
Comments by sharkhunter (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    How do you Comey homos feel right about now?
    Average Americans want affordable less expensive health care options. I'm paying less than 150 a month for my health insurance monthly premium with a high deductible plan. I looked at the government plan and see nothing like that unless your income is so low they subsidize payments. Every worker who isn't subsidized is left out with all these rising costs. Health care costs suck big time and I rarely even visit the doctor. I think government plans cost one person 500 or 700 a month without subsidies. That's ridiculous when at most I visit the doctor maybe once or twice a year. I have even skipped a few years while still paying. Tax cuts? I keep hearing about them. I see nothing. Here's some news for Trump, either he gets stuff done along with others or we will likely be in a recession and th democrats will take back over. Time is running out and the democrats are working on it. Trump doesn't need to help. I'm hoping for big tax cuts and a boost to the economy rather than a recession starting late this year or next. I don't know if tax cuts alone will keep us out of recession. If Trump was really successful, he could come up with a plan to cause global cooling and dump iron ore powder relatively cheaply in the oceans to absorb carbon on a massive scale. If successful, he'd probably get blamed for crop failures from freezes especially if people went starving. Ramp up the big fan projects taking carbon dioxide out of our atmosphere by offering huge tax incentives. Expand salt water to fresh water projects used to grow crops in green houses to set up desalination facilities on a bigger scale making water available cheaply in lots of places. Set up plans and make public the plans for restoration of the US grid quickly in only 30 days or less if anyone ever attacked th country with emp weapons which supposedly will kill 90% of all Americans. I say 30 days or less because people will start killing for food and water rather than just die. If they know ahead of time of a plan and see troops etc implement the plan in the scenario if it happens, then maybe the president could save over 300 million citizens. My two cents.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    How do you Comey homos feel right about now?
    Trump doing stupid things like he has in the past. Nothing new here. He should be more careful, the Dems and press are mostly liberal and view him as an enemy of their agenda to control the masses. I have my doubts that he will succeed in getting any tax cuts passed or will screw up health care even more or raise premiums on older workers. I suspect the Dems will hope they take over the house in 2018 elections and then try impeachment but get blocked by the senate. Meanwhile the US economy will be going downhill to the private delight of democrats who will happily blame the president and republicans for not getting anything done in 2 years.
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    7 years ago
    Ever get a dance from a shot-girl or waitress?
    I remember a shot girl that I used to get dances from when she was working as a dancer. She would still ask for dances from me even though she stopped dancing on stage. She might have talked me into getting dances once or twice while working as the shot girl. The most I've seen most shit girls do is climb up on your lap and put the shot within a plastic tube in her mouth like she's giving it a BJ before putting the open end in your mouth to drink. Maybe I've had dances from a shot girl. I can't remember. I remember a former dancer working temporarily as a waitress danced for me behind a door in a room in the strip club where no one else was located. I guess she got away with routinely doing that just with me because she probably claimed to know me. I don't know if that would fly nowadays.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    For anyone to have an LDK where I club at, they would probably LDK just looking at the web cam girls online because the experience isn't getting a whole lot better. They don't give air dances but they wear pasties and you can't touch a whole lot. I'm not sure why anyone would want to LDK instead of having sex. Whenever I was very horny, some dancer seemed to always want to help. For several months when I lived in NC, I remember some Korean massage girls would mug me every night and drain me before I made it inside a strip club next door. They did give an excellent massage. I only willingly went to visit them one time. They had two girls pull me off the street every other time. A few times from across the parking lot. When I tried to sneak past them from the other side of the strip club, I found out other girls were waiting on the other side. If you can have an LDK after getting routinely drained, that's amazing. I think I would still prefer sex over jizzing in the pants.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would You Really Ever Date A Stripper?
    I do remember one nice looking dancer. If she hadn't gotten pregnant before her last boyfriend left her, I would have been happy to be her boyfriend if I had moved to where she lived at. I stopped by to visit just a few months earlier after I had a job interview in the town she lived at, she mentioned if I moved there she could come over every day. I didn't know what to think about every day. Every day seemed like a stalker. Lucky for me, I did not get that job.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What's With All The Threads About Dating Strippers Lately?
