
Is it racist?

respect for others goes a long way
Saturday, May 27, 2017 8:05 PM
So I got this email... You should really take down the "ethnicity" field, it's blatantly racist and might even be illegal. What do you guys think? I'll post my response later.


  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Don't worry about-it - probably a Bernie Sanders supporter (or a crazy StripperWeb bitch or one of those supa-pussified millennials). Maybe 20-years from now it may not be needed but dancer ethnicity is needed for now, IMO.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Fah-Q to the racist bullshiznet! We don't need no stinking PC
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    No. It is not racist. We all have different tastes in women and have a right to know what kind of women predominantly work in a club we are considering visiting. Some people just have to bitch about everything.
  • sinclair
    7 years ago
    PC bullshit is ruining America. Next they will want gender neutral strip club lists. Must be from some silly liberal.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Is it racist for Wikipedia to host information regarding the demographics of nations and states?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I'm a dancer and I didn't think anything ab it. Among ourselves, we talk ab race as a part of dancer variety. We will stay stuff like, "we really need a couple good black dancers on day shift," or "that guy likes white and Asian girls." I guess you could call it something else if you felt like you needed to, since it's not a lot different from stuff, like age, boob size, and thickness.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    7 years ago
    No sir. Not racist at all.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Definitely wouldn't put it past Cockstar666 to write something like that. I bet he's embarrassed and doesn't comment on this thread because it was him who sent Founder the email.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Maybe you should change ethnicity to melatoninness
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    It's not racist. It's not illegal. It's just some brain damaged social justice warrior. I'm just waiting for someone to make the argument that we shouldn't be allowed to decide who we date or fuck or marry because white people are primarily going to select other white people and that's just racist.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    No, of course it's not racist to state that a strip club has mostly white or mostly black dancers (or whatever)! This reminds me of the time a few years ago when one of my best students, who was also a marathon runner, stayed after class and said "This may be racist, but it seems like almost all of the best long-distance runners in the world are from Kenya or Ethiopia". I told him "No, that's not racist at all. That's just a fact!" Young Americans are indoctrinated into thinking that any observation whatsoever about racial differences is automatically racist.
  • EdwardKang
    7 years ago
    It is not racist. The next step is these pc types will be telling us it is racist to date or marry people with same skin color. Maybe I prefer white dancers, maybe I prefer black dancers. Since when did these pc types have a right to use the heavy hand of government to dictate who we think is hot? At least not yet...
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    No, this is PC gone amok.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    It's not racist it is useful information as the clubs do have a general vibe based on what kind of club. That SJW can go fuck themself with a broken bottle or cleaning wand (tried to channel desert scrub).
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    yeah it's racist...but it's america what do you expect. race is absurdly important
  • founder
    7 years ago
    Here's my reply Seriously? That's like saying a Chinese restaurant is racist. It has nothing to do with who is allowed in, it's all about what's on the menu. It must be tough to be a sjw in a non-pc industry.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Maybe you should have your IT department (Rech) put up one of those vote polls, to see how everyone feels. Just kidding, just ask Emily and go with what she says.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    No its not racist.("black" vs "mixed" strip clubs may be racists). But no. They are most likely just looking to start an argument with you, the founder. For anyone that prefers black women specifically, well you won't find many in the "mixed" clubs, so they need to know where to go for their chocolate fix.
  • clubdude
    7 years ago
    Then EVERY job I applied for was racist.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I'm offended that the person even sent you an email on this subject. Not only that, it may be illegal that that person who emailed you even emailed you. I call for an immediate special counsel to investigate this travesty that that emailer has bestowed upon our community!!!
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Of course, it is not racist, and your reply was just about perfect. It is an example of how narrow-minded snowflake SJWs are ruining any good thing for everybody. It is also a perfect example of how progressives and liberals try to threaten and browbeat people and companies into submission for the silliest of reason by labelling something as racist and threatening legal action. I don't know whether the e-mailer was ignorant of the law, or hoping that you were. Kudos to you for standing up to them and mocking their claim.
  • sp
    7 years ago
    Haha! You get all kinds! Wait, am I allowed to say kinds? Like you responded with, it's what's on the menu.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Depending on who the e mail is from I would probably ignore it, I don't think it's a PC problem it sounds to me like a shakedown of some sort.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    It's not racist---it simply is information......I'd turn it around on the person who sent you the message---the perceived racism has more to do with their state of mind and how they are looking at the content.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Some folks have lost their mind regarding the topic of race and use of physical descriptors. Several of our local news stations here in Atlanta have dropped race from the physical description of criminal suspects...." Police are looking for two men, one 6', one 5'10." Beyond the absurdity factor, I think that it makes the situation more racially sensitive.....are we now to presume that they don't have to describe the race and age because every crime is being committed by a young black male? The reporters, in their attempt to be politically correct are creating confusing, racially focused optics that do no one any favors.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    It's not racist, but whether it is or not doesn't matter. If you don't like it, stop visiting the website. God damned censors. Nobody is tying you down in front of a desktop prying your eyelids open. The person who wrote the email should be banned for his prejudice against racists. Or maybe I should be banned for my prejudice against censors.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Or maybe ban me because I can be an ass.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    @flagooner, it is band....not banned. Get it write or you will get band.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    The category of dancer ethnicity isn't any more racist than the a manager at a Target store requiring all their employees to wear a red shirt. If you think about it, signaling out the color red is discriminating against all the other colors a person could wear.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    It's not racist. And it's not illegal.
