 3 of us had their cars shot last night. The other 100 houses are all white people.
Frankly I'm afraid...for my wife, my kids when they are home, and myself. And what's happening in our country with Trump as an inspiration. Is this what I have to look forward to?? Fear that any night it will happen again??? If Clinton had won, would this have happened?
The police show up. They were notified by my glass guy, because there are 2 other ethnic households in our neighborhood (my wife is Asian), and all 3 of us had their cars shot last night. The other 100 houses are all white people.
Frankly I'm afraid...for my wife, my kids when they are home, and myself. And what's happening in our country with Trump as an inspiration. Is this what I have to look forward to?? Fear that any night it will happen again??? If Clinton had won, would this have happened?
It will only get worse from here. Anyone that thought trump bigotry was just "campaign rhetoric" lives in a fantasy world. In the real world trumps election has given the racist courage they didn't have before. I think his bringing Steve bannon or w/e his name is on his cabinet made it quite clear that trump wasn't serious about bringing the nation together.
Why would anyone mess with Asians?
Good luck Rockstar, hopefully it's a lone whack job with a pellet gun that will get caught
Doncha know that black folks doing ANYTHING 'cept sayin' "yessir, whatever you say sir" is called "rioting" in the conservadude mind.
OTOH, racists, anti-semites, and various Brownshirts that voted Trump are just good Americans.
For every white Trump voter getting mildly inconvenienced there are ten incidents involving fascist and Nazi assholes that voted Trump.
Lol yes zipman, I'm aware ;)
Sorry rockstar that this happened to you and your wife.
Did you click on my link - there are def 2-sdies to the color-coin
Fact is you don't know who destroyed your property, so everyone practice what they preach and wish for quieter times ahead so we can all sleep well tonight! Especially any girl who sleeps over at SJG's house, so he can quietly rape her before she wakes up. He (SJG) says its consensual. Lol!
I thought it was only men who were looking for live in perverted ways in Strip Clubs.
And Gassigan, STFU.
I lived through Obama, and you'll live through Trump.
That is if you don't kill your self first. Life really is worth living if you see it that way. Step away from the ledge Kimosabi!
Gassagain has got money to pay hookers for sex, and a furnished condo to take them to, while he sells out shows with his family man image. As long as his money keeps coming in, he is not looking to hard at anything. Outrageous!
Still, I wonder if there's some kind of mistake. My wife is also Asian, and Asians are rarely the target of this kind of violence.
It's sad that people aren't living by the golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Everyone doing these acts of terror or rioting is representing a group of voters. I want the group of voters I voted in union with to be peaceful. We won. I hope no one makes us look bad. Be better than the people rioting. Sorry to hear about the violence.
Apparently unless you are white, straight & male you and those you love are at risk of violence from the mouth breathing knuckle draggers.
Welcome to the Apocalypse.
Yes - I've never met a white, straight, male, be a victim of violence
And let me tell you guys something.....
Where I worked was robbed and I had a shotgun to the back of my head
I was carjacked at gun point standing next to my car
Visiting a girl and a guy shows up and forces me to leave t gun point
They were all gang members. Gee I'm a nice guy, but they didn;t like me
Shit happens
I used to be one of those - but I focused on bettering myself and now don't have to worry about someone using violence against me
@chess, VM, and Lopaw- well said!!!!
That is cold, sending me that site. Now I drooled all over myself! Bad enough, at my age, not to drool in any case. :)
Maybe it was a hate crime and maybe not, but laying the blame on Trump is lazy and quite a stretch.
During the past 8 years many conservatives have unjustly blamed Obama for everything that has gone wrong, and the liberals have refuted that.
GWB and WJC each got the same treatment from thoseach who didn't vote for them.
So many just look for a way to support already held biases.
If what you said is true... 100 white families and 3 "color" families... it does look like it. But stupid acts of vandalism happen daily. You don't know if it was neighbors or if it was people who live outside of your community. Again all facts need to be found out.
I am sorry this happened to you and your family.
I'll freely admit that it's suspicious, and worthy of investigation, but coincidental correlation is not evidence.
not of motivation, political orientation, or skin color. sorry you lost a car window but i hope you never sit on my jury