    Spring? I thought it was already one of the hot as hell months here in South Carolina. I'm wondering if I would blend in better in Canada. I'm often just about the only one wearing short sleeves and shorts when the temps drop into the 50's. Today was much better though. It was cloudy and 74 this evening instead of 90 and humid. Now if the rest of summer could be this cool, I would be happy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Biggest impression you ever made on a stripper.
    I'm not sure of the one thing that may have impressed dancers the most but the funniest moment I remember was one night calmly asking a dancer if anyone else in the club was having electrical issues. I had been having some electrical issues in one club during the summer. Too much static electricity. I was wondering if it was the new chairs and my clothes or if anyone else was building up large electrical charges in the club. Anyway she said "only YOU!" I told her I would show her when she got on stage. When she was on a side stage, I didn't touch any of the metal railing near the stage. She touched my head and I could hear it. Sounded like a mini lightning bolt hit her. She was impressed. She called me Electro the rest of the evening. My problem went away after I gave blood. I suspect it was my clothes, new club chairs, and too much iron in my blood. I had some electrical issues at times elsewhere. If it wasn't too much iron, I probably spread a new weird electrical issue disease to the general population. I had to block the blood drive people phone number as well because they wanted more of my blood really bad month after month. I thought they were worse than vampires with all the messages and phone calls.
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    7 years ago
    What about Shorting Bitcoin?
    Free tip to become a millionaire. You need multiple streams of income. I read a number of millionaires became millinaires after developing at least 3 different income streams or income generation.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What about Shorting Bitcoin?
    If I went back in time, I think I would have majored in finance instead of a technical field. I'm actually interested in all this financial information. Stayed up to 130am watching free option strategy videos. That's probably a better use of my time rather than playing a poker app. I already know how to beat the SP500 index by 2 or 3 times supposedly. I'll eventually find out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What about Shorting Bitcoin?
    These free webinars I watch want like $2000 to join. Forget that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What about Shorting Bitcoin?
    Someone once posted we discuss all the important stuff here. Money, sex, and I forgot the third. In other news, I found a new way to fall asleep, listen to a long video on call option strategies. I understood it all except I need to review what was meant by rolling over an weekly option into a spread. I suppose that's a call and put spread or maybe a spread between a stock and the covered call. One useful thing I learned tonight is a poor man's covered call. I'm just wondering if it's allowed in Ira accounts and what happens if a call you sold ever gets exercised and you have a 2 year leaps call instead of actual shares. Dougster, do you know?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would You Really Ever Date A Stripper?
    For some odd reason this morning though, I thought I looked a lot younger. I did get a haircut. If I start getting asked to show my id again everywhere, I'm not going to be that happy. Maybe.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Good news for all who are in the global warming camp
    Haha, scientists are now saying the dark matter might be parallel universes. Who would have thought that? I guess strippers and strip club customers. :) I've seen several strippers in parallel universes, it adds a lot of variety when the same people in the same strip club look different from one visit to another. Hair color changes, weight changes, people don't remember you from one week til the next, sometimes strippers suddenly never even had breast implants, ok that was weird.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    PL vs Creep
    A creep is someone that grabbed her by the pussy without paying. A PL pays her. An asshole is the guy she married. may not apply 100%.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would You Really Ever Date A Stripper?
    Dancers full of drama and trying to impose unreasonable demands was probably the reason I made a promise to myself to never go out with any more dancers when I moved to South Carolina. One dancer made me forget. I don't care for drama. I like to keep things secret. At one work place, as soon as it got out I was visiting strip clubs, I had a girl at work proposition me for sex. Another girl asked me if I thought she would make a good stripper because she was thinking about stripping. The area I lived in had a bunch of sex crazed people compared to other areas of the country. Another guy at work used to joke about going to a truck stop and fucking girls there or even a chicken. He was crazy. I shut him up by showing him pictures of naked porn stars sitting on my lap. I think maybe he never went to a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would You Really Ever Date A Stripper?
    Now that I'm older, I doubt I will be seeing too many strippers outside the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would You Really Ever Date A Stripper?
    I never thought I was dating strippers. Might explain why at least one dancer got real pissed off at me one time and upset with me on another occasion. One dancer was actually upset that I never told any of my friends or coworkers about her. I guess she must have asked and I thought nothing of telling her. I never tell friends and co workers everything I'm doing unless they find out on their own or they are doing something similar already. I guess you are beyond a casual acquaintance if a dancer gets pissed off at you and is still talking. A pissed off dancer is full of drama. Watch out. She won't care if everyone in the club sees and hears everything. Remembering pissed off dancers seems amusing in hind site. They got pissed off over nothing in my opinion. Although one quit working at the same club for over 3 months.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Average TUSCLer...