  • bang69
    7 years ago
    It is not racist at all. You mite want to give the person who writing the review the option of not putting the race of the dancer down
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    You guys are quick to demonize other political views aren't you.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    It is racist, using a strict, unencumbered definition simply by virtue of the fact that it asks that we categorize clubs by predominant race. But that's not the issue at hand. The real question around which a lawsuit could be based is whether or not there's a display of prejudice based on race. So, if this site prioritized club listings based on ethnicity (or refused club listings entirely), then that would show racial prejudice and open the door to litigation. In sum, it's fine.
  • georgebailey
    7 years ago
    Not racist. And I agree with most of the supporting comments. Also, I doubt almost anyone finds it offensive (except the one person who wrote to you).
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Actually Estafador I'm not. What I am quick to do is call out others who demonize sources of information as if they are all knowing. Simply including if there are WOC dancing at a club is not a biased or a racist statement unless it implies something negative. For someone to read more into it however in my mind tells me more about the thought process of the person complaining than it does what they are complaining about. As for other political views I'm pretty much an Independent-over the years no one party has ever held my loyalty simply for being a D or a R..........but I have noticed in the past decade the D's have become much more intolerant of anyone else's point of view than the R's. ( but again this is my own experiences and own observations)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    It's a shakedown pure and simple.
  • founder
    7 years ago
    Frankly, I'm not worried about the legality. I just found it absurd. Will we someday not be allowed to have ethnic restaurants?
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ "You guys are quick to demonize other political views aren't you." 1. I don't find that email to founder to be a political view, just a dumb one. 2. Yes, I am quick to demonize other political views (or at least provide my take on it to break balls and get discussion going).
  • ime
    7 years ago
    @founder you mean like this? [view link]
  • founder
    7 years ago
    wow, ime. I was sort of begin facetious. That story just posted yesterday. Too crazy. Those women were pussies for bowing to SJW pressure. Just like Ringling Bros and Seaworld. People, don't bow to pressure. We need to be strong, otherwise the USA will just become another closed burrito shop, defunct circus, or boring aquarium.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    It will be a bitch to have to go to italy just for a pizza.
  • founder
    7 years ago
    where do we go for spaghetti? Didn't Marco Polo "appropriate" noodles from the Orien- er-- Asia?
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Not racist. Just dumb.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Not racist, and a valuable service feature of TUSCL. Liked [view link].Ishmael's response.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    well,.......looks like we finally found something we can ALL agree on :-)
  • rickthevulture
    7 years ago
    Well, I do have some complaints about the racism on this site. Why are all of the clubs on here hairless ape clubs? You guys have a million reviews for Follies and that is appropriate because there are some sexy female hairless apes that will do some pretty hardcore stuff there. However, there are some nice vulture clubs along US 19 north of Atlanta. All of us gathered around a rotting deer carcass and watched the sexy female vultures do a little dance and get down. We vultures aren't racist at all. We had black vultures dancing next to turkey vultures. Hell, there were even a few female turkeys dancing. Squawk! And what about the male hairless ape PLs that want to lick some sexy female vulture cloaca? How will they find the good vulture clubs and find the really dirty birds? I'm dismayed and I'm filing a complaint with the council of ricks! Squawk! Squawk!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @GoVikings not yet SJG hasn't chimed in yet which I'm sure he will LOL
  • rickthevulture
    7 years ago
    With that said, I do appreciate knowing what kind of dancers are at the hairless ape clubs. You hairless apes aren't as evolved and enlightened as the vultures and lions. Black and white clubs can be very different. Moreover, there are times when I need a dark-skinned female hairless ape to lick my cloaca. Mostly I like the young blonde spinner apes but sometimes I need a girl ape that I look at and say baby got back. Squawk! Squawk! You apes need to get your racial animus under control! Squawk!
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "by virtue of the fact that it asks that we categorize clubs by predominant race. But that's not the issue at hand. " This. Let me put it like this. You would probably find at least one kim Kardashian/Alexis Texas type at plenty of black clubs. But how many white clubs you think would hire Nicki Minaj or Amber rose?
