
Comments by sharkhunter (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Questions about new format
    I'll look for it again.
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Kissing extras girls
    She told me I was her first for the night so her mouth couldn't have been too full. :). I'm clean and healthy so no worries. I was exposed to rain drops from a UFO escorted by 5 helicopters so I could have some kind of alien DNA or something weird in my blood so if you start getting weird dreams, you might have exposure.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Well I remember in one club, I walked up to a dancer on a little stage and tipped her a dollar. Next thing I knew she got off of stage and walked over and asked if I wanted to have sex at a nearby hotel. After I declined, she tried to get lap dances. She made a comment that I tipped her at the stage before asking to have sex. I couldn't argue with the facts. This was very unusual. I wondered if she got me confused for someone who tipped a lot more than I did. Usually you have to visit a known extras club and ask around about who might be available for some private party action but get specific when you meet the right person, assuming you're not worried about sting operations. On the other hand what I never mentioned was that I knew a dancer at the club and had slept with her more than a few times. I don't think she put any other dancer up to doing that because when I mentioned it to her, she said the other girl was going to have to get in line because she asked first. I wasn't expecting nor wanting to hook back up with her at the time. I've heard sometimes dancers can sense when a guy has had sex with other dancers. If that's true, this girl had a sixth sense.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Choice of Pants
    I prefer no pants at all. Just regular shorts. I'm also wondering is this organization SJG has been talking about he's building actually the church of Satan? Is SJG the head leader? If he is I predict he's going down. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I expect the mother of all battles by 2056 or earlier. Over 90% dead from current global population. Just an FYI. Some might call it the battle of Armageddon. I heard something like 2055 or 2056. Many will die before then though. I doubt I will live to see it but you never know. I guess if you want to spend trillions of dollars to save the environment or stop a little increase in green house gases that won't matter much after 49 years when all your kids, nephews, and relatives are likely dead, then you might be really upset at Trump. Just my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    It means Trump is having a covfefe moment. I think he has a lot of those. Climate change is all covfefe. Actually I believe climate change might be all covfefe as well since I believe we have 2056-2017 years left before over 90% of all humans on this planet are dead. Maybe the percentage will only be 1% left alive, environmentalists will be thrilled if any are left alive to be happy that the environment will return to a more natural state. Well maybe after radiation levels decline. An asteroid impact sometime in the next 1000 years or so will likely freeze the planet as well. No humans left alive will be an exciting time for all environmentalists.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Questions about new format
    Can the Browse nearby clubs default to the zip code or city of the club last looked at or ask for a city or club for nearby? I keep getting a message User denied geolocation on my iPad. I'm not always wanting to know nearby clubs from my actual location but nearby clubs from clubs I'm planning on visiting in another city or area. I thought it used to default to nearby clubs for the club review you were looking at Example while looking at myrtle beach clubs, other nearby clubs would be near myrtle beach, not western South Carolina or wherever I may be at.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What about Shorting Bitcoin?
    I read there was a 19% drop in the price of Bitcoin in just the last few days. I barely even heard about it. If gold or stocks dropped that much that fast, it would be all over the news. I can just imagine a guy buying Bitcoin at $2200 a coin and reading a few days later, if the price does not drop below $1200 a coin, it is still in a bullish technical pattern and thinking wtf.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Population of actual city you live in? Number of strip clubs within city limits.
    Not sure about city size but about 250,000 within 25 miles and no strip clubs until you drive about an hour. Where I lived in NC at one time, less than 50,000 people within 25 miles and 2 or 3 decent strip clubs, a lot more if you drove an hour. I don't know if local officials or the religious are keeping strip clubs out of my local area or what the deal is. Of course South Carolina seems to be losing clubs even in the bigger cities.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I looked up when JFK got killed. It was before I was born. I guess this event is something only the near 60 and older group remembers from anything other than history books and tv shows. Not intending any disrespect. Now 9/11 I remember first hand where I was. For an 18 year old stripper, she probably views it like something she heard in history books kind of like world war 2 stories except it was more recent history. Just throwing out different perspectives. I've heard this site was full of grumpy old men so I thought I would add perspective.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Webpage Format Search Function
    The alternative to finding a nearby club us to click on the strip club list tab, top left this page. Then click on the state, then city or whatever. It takes longer. I liked the browse or look at nearby clubs tab when reading reviews for one club and wanted to check on nearby clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Ethics of getting high
    I'd legalize it for home use but not while driving if studies show it impairs driving. I'd also legalize prostitution and then tax everything but have required education on possible side effects. I thought I heard of one study that said there was a permanent decrease in blood flow to the brain after using pot. That might be a plus if you're trying to get a stripper to agree with you, less brain power. I didn't research anything related to the study I heard about since I'm not planning on using any drugs. In my opinion, the government restricts too much. In the future, it wouldn't surprise me if we hear they can't build a highway because there is an endangered species of ant with an ant hill habitat where the highway needs to go.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you discriminate against homosexual dancers?