    I wouldn't think about shorting the market until SP500 goes past 2500 or it's getting close to quantitative multi billion dollar tapering announced dates, after the fed raises rates another couple times. Probably towards next year. Elections aren't until 2018.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Average TUSCLer...
    FYI, I didn't get interested in strip clubs because of travel. However it was a boss at work that talked me into first going. So in a way, it was work that drove me to strip clubs. Fast forward several years and several large companies don't even allow you to eat at Hooters because it's considered too sexual to have waitresses wearing shorts or someone in corporate had an issue.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Average TUSCLer...
    I was thinking I'm not average. I thought I didn't travel much either but I remember talking to a dancer one time about having to fly back to Wisconsin and she had never flown anywhere in her life. I was actually a bit surprised. Most of the people I know have traveled all over the place. It seems weird to find someone who has never flown anywhere but another dancer overheard and said she had never flown before either. Knocking on wood, I don't want to do a lot of traveling, especially overseas.
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    7 years ago
    One on one
    I believe some club managers do get on here because I've been sent messages asking to review a club in prior years. I don't usually travel just to visit a strip club so I never responded to any such emails and deleted all of them long ago.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Questions about new format
    Papi, no. I posted an article a long time ago saying dancers in one big club reminded me of a bunch of circling sharks and then they would all pounce on whomever looked liked the tastiest meat if they smelled blood or money. I have been in the same water as sharks but haven't hunted them. Founder, thanks, I see that now that I turned on my location for apps. I'm not sure if I want to keep it on since our government can track all that along with whomever has my internet data.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Women actually go to strip clubs to meet men?
    I had a girl or two try to take me back to their place one night supposedly to do whatever I wanted. I think they thought they could just pick any guy and any guy would be desparate for sex because he was at a strip club. She didn't try to introduce herself or anything. Just started yelling at me to try to take me back to her place when I was walking towards a stage to tip a stripper. When I sort of ignored her after wondering if she was really a call girl wanting money or wondering if this was a setup to rob me back at her place or wherever she wandered back over to me asking if I was gay or something. I said no. I was thinking she's not too bright thinking I'm going to leave with a total stranger right after I arrived at the club and gulped down some beer. I had a slight beer buzz and a strange girl wanting me to suddenly leave. No way. In hind site I might have talked and gotten her number but mainly ignored her. First time a non dancer tried to get me to leave a strip club. I'm a bit weary of some female customers in strip clubs. I remember one time a female asked for a couple dollars to tip a dancer. I gave her a couple dollars. She just put them in her pocket instead of tipping the dancer. I wasn't too pleased. I might have stared over at their table a bit. I noticed a guy with her that came back from the restroom or wherever thought it was a good idea to leave after a few minutes. Must have heard the story or thought she was asking for trouble. In my opinion that is theft since I only loaned her the money to give to a dancer on stage. I call such a female a b i t c h . Made me never want to give another female customer any money in a strip club again to give to a stripper. I haven't either after that. Most don't ask though. I figure a number of female customers might be former or strippers from other clubs but I can't always tell unless they tell me. Some females are dragged there by others and don't like it. One of them started talking to me when her male companions went to the restroom. I was glad when they came back. She wasn't happy and I wasn't saying much at all to her. I just happened to be sitting nearby. I bet her male friend got an earful after he left with her. Fortunately the music was loud so I couldn't hear much of what she was saying. I prefer not to interact with female customers when I visit strip clubs, unless they are friendly. One time a female customer waved me over to her table and explained how funny she thought it was that someone else was thinking she and I had been sleeping together. I didn't think that was funny. A dancer thought she was my gf because she snuck up behind me when I went to tip a dancer at the stage.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Kissing extras girls
    John Smith is having weird dreams already, lol. Must have been something he ate.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Questions about new format
    I had to click on privacy settings, safari, and allow apps to see my location when asked but that works for nearby clubs based on your actual location. If I zoom out on the google map feature and zoom back in, then I can see clubs in a different area. Just saying in case anyone else wonders.