ATF, is sex mandatory?

Just wondering. For a dancer to be your ATF, does sex have to be a part of it? If so, is she no more than a whore? If not, is she just a friend?



13 years ago
sex = mandatory = yes
is she a whore = yes, they all are
is she your friend = you can't be friends with a woman you pay to fuck
is it possible to be friends with a dancer or other type of whore = yes, but not if you pay to fuck them
13 years ago
No. Being frieldly (admittedly probablly faked) is what differentiates a favorite from all the rest IMO.
13 years ago
Dougster has it right. All other rationalizations are just that.
13 years ago
Totally disagree with Dougster. Not all visit SC for sex. In my opinion, ATF can mean a variety of things based on what each customer places in the package as having value.
13 years ago
I thought "ATF" was "Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms".

ATF, OTC...I need to learn a whole new language!!
13 years ago
My ATF, personally, has a lot to do with chemistry . . . and chemistry can range from friendship to sexuality.
13 years ago
An ATF is a stripper you really connect with. Some guys are okay with just spending time with her and maybe the occasional LD. For some guys, their ATF is a stripper who gives better LD's than any girl in the club (in his opinion). For the rest, it's the girl who provides access to her special little place.
13 years ago
AFT is a stripper!
13 years ago
IMO, ATF stands for all time favortie. Sex is not mandatory, but if you are having sex with other strippers and not your ATF then something is strange.

If you are paying money for sex that they would not be doing were it not for the money then yes they are a whore and you are a john. Live with it.

Sure you can be friends. Is there something that says you have to be enemies? Just because you do have essentially a business relationship doesn't mean you can't be friends.
13 years ago
She wouldn't be my All Time Favorite if she wasn't fucking me.
13 years ago
Minus anyone new, there's only one in my circle I haven't slept with. She's in a relationship, I haven't seen her in about two months, but we txt almost daily. The rest I have, but I haven't paid for, so yes, I would consider them buddies, stripper buddies.
13 years ago
These comments apply to me only, of course. In 30 years of clubbing and sex with strippers, only one has really stood out enough for me to call her an "ATF". And sex was definitely part of the criteria. Great, multi-orgasmic sex. Anytime I wanted it. Shit, I miss that girl. :)

Anyway, the definition of ATF must include sex. No sex means she's not even in the running. That does not mean that a girl who doesn't fuck can't be a favorite, there's two I see regularly, if not terribly often, now that don't and won't. At least me. :) They're nice, though, and not demanding or needy, and happy with what I give them.

My personal emotional baggage generally prevents me from considering the term "whore" from being applicable to most of the girls I've met and had sex with, for all that it's *technically* correct. "Hooker" and "prostitute" are just as correct, and don't carry the negative connotations, for me, thatthe other does.

As for the friendship issue, I am reasonably close friends with our current family lawyer, so I can't completely rule out the possibility, but I tend to dislike doing business with friends because of the potential for conflict. If a hooker with whom I had a "business" relationship were to actually become a real friend, I think I'd have to stop doing business with her.
13 years ago
For me, yes. I'm not looking for a friend and I already have a wife. If she is making serious money off of me for any length of time it is because she is taking care of business.
13 years ago
Interesting comments.
13 years ago
I didn't realize you were all married; makes sense now. Yeah, you should all keep it business.
13 years ago
FYI - my husband and I consider two of the entertainers with whom we have shared some pretty hot times favorites. One an ATF. And we do not have full sex with any of them. No jabs at anyone who does it just is not where we want to go. To be honest we appreciate her sense of humor, openness and love of life.

Marriage is about honesty and trust. When my husband mentioned he wondered what it would be like to go to a SC I was the first in line to sign up. Our fantasies are important to each other so why should we not experiment with this one of his a bit? So, Doc, just so you understand, marriage does not have to include all this hiding and subtrafuge. Nor do I believe marriage means that both parties cannot be friends with a stripper.

I guess it is simply a variation on the old question, Can a man be friends with a woman he finds attractive? I suspect there is no hard and pat answer. It all depends on the people and their view of life and relationships.
13 years ago
sorry - meant to sign that. In case anyone could not tell, this was mrs m00tpoint
13 years ago
My last long relationship detested strippers. Recently we spoke over the phone, she asked if I was seeing anyone. I eventually got around to admitting I had spent a lot of time with strippers over the last few months and had gotten pretty close one of them. Surprisingly she was supportive. Had she been in the relationship, knowing I wouldn't go beyond LD, without her in the mix at least, we may still be together. But she wasn't and I don't give second chances as I'd expect a woman to had I crossed her lines.
13 years ago
So Mrs m00t you're pretty cool in my book.
13 years ago
Just so I am reading correctly - you expect to receive second chances but don't give them? I just want to make sure I am understanding.

13 years ago
No, I don't expect to get second chances, I give girl friends a lot of shit when they go back to thier shitty boyfriends, and I'm not going back to my ex just because she's suddenly ok with strippers. I never cheated on her, but that doesn't mean I didn't want to look at other women or want to see her with other women, (which in theory she was ok with but not in practice). IDK she always had trust issues with me which I never understood until she later admitted she herself was a cheater.
13 years ago
For me an ATF has to provide a sexual experience. And it is more than a "You Grind - ME Pay" relationship. I've NEVER been married. So I bring that perspective to the discussion.
13 years ago
DOC, just a woman's perspective on the "see her with other women" thing: seeing your woman with another woman is not like seeing your man with another woman. It is like seeing your man with another man. Now, if you wanted to watch her with other men then that is equal but not another woman. mrs m00tpoint
13 years ago
I dont understand the question why would she be ATF for any other reason
13 years ago
and yes
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