
Do you discriminate against homosexual dancers?

Monday, May 29, 2017 5:21 PM
One time I met a dancer and during our initial conversation she mentioned that she had a live-in girlfriend. It seemed illogical for her to volunteer such information when first meeting me for it turned me off. In some subsequent visits her girlfriend would be in the club watching her work. She pressured me for dances every time I saw her and I ended up dancing with her a couple of times. I'm pretty sure that I would have gotten more dances from her if I believed she was straight.


  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Oddly enough, she probably volunteered not just for small talk purposes, but because it probably is a turn for most men. Quick fun fact: lesbian was the most searched for topic on PornHub for the past 2 years.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... during our initial conversation she mentioned that she had a live-in girlfriend. It seemed illogical for her to volunteer such information ..." 1) in today's generation; even more so w/ strippers; for them that is as normal as saying "the sky is blue" 2) some/many custies get turned-on seeing women getting it on w/ each other; thus some dancers will play that angle as part of their hustle
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    You must be new to strip clubs? A very high percentage of sex workers (strippers, cam girls, porn stars, prostitutes, are either bi-sexual or homosexual). Don't ask me why. Today my mind is on politics. Maybe someone with more patience can explain it.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    vincemichaels has been thrown out of Bogart's several times for sneaking in, dressed up as a tranny, so he can give blowjobs to straight guys.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    agree with a2385904, It may very well be part of her hustle ... it might turn a few guys off, but it might totally set some guys on afterburners, so worth the risk.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Yes of course I discriminate if they are gay! The nerve of them! How dare they! I like my strippers how I like my scotch - STRAIGHT UP. Lol that was fun!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... I'm pretty sure that I would have gotten more dances from her if I believed she was straight ..." For me two chicks getting it on w/ each other does not do that much for me - it's alright but not a high-preference; I prefer they both get in on w/ *me*. When I was less-seasoned-PL I did not like it when a dancer told me she was bi or lesbian; I assumed she'd be less into dick and thus less into pleasing me. But w/ dancers there's one consistent expectation, i.e. expect the unexpected - often times one does not know where they are coming from and even less what they are thinking. I used to hit a mixed mid-tier club that in years past would usually have b/w 5 and 8 AA dancers (and the reason I used to visit more often; these days it's all Latinas) - anyway there was an older (early-30s) ebony girl (I think she was either of Jamaican or Haitian descent) and she was in great shape (as often times people of color don't show their age); she had large natural super-firm Cs and had an athletic build like a track-runner (medium-slim and firm) - anyway - she would always make a beeline for me when she saw me b/c I often buy a good amount of dances when I SC and as is often the case AAs can often struggle selling dances in mixed-clubs (and I'm into ebonies) - I'm not one to have faves but since this club only had a handful of AAs and she always gave me VHM during and b/f the dances; I'd usualy get w/ her (or "she'd convince me" to get w/ her). Anyway - on a visit after I had known her for a while we were chatting and the convo turned to sexual preferences and that is when she told me she was bi which was a turn-off for me but not a deal-breaker since she's not my S.O. On a subsequent visit she makes a beeline for me when she sees me as she always did - during our convo they announce a 2-for-1 - we head to the LD-area w/ other couples - after the 2-for-1 tbe other couples leave and we're the only ones there - club has a primary LD area more in the open and a secondary overflow LD area in a different part of the club used when the primary LD-area is full (at times the case during the 2-for-1s) - we were in the secondary LD area which was more secluded - after the 2-for-1 was over the other couples had left and so had the staff person (he went back to the main-room; I guess he did not notice we were still there since we were in the last cubicle). Anyway we are both alone and our dances are usually VHM - after the other couples leave she takes out my dick and starts an unsolicited (but of course not unwelcomed) BBBJ - she then proceeds to fuck me for about 3-songs (raw) - as I'm about to cum I push her off of me and she finishes me w/ a HJ; I erupt w/ cum ALL OVER my dick (not just the head) - she then proceeds to give me a BBBJ while my dick is covered w/ cum and it was an amazing sensation. Anyway - after that day I have never discriminated against bi or lesbian strippers!!!
