How far can you go with a stripper? in club, and out. Can you take them home, is it appropriate to ask them how far they will go etc. Orange County and Las Vegas clubs mostly.
You did notice that this is a review site? Find the top rated clubs in your destination and then read the reviews. You may have to do a little reading between the lines, and bear in mind that a club regular might get more leeway than a stranger, in particular in terms of seeing them outside of the club. But it certainly doesn't hurt to ask and it certanly doen't hurt to have money.
fetish_dancer: Really? I thought it was more like a grand slam home run. All the girls I've done it with, except the one who let me brush her hair, tell me they only do it with their *very* best customer, me. Do you really think they're fibbing? Maybe I'll try pushing things a little and get a hug next time. That'll be *so* hot!
Fuck them in the ass and/or cum on their face. Seriously, for all their unsavory qualities, the biggest redeeming feature is how freaky these girls like to get. Most seem to be up for anything if you get 'em OTC.
acm, you are asking the wrong bunch here. We go to strip clubs to enjoy the fantasy. As most strippers will tell you, they are there to tease, not to please. It is enough for us to spend some quality time with a bright, beautiful young lady, buy a few sensuous (but legal) lapdances and go home to relive the memories and the lingering smell of her sweet perfume on our clothes.
I might suggest, however, that you pm Dougster if you are looking for information of a more carnal nature. As you can see from his responses, he has obviously found the key to enjoying deeper relationships with strippers. He brings to us deep insights regarding clubs and strippers, drawn no doubt from his vast experiences in dealing with both, and I am sure that he can point you in the right direction.
I don't know what they do elsewhere, but in my part of the country no club will knowingly "permit" dancers to openly leave with customers. What happens in the club stays in the club, but as soon as you step outside, the club now has a public image. Dancers leaving with customers looks too much like prostitution. So if the girl likes you and you want OTC you have to "arrange" a meeting time and place and hope she shows.
That being said I have a story:
I had a favorite once, I spent a lot of time with her at her club, trips to the vip, lots of dances on the floor, well you get the picture.
One night my flight was delayed by four hours so I did not arrive at the club until midnight. When I arrived I thought "well at least I will have a couple of hours with "Selina". I asked for my favorite waitress, Alicia. Alicia quickly informs me that "Selina" is toasted.
Well, toasted was a mild term. "Selina" was shit-faced. Damn, there goes my night I thought. And worse, I see the manager approaching me. "Hi Kim, how's things going?" "Pablo, you have to take Selina home right now" she said "or she's suspended. "Ok, help we get her to a cab" I said. "No, pull your car up to the front door under the awning" Kim instructed me.
I pulled the car around, Kim told the bouncers "Pablo is taking Selina home". We loaded a very drunk Selina into my car and a few minutes later I was on my way to my favorites apartment. Like a true gentleman, I helped her up the steps, keeping her steady as she threw up. I got her to the door, assisted her with her keys, and managed to her inside the apartment. By now she was somewhat less drunk and told me "I will see you tomorrow. "Ok, lock the door behind me" I said. When I heard the lock turn, I headed home myself. That was the first and last time I ever took a stripper home.
"I might suggest, however, that you pm Dougster if you are looking for information of a more carnal nature. As you can see from his responses, he has obviously found the key to enjoying deeper relationships with strippers. He brings to us deep insights regarding clubs and strippers, drawn no doubt from his vast experiences in dealing with both, and I am sure that he can point you in the right direction"
"I've held hands with a few; one even let me brush her hair."
After they get to know you, acm, some of the (naughtier) girls will let you kiss them on the cheek! Oh, and one even let me kiss her on the lips!! (of course she was drunk).
Ah, I've noticed that something that really bothers guys like Rick_TheIdiot_Dugan and Alucard is that getting a stripper to have sex with you OTC is no big deal, and it proves absolutely nothing about who you are.
In the back of their minds so many guys on TUSCL seem to have the idea that yes the stripper is primarily engaging in sexual activities with you because of money, but doesn't the nice guy factor also play at least some role? Doesn't all of their imagined considerablely more experience and game also play a role?
Sorry guys but it just does not work that way. As an example, look at guys like whackjob psycho Dudester who is on record as calling all women (not just stippers) "commodities" and threatening people with violence in real life because of silly disputes on the internet. Is Dudester a nice guy? You cannot honestly say that he is. Do I believe this non-niceness or his, self-admitted, 101 mental problems prevents him from paying strippers to have sex with him? No. Why is that? Because strippers don't care who you are. Nice guy or not your chances are the same with them, provided you have learned one thing.
