Comments by sharkhunter (page 53)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    News sources
    Same source as Trump I think. Abovetopsecret. I've read about ufos and top secret US aircraft and how anyone with evidence against the Clintons who threatens to talk ends up dead. I can imagine Trump having a top secret meeting with gray aliens. :) I prefer the blonde female aliens though. Much hotter. :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    3 in a row is ideal
    I usually buy the two for one. I rarely get 3 dances in a row. When I could buy two for ones as much as I wanted, sometimes would get 4 dances or two of the two for ones if I liked the girls and dances. Tonight I'm buying zero. Staying away from the club due to country western song night. I can't stand country music. Sounds like scratching a chalkboard to me. Country rock I can tolerate a lot better.
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    8 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    amish stripclubs
    Is this a joke?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Here's a link for the me generation
    If Hillary won, I was wondering where I could move to. I feel stuck at the moment. Canada and maybe Costa Rica came to mind but I know nothing about Costa Rica except some literature someone mailed me out of the blue. I was thinking Hilkary would get us in a nuclear war with Russia or cause civil war here in the US when she attempted massive gun confiscation. I have seen how good she has been with creating civil wars overseas.
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    8 years ago
    Here's a link for the me generation
    There are some good looking girls down south. I'm just wondering how a few random girls from South America, Mexico and the Philippines are finding me on Facebook. It might be my last name is more common than I think or Facebook makes my pic show up near the top of the list now when searching my name instead of remaining hidden. I studied French in high school but the Spanish class had all the parties.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Do you ever surf or look up hot girls popping up on Facebook suggested friends l
    I just clicked on Facebook. Found another girl but could not identify her country. If she lives in the US, her and her friends are all posting a foreign language. I think maybe Spanish. I never saw her before. Maybe I look good to Spanish girls. Some of the local people I think are popping up every week because I think I have the same name as the son of a well liked state senator. I'm on Facebook but I don't think he is. I'm not related at least not directly. My family did trace an ancestor back to the Mayflower and one part of the family did disappear. A lot of people must be clicking. I see different people pop up every time I look in suggested friends list.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is it me or does a strippers body seem to regress a lot after that 2nd baby?
    I've seen a dancer I would rate a 9 go downhill to rate a 6 ish after a baby. Still fat several months after the baby and attempting to get dances from guys who were once eager to get dances. I declined. I was so surprised at the change in her looks.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Hot or not?
    Not hot I prefer something a lot smaller. I once told a dancer this information but she was determined to keep getting bigger and bigger implants. Bigger does not always equal hotter. Definitely not at this extreme. When you go beyond a somewhat natural look, you are going for a freak show look and people stare because of the freak show look.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Off topic, Juice stop smoking so much up in the mountains
    It was smoky where I live today again. I smell it and see it everywhere. A relative said it was worse than LA but I'm not sure. Not bad compared to some Chinese cities. I did not see soot but I did see the news and the showed a satellite pic showing smoke blow al, across Atlanta and south yesterday. They said the wind would change to blow from the east so we should get a break. Knoxville may get smoked though. Might have to pray for rain to put out the fires. Alternative is wash off my car. It almost always rains after I wash it. Haven't done that in a long time. Might even explain the drought. Mother Nature waiting for me to wash my car. Sarcasm for those who think I'm serious.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How to have fun while taking a stripper shopping
    I never did enjoy the shopping experience very much. However I can understand helping pick out something that she looks hot in to you, it reminds me of a hot dancer who asked me if there was a particular outfit in the club she could change into that I wanted to see. She wore a red bikini outfit that I thought was hot and she changed into it after asking me about outfits. I enjoyed that.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Here's a link for the me generation
    Protesting against the election in my opinion is stupid because that won't change anything. So what's the point except to throw a temper tantrum? I guess if it makes you feel better. Demonstrate for causes. If you want to keep health care, make a list and how you would improve it, lower costs, write congressmen, etc. If you want a path to citizenship for illegals, come up with a plan and promote it. Our president elect is open to suggestions in my opinion. He is not set in stone if it makes sense to him. Deporting millions of illegals would cost billions of dollars I believe. I doubt Trump did an economic study on it. He ran the campaign as lean as possible in my opinion. He's a businessman and such people understand economics. I think his focus will be improving economics ,social issues on the back burner. If I were president, I would want done one to do an economic study on costs associated with illegal immigration to help determine what to do. Does it increase costs to have young legal system start paying social security and later on get benefits or decrease costs? What is the legal cost to immigrate here versus illegal? We need to make illegal cost more in fines or fees in my opinion unless they do years of service for our country. Don't get rid of a good thing by deporting workers we will need in a booming economy. If Trump succeeds in creating lots of jobs, we will need lots of training and people willing to work. If the issue with legalization is political views, change them so that republicans are the solution to a better life. I wouldn't be surprised if millions of young illegals might actually help strengthen social security by paying into it if they have a pathway to citizenship. Th democrats to my knowledge never did an economic study on it. There are a lot of smart people in this country and I believe our president elect will have access to the best minds and ideas. It's not the end of the world despite all the non politically correct playboy mental attitude of the election winner.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT: TUSCL Veterans Roll Call
    Here is a link to a list of deals at restaurants etc available to veterans today. Not sure if some deals are only in the local area or national. I suspect national deals. At Hooters vets can eat free after buying a drink.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    I wash my hands a lot. Maybe that's why in one club some dancers put my hand on their pussy right away. They wanted someone clean. I was like, well I wasn't going to put my hand there especially to start off the dance. Now if she had given me a latex glove, I could have felt safe doing whatever she wanted. However I was from out of town and all I expected was a lap dance. I remember one dancer told me she didn't check her bikini bottom and a spider bit her right in the pussy. She said that hurt like a motherfucker and the first time she went to the doctor or hospital, they just gave her something and sent her home. She swelled up and went back and someone recognized it as a spider bite and treated her. She showed me a pic. I wanted to see a before pic too but she said she didn't have that handy. I had seen her pussy a lot in years past so she asked if I was interested in seeing a pic on her phone. She probably shakes her clothes and shoes before putting anything on now.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT: TUSCL Veterans Roll Call
    Happy Veterans Day. I never served in the military. At least not in this life. Thanks for your service to our country.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Attn strippers: Forget flu shots.
