Do the High Mileage Clubs Get More Reviews?
Seattle, Washington
Following Samsung's and Papi_Chulo's recent threads about clubs that get the most reviews, I had a different thought: Here in Seattle, I've noticed over the past six months or more, that only two of the 13 Puget Sound Region clubs really get a lot of reviews (Pandora's and Sands). Those two are the only clubs that seem to offer high mileage. Neither have cameras, nor much human supervision. Two others don't have camera's but are dives (Centerfolds and Dancing Bare, and get very little business). All the rest have cameras (Deja Vu-owned clubs and Sin Rock.)
Otherwise, maybe the very large clubs get a lot of reviews, only because more customers patronize them. What are your thoughts on WHY certain clubs get more reviews than others?
Otherwise, maybe the very large clubs get a lot of reviews, only because more customers patronize them. What are your thoughts on WHY certain clubs get more reviews than others?
If you are only comparing clubs within a certain area against each other, then the more popular clubs get more reviews compared to the local competition, and higher mileage is one possible reason for higher popularity as shadow says. Of course, in a town where the mileage doesn't vary much from club to club, there would have to be other factors in play such as dive vs. nice.
However, you cannot apply such an argument when comparing clubs which are not in geographic proximity. Hong Kong and Adeltia have a few hundred reviews compared to Mons at almost 1200. Certain Mississauga, Ontario clubs have less than 100 reviews, but I'd would expect farmerart to tell you anything can be had there.
Also, you argument probably also doesn't holed where there is a large tourism presence involved. Burbon St clubs may have more reviews than other NOLA clubs but you probably get better mileage off Burbon St.
I think that the biggest factor is that good reviews here yield more site visitors sent to those clubs, more reviews.
Like others have said, I think it would be great to see a total review count as well as a recent (say 6 months) review count. The reviews in the past 6 months vs mileage would be interesting.
For my part, I think I'm probably more likely to review a club if it stands out - either shitty or great. So it would stand to reason to me that the "average" clubs have the fewest reviews, but either end of the spectrum probably have more.