Anybody that knows that secret password gets free fs at any strip club.
Don't believe me? Just walk up to any stripper, grab her by the pussy and softly wisper "covfefe" in her ear and watch what happens. She'll "Trump" you every time.
It means Trump is having a covfefe moment. I think he has a lot of those. Climate change is all covfefe. Actually I believe climate change might be all covfefe as well since I believe we have 2056-2017 years left before over 90% of all humans on this planet are dead. Maybe the percentage will only be 1% left alive, environmentalists will be thrilled if any are left alive to be happy that the environment will return to a more natural state. Well maybe after radiation levels decline. An asteroid impact sometime in the next 1000 years or so will likely freeze the planet as well. No humans left alive will be an exciting time for all environmentalists.
I expect the mother of all battles by 2056 or earlier. Over 90% dead from current global population. Just an FYI. Some might call it the battle of Armageddon. I heard something like 2055 or 2056. Many will die before then though. I doubt I will live to see it but you never know. I guess if you want to spend trillions of dollars to save the environment or stop a little increase in green house gases that won't matter much after 49 years when all your kids, nephews, and relatives are likely dead, then you might be really upset at Trump. Just my opinion.
HAHAHA!!!! If he is a fat ads loser, what are we then txtittyfag??? Guess you have billions of $$$, a hot ass model wife, pussy thrown at you from all directions, and a position higher than President of the good ole USofA!!!
COVFEFE- a condition which arises when members of the mainstream press have their heads so far up their own asses, they can’t differentiate between an actual controversy and a manufactured political scandal. Journalists suffering the condition may exhibit symptoms, such as: publishing stories based entirely on unverifiable sources, expressing shock over the results of elections they called prior to poll closure, increasingly rapid oscillation between screams of “racism” and “sexism” in reports that are often about nothing at all, and calling any information with which they disagree “fake.” Resulting complications include total loss of press credibility and the erosion of the 1st Amendment.
I was thinking it might be a Fnord, but the fact it escaped into the popular imagination means it cannot be that. Covfefe is a legitimate word however- it origins were in the Bowling Green massacre.
last commentAnybody that knows that secret password gets free fs at any strip club.
Don't believe me? Just walk up to any stripper, grab her by the pussy and softly wisper "covfefe" in her ear and watch what happens. She'll "Trump" you every time.
Climate change is all covfefe.
Actually I believe climate change might be all covfefe as well since I believe we have 2056-2017 years left before over 90% of all humans on this planet are dead. Maybe the percentage will only be 1% left alive, environmentalists will be thrilled if any are left alive to be happy that the environment will return to a more natural state. Well maybe after radiation levels decline. An asteroid impact sometime in the next 1000 years or so will likely freeze the planet as well. No humans left alive will be an exciting time for all environmentalists.
I guess if you want to spend trillions of dollars to save the environment or stop a little increase in green house gases that won't matter much after 49 years when all your kids, nephews, and relatives are likely dead, then you might be really upset at Trump.
Just my opinion.
Donald Trump Jr. -"What house is he in again??? That's what I thought. You're trying too hard," he wrote on Twitter.