how do you deal with OTC girls you know, when returning to the club.

avatar for dalex
Right now what I do is, just avoid the club, but I hate doing that because that forces me to avoid some of my favorite clubs, just in fear of seeing girls I'm OTC with, in the club.

Because they expect me to be with them the whole stay there, and they hate when I talk to other girls.

The only solution would be, not to fuck girls from your favorite club, but, that's the reason why certain clubs become our favorite.


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
I sit and talk to them, sometimes buy drinks or dsnces. After we've done an OTC session, I generally make pretty clear that nothing more than that is likely to happen in the club.

I'll also sit with other girls.
avatar for txtittyfan
12 years ago
I always let them know that they are not exclusive to me in the club.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I don't see the problem.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I also don't see a problem.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"I sit and talk to them, sometimes buy drinks or dances"

Likewise, usually buy some dances though.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Dalex, sitting with other girls should not be an issue. However, finding another OTC connection could be a different matter and you could be putting the existing OTC connect at risk. Also keep in mind that one girl can poison the pond for you with the other dancers if she is vocal enough.

My summary of this situation is as follows:

WHAT YOU CAN (GENERALLY) CONTROL: How the OTC girl behaves with you and with someone who is sitting with you at the moment.

WHAT YOU CANNOT CONTROL: What she does or says behind the scenes.

WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU: It is tough to maintain multiple OTC girls in the same club at the same time. I travel a great deal and have OTC connects in a number of cities, so I've seen a lot of this even when I only hit a club 2-3 times per year. OTC girls tend to get particularly territorial after they have already given up the goods and will often warn other girls off. They can also poison the well for you in a dozen different ways. The worst part is that all of this takes place behind the scenes, often in the DR, so you don't have any control over it and may not even know that it is happening.

EXCEPTIONS TO THIS: I have put my foot down multiple times with girls pulling this shit, but have had limited success. The term "pariah" comes to mind once I have shunned a girl that I have previously taken OTC - LOL - no doubt because she has said something to others in the DR. The two notable exceptions for me are one large club in Queens and a wonderful little club in South Carolina, where the girls have not acted at all proprietary and have even provided other recommendations when they were not available. But these were the exceptions for me and, in general, it is difficult to switch to another girl, especially in a smaller club, once you have taken one OTC for p4p.

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
" It is tough to maintain multiple OTC girls in the same club at the same time"

If OhioVoyeur was still available you could ask him about his problems with this issue. He tried it and failed!
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
rickdugan's line about what you cannot control is important. Dancers certainly like to mark territory and say that this customer is 'theirs'. And the more time/money you spent on creating the OTC arrangement the more likely they are going to do that.

You could switch shifts or days. If your OTC girl is night shift then visit day shift.
avatar for sonic_r6
12 years ago
Thanks for all the insight, as I have recently been chasing the SC P4P avenue with modest success.

Not sure if this is the appropriate medium, but I was wondering your guys opinion on what are reasonable costs for OTC play?

Feel free to email at if you want to shoot the shit about SC P4P, etc.

To RICKDUGAN: Just curious as to how you found out an OTC girl was sabotaging your rep, etc?
avatar for sonic_r6
12 years ago
Has anyone had success making a girl OTC by using jealousy (seeing you with other girls) as a way to get OTC privileges? That is, establishing repoir with a girl that is hesitant about OTC and then talking it up with other girls to make them "up their game" so-to-speak?
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
I just tell them that i treat every stripper equaly. And if they don't like it move on
avatar for two4fun1225
12 years ago
I am an equal opportunity employer at the club and all the ladies at my favorite one are all ok with that but only do otc with one of them.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Has anyone had success making a girl OTC by using jealousy (seeing you with other girls) as a way to get OTC privileges? That is, establishing repoir with a girl that is hesitant about OTC and then talking it up with other girls to make them "up their game" so-to-speak?"

I DON'T play those kind of games.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@sonic_r6: WRT using jealousy.

Not worth it. If she's not willing to enter into a mutually beneficial relationship on her own, without having to engage in emotional manipulation, I'm not interested. I want her to do it because she wants to, not because she's "jealous" of someone else, because she's more likely to come back.

Yeah, I'm weird that way.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Yeah, I'm weird that way"

NOT weird gmd. :)
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"Has anyone had success making a girl OTC by using jealousy (seeing you with other girls) as a way to get OTC privileges?"

No. In fact, this game is commonly tried by PLs and the girls are generally savvy to it. In fact, I've heard girls joke about guys who try to play them off against each other as if they actually are going to get jealous - lmao. From their perspective, you are only as good as what you are willing to spend right now. No girl is going to lose her mind over what you could possibly spend on her tomorrow.

Also, guys who play games are generally considered to be douchey pussies who are generally untrustworthy. Sorry to say it this way, but if you want to maximize your OTC chances in any club, you want to act like you've been there before. Trying to force it is the surest way of not getting it IMHO. You want any OTC candidate, whether it is a girl who you picked up in a loose travel club or one in your tighter hometown club, to know that you are a steady and discreet and that whatever she does with you will not come back to haunt her.

Anyway, just my two cents.
avatar for sonic_r6
12 years ago
Thanks for all the comments. What is PLS? please

Not that I purposfuly used that tactic but it has come down to it in a round about way. Got the phone numbers from several girls. Following up with contact info, I have not had success in even doing a lunch date, so I move on. And when I go back to the club and they see me with other girls they make comments such as "player" and "make time for them and not me" texts.

