
Are you open to a open minded Bible Study on TUSCL ?

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
We technically have already had a few already and surprisingly turned out better than I would have ever expected

One of my career paths besides poker is to actually be a Minister by the time I'm 40-45

I've actually been to a Bible Institute and am currently enrolled in one

I've felt the calling on my life a few years after my convert at 15. So by age 17 I had a strong feeling I would head in that direction.

I tried a youth pastorate position from 20-22 but realized I needed to live and struggle with my faith before actually taking over a head pastorate position.

I also needed to make since at least to me about my obvious double sided lifestyle

Life took me down a tough road and I tried to lose my faith but never truly could shake it....I did shift from being a conservative to a liberal though.

I'm now in the spot in life I'm gearing up for that roll in my life soon and figured I would share a Lil back story with you guys

My idea isn't to shove religion down your face lol...but to have a open discussion with members that might enjoy something like this

I will try my best to present as many different views as I can find on whatever text we examine together and I hope those of you that like this would help me in this as well as we discuss it with open minds and hearts

Just a thought plus it would start giving me much needed practise

Thoughts ?


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Is god a stripper?
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Is Rev Foghorn going to be leading these sermons?
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Lololol @ shailynn
  • davephx
    7 years ago
    I was like you but about 40 years ago as a former Billy Graham counselor, elder in a conservative Christian church etc. Then I found more "love" in a strip club a few blocks from a Jesus People Church in downtown Minneapolis. I became friends with a stripper who "serviced" the minister of the Jesus People Church. That started my interest in strip clubs but my interest is caring touch intimacy not the usual sex stuff.

    Then I formed Liberated Christians (libchrist.com) more for poly or swinging and hosted the Phoenix Couples group with 350 members. I was a Lifestyles convention speaker (Swingers organization) on "Swinging Christians not a Biblical Conflict" Last I looked Lifestyles Org still had tapes of me for sale.

    Since singles have no business in swinging for good reasons was frustrated with how to help all the single guys especially when our group made the front page of local New Time with a great humorous article "What are you doing on Sunday morning?"

    That led me to various forms of in private consenting adult sexwork.

    From the biblical standpoint I have an article http://www.sexwork.com/coalition/christi…
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Juice - you need to listen to davephx. I've known Dave for over a decade on another board.

    He travels all over North America to strip clubs, escorts and massage parlors - stuff you dream about - you could learn a lot from him.....

    He's certainly a valuable asset on this board.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Dude that is awesome I will check that link out for sure

    Some of you guys keep me laughing
  • K
    7 years ago
    I'm up for it. I participated in an online discussion of the bible for a few years in my younger days. Mostly usenet and dial up BBS but I still dabble.

    Which bible would we study? Do you subscribe to inerrancy? if so is your preferred version inerrant or only the original manuscripts?

    Do you believe the KJV is perfectly preserved? If so how do you explain the inclusion of the apocrypha in the 1611 version and its later exclusion?

    If you are serious, there are several boards better suited for this. You will get the opportunity to discuss the subject with people that have read and studied the bible. A few of them in the original languages. I'd be happy to check my links and point you to a few of them.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I only visit strip clubs to preach the word of God to sinners.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    How will you keep SJG from heckling you down? Or sic'ing his lions on you?
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Would love more information for sure on those links
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I bet js69 will enter into a discussion with you about the burning bush, since he is so into real red heads....
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Yeah war hawks I'm am quite into the burning bushes, although most girls these days (even red heads) are completely shaved.

    I actually think that a discussion of issues in the Bible would be interesting. And I enjoyed the link posted by Dave who I hope will continue participating in the discussions. But Dave, you don't actually think that what we do with sex workers can be reconciled with the Bible do you? That article does a good job of trying to make that case from the Old Testament, but a lot was skipped. And most of the relevant new testament references are completely ignored. I'm really busy this week but wouldn't mind discussing in more detail when I have time.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    juice, I've been struggling how to answer this for the last two days. I know that you are sincere and frankly, there has been a lot more interest shown in the comments than I would have expected.

