
R.O.B. ???

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
I agree with the idea if otc is on the menue most girls will tell you up front and it will happen not to long after a few visists like 1 to 3. But my question is has any of you guys had some success with dancers that like to take it slow before maybee otc happens or is this just a rob ??? In my case if it don't happen up front I move on to the next until I get my otc, but this is my first I need to get to know and trust you dancer. I've been visiting her once a week and thangs r slowly building up to what maybee a hot otc...but I still wonder if this ain't a realy good rob playing me for my money ?


  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    I move slowly. If I haven't been dancing for you for awhile, I don't trust you. This means you get a lapdance in the club and that's it. If I trust you and you're a good customer, it pays off
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Thanks stiletto 25 : ) ya I've been seeing this girl for like 2 months now she is normaly a very low mileage dancer and the mileage has been getting higher with her and she is starting to talk about the outside ideas. Just to be safe tho I've lowered my in the club funding just in case she is a rob. But she will still spend 2 to 4 hours talking to me and cuddling with me in the champaine room for like $50 to $100 that's a good deal to me and I still get some dances at that price 2. We get along a little to good I mean I realy have a good time with her. She has recently learnt wear I work and has started paying me visits. So ya I'm thanking otc is close what u thank stiletto ??? Hell if it pays off I might like this a lot better the build up is fun as hell!
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Trust is the key issue for all dancers. Once trust has been achevied then things may change or may not change. Its all about $$$$$.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Thanks bang69 : ) ya I understand the $$$$$ part that's why I've put a nice stack for her just in case she all the sudden says let's go I've got it lol ! But also thanks for adding to the trust and time issues. On trust tho that's why I will get ld so I can prove I'm not a cop. : ))
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    I think the "trust" thing is all BS. If they fuck for money they will do it the first time they meet you. I think usually you have to ask, but some will bring it up on their own. Usually I don't wait around though, so maybe I have I bias in my assessment.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    In recent years, only one girl who's played the slow card has turned out not to be a ROB, and that's my current favorite. She responded to me spending less by eventually meeting me outside. The vast majority of such girls, however, have dropped me like a hot potato when I've started talking about saving for outside. This one may work out, but watch out anyway.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    I think if you want OTC, you should start pushing for it. If you've been seeing her awhile, she's enjoying your time together, and mileage is growing, then you need to start pressing for it. That'll tell you whether she's serious or not.
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    you're tying up the girl for 2-4 hours for $50-100 and you are worried if she is the rip off? Hey, the girl has to make tip-out and pay her bills you know.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Thanks Dougster : ) this is my normal road I meet a girl a couple times either she brings it up or I do then I get yes or no and the rest is history for me ! But I've gotten a little of the path with this one girl and am very much thanking rob.. but I'm pulling one hell of a pl move right now or at least this is how I feel. Hell looking back on my first otc ever I spent $500 in the club in one night and she came to me with her number and she quickly started to call and push to go to a local bar with me and oooo ya the rest of that story was amazing ! : )
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Georgemicrodong thanks : ) thanks for talking about saving for the outside. Ya I figure if she was for real she would respond by cashing out and if not I would have saved my money from a pro rob
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Thanks a lot stileto25 : )) your advice is helping a lot right now.. its nice to get an opionion from a nother dancer !
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Thanks inno123 : )) I fully understand that but all she has to do is meet me outside and she would never have to worry about making tip out again : )) or she could just say look buddy not going to happen then I will move on to wetter pastures : ))))
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    OhioVoyeur thanks man ! : ) I needed a story like that to keep the dream alive. I'm being a major pl for this girl but ya the chase and fanasty of it all is amazing! Its good to see that a pay off can happen with realy slow ass girls : )) I've got it bad for this girl and I know that's not good man but I enjoy my time with her so ya its been worth it!
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    Some dancers will only meet select customers OTC. They don't want to be the same as the girls you see on the escort agencies, etc. that will just go see almost any guy for sex. Some will actually care to know you a bit first.


    You sound like you've seen guys OTC. Based on your posts I always thought this wasn't the case... did something change?
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Gsv thanks man ! : ) well we r definatly getting to know each other.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    gsv: "Some dancers will only meet select customers OTC. "

    Do you have some proof of this? And no, because a stripper said so is not good enough proof of such a claim.
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    @gsv You're absoulutely right. @dougster Every stripper is the same? Really!?
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    More times than not they are playing a stringalong game when they use the ol' "I like you but I need to get to know you" approach.

    @gmd - lol and I'm not surprised. Most girls think about otc payments as extra, not a replacement to money paid in the club. No doubt that they are not happy to hear that you want to "save it for outside." ;)
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Rickdugan thanks ! I need a good reality check man. I'm holding on to this fantasy but I'm preaty sure of the reality.....I myself don't won't to say it but ya good shot she is a rob : ((. I'm going to take stiltio25 advise and see if I can't make it happen and if not move on to the next girl and get back to my old ways
  • rockie
    13 years ago
    I don't begrudge you the wish to do OTC with as little an investment as possible, but who's calling who a ROB w/ a $50-$100 investment for a 2 hour visit in pursuit of getting laid? It's a strip club and OTC isn't in their generic job description. Considering that what's not on the basic menu probably gets requested 75% of the time, a dancer has to have some game to survive. I've seen plenty of ROB's in clubs, but it's a stretch to call your current target one at your price point. When you don't initiate the OTC game and it's suggested with escalated price structure - that's when you can claim to be a victim of a ROB. The current scenario portrays you as a Rip Off Customer in my book, and I'm a customer.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Rockie thanks for the input! : )) 1. I have been pursing otc up front with her. 2. In my first month I spent $750 on her in the club. It was when she said I need to be able to trust me is when I scaled it back so I could do that and save my wallet if she was a rob. Plus she will come and see me at work for an hour on my lunch breaks. So at this point I'm like 50/50. Plus she also knows that I will pay $1,000 outside for 3 or 4 hours of her time. I also visit her on down time like a Monday when they just open and I'm the only custamer......so ya I'm a way from ripping her of.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    You may think that she has plateau-ed. She may be holding back to see if more money will come her way. I'd think that she will probably stall it out for as long as she needs to. The visiting your work is a curveball--I don't think it necessarily means she has feelings for you. And the pessimist in me says watch out so that she doesn't use where you work as leverage if things do go the way she wants.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    don't go*
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Looney larry thanks man ! I've been wondering about those visits to my work as being a curve ball move...its good to see that some one else thanks that to.
  • rockie
    13 years ago
    jb69: Given the more complete picture - Good Luck and I retract the ROC commentary!
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    : )) Rockie thanks !
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    : )) Rockie thanks !
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    @GSV- I will pm you on that.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    @rick, Neither am I really, but...

    To be honest, I'm not even sure why this one has worked out as well as it has. It definitely isn't a typical experience for me. It's making me think I might have to give more "I need to get time to know you" girls a chance. That bids fair to be a much more expensive undertaking, though. :)
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Thanks everybody for the comments : )) I will keep you posted on what happens !
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    @mikeya02: Oh, I see you are another idiot who claims to have me on ignore and then responds to my posts. Are all dancers the same? Yes, they are as dumb as you.

    mikeya02 <- just another nice guy stud who pays for it not because he has to, but because of how nice he is.
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