Stripper Phones

The section on stripper cars, and the ability to buy/finance same, got me thinking about a night I was in my usual club. Just as I sit down, there is one dancer that seems to think I am excited to see her and sits down to talk. I can usually sit and have a beer while she is sitting there, so, it is ok. While she sits and talks, she is constantly checking her phone for texts, and sometimes, sends a text back. All of a sudden, she gets a text, and goes digging in her purse for something. After a while she pulls out another phone and makes a call. After she finished, I asked her about the two phones. The answer astonished me. She said that for low income, you can get a phone with 250 anytime minutes, free long distance and unlimited 911 calls, and any unused minutes roll over month to month. These are for emergency calls.
Who the f&%$ needs 250 minutes for emergencies, how many people do you need to call long distance in emergencies, and why would they need to roll over?
I know, many strippers have kids, and the profession has it's problems, but why would she need to buy a phone, pay for a package, pay extra for texting, and make the calls on a free phone?
Am I the one that's nuts here? Please explain.
Who the f&%$ needs 250 minutes for emergencies, how many people do you need to call long distance in emergencies, and why would they need to roll over?
I know, many strippers have kids, and the profession has it's problems, but why would she need to buy a phone, pay for a package, pay extra for texting, and make the calls on a free phone?
Am I the one that's nuts here? Please explain.
I've encounterd a number of dancers who claim they are poor, receive assistanc from WIC, have a Michigan Bridge Card, have Medicaid for their kids, yet walk out of the club each night with more cash than many of their customers make in an entire week. But that is a WHOLE other topic...
Here's the breakdown:
Rent-Stripper pays half. Half is paid by the taxpayer.
Utilities-Stripper pays most, but gets 10-15% help, funded by generous utility customers who think that they are helping the poor.
Medical-free medical for stripper + her kids.
Taxes-Strippers are not required to report their income and 99% don't.
So, stripper's needed income for a month-give or take 500.00 and the rest is going towards their boyfriend's dope, probation fees, if any, etc. etc.
What the fuck are you talking about? Everyone is required to report their income. The fact that there is no paper trail to pin them down on, and strippers are not renowned for their ethics or regard for the law to begin with, doesn't mean it is not required.
As for me - I feel I pay enough taxes that somebody should be getting away with something.
I enjoy my time and the dollars spent. I don't think I need to worry about the rest of it.
Laws, such as rules, are meant to be broken.
Seems to me plenty of the posters on here select which rules, and laws they like to adhere to.
Enforcing any law is a subjective thing.
Required by the IRS, State Governments, & Local Governments - YES SIR!! Done? Who knows how many paid by cash workers in any job report EVERY last cent to those governmental entities!
How many of us "gentlemen" Clubbers if we earned some cash $$$$ would report every last cent? Raise your Hands! I DON'T think it will be 100% of us.
I'm certainly not following Society's Rules & Laws when it comes to Sexual interactions with dancers.
But I'm also NOT married or in a relationship, so I'm not violating any Rules regarding Sexual interactions outside of Marriage or in an ongoing relationship. I certainly don't believe there is 100% adherence to faithfulness to a spouse or GF by the posters in this Forum.
But the posters in this Forum can behave as they wish...
I think some strippers are just plain anti-social, and like anti-socials have trouble seeing past the day and possible future consequences of their actions.
OTOH, some of the brighter ones do track everything in a spreadsheet, report it all, and pay. (Almost amusingly, some of the real pros even do their own mini-analysis on their spreadsheets. What times of the year are the most profitable, etc.)
Along these lines, have other noticed that a relatively high number of girls seem to be accountants in their other lives?
Occasionally the IRS will try to backtrack from a person's lifestyle that they cannot possibly be declaring all their income. But they will hardly do that for every stripper in the country.
I understand what you are saying, but only up to a point. On one hand, we want dancers to do all kinds of "illegal" activities within the club, yet when it comes to taxes, we (myself included) want them to follow the letter of the law and pay their fair share.
My original point was that alot of dancers are very good at manipulating the system. They work in a cash business and use that to their advantage to obtain free public assistance. Does this bother me? Yes it does. In this age of social media, we now can get a glimpse of the personal lives of dancers. Some post photos of their homes and apartments and many are living in very nice surroundings with large screen HD TVs, expensive sound systems, and leather sofas. Yet, they talk of being of being on food stamps and receiving assistance. It is somewhat irriatating, yet being the big PL that I am, I continue to patronize them and complain about it only on this forum.…
"Abusing the welfare system is not just limited to strippers"
Exactly! That is my point! We rail against the poor single mothers in the ghetto who defraud the Medicaid system and protest against the undocumented immigrants who use taxpayer services yet we seem to give a free pass to beautiful strippers. And yes, I am equally pissed at the hairdresser who sticks her cash tips in her pocket without declaring it as income.
That's too funny. Apparently LOTS of people.
Tell that to the Hollywood producers who have made billions of dollars off of shows like TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, etc....
I know about an AT&T bag phone. I had one as a company phone when I worked for them. That was the early 90's. Don't recall it being an old "far" phone.
You know, after dancers pay the house, the DJ, whatever other troll we need to pay off, after the bar siphons money off dances and drinks, it *is* like paying taxes.
Couldn't agree more with you as to, "...after dancers pay the house, the DJ, whatever other troll we need to pay off, after the bar siphons money off dances and drinks...". Seems every dancer I talk with makes much less than you might figure after those "fees". My fave, I give her enough cash so the I end up paying the house so she keeps what I believe she should get. The entire price of the dance.
Young girls. What do you expect?