    My view, frankly, is that the "extras culture" that a lot of the folks exhibit on this site is squarely in opposition to the Biblical commandment against adultery. Please note: I am not trying to force my interpretation of the Bible or, for that matter, any other opinion that I hold, on any other person.

    So, I guess that I would welcome any serious discussion. After all, our charge as Christians is to meet people where the are.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Attack dawg your answer is perfect

    I agree with you especially the ending of what you said

    Bingo !

  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I don't go around preaching but I accidentally made an atheist have a mental crisis breakdown when he lived in the same suite as me and used to not even believe in the paranormal. He said after being around me there was no way so many weird things could happen by coincidence and he remembered some odd things I said.
    I was surprised he even remembered me saying something about I wish it would rain and later that afternoon it started to rain when it had been a clear blue sky.
    I thought he was jumping conclusions because I didn't have anything to do with any rain. Unless the entire universe is really an artificial program and this is a holographic universe and we are all like Simms so that everything seems real but the AI running the program thinks it's funny to either screw with me or screw around with people I meet or talk to. I can imagine, AI hears he wants rain, send some rain, it will put the atheist in a mental crisis and over the tipping point, lol. The guy had a problem, he rattled off about 8 different things he said was against the odds.

    Good thing I never played backgammon with him. A ex in law said he would never play backgammon with me ever again because I was the luckiest person he ever saw play the game. I think he just hated that I said come on double sixes or something and would roll them. Less than 2 years later, I did encounter some super natural stuff myself that left no doubt either something not natural was happening or some type of entity was nearby. An alternative explanation that I thought of recently was that maybe I had a burst of telekinesis and no entity was involved. If I was telekinetic though, it seemed like I would have experienced something in the last several years and I havent seen anything move around by itself for many years.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Only reason I posted the above is that I know a lot of people are atheists and some don't even believe in the supernatural. I know there are things going on people can't see. If that's the truth, then what else do they not know about?

    Of course I always thought a nice pair of tits was heavenly and covering up nipples with pasties should be a sin and a crime.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Shark I always love your comment lol

    I'm actually a huge fan of conspiracy theory and ancient aliens, ancestors simulation and so on

    Keep up the good work
  • davephx
    7 years ago
    You have to study the original Greek and Hebrew vs today's translations that all have a bias. Example "fornication" is porneia in Greek and is not about unmarried sex. You also have to understand the culture in which written. For example, adultery is a property right issue husband owning his wiveS and concubines.

    The bible never claims to be inerrant just "useful for doctrine and reproof". Man decided what ancient writings make up the "bible" at the Council of Trent. Many other books many said the opposite of the Bible were rejected.

    Remember the books that man determined to be the Bible were written long after Jesus's death. And koline Greek was the spoken language in NT times. Lots of issues trying to translate what was recalled in koine (sp?) Greek into modern Greek.

    BTW, King James was gay. Of course, there is nothing wrong with being gay. Pederasty etc.. long story. It would be just as unnatural for a person born gay to have sex with a woman. What was wrong was after defeating an enemy in a battle for heterosexuals to force anal sex on other males to shame them.

    You mentioned Usenet in the BBS days. Yep, I was very active on the alt.sex.prostitution newsgroup with 300 baud dial ups and packet readers. I was one of the first to use the term GFE and it had nothing to do with anything sexual but a real connection for the moment.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Seriously though, I don't visit a strip club web site to study the bible. Just to be entertained and read strip club news.

    I do understand seeing some strippers can seem like a biblical or heavenly experience. I sometimes experience a lot more exciting things on my way back and forth on the highways. I remember almost colliding with a tree that fell across the road but somehow missed it by going off road a bit and my car didn't slide away, and on another occasion bracing for impact with a legendary large black panther that jumped in front of my car but somehow crossed the road before I hit it. Then there are deer and cops and weird electromagnetic storms. Plus one night I fell asleep while driving. Actually more than once. I try to avoid driving at night if I'm tired after that for any country driving that can easily put me to sleep.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Lol, I must be a good story teller when I've been drinking. I remember one time telling a stripper about something to do with aliens. My following visit, she told about half the strippers in the club and they all wanted to hear the story again. I couldn't remember anything. I was just thinking the bible is all about telling stories.