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    @Tx wrote: "suckstar or dumdum membr meybe?" ---------------------------------- ROFL! I think RandumMurmur was funnier and more creative. The kind of thing you would expect from some illiterate, kooky, cardiologist educated in Barbados. No having an "ethnicity" field is not the least bit racist. Now if you regularly sling racial epithets, call others "porch monkeys," refer to Asians as "chinks," deride LBGTs as having a genetic defect, start threads about sitting next to a smelly Muslim woman, then you are in fact a first-class, unadulterated, dyed-in-the-wool, big-OT. You would think any idiot would know the difference.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "However, there are some nice vulture clubs along US 19 north of Atlanta." Do tell more. Do they allow hairless apes in? :)
  • ricktheturtle
    7 years ago
    Well chessmaster, we ricks promote an open-minded and tolerant attitude. As long as you don't do anything obnoxious we will welcome you. This attitude extends to rick-sanctioned vulture clubs. Aah...yup However, I recommend you buy a nice suit so you can get attention. Let me know if you want to visit a vulture club. We can meet up. I'll buy you a beer. Maybe encourage a sexy lady turtle to show up. Aah...yup Have you ever fucked an Eastern box turtle? I'm a bit big for a box turtle but since you are a hairless ape you might be just about right. Aah...yup
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I think the ethnicity field is very important, because this is P4P, and the customer is king. No I don't think it is racist, it is very important, necessary. SJG 8 dead in Mississippi shooting rampage. ( I spelled Mississippi correctly without computer assistance. [view link] Bread! Peace! Land! even more exciting than the French [view link] more Russia [view link] Santa Clara's stupid stadium. Management of this is total fiasco. Better they just let my Christian Eating Lions have exclusive use. [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Most guys do decide to go to a club, in part at least, based on the ethnicity. Strip clubs are where you learn to engage with girls that are off your type, and of different races. So it is very constructive. SJG
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    It is definitely not racist. Taken further, I wish all reviewers, when describing their ATF or CF or their lapper du jour would identify the object of their affection more precisely -- race, size, hair, tats, piercings, etc. In other words, create a picture -- then we can choose for ourselves if our tastes align with yours and follow your lead or run for the hills.
  • sflguy123
    7 years ago
    I finally found what u were talking about. I never noticed this field before. You don't see it when u click on "read reviews". I don't think it's racist but could be fairly inaccurate. For example of some of the clubs I visit I don't think it's labeled right. Cheetah in Pompano says "Mixed" but is heavily Latina woman. Porthole Pub in Pompano says "Mixed" but is heavily Black. The reviews are of more value. It might not be a necessary or misleading field.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Strip clubs encourage guys to be more racially open. The category being listed with the clubs helps. SJG
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Hi, Bernie bro here. I'm black, a millenial, support gender indentity rights, single payer health care, welfare, ending the war on drugs, BLM, etc...all the things you conservatives seem to despise...making me the logical choice according to comments on here for being a SJW who would support the comment founder recieved However, even I can't see a damn way this is racist. This is isn't a job application, it's not a government website, it's a voluntary website dependent on information thats volunteered. Don't want to give the info? Then don't and move along. And since this is an industry very rooted in appearances and ethnicity/race is a huge part of one's appearance, it's a quite relevant field. Additionally, I don't think that consumer discrimination against a business is a thing legally speaking (otherwise known as choosing not to patronize an establishment for whatever reason you so damn choose), so why would it matter?
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    ^ correction, you would NOT find any alexis texas types at a black club, gianna perhaps
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    Merely presenting ethnic demographic information strikes me as neither racist, nor illegal. If that were the case, then [view link] would be racist for presenting race/ethnic/age/income demographics for every US city. To letter writer- GMAFB and GAFL ! Lastly, could someone enlighten me as to what a SJW is ?
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    SJW = San Jose Wussy
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Social Justice Warrior according to urban dictionary.
  • HolaTX
    7 years ago
    This article pretty much sums up the cultural significance of the SJW - [view link]
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i consider white girls the most boring in general. a white girl has to make a better pitch to me.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Sounds like some kind of political correctness crap. Reminds me of a stupid book I read a long time ago as a teenager. The book story had an idea to end all racism by outlawing all marriages within the same race and made the law global. I can't remember if there was a one world government or not in the book. Anyway my brain made me realize how opposed I was to the idea by making me have an extremely vivid dream. I was in charge of a global organization opposed to the global law. There were millions of people working under cover willing to do whatever it took in support. We were going to nuke the world if governments didn't rescind the law starting with major cities across the world. Tehran was the first city nuked. I swear I was too close because I heard the loudest explosion and it woke me up like a bomb went off. No one else in our house heard anything. Apparently it was all a dream. I'm strongly opposed to ending all of our differences. Besides I like certain characteristics and certain looks in the opposite sex. If you threaten to end everything that makes us unique and destroy what I and many others like, those are fighting words. In that respect, I'm glad we have multiple races. Identifying different types of strip clubs is a useful feature.
  • Mainster
    7 years ago
    It's a setup for a shakedown- "Complainant expressed his concerns to 'Founder,' and was rebuffed. The membership of the site seemed express views unfolding 'Founder's' position....."
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    man. i gotta have food and ladies of all ethnic types to enjoy. 57 varieties. ain't racist.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    Not racist nor illegal. Is it useful? I guess yes, there are black clubs where the dancers are black and most of the patrons are black. Identifying the clubs has value. Unfortunately most are "mixed" which can be a wide range.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Was I correct on stating Cockstar666 was the person who wrote to Founder about the "racist" topic? More than likely yes.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Going off your usual type, and going transracial, are what strip clubs are all about. SJG
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