I'm The Victim Of A Terrorist Hate Crime

avatar for rockstar666
I got in my car to go to work, and when I slammed the driver's door closed, the back window exploded! I know old glass can do that, so I called the 'come to your driveway' glass guy and figure that is that.

The police show up. They were notified by my glass guy, because there are 2 other ethnic households in our neighborhood (my wife is Asian), and all 3 of us had their cars shot last night. The other 100 houses are all white people.

Frankly I'm afraid...for my wife, my kids when they are home, and myself. And what's happening in our country with Trump as an inspiration. Is this what I have to look forward to?? Fear that any night it will happen again??? If Clinton had won, would this have happened?


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avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
Shit. They do have the "whites only" mentality. Fair or not, not all trump supporters are racist, but these are the people you associate with. Mikey, gammanu, meat, and all the other trump voters... These are your constituents, your friends, your family members..."your people".

It will only get worse from here. Anyone that thought trump bigotry was just "campaign rhetoric" lives in a fantasy world. In the real world trumps election has given the racist courage they didn't have before. I think his bringing Steve bannon or w/e his name is on his cabinet made it quite clear that trump wasn't serious about bringing the nation together.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
I recommend you and your wife buy a shotgun and a pistol for protection. If you don't know how to use them, take lessons at a firing range.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
No, I'm not going to shoot anyone. I'm more afraid of property damage and accidental stray bullets. These people are cowards, like most bullies.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Chessmaster, you're the only one who advocates violence with your 2 AM hit list. Omg you are the reason why minority groups can be deemed ignorant when you continue to post stupid shut like this. Your the pot calling the kettle "black"!
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Totally messed up. Sorry to hear that.

Why would anyone mess with Asians?
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Gun won't help in this situation, these types are just cowards but if you have an alarm system update it with cameras then you can use the footage to get LE after them.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
Get real Chessmaster

Good luck Rockstar, hopefully it's a lone whack job with a pellet gun that will get caught
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Def good reason to be worried and I hope it won't happen again and the people behind this get prosecuted - but placing every issue from here on out at Trump's feet is being an opportunist IMHO; AFAIK we've had hate crimes in this country going back 200+ years.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
rockstar666 - I'm sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately the Trump supporters who are racist have grown some little balls after his victory which helped empower their racist feelings. You are not alone. My very successful and rich aunt, who lives in LA and is half black and half Jewish, was called the N-word in broad daylight while she was driving the day after the election. She has never been called that to her face in LA, and before that was only called the N-word once in her life and that was about 20 years ago when she lived in MI. I have many people of color in my family, as well as immigrants - some who just got their citizenship this year. I feel for anyone who is affected by these hateful people. At least take solace in knowing the Trumpsters who did it got fooled by their candidate and are probably miserable degenerates with no future.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
^^^^ meanwhile, the left wing party of love and compassion are rioting in the streets Talk about being duped
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
It could have been worse; see what happened to this guy I believe it your city of Chicago:

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
^ they were yelling he was a Trump voter
avatar for zipman68
8 years ago
Nina babe, chess dude --

Doncha know that black folks doing ANYTHING 'cept sayin' "yessir, whatever you say sir" is called "rioting" in the conservadude mind.

OTOH, racists, anti-semites, and various Brownshirts that voted Trump are just good Americans.

For every white Trump voter getting mildly inconvenienced there are ten incidents involving fascist and Nazi assholes that voted Trump.
avatar for etsutwigg222
8 years ago
Nina....Sorry to hear the use of that word toward anyone, but being a frequent visitor to the wonderful accepting land we call CA I wonder if it was a rapper that was belting out that word?!?!
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
My aunt doesn't know him personally, so no way of telling whether or not he was a rapper. All we know is that he was a white man screaming a derogatory word at a woman who happens to be my aunt.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
"Doncha know that black folks doing ANYTHING 'cept sayin' "yessir, whatever you say sir" is called "rioting" in the conservadude mind. "

