
Get your priorities straight.

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Monday, September 5, 2011 9:13 AM
I usually don't read reviews of clubs I don't intend on visiting in the near future, but I was bored so I looked at the reviews for the Spearmint Rhino, the #1 rated Vegas club. The reviewer wrote, "sat in Bottle Service area which offers a bit more privacy amongst the general seating area. Bottle service was $400" Whoa....stop right there. Now mind you, I ain't cheap. If I had a nickel for every dollar I've spent in strip clubs I'd be a rich man. But I don't waste it on booze. I spend it on dances...er, at least that's what she calls it. Now I guessing, when topless clubs began back it the 60's, it was a way for bar owners to attract customers to come into the club and buy drinks. Now, I think things have changed. Going to see strippers is the objective and drinking is secondary. Now I don't care if you want to drink a few beers when you're there, but spending this kind of dough on liquor is crazy talk to me. I guess we all have different priorities.


  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    i had to go read the review to make sure i wasn't trippin', haha but yeah motorhead, i agree with every word you said.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Recently I have had several dancers tell me that they see a lot of customers coming in and not drinking alcohol. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one.I am there for the women. Not the booze.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Some people have more money than they know what to do with I guess. (At the other end of the spectrum is Payer11 whose income is so limited he needs to settle for $60 whores.)
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    IMHO, rarely would heavy drinking and a club experience be positive. Lots of bad things could happen.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    ^^ rephrase that, some people have more money than brains, then there's guys like art that have both and more power to him/them ;-)
  • imnumnutz
    13 years ago
    when i'm in vegas, i always rent a car, so when i'm out i'm either drinking club soda or non-alcoholic beer. several times i've had to pass through dwi checkpoints on my way home...one less thing to worry about.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    Non value added revenue enhancers. Absofuckinglutely hate them.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    For $400 at my favorite club, I could have BJ, FS, and my car washed and waxed.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    For $400, my current favorite would spend the entire night. She's already done it for $300, so I'm guessing she'd almost literally jump at an extra 33%.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    For $400, I'll give you a lesson on Marxism and the rise of fascism at any point in history. /nerd
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Let's do it, fetish_dancer, I enjoy a good discussion. :)
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    @fuckhead_dancer: Sounds a little tryhard. I kinda doubt if you were capable of being a $400/lesson professor of history, you would instead choose to rub your ass on guys until they came on you for $50 or whatever it is you charge. Maybe I'm just a cynic though.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    It's an art a lot of strippers don't seem to have any inclination in perfecting, conversation. I was just kidding about being paid; fuck, I'll lecture you for free just because I like to talk about it, haha.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    Dougster hasn't gotten over being "come upon" since that bukake party he had with his "uncles" when he was younger.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Oh, my, she certainly flew off on that one. Guess she's kind of sensitive about the whole subject of how she really makes her money, versus her ideal. So sad.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    Please don't project, sweetheart; just because you allow jizz showers for $5 doesn't mean the rest of us do for any price. :P
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    fetish_dancer: "For $400, I'll give you a lesson on Marxism and the rise of fascism" Throw in existentialism and you've got a deal.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    anyway.....Vegas is the place for big spenders to pay $400 just to show that they paid $400.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    "For $400, I'll give you a lesson on Marxism and the rise of fascism" ^^ we're already getting that for free from our government.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    Deal, jackslash. And troop, BAM! is all I have to say to your post.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    I don't drink much in general, and definitely do not drink at strip clubs. First of all, I have to drive a fair distance to even get to my "local" club. Second, I go to see dancers, not get wasted. Any money spent on booze reduces how much quality time I can get. Also, getting drunk isn't a good combination when you can't afford to empty your wallet at a club. FD, I completely agree with you that conversation is a lost art a lot of strippers don't seem to have any inclination in perfecting. Now I'm not a complete idiot and realize most if not all is stripper shit, but it is so much more enjoyable to have some conversation and flirting and feel some kind of connection (even if it is totally fake) than dealing with 'robots.'