Still early in my strip club otc career, so I will keep you posted. Got kinda bored with the straight p4p, so I thought I would give this a try. One thing for sure, it ain't cheap.

I "hobby" in the DC metro area. And what I spent on drinks and tips last week, I could of had 2 sure things with "providers". Not sure why I am using quatation marks, lol. Not sure what the protocals are here.

Email me if you want to shoot the shit and exchange strategies.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"To RICKDUGAN: Just curious as to how you found out an OTC girl was sabotaging your rep, etc?"

First, you need to understand that many of the girls run their mouths in the DR and will warn other girls about bad experiences. So with this understanding, it becomes pretty obvious when you suddenly become an island in the stream and no dancer will come near you, even to hawk the required promotional stuff, that someone said something to someone.
avatar for sonic_r6
12 years ago
Lol. Yeah, this reminds me of last week when a dancer said she got a lap dance and was weirded out by some guy and she told/"warned" a girl. As the warned girl walked past us with the same guy to go to the lap dance area she rolled her eyes as if to say -- oh boy, here it comes.

Truth be told, even though I have spend the equivalent of two P4P sessions last week just inside the club, I had fun. Possibly alcohol induced fun, but fun nonetheless.

The next adjustment in my approach is to tighten up the wallet when I go to the club; even though that is not my nature. Just can't keep doing that at my current financial situation.

The one success that I did have at a Baltimore club; long story short; looks are a solid 9 in anyone's book; but not GFE. In fact, the three times a saw her, the sessions got worse and worse. But at 200 even for 1.5 hours I couldn't really complain. The novelty has worn off and I really don't care to see her any more.

Any advice on how to handle it when I see her at the club? Last time I saw her she was with clients and me with someone else. I felt obliged to at least acknowledge her, so I tipped her when she was on stage and said "you were busy all night with other people" and that I was on my way out, which I was.
avatar for membernumber1
12 years ago
I usually joke pretty early on about her sitting with another guy, "What? I thought we were exclusive!? What the hell?!" Then I usually follow up with, "well, I guess I get to hang out with other girls if that's how you want it...just call me when you're done with those boys, K?"
avatar for looneylarry
12 years ago
Not to jinx it, but it sure is refreshing to read a thread where there are legitimate questions and legitimate answers. It hasn't quickly devolved into some dumbass troll sausage-fest with posters throwing around put-downs and peeing on each other's legs. It's like the difference between a smokeless place and a place with an ugly blue cloud hanging there. I prefer the clean air.
avatar for sonic_r6
12 years ago
Mrpink wrote: I usually joke pretty early on about her sitting with another guy, "What? I thought we were exclusive!? What the hell?!" Then I usually follow up with, "well, I guess I get to hang out with other girls if that's how you want it...just call me when you're done with those boys, K?"

I like it; may have to borrow it and use it, even for yet to be OTC girls.

The game is more fun when we learn from each other. I only accidently ran into this discussion. No offense to the website, but it isn't the most well designed with regard to navigation; but once you do it is easy.

Look forward to sharing stories and insight.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Aren’t you the one with the balls and the $$$? No way in hell should you let a stripper dictate what you do and don’t do in a SC? They don’t give a shit about you, just your $$$ - why are you going to naively give a shit about what she thinks.

She is just trying to have all your $$$ for her, not have *you*. She probably has a BF that she buys stuff for with *your* money. If you let her control you that way – you are well into becoming an All-Pro PL. You either control her or she is going to control you (and your wallet).
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
I appreciate your answer papi, you put it in simple way that makes the most sense and has the most effect.

So true and I don't know why I keep forgetting that.
avatar for LeeH
12 years ago
"... fuck[ing] girls from your favorite club [is] the reason why certain clubs become our favorite."

BZZZZZ! Wrong! Thanks for playing! We have some lovely parting gifts for you, *despite* the fact that you tried to cram *your* way of enjoying a club down everyone else's throat.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
It's a problem

but I don't care
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Papi, I believe that you've said that you don't really do OTC. You are also in Miami, where p4p is widely and easily available (though you don't seem to do that either), which also skews things.

But when you said this...

"You either control her or she is going to control you (and your wallet)." made me smile. It looks great as a sound bite, but doesn't really work in practice. You cannot control a dancer, but rather only what you pay for or what you will tolerate when she is in front of you.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago

You are correct – I don’t do OTC often and the OP *was* about OTC.

My comment - "You either control her or she is going to control you (and your wallet)." – I think applies in general when dealing with dancers whether one does OTC or not, IMO.

The concept of power and/or control does often come into the picture in the SC scenario whether we are conscious/aware of it or not , IMO.

When one combines significant amounts of $$$ along with sex/overcharged-sex-environment, the issue of power/control will often be present especially when dealing with a fave/regular. The dancers will try to use their pussy power to try to get (control) what they want and often how they want it, and vice versa the custie will try to use his $$$ to try to get (control) what he wants.

Not all dancer/custie “relationships” fall into this, but many do especially the longer it goes on, IMO.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
"What is PLS, please?"

That's a plural of PL, which stands for Pathetic Loser, who is a strip club regular looking for love in the club. Someone easily manipulated by the all-powerful women of the establishment.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
If you're a PL for long enough with a single dancer, you can graduate to being a RIL, an advanced case known as Regular In Love. Both of these conditions are known to be dangerous to your wallet and personal happiness.
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