Lol yes zipman, I'm aware ;)
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
Sorry to hear that
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
Haha, dumbest troll statement ever made and Nina says she agrees.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
Yes this crap cannot be tolerated. But of course Hillary's supporters are protesting/rioting with plenty of violence to go around as well. And I've read lots of stories about perceived Trump supporters being attacked and intimidated along with similar reports of attacks on minorities. The problem is not either candidate, race, or political party. The problem is ignorant, violent people on both sides of the political spectrum.

avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
The problem is that people believe in politics that are driving the stupidity. The stupidity of criminals will always be existent in any society. That is why police have the most job security of any profession. There are always criminals lurking, and I'm sorry that Rockstar has to be inconvenienced like this. Last week I had my new truck sprayed with acid ruining the paint. It was a bunch of juveniles with nothing better going on in their lives, but I didn't blame Obama for doing it. Wtf!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
25 is correct, fire arms will not help in this situation, but LE will.

Sorry rockstar that this happened to you and your wife.

avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Back in the 60's, it was common to denigrate people of darker skin, they were lynched and otherwise murdered. Not much has changed.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I think most people here have never been specifically targeted by a terrorist, and make no mistake; that's what this is. I'm thinking I don't even want to go to sleep tonight. Some people seem to appreciate at least vicariously what it's like, but there's also a few dumb fucks who need to quit the human race.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
".. Back in the 60's, it was common to denigrate people of darker skin, they were lynched and otherwise murdered. Not much has changed ..."

Did you click on my link - there are def 2-sdies to the color-coin
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I enjoy tittyfas posts, idiotic as they sometimes are, but he's the first person I've ever put on ignore. I hope some day you have a wife of a different race and YOU get targeted by white radicals. You stupid shit.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Dude, that really sucks ass Rockstar, but hang in there and get some sleep so you can post about you're future trysts with strippers. I wish you God speed, and take solace that two weeks ago around Halloween several people on my brother's block got their windows shot out, too. The only problem with that is the police didn't go around collecting statistics on how many white people were in the neighborhood and determining which ethnic groups were afflicted, so I guess there's no way of comparing the two scenarios for degree of hardship. All that I know is that my brother had insurance so he wasn't too worried about it, and neither were the other neighbors; whom all make up a diverse ethnicity, yet mostly upper middle class.

Fact is you don't know who destroyed your property, so everyone practice what they preach and wish for quieter times ahead so we can all sleep well tonight! Especially any girl who sleeps over at SJG's house, so he can quietly rape her before she wakes up. He (SJG) says its consensual. Lol!
avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
Being an outsider I think I have a neutral perspective though I won't bet against myself. I went to Ellis island to see some historical arguments after Civil war by white people saying the blacks (migrants from southern states) were destroying the dignity of white labour. Zipman sums it up. It's amazing how the average whites and average blacks have different accents even after so many years of integration and different clothing and the media reinforces this stereotype . Why didn't the conservadudes (zipman's word) taught them to say 'yes sir' instead of yessir ? In a city as Babylonian as any like NYC, many white, especially old ones are either contemptuous or afraid to sit next to the blacks in Subways. Some even getup when a black man may sit near them. Amazing things to see and learn. When Trump said Mexico was sending rapists, he was playing up the stereotype of an aggressive and rapid Spanish speaking Latino with tattoos and piercings that was ready to jump on the white women in parking lots and dark alleys and didn't care about their money but would spend an hour raping them, of course Trump doesn't believe that black or latino women can get raped. Fear of the unknown is illogical but that's what is being reinforced. Media and politicians juxtapose images to reinforce stereotype. They show a bearded guy and a bomb blast, a latino guy and rape victim, a black guy and mugging/carjacking, a white guy and hate crime (yeah atleast the leftist media got them sterotyped as well). The logical conservatives would say that most crimes of type A are committed by people of race X, which is blanketing the racial overtones with specious correlation. Manners and chivalry is just a sense of style that keeps metamorphosing like the clothes we wear. I was reading some players post and he vehemently says that white women in US have become bitchy and arrogant, to fuck them you need to humiliate them and prove you are alpha. When a girl says she likes sarcasm in US she is begging you to insult and demean her in public. If you be the nice guy they will think you are weak. Horror ... horror!
I thought it was only men who were looking for live in perverted ways in Strip Clubs.
avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
God....did no one else get it Rockstar666. I thought it was a brilliant "Modest Proposal."
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I agree with ThereAndBackAgain.