    One of my favorites was bi. She was hot and sexy and every time I forgot she was bi, she would start a casual conversation about other hot dancers in the club if I had seen them yet. One fun time was a little three way action between two dancers with myself in the middle. Were they bi? I don't remember. I didn't care at the time as long as they were giving me attention. I noticed some thought my bi favorite was lesbian and would not even approach her. That didn't bother me. I had more time alone with her and she was hot. She stopped dancing some time in the last few years but she spotted me a year or two ago in a strip club and invited me over to say hi. It's nice to know someone is still friendly years later.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Is it racist?
    Sounds like some kind of political correctness crap. Reminds me of a stupid book I read a long time ago as a teenager. The book story had an idea to end all racism by outlawing all marriages within the same race and made the law global. I can't remember if there was a one world government or not in the book. Anyway my brain made me realize how opposed I was to the idea by making me have an extremely vivid dream. I was in charge of a global organization opposed to the global law. There were millions of people working under cover willing to do whatever it took in support. We were going to nuke the world if governments didn't rescind the law starting with major cities across the world. Tehran was the first city nuked. I swear I was too close because I heard the loudest explosion and it woke me up like a bomb went off. No one else in our house heard anything. Apparently it was all a dream. I'm strongly opposed to ending all of our differences. Besides I like certain characteristics and certain looks in the opposite sex. If you threaten to end everything that makes us unique and destroy what I and many others like, those are fighting words. In that respect, I'm glad we have multiple races. Identifying different types of strip clubs is a useful feature.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Let's all take a moment
    I could have just said terrorists or North Korea could cause all strip clubs to be shut down for years, end of the world scenario.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Let's all take a moment
    Throw in that our government has enacted laws to legally confiscate any and all of your home supplies and our government can come in and take away all your food and supplies. Your guns and ammo may only get you killed against a highly trained army confiscating home supplies. They passed all the laws making it legal over the past several years. Our government even ordered thousands or millions of hollow point bullets to prepare for it I believe. Our government is a big part of the swamp. Trump may be in over his head and not know it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Let's all take a moment
    Throw in possible bubble collapses in China or elsewhere, possible wars with China, Russia, orNorth Korea and I can easily imagine stocks dropping a lot. Will anyone care about stock prices if several major cities have been nuked? I think the stock market may be closed for a very long time if North Korea nukes New York. Then no stock trading for a long time. If North Korea or ISIS succeeds in doing anEMP attack, 90% Americans dead within one year according to American estimates. 9 substations going down can take out our whole grid. Stocks don't be trading in the US if we have no power. No power, means no water, no food at the stores, no gas pumping, chaos in the streets, strippers begging for money. SGJ might be in heaven and emerge from the basement.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Let's all take a moment
    No. The fed is going to put out a schedule and gradually increase the quantitative tapering just like they did starting back in 2009 with quantitive easing. Amazing how stocks rose in coordination. :). Now the opposite coming up. Most people don't have a clue. I feel confident they will start it in time to effect the 2018 elections and maybe pause it a bit afterwards so they can ramp it up maybe in coordination with Europe before the 2020 elections. The swamp isn't getting drained, it will swallow us all it appears.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is there a market for this stuff?