    I'd make them work for it. No second hand donations. On the serious side, I did read women who consumed semen were less depressed because it has some anti depressant properties. The woman in the pics looked happier.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Off topic, Juice stop smoking so much up in the mountains
    Hmmm, Has juice been silent the last several days? They say they don't know how the fires started. Hmmm, chacken fingers?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Off topic, Juice stop smoking so much up in the mountains
    Attempting to post a newer pic.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Off topic, Juice stop smoking so much up in the mountains
    I heard the smoke has gotten worse. Was over 400 acres on fire yesterday. At least we can be reassured it is all natural smoke. Just kidding juice.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Basket of Deplorables
    Trump did well with college educated men and did well with men in general and just as well with white women as with men getting 53% of the vote in these two groups. If Trump ever gets this information, he needs to make sure our GDP grows in the last year over the previous in an election year. I heard if not, the incumbent tends to lose.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    My Little Observation About The Election
    Obamacare health costs are growing out of control. I believe many lower wage workers were upset at all the price increases. The democrats get all the blame for that in my opinion. Whether true or not. They passed it all without any compromise with republicans, My premiums have increased a lot since obamacare passed. Hillary in my opinion wanted to destroy employer Heath insurance and have everyone dependent on the government. She says one thing in public, another to others and young people in my opinion don't understand her deceit. My premiums if forced to go on a government plan would go up a lot more. I don't care if you are white, black, green, yellow or whatever color. I see Hillary as the nail in our country of ever having free markets and freedom from the government telling you every single thing you can do and can't do, even though we aren't real far from that now in my opinion. I do have freedom to post anonymously on this site. Corporations have destroyed that freedom even more telling you that you aren't free if you are identified as an employee and post anything in any way like our future president has said. If you do, you get fired. I have heard of this happening. I did not vote for Trump in the primary nor Hillary and thought all of the above were poor choices but the only thing I could do is voice my opinion. I heard Hillary herself say she wanted open borders with southern countries. Criminals and others would be free to come here. I might not have been terribly upset if she had won though. I'm in agreement with her former plans to raise the income cap on social security taxes so that higher income people were taxed more. These people make more than 90k or 100k, I'm not sure where the cap cuts in. She might have attempted to fix social security or maybe leave it to run out of money, maybe by raising everyone's payroll tax. She would have tried to ban guns if she could or increase taxes on guns, ammo, etc. she has said she would ban all guns in the hands of citizens if she could. She is corrupt but a little bit smarter or sometimes I thought but The Trump team outsmarted her in the election. I think he used less money to win the electoral college and still beat her which is impressive to me. This has been like a comic book election. Crooked Hillary versus Donald. Let's all hope Mr Trump is successful in creating a lot of great jobs and a booming economy. If he does, we will need a lot of legal immigrants. I still think we are due for a massive stock sell off in another year or two but let's enjoy the ride to sp500 2500 level.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Learning Spanish
    I had a stripper teach me some Spanish several years ago. She told me important words like pussy and some others. I need more lessons because I forgot them all. I think the last time I heard someone speak Spanish, a board fell out of the roof at work right next to one guy almost hitting him while he was quietly working.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    So...have any of you fine gentlemen (and gentlewomen) grabbed a girl by the puss
    I prefer to grab them by their titties.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm calling it here and now
    I would like to thank all those who stayed home and didn't vote. Trump wouldn't be president elect without you. As far as all the entitled kids who aren't getting free college, free tuition, free this, free that, and are protesting a fair election, welcome to how republicans view things. Go to college to get a job and pay taxes to help pay for schools and colleges you already went to.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Make America Great Again
    Well at the direction this country has been taking. Go Trump. If you win, keep everyone in mind but the US first.
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    8 years ago
    Make America Great Again
    I am part of the silently angry crowd.