
Comments by sharkhunter (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Are you open to a open minded Bible Study on TUSCL ?
    Only reason I posted the above is that I know a lot of people are atheists and some don't even believe in the supernatural. I know there are things going on people can't see. If that's the truth, then what else do they not know about? Of course I always thought a nice pair of tits was heavenly and covering up nipples with pasties should be a sin and a crime.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Are you open to a open minded Bible Study on TUSCL ?
    I don't go around preaching but I accidentally made an atheist have a mental crisis breakdown when he lived in the same suite as me and used to not even believe in the paranormal. He said after being around me there was no way so many weird things could happen by coincidence and he remembered some odd things I said. I was surprised he even remembered me saying something about I wish it would rain and later that afternoon it started to rain when it had been a clear blue sky. I thought he was jumping conclusions because I didn't have anything to do with any rain. Unless the entire universe is really an artificial program and this is a holographic universe and we are all like Simms so that everything seems real but the AI running the program thinks it's funny to either screw with me or screw around with people I meet or talk to. I can imagine, AI hears he wants rain, send some rain, it will put the atheist in a mental crisis and over the tipping point, lol. The guy had a problem, he rattled off about 8 different things he said was against the odds. Good thing I never played backgammon with him. A ex in law said he would never play backgammon with me ever again because I was the luckiest person he ever saw play the game. I think he just hated that I said come on double sixes or something and would roll them. Less than 2 years later, I did encounter some super natural stuff myself that left no doubt either something not natural was happening or some type of entity was nearby. An alternative explanation that I thought of recently was that maybe I had a burst of telekinesis and no entity was involved. If I was telekinetic though, it seemed like I would have experienced something in the last several years and I havent seen anything move around by itself for many years.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Cognizant Dreams?
    You mean like a dream where I was communicating with a super intelligent AI and when I woke up and went online I searched for terms the AI made me think about and found one result. A PDF file that was a government document that had blue letters not to be shared with any other department. I thought I read some information about secret equipment kept at various bases across the US. I don't remember anything other than that. It was years ago. I deleted everything after I noticed my computer was locked up and I had to do a hard reboot after seeing the file. I felt like I was being monitored after that. I probably still am years later. It wouldn't surprise me. A former CIA director posted on the same thread I posted to on a conspiracy web site. It was not in response to anything I posted but I realized anyone could be reading my posts. I usually don't even mention most of my dreams because others think you are weird, schizo, etc. Except of course the good ones like a beer commercial with you being an astronaut that landed on a planet full of hot females with no guys. I had to teach them all about sex. I started with only bj's. That dream got messed up. I found out they had tv but no censors. I got away but if several spaceships appear, hopefully it will be full of hot horny females looking for me and governments won't try to shoot them all down. There can be too much of a good thing. Normal Earth girls might be pissed big time if millions of hot horny alien females came to stay.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    They're Out There
    I don't bother with unlisted clubs if they only operate on certain days and they dont have continuous dancing on stage. I have known of some places like that. They did not stay in business.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Depression and Sleep
    Playing a sport like tennis, etc that gets your blood pumping might have a similar effect.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Depression and Sleep
    I heard and read that aerobic type exercise whether that is walking, running, bicycling, etc releases endorphins naturally making you feel better for hours afterwards. Also helps with weight loss, etc. I used to routinely feel a runners high when I used to bicycle for at least an hour. It was a natural high that made me feel good for hours. I stopped bicycling after an accident though. Helmet probably saved my life. No permanent injuries. I just stopped trusting bicycle construction unless I saw the wheels fastened with a nut and bolt with extra threads showing where it holds the wheel on. I would like to get back to that though. I just keep forgetting about it. I had a lot if fun going fast. That was probably reckless when I went 60 mph on a bicycle with no helmet on. Probably stupid smoking the rubber on the brake pads but I was going fast. I once broke the steel spindle that connects the pedals in the center of the bicycle. Warped the steel for the pedals a few times. A lot of bicycles can't handle a lot of repeated strong forces, I switched to mountain bikes the last several years before I stopped riding. A regular road bike couldn't even handle a tiny bump without the wheel frame getting dented.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I got out!!! but now having second thoughts
    I believe my career test included a diverse area of meteorology, business, finance, engineering, scientist, astronomer, etc. Then I thought about the job market. If I had studied meteorology I thought I might be working in the boondocks collecting data or would be on tv having to wear a suit and tie, neither option sounded good. I studied something else. Two years later one of my friends said, wow, you should see all the hot girls in the meteorology class. I wondered if I studied the wrong thing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I got out!!! but now having second thoughts
    I believe there are career tests you can take to find out what you like and what you are good at or may be interested in studying if studying for a technical field is what you want to do. Of course you need to learn skills with almost any job. In car sales, I believe some might want you to know something about cars but I'm no expert and am not a salesman. I could guess that eyeing up customers, getting an idea of income etc, just like dancers already do, then applying that with a few questions to what they are looking for in a vehicle and what they are going to use it for. In that respect, knowing the vehicles would help. An unethical sales person might just point out a vehicle with higher margin, etc. but they say the customer is always right at Burger King. Might need to know how to handle some financing if a financial dept doesn't handle all that. I'm real good at math so everything math seems pretty simple most of the time. I've seen cashiers struggle and get out a calculator trying to think of how much change to give me and sometimes just give them the answer off the top of my head if I get tired of waiting for them to calculate with a calculator. That's life. Waiting on others everywhere you go.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    So who else hates the new look TUSCL?