    Wait til Google adds AI and the talking female starts talking and looking real. After Google adds pole dancing for the AI, strippers may lose their jobs when any guy can buy a real looking robot stripper for less than a 1000. If Apple competes, she might look real but be restricted from doing anything sexual.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Thrown out of club
    no but I got warned. Apparently my crime was leaning over the stage. The bouncer who warned me waited about 20 minutes to do so when I had already moved to an empty table at the back of the club. Real nice of him to tell me if it was up to him, he would gave thrown me out. This in a club with only ten customers and a main stage that was like 50 feet across and 4 or 5 feet up in the air.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Let's all take a moment
    As much complaining and whining as you hear now, I think this is nothing compared to what's coming before the next congressional election. I suspect the Fed will announce quantitative tapering to send stocks down and take the economy down with it to have some effect before the next election. Then I suspect other central banks will tighten before the next presidential election in the US. The swamp isn't happy with who's in charge and I believe they will tank the US economy to change things. Well that and they have plans to have a one world currency and taxes making sovereign currencies not worth that much anymore. I hope I'm wrong in that aspect of their plans. Other than what's going on in Japan and China, I'm wondering if that's part of the reason for the surge in Bitcoin and Electra, if I remember the right name. I'm not in favor of the plan I read the elite central banks have planned to remove US currency as a world reserve status. I'm worried who might become president after Trump if we get a democrat who wants to take over too much. I see everything like a train wreck in slow motion and everything is set up now. I believe central banks around the world want to keep the illusion that they are there to help the general public for now. I believe the truth is that they have plans to confiscate or steal or control your money and my money unless you are part of their small group. Watch stocks start tanking before the congressional elections. I will be surprised if they don't. SP500 might lose 38 to 50% of it's current price before the next presidential election.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Cognizant Dreams?
    I once dreamed a girl insisted on sucking part of me. It happened. I enjoyed it so I didn't complain or talk about it. I was thinking that's a sneaky way for a girl to get you to have sex with her. I dreamed a dancer would approach me and ask me to have sex instead of getting a dance. It happened. However I didn't dream I would go all the way with her and didn't since I just met her. I also remember a dancer who suddenly seemed possessed as soon as she got alone with me but that's a different story. That was the only time a dancer insisted on sucking or licking my balls, weird, very weird. The dancer never went anywhere near me ever again. She seemed puzzled by the whole experience after she snapped out of it. Makes me wonder if any other dancers I meet might be getting temporarily possessed but I don't realize it. I have ghost busters on right now. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Are you open to a open minded Bible Study on TUSCL ?
    Lol, I must be a good story teller when I've been drinking. I remember one time telling a stripper about something to do with aliens. My following visit, she told about half the strippers in the club and they all wanted to hear the story again. I couldn't remember anything. I was just thinking the bible is all about telling stories. We could have a collection of the tuscl bible stories. Not necessarily religious though. Except for SJG who has his own cult and own beliefs separate from the rest of society. do you think thousands of years from now, there could be a tuscl religion? We might all be considered like prophets from ancient texts in some bizarro world. Worst case we might be considered fools of the flesh age before humans downloaded their minds into artificial life forms and in our flesh age, they might wonder why we thought it necessary to stare at females for hours on a regular basis. They might think it was a colossal waste of time when we could have been using our minds to learn new skills and no longer understand or remember how sex hormones drove us to do things they no longer do in their artificial bodies. My post could become part of the Tuscl bible.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Are you open to a open minded Bible Study on TUSCL ?
    Seriously though, I don't visit a strip club web site to study the bible. Just to be entertained and read strip club news. I do understand seeing some strippers can seem like a biblical or heavenly experience. I sometimes experience a lot more exciting things on my way back and forth on the highways. I remember almost colliding with a tree that fell across the road but somehow missed it by going off road a bit and my car didn't slide away, and on another occasion bracing for impact with a legendary large black panther that jumped in front of my car but somehow crossed the road before I hit it. Then there are deer and cops and weird electromagnetic storms. Plus one night I fell asleep while driving. Actually more than once. I try to avoid driving at night if I'm tired after that for any country driving that can easily put me to sleep.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Using Google earth to investigate clubs and the area around them
    I'd want to avoid visiting a club where I thought someone might attack me. Too many opportunities for something to go wrong when all I want to do is have fun.