And Gassigan, STFU.

avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Hey SJG, take your own advice and stfu to the infinite degree!

I lived through Obama, and you'll live through Trump.

That is if you don't kill your self first. Life really is worth living if you see it that way. Step away from the ledge Kimosabi!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Gassagain, your world view is based on denigrating poor people. And you call yourself an Authority on Average Americans. This Right Wing Hate must come through in your sold out shows.

avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Gassagain, I blame the Trump hysteria for this. Racists have been emboldened by his very public racism. Please stop posting on this thread. You and SLG should argue via PM's; you are a typical white guy who treats these issues at arms length. When it's YOU...it becomes a whole different deal.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^^ Well put!

Gassagain has got money to pay hookers for sex, and a furnished condo to take them to, while he sells out shows with his family man image. As long as his money keeps coming in, he is not looking to hard at anything. Outrageous!

avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
I'm still extremely keyed up by the election and the appointment of Stephan Bannon.

Still, I wonder if there's some kind of mistake. My wife is also Asian, and Asians are rarely the target of this kind of violence.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
SJG I don't have Right Wing Hate, I have Left Wing Contempt, and familiarity breeds contempt. I'm all too familiar with the lies the ilk of you propagate. It's more evident now that you've lost the elections of 2016. Loser!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Stephan Bannon, this guy is a real problem!

avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Random: Yeah, the joke is Asians are 'honorary whites'. I've said that too. I'm very surprised my family was targeted and I'm a little ashamed I thought this kind of ugliness was somehow beyond my universe. I just woke up.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Sorry to hear about the attacks or violence. I do not support violence. Fortunately I haven't heard of any violence in the state I live in. My car has been the victim of it in years past and I know how that feels especially when you don't know why someone did it or who did it or when they may strike again. They will have to answer for it one day. I believe when they die, they will get to experience everything they put everyone else through and know how that felt. I believe there is a heaven and hell and there will come a judgement day for everyone.

It's sad that people aren't living by the golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Everyone doing these acts of terror or rioting is representing a group of voters. I want the group of voters I voted in union with to be peaceful. We won. I hope no one makes us look bad. Be better than the people rioting. Sorry to hear about the violence.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
rockstar, I'm sorry that happened to you. I too have had my experience having to clean up glass and take car doors apart to replace windows. It is scary to think about what is happening.

avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
So sorry to hear that happened to you, rockstar.
Apparently unless you are white, straight & male you and those you love are at risk of violence from the mouth breathing knuckle draggers.
Welcome to the Apocalypse.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Thanks lopaw. Sometimes I wonder how many here would also shoot out my windows. I would like to think only a couple, but it's probably more than I would care to know. There's a lot of mean spirited people here!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
"... Apparently unless you are white, straight & male you and those you love are at risk of violence ..."

Yes - I've never met a white, straight, male, be a victim of violence
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Hey Papi, we've never met....so we'd better not lest I break your streak.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
^ you gangsta?

avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I'm a boring middle class white guy but apparently either a Trump guy or the white supremacists have decided they have a problem with me.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
@Papi - maybe in your next life you'll be reincarnated as a black muslim gay woman. Then you can tell me all about it.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
I like you Rockstar. It pains me to that you think a member would threaten you. Based on what?

