
Comments by inno123 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    The Risks We Take
    Most raids in strip clubs are for violations of one of two laws: Prostitution or Public Indecency (or whatever it is called in your state). Getting a VIP customer on a prostitution charge is hard because both the customer and dancer claim that the sex was consensual and not related to any payment. So the usual enforcement method is to use undercover cops and the 'raid' only occurs later and picks up the girls that the undercover officer made contact with. Customers are irrelevant. Now if the customer is actually found with their pants down then a citation for Public Indecency might be possible depending on local laws and the physical layout of the club, but it is likely a long shot. In my state it requires a situation where there is not an expectation of privacy, somebody else who sees it, and that the somebody is offended. There is also the possibility of violations of local business ordinances or liquor license rules. Again the target is the club, not the customers.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Question about Strip Club Management
    There are a lot of bad managers out there but the worst mistake is assuming that a strip club is just like some other business. In other businesses you send a resume and they review your degrees, qualifications, prior experience etc. At a club they care about your looks, your moves, and whether you are OK with getting naked in front of strangers. Messing around with the merely curious is a waste of time. So they have regular audition times prior to opening or they just ask dancers to come to the 'amateur contest' night.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: 10 Ugliest Cars of All Time
    An ugly car list that doesn't include the AMC Pacer is half-baked.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How can I make the most of my strip club time?
    It is hard to tell how to maximize your value because what constitutes value to you. To get a nice buzz while watching naked women? To spend a long time at the club enjoying the scenery? To get plenty of private dances from a wide range of girls? To get extras in the VIP? Here is the key, understand how things work in the club (reviews here and information on the club's website) and then have a plan about how much you are going to spend on what. Then politely say no to things that are not part of your plan.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Los Angeles area clubs value/minute
    Actually the best deal is at the DV clubs when they offer a 3 for 2 on the $10 topless dances. Presuming 3 min songs that comes to $2.22 per minute. At the DV COI on Mondays the 3 for $20 special is all the time, just like the on Thursdays the $100 half hour VIP is all the time.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do some people give high ratings to a club they say they may never visit aga
    I agree with Rick. Generally the decision on 'will I come here again' is based on the lowest of the three ratings, in other words a club that bites on any one of the three categories...value, atmosphere, or dancers, is likely to be a no-return judgement. In fact an interesting analysis would be to rank the clubs on the highest lowest category of ratings.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Giving TUSCL a local feel
    Frankly I think that most likely Founder took it down because depending on the content management software it would mean thousands of places to monitor, one for each club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sam's has two entrances/exits. One is into the valet parking lot and I doubt a car could get going very fast. The second is onto a very narrow sidewalk on a quite busy and straight street. This is likely where the incident happened. And it is true, at least in the US there are a lot of requirements (license, registration, insurance, safety testing) that we put on auto ownership that we do not put on gun ownership. And yet nobody seems all that worried about government conspiring to take away our right to drive.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    little blue pills
    I don't need any of the little blue pills but my father in law recently had to fill a fairly expensive prescription and after shopping around found that the significantly better price appeared to be at Costco.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    For Dancers ... Can Volume be Better that Price Per ?
    Sure it is more work but it is a question of idle time. It it takes a lot of selling time to try to convince a guy sot shell out for a 20 or 30 dollar dance and they are likely to take a string of two or three of the 10 dollar dances and then perhaps add a tip too, then it can make more money.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    SC Bartenders
    You want what yo can't have. It's frustrating to the dancers though. I'm working with a club owner on a concept for a new club, and one of the more radical ideas is to have the dancers be the servers too. Bear in mind this is not a full bar place so serving the drinks is no more complicated than opening a can or bottle. The idea is that it reduces the potential distraction away from the dancers and gives the dancers extra opportunity to form rapport with the customers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Taking One for the Team
    With somebody as well experienced as clubber consistently says it is bad, what else is there to learn?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    snow sex
    Considering what I know a cold lake or ocean does to the size of my willie the thought of snow does not seem interesting.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Rappers & Taxes: Can They Write Off Strip Club Expenses?