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @subraman - Unless she was planning to sell dances with her girlfriend, that theory doesn't make much sense. It's more likely the OP was taking too much interest and so she "volunteered" the info to dampen his interest. The OPs comment about buying more dances if she had been straight tends to reinforce my interpretation. Personally I don't see what difference it makes. Dancers are there to dance for you, not date you. Why should you care if she's a carpet muncher?
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    @anon - more than simply to just give dances, they're there to sell a fantasy to men...at least the smart ones are. It may not be for you, but for many men, the lesbian thing is a turn on...hence why lesbian porn is the most searched for porn in the world. Like subra said maybe sharing that info scares off one guy for who knows what reason, but another guy might go nuts over it and overly loosen the grip on his wallet.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    I get that, Papi. Often I'll get crappy dances from lesbian strippers because they don't want to feel like that are "cheating" on their SO. And by that same token I have had some incredibly UHM dances from dancers who professed after a steamy hot VIP that they were completely straight. In the end it really doesn't matter who she fucks in her personal life as long as you get the dance you want.
  • Mainster
    7 years ago
    I would have asked if the girlfriend worked in the club, too.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    One of my favorites was bi. She was hot and sexy and every time I forgot she was bi, she would start a casual conversation about other hot dancers in the club if I had seen them yet. One fun time was a little three way action between two dancers with myself in the middle. Were they bi? I don't remember. I didn't care at the time as long as they were giving me attention. I noticed some thought my bi favorite was lesbian and would not even approach her. That didn't bother me. I had more time alone with her and she was hot. She stopped dancing some time in the last few years but she spotted me a year or two ago in a strip club and invited me over to say hi. It's nice to know someone is still friendly years later.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    lopaw's comment on discrimination is dead on. She knows the score.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I had a favorite that changed horses in the middle of the creek. She went from being super great in VIP to meh. Then it became obvious. Her butch GF started hanging out in the club while she was working. She wouldn't do VIPs with her there and her table dances were not much more than air. I had to stop getting dances from her. Then she disappeared for about a year. Then she reappeared and asked if I remembered her and I said "Of course. The last time I saw you, you were definitely into girls and not much fun". She admitted that she had been living a lesbian life for the past few years but was now trying to get back into dick. So I started getting dances from her again and about the 3rd time she was back to her old self and we did a VIP and it was spot on. Now she is gone again. Got knocked up by a young guy and plans to have the baby and raise it by herself. So I've lost another favorite.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    My ATF has made more horrible choices in men ( boyfriends) than I can count. Two weeks ago she was in FL and posted on FB, " I just might be falling in ...". Then the next day, " For the first time in years I'm giving my heart to another...". We also talked and she described a guy who treated her like a princess, was 6/7 months sober and she'd known him before up north but was really falling for him. Three nights later she called me bawling that they had relapsed and he owed her $150 and she had gone into a drug store and when she came out he had taken off with her stuff in his car leaving her with the clothes on her back & a dead cell phone. She called me to order her a Lyft back to her hotel ($29.00). She had borrowed a phone to call me. Later, I was critical of her choice in men again and she said she was giving up on men( except me). I've seen a few lesbian friends hitting on her on FB and I know she used to do 2 dancer lesbian shows for stag parties and had one partner she really enjoyed, so it won't surprise me if she ends up with a gal pal for awhile. Right now she's back north in detox and still calls me regularly for cigarette deliveries while she ponders going to a longer term program.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    I've had some of my most sensuous dances with lesbian and bi-sexual women. I don't discriminate, but I ask every dancer I meet whether they are into women as part of an informal survey. It's helped me understand that a surprisingly high percentage of strippers are bi-sexual or gay.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    I have had a couple favorites in recent years who were dating women and openly admitted doing so. I think for the one, she needed to be a stripper before acknowledging she was a lesbian. But they aren't going to just stop stripping just because they came to an inner realization they were lesbians. As for the other, she just loves sex in all its forms and could easily be dating guys today for all I know.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    One of my favorites told me that she was basically a lesbian, and frankly, it kind of killed the fantasy for me (I still get the occasional dance from her). Now, if a woman tells me that she's bi, that's a boner maker. She still into dick and she might even bring her hot bi GF with her on a date! Now that's the stuff that fantasies are made of........