And let me tell you guys something.....
Where I worked was robbed and I had a shotgun to the back of my head
I was carjacked at gun point standing next to my car
Visiting a girl and a guy shows up and forces me to leave t gun point

They were all gang members. Gee I'm a nice guy, but they didn;t like me

Shit happens
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Mike....you don't even see the the issue. People might rob you because they want money. This is a hate crime...the bad guys want you to go away. My van was not robbed; I had money in it. They just wanted to tell me they hate non-whites. Your guy Trump has fostered this opinion. If you deny this, you are an idiot.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Mike....you don't even see the the issue. People might rob you because they want money. This is a hate crime...the bad guys want you to go away. My van was not robbed; I had money in it. They just wanted to tell me they hate non-whites. Your guy Trump has fostered this opinion. If you deny this, you are an idiot.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Rockstar unless there is more to this story than you have posted so far, I am not completely sure that its a hate crime, maybe sometimes vandalism is just vandalism. Just an observation from a guy who voted for Hillary Clinton not Donald Trump.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
"... maybe in your next life you'll be reincarnated as a black muslim gay woman ..."

I used to be one of those - but I focused on bettering myself and now don't have to worry about someone using violence against me

avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
I'm not a idiot Rock. I'm sorry you're a victim of mindless crime.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
Sorry Papi....but bettering yourself does nothing to protect you from random senseless violence.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I was being facetious about that part
avatar for Clubber
8 years ago
Serious stuff, but fuckin' with Asians??? They want the wrath of the biker nation on their ass?
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Sorry about that Rockstar, I hate hearing that happen.

@chess, VM, and Lopaw- well said!!!!
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Hey Clubber, since we share our love for Asians, check out this link. My ex-ATF is one of the models but good luck finding her!

avatar for Clubber
8 years ago

That is cold, sending me that site. Now I drooled all over myself! Bad enough, at my age, not to drool in any case. :)
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I hate that this happened to you. Too many innocent people get hurt by immature losers who can't act in a civilized manner.

Maybe it was a hate crime and maybe not, but laying the blame on Trump is lazy and quite a stretch.

During the past 8 years many conservatives have unjustly blamed Obama for everything that has gone wrong, and the liberals have refuted that.

GWB and WJC each got the same treatment from thoseach who didn't vote for them.

So many just look for a way to support already held biases.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Awesome Asian girl pics.
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
Um, did I miss the part where you presented evidence that it was, in fact, a deliberate act, rather than simple shock from the slamming door? Or are you assuming, because the cops said it happened to others, that it was deliberate?
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Rockstar lives matter!
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yeah, out of 100 white families, it's just a coincidence all 3 families of color lose car windows the same night. It was probably just the other two and my back window shattered by accident. How silly of me!
avatar for crsm27
8 years ago
@ rockstar..... Sorry this happened to you. But do you know who actually did it yet? Because if could have just been some random act or it could have been racism. You don't know until the individuals are caught. Again you don't know until people are caught.

If what you said is true... 100 white families and 3 "color" families... it does look like it. But stupid acts of vandalism happen daily. You don't know if it was neighbors or if it was people who live outside of your community. Again all facts need to be found out.

I am sorry this happened to you and your family.
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
Sounds like there's a creep living in your neighborhood. Get a watch set up.
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
So the answer to my question is no, you don't have any evidence that it was deliberate.

I'll freely admit that it's suspicious, and worthy of investigation, but coincidental correlation is not evidence.
avatar for DoctorPhil
8 years ago
"...but coincidental correlation is not evidence. "

not of motivation, political orientation, or skin color. sorry you lost a car window but i hope you never sit on my jury
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
George, you didn't miss a career as a police investigator. But perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
More interesting is how did you get the details of the other victims? That's something police are suppose to keep confidential.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
The police mentioned the other victims and we know who they are. I too was surprised how much info my wife got from them...
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