    Sure they can TRY to deduct the expenses, but whether they can get away with it is a whole different thing. In general entertainment is deductible but you have to have pretty clear documentation of who you were entertaining and the business that was discussed in the meeting. You will have a lot easier time deducting the entrance fee and drinks than 'making it rain' particularly since in an audit the IRS will be looking for receipts.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Questions To The Older Guys
    Hasn't happened to me yet, but I imagine when it does I will still be at clubs getting lap dances for the human interaction.
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    12 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Having used condoms my entire adult life even when in a permanent relationship it doesn't bother me and as long as the condom is put on properly (which I am surprised at how few dancers know how to do). About the only thing that I take uncovered are hand jobs. (And one of the best HJ's I have ever gotten in a club was covered!) Any girl willing to go uncovered with me is willing to go uncovered with most likely dozens of guys each week. Even if I might be able to get treated for whatever I catch there is also the matter of being the conduit to others. Though a guy my age might die of something else before HIV having to take thousands of dollars each year of retroviral drugs day after day is a bitch, not to mention putting a damper on the possibility for future serious relationships.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Do the High Mileage Clubs Get More Reviews?
    Remember that we tend to draw the hardcore club patron here so it would tend toward the clubs favorable to the hardcore club patron. Obviously large cities also have an advantage and clubs with a long history. I think that the biggest factor is that good reviews here yield more site visitors sent to those clubs, more reviews.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    how do you deal with OTC girls you know, when returning to the club.
    rickdugan's line about what you cannot control is important. Dancers certainly like to mark territory and say that this customer is 'theirs'. And the more time/money you spent on creating the OTC arrangement the more likely they are going to do that. You could switch shifts or days. If your OTC girl is night shift then visit day shift.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Building a playlist for a club...Suggestions?
    @greorgmicrodong...and that is exactly what I will be doing, shortening a song to fit a format. As to being able to talk to the actual potential customers I am on the opposite coast. The owner is saying 'Van Halen and stuff'.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Building a playlist for a club...Suggestions?
    Thanks for all the good and nearly good suggestions. To clarify a couple of the complaints: 1. Song length is tied to revenue and thus tied to the revenue model. 3 minute song is 20 songs per hour, 4 minute songs are 15 songs per hour, and 5 minute songs are 12 songs per hour. Not having a standard length song puts your revenue potential all over the map. This is not a concert hall. 2. If I wanted to play the songs that the dancers really wanted I would be asking over at the pink site. If a dancer is more worried about her preferences in music than the preferences of the customer she has already proven herself not to have the right kind of customer focus. Frankly I expect that when adding to the playlist in the future the dancers will be listened to. But it will be as something of a reward given after a couple of months tenure. Besides why should the dancer on stage have so much importance? Most of the revenue while she is on stage is actually being earned in the lap dance rooms. That a song will generate more follow on dances is more important to the revenue of the club than whether the dancer gets a couple of extra dollars stage-side.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Building a playlist for a club...Suggestions?
    Alucard, I am an audio editing expert, I don't butcher songs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why no regular hospitality?
    First of all, there is the suggestion of the Day Shift try also to chat up other people...the doorman, the bartender, the waitress, etc. Dancer's will pick up on that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Headache from DATY?
    All girls or just some girls? I am thinking some sort of neck muscular stress and/or low oxygen headache from trying to hold your head steady and hold your breath.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer Drinks ?
    Every club has their own revenue model. Some dancers get a bit of their drink sales and some have a quota. others do not. Some put a lot of expectation for their waitresses to be pushy others do not. Some see the drinks as the way of loosening guys up for the dances, others want to have it be a big profit center on their own. Either way it is not as if they want to site there having a drink with you. Not only are you not buying a dance you are keeping them from selling a dance to somebody else. So that has to factor into the economics. Still $20 is a rip-off unless it is a whole bottle.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    strip club music-not what you hear but what you don't hear
    Some clubs let the dancers choose, some give the control to the DJ and others the management sets a playlist. My opinion is that the dancers and the customers are in different musical demographics and the DJ may have his own games that they are playing.