  • bear2k
    13 years ago
    Don't know what you look like, f_d, but for $400, it'll have to be a very interesting conversation. Like comic books. Or, maybe closer to your idea of a good conversation, the Fair Tax. :)
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    @mjx01: It's just something no one does anymore. I read somewhere that the average attention span for a HUMAN BEING nowadays is 7-10 minutes. When you're working a job that requires you to say more than a few lines, you gotta pay attention and you have to interact. Any good dancer knows that, but moreover, any person with common sense knows that. @bear2k: The FairTax is interesting but a little vague, kind of like Paul Ryan's economic plan. :D
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    I'm don't drink so its not a big deal to me on alcohol and having to make a decision. But if I had $400 to spend at the SC, it certainly wouldn't be on drinks even if I had the disposable income. It would be on the dancers. FD -- I'll talk history with you any day.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    FD, sadly I find that 'common sense' is also going extinct these days.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    Fair tax: 18% on all income over 30k; throw in a few tax credits for having kids (willing to give larger breaks for two parent households); a home ownership credit if income less than 100k; no other loop holes. Also, institute honest accoung of how much FICA take actually takes out of payroll. Institute VAT on any item (excluding houses) over 100k in value.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    A Priest, a Rabbi and a Marxist-Socialist are in an airplane that is going to crash and there are only two parachutes. The Priest says, “I have always followed the word of Jesus, so I should have one of the parachutes.” The Rabbi says, “I paid for the plane rental, so I should also have one of the parachutes.” The Marxist-Socialist says, “I would normally advocate allocating these out according to one’s means, but I’m afraid of dying and would like one of the chutes, please.”
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    Institute a sur-tax on computer based micro-trading. Re-institute the up tick rule so hedge funds can't bankrupt companies by driving down the stock values to zero. Outlaw credit defaut swaps. Abandon the idea of 'carbon trading' and go with a small tax on carbon emissions.
  • bear2k
    13 years ago
    F_d, I don't know if you've read the two fair tax books by Congressman John Linder and radio personality Neal Boortz, but I'm not sure how you can say it's vague. I'd actually like to discuss it with you (it's a passion of mine) if you're interested. Well, I don't wanna spend $400 to discuss it with you, but I'll do it for free. :) Mjx - the FairTax is more of an idea that removes all deductions by charging everyone a tax on spending, not income. Also, it has a "prebate" that eliminates the estimated tax on necessities based only on household size. Tjis allows poorer people to not be charged the tax on basic living. Plus, it removes all payroll taxes (social security, etc.) so everyone would take home alloftheir check (minus state taxes, if your state has an income tax).
  • Digitech
    13 years ago
    Thread hijacked
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    Trying to de-hijack the thread...In California nude has to be no-alcohol so the idea of going to a club for the drinks is as strange as going to a bar for the nudity. As for vegas, it is so commonplace to be coming home and saying that they lost X Dollars at the tables, so there is a built in excuse as to where the money went. I bet a great deal of the money 'lost at the tables' was actually spent on sexual recreation of one form or another.
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    Trying to de-hijack the thread...In California nude has to be no-alcohol so the idea of going to a club for the drinks is as strange as going to a bar for the nudity. As for vegas, it is so commonplace to be coming home and saying that they lost X Dollars at the tables, so there is a built in excuse as to where the money went. I bet a great deal of the money 'lost at the tables' was actually spent on sexual recreation of one form or another.
  • Joe from NJ
    13 years ago
    For the hundreds of club visits, I have never bought bottle service. I would rather spend the money on dances.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Fair Tax is just another hashed over graduated tax. Plus, it does nothing to counter the un-taxed cash "market", or illegal cash. A consumption tax takes care of both. Also those that have the money for high dollar items, well they pay more so should help keep libs happy, if they could ever be happy. Problem is, libs couldn't use it to social engineer, which is their favorite thing to do!
  • magicrat
    13 years ago
    Back to the original drinking comment. Guys you do realize there is a middle ground between nothing and getting shitfaced? I like to have a few just to relax, plus it makes it easier for me to talk to the girls. My current club I visit the most has $1.50 beers and $2.50 mixed drinks all day, every day so I don't really think it affects how much I spend on dances. And if we have a VAT, I'll be contributing to the U.S. tax base...win win I say!
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    An old guy once told me: If you want to drink, go to a "regular" bar; if you want to mess with the ladies, don't drink, period! Best advice, I ever got. F_D - With the advent of Marxist Leninism, you can argue that Marxism and Fascism are two sides of the same coin. That's because both are variants of a broader philosophy affected by political and economic events and butressed by certain technological advances. I'd love to talk to you about that.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    bottle service is for confused clubbers
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    All "bottle service" is, is a way to extract more money from your wallet for the house and hopefully the dancer if you drink enough to impair your spending decisions.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    In most places bottle service is indeed for suckers, with a couple of exceptions that I know of. There are a couple of clubs in the NYC area where bottle service will actually save you money over the bar tab if you have a full night planned. I want all of my vices when I go out - strong booze loose women and a good cigar or a few smooth smokes. Every night in a club is a little party.
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