    We could have a collection of the tuscl bible stories. Not necessarily religious though. Except for SJG who has his own cult and own beliefs separate from the rest of society. do you think thousands of years from now, there could be a tuscl religion? We might all be considered like prophets from ancient texts in some bizarro world.

    Worst case we might be considered fools of the flesh age before humans downloaded their minds into artificial life forms and in our flesh age, they might wonder why we thought it necessary to stare at females for hours on a regular basis. They might think it was a colossal waste of time when we could have been using our minds to learn new skills and no longer understand or remember how sex hormones drove us to do things they no longer do in their artificial bodies. My post could become part of the Tuscl bible.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ATACdawg wrote, "My view, frankly, is that the "extras culture" that a lot of the folks exhibit on this site is squarely in opposition to the Biblical commandment against adultery. "

    And that is why I like steel toed construction worker boots.

  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    And once again, the most tightly closed mind on TUSCL graces us with his "wisdom".
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The wisdom is really simple, when in f2f life, don't take any shit from Christians.

    For Juice, book I recommend:

  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    I will pray for you SJG. When I visited with the Pope we had a special vigil in honor of people like you of little faith. Someday you will see the light and join our organization.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Not likely Gaffigan. Poverty, chastity, and obedience is one of the worst scams ever invented. I say that the clergy sexual abuse lawsuits should be just the beginning. The Roman Catholic Church runs on child abuse. Sue for all the manifestations of the so called "dysfunctional family". Sue until there is nothing left except for the bones of Simon Peter.

  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    ^^^ SJG, even Judas was forgiven by Jesus, and our organization will forgive you too for your blasphemous ways against our Lord Jesus Christ. For whoever has forsaken me will be forgiven by my father! God has room in his Church for everyone, even the ilk of the guys like SJG. For he is a mortal, and only when he becomes immortal will his comprehension of the afterlife take root. Amen!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The sin against the Holy Spirit, the unforgivable sin. Keep your forgiveness to yourself Gaffigan.

  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I totally agree with needing to use various translations and the original along with the context of its chronological, history and other variables that help derive the meaning

    I think historical documents that have been published around those times and other Apocrypha books are very helpful
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Amen, SJG! For you will see the light of Yahweh! The one and only savior, our Lord Jesus Christ forgives all of your sins you've committed against women who've fallen asleep in your presences and awoken to you raping them.

    San Quentin will be a prison on Earth for you, yet in the Kingdom of God you will be set free! God loves all, even the heathen-like sinners like you. Peace be with God and the forgiveness of SJG.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I have a magical force field Gaffigan. It protects me from you and your church.

    Like I said, my wisdom is simple, don't take any shit from Christians.

  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG is gay!

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    And Dougster spends all his time reading Bloombergs and wishing he could go back to doing radiation and syphilis tests and the general population.

  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I think we should have sacrifices at the altar. Surely there are a few virgins out there.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    ^^^ "Surely there are a few virgins out there". -Vince

    Let us start with presenting our first virgin, named SJG!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    In the organization I am building, in part inspired by J. K. Huysmans, and a bit by Anton LaVey, and mostly by Kenneth Grant, we will be offering up young women initiation candidates on the altar.

    They won't be virgins, and they won't be harmed, but the idea is to really get their juices flowing so they are wet down the ankles, and then enjoy them to the fullest. Sometimes it will be one on one. Other times it will be a gang bang, and with the customary fluffer girls helping to make sure everyone is ready.

    San Francisco Stripper Susan Atkins with Anton LaVey:

  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago

    This is why I believe a tuscl Bible study will be fun
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