    Thanks for pointing out the blue hyperlink for last comment. I missed it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    So who else hates the new look TUSCL?
    We need a bottom of thread button now so we don't scroll into the other discussions scrolling down on an iPad on a long thread like this one. Is there a way to get a strip club list of recently reviewed strips clubs by state instead of seeing part of each review? I used to use the Search feature when searching a city for strip clubs, can that be used somehow? I don't see it anymore.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "This Is The Single Greatest Witch Hunt In American History"
    I've been ignoring the news for the most part since I think it doesn't matter much as far as US politics go. Election is over at least for 2 years for congress, 4 years for president unless enough people want Pence to be President including the current one. Everything else is crying over spilled milk or a lost election. Dems should stop their crying and moaning and obstruction but I guess they want to drag everyone down to hell with them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I hate tongue piercings
    A one percent sell off is not a panic. Just another day. Actually would have been a very calm day back in 2008.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Donald Trump: The Great Orange Hope
    The stock market is the best way to reap long term average gains that I'm aware of. Markets are a bit elevated right now and have been going up strong for years. A major sell off is likely during the Trump administration within 2 years in my opinion. If you understand elloitwaves and fractal patterns, it all makes sense.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OTC PP Cola ?
    I haven't been there in ages. I heard they want too much money for dances.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Perhaps the crazier among us should release quarterly reports! ;)
    I have to drink to get better stories. It's even funnier when everyone starts believing. If the aliens didn't get to me, I might remember what story I told the strippers a weekend or two ago. Now if I just leave out the part, in my dreams... Now strippers, they really think of some crazy stories because their crap is real. I don't have any recent crazy stories. Just crazy dreams. I'm perfectly normal.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Nipple sucking
    Lap dances in my area mostly suck and not in a good way. I guess I could find a job in another area and move. Where are the good areas for strip clubs in NC and Georgia?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Joke: Strippers Won't Tell You Their Name To Protect Their Privacy.
    Yeah I remember a dancer the other night asked where I was from and then told me she goes to the nearby college. Then she said let's not exchange names. I don't know why not, she could dance for me on her off days. She'd give me a good reason to clean up my house too. I'm good though. I don't want to pay for dances at my house. I guess there's a chance I could run into her though. I don't think she lives on my street. That would be weird.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    What is going on?
    Please Stand By....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Donald Trump: The Great Orange Hope
    My virtual account was up today. Now I know what makes a better hedge. I was expecting a little pull back, just didn't know what news they were going to fabricate to go with it. I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more before it goes back to where it was.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC can be Dangerous
    I want to trust someone before meeting up with them for my safety and their safety. If someone robs me, hopefully karma catches up with them and puts them behind bars for life or worse. Some females are weird. I remember one dancer said before she had sex with anyone, he would have to get a BJ first to show that he trusted her. I was thinking, why is she telling me this? I guess everyone can have trust issues.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I hate tongue piercings
    I'd be willing to do an experiment with two hot girls, one with a tongue piercing, one without to see if I notice a big difference in BJ quality. If a one time evaluation, is not enough, then I'd be willing to let them give me multiple bj's just to settle this question. I thought I would throw that out there in case any hot dancers have this question as well. I'm not really sure myself because I haven't received a BJ with someone with a tongue piercing. Hmm, I talked to a dancer last weekend that apparently lives within a few miles from me. However she didn't want to exchange names. She was the only dancer that just happened to ask me where I was from though and she did so while she was on stage. Makes me wonder if dancers were talking about me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Fired My CF Last Night
    Life must suck for her now that she has been fired and unable to work for you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just curious, does drinking beer make you feel colder or warmer?
    FYI, just in case anyone is curious. http://factslegend.org/the-mysterious-red-rain-of-kerala/ A quick search for red rain had a separate account of red rain happening after a report of a comet exploding r passing through the atmosphere in one case. Apparently the microbes reproduce at either 130 or 300 degreesCelsiuis, not at room temperatures which is too cold for it. What else these red possibly alien microbes might do is unknown.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just curious, does drinking beer make you feel colder or warmer?
    Haha, tell that to the dancer in the club when I asked her if anyone else in the club was having an electrical issue. If I find out I have part alien DNA, I won't be totally surprised. I did read humans have part insect DNA, it's hard to get away from some strange things. Apparently, alien DNA and alien life forms have been raining down on Earth ever since it existed. Example, red rain first found in Indonesia has red microbes that consists of alien DNA not found elsewhere on Earth. I'm surprised NASA didn't do a little investigation and confirm it. Maybe they are saving things for another time. Of course not wanting to raise a panic that Earth is being bombarded with alien life forms might upset the general population. I doubt it though. Everyone is mainly concerned with their own lives and as long as they can pay their bills, get on their phones and iPads, pcs, etc, all is good.