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    My ex-ATF had a live in g/f for a while. Since she was also one of my regulars, it proved we both had great taste in women. I would not think a true lesbian would make a great dancer, but if she was a good enough actress I suppose it doesn't matter.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I think op has point that a real lesbian, not bi would be a turn off for some guys in the strip club as it ruins the fantasy that she's into you. she sure as hell wouldn't fuck you. if she's 100% lesbian that is. more common to find girls that will experiment with men and other women or bi sexual women. however, the bi sexual man there is no such thing. if you like men your not bi. you're a faggit. ask tittyfag.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    atacdawg is spot on. lesbian is a boner killer as you realize you have zero chance(unless she's gay 4 pay). bi women create huge boners, however. then you keep the illusion of a possibility of a hot threesome.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I refuse to get dances from gay guys.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    txtittyfag will be crushed, flagooner. :)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I agree with flagooner and Cflock.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I do think it's a risky hustle regardless, there are definitely guys it will turn off. But there's a difference in how lesbian she is. Guys are turned on if being lesbian is just her avocation; not so much if she's, y'know, GAY gay
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    "....if being lesbian is just her avocation; not so much if she's, y'know, GAY gay" Oh you mean like she's just "kinda, sorta" gay? Like being "kinda, sorta" pregnant? ;)
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Yes! Exactly like that!!! You totally get the male perspective
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Lol - I love this site! :-D
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    ^you mean like butch gay? Sounds like tittyfags kinda woman!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    This kind of subject was the source of one of the first conflicts when I first joined this forum. I find lesbian dancers patently transparent and not worth dealing with. I treat all women as civilians, it is never just money for service. So of course, I don't discriminate, I just decline to engage with them. SJG Church of Satan, some real hotties! [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] The Grass Roots- Sooner or Later [view link] Two Divided By Love [view link] Temptation Eyes [view link] Do you agree with me that the draw bar organ really helps, that it is mandatory? Raspberries Go All The Way Mike Douglas Show 1974 [view link] Badfinger - Baby Blue (1972) [view link] Badfinger - No Matter What - Live! , tempo change in the beginning lets us know that it is not lip sync or singing to a backing track. [view link] Thanks to founder for this updated version and giving us back the old post box. How about again letting us see our own and others' lists of posts?
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    chessmaster --> "lesbian is a boner killer as you realize you have zero chance" dallas702 also wrote something similar (I believe in response to me) that the whole premise to the strip club is the fantasy the dancer might fuck you or that you have a chance to, even if "I voluntarily limit my objectives," that it was still the premise if one is honest with one's self. I still don't buy it. I've thought about it on and off since dallas702 wrote it about a year ago. To be honest, I still don't buy that premise. Not really for me. I'm happy enjoying her dancing and the eye candy and leave it at that. What she will or won't do to me IRL or fantasy - it really doesn't affect my enjoyment of her sexy body and watching her striptease. But I think my POV is unrepresented in the Tuscl forums, which is extras and high-mileage-heavy.
  • mr_evans2u
    7 years ago
    I prefer a dancer that knows how to take care of a woman. My wife likes the attention and she usually gets a private dance, so we do seek out these dancers
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i think most women are bi or easily become bi.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    But there is a big difference between one who really is completely lesbian by persuasion, and one who just sometimes puts on a girl on girl show for a male audience. That latter is great. The former I do my best to avoid. SJG Karlie Kloss [view link] Church of Satan [view link] [view link] Ariel Winter [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Wipe off your cunt and fuck that pussy!
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