And what is the one thing you have to learn to have sex with strippers if you are willing to pay? The revelation is this - ask. This is something some of the smarter ones of us caught onto really quickly. Ask. It doesn't matter who you are. Are you a nice guy? Do you (claim) you have deep inherent respect for strippers, as opposed to those guys who think they are just whores? It makes zero difference in your chances for OTC, if you have learned one thing - ask.
And that's what really frustrates Rick an co. Rick thinks he is much nicer guy then me. Is he really? Do nice guys cheat on their wives, have so little self control that they engage in BBFS with strippers when they are married and thus put their wives at risk of STDs? Rick is no nicer than me try as hard to project that he does.
Does Rick's imagined "considerably more experience with OTC" than the rest of us mean he is more likely to get some than I am? Nope. And why is that? It's because once you learn the trick (which is to "ask", they don't care who you are, it's the money, stupid!) there really isn't anything else to learn. You can kid yourself to try and boost your ego, like Rick seems to have the need to, but that's really all there is to it. Ask, doesn't matter if you think you are a nice guy or not. Your chances are the same.
Is this a sad state of affairs that nice, "experienced" guys don't have any more advantage than some supposedly not so nice guy who just learned to ask early on? Does it mean strippers aren't really different than whores who will do it with anyone and thus "scoring" with them by paying proves nothing? I'll let the reader draw their own conclusions. Just don't let your ego lead you to believe things you want as opposed to what is real.
Jeesh, that's what I get for trying to give a guy his props. ;) Anyway...
See that acm, I TOLD you that Dougster was the guy to ask, and he was even kind enough to share his insights for all to read!
Now remember what Dougter told you: all strippers are whores and they will have sex with any ol' guy who asks them for it! So don't bother showering if you don't feel like it and if you look like a deranged psycho, no problem! It's all about the money baby! And certainly don't bother getting a hotel room - no doubt that any of these strippers will be perfectly happy fucking you in the backseat of your car. Oh, and don't worry about who overhears you making the offer to her - after all, remember that the other strippers are whores too so they will understand, as will club management if they happen to overhear.
Acm, armed with Dougster's clear eyed advice, I say don't waste any time. The next time you are in Vegas, you should go to the club of your choice and, once you see a girl that you like, immediately ask her if you can fuck her for...let's say $400 (Dougster, please correct me if that number seems too high or low). Don't waste valuable time and money in get to know you chatter and with overpriced club drinks. After all, what's the point in all of that when she will fuck you anyway regardless? In fact, even better, see if you can catch one in the parking lot on the way in - this will save you the cover charge too.
I feel like such a fool after all this time. It could have been so much easier, not only for me but for all of the other guys on this board who claim to struggle with procuring OTC. We should have just asked!
Anyway acme, good luck with this and be sure to let us know how this works for you!
I've never said all strippers will have sex with customers for money. I've said a majority will and that all strippers are whores. Note that the defintion of a whore is a women who engages in "sexual activities for money". Intercourse is not required by the definition. A HJ or gridning on a guy's dick until he cums will do. So unless a stripper is only giving air dances, she meets the defintion of being a whore.
Rick can't argue with my real position (because it is right) so can only argue by pretending I've said things that I haven't.
Rick, you also better be careful to point out that if you stand up and urinate in the middle of the club you are going to hurt your chances for OTC. If you don't point out every little exception to the "any guy" rule gyys might not know what I meant by "any guy". (But to exact I pointed out in another post that my feeling is that not everyone will get served at Burger King, but if you meet that bar you should just fine meeting the bar to have sex with those stripper who do do p4p.)
Anyway, Rick is right to think that readers are kind of cluless like that you know? They might also think I meant if you offer them a penny that is good enough. Can't be too careful about how literally brain damaged people here will read things (when it suits them) but then take statements which are meant to be literal as generalities when that suits them... Try to get the gist of what I'm saying at least, if, like Rick, you are too dumb to get close to the exact meaning.
Sorry Dougster, as a guy lacking yourinsights and experiences I guess I did not what you were trying to say. Thank you as always for the claarifications!
So acm, to recap, a majority of strippers will have sex with you for money, regardless of how you look, act, etc., and most that won't will at least do you the courtesy of giving you a HJ or grinding you until you cum. All you have to do is ask!
Acm, you're in for a good time on your next trip, courtesy of Dougster! Now remember, if she starts to walk away in a huff after you offer her money for sex, don't forget to quickly ask, "Well can I at least have a handjob?!"
Thank you Dougster, as always, for your continuing contributions.
"But to exact I pointed out in another post that my feeling is that not everyone will get served at Burger King, but if you meet that bar you should just fine meeting the bar to have sex with those stripper who do do p4p."
Wow, this is good stuff. In fact, Dogster, I think you might be on to a great rule of thumb here.
This is great stuff. Thank you as always for all of your help.
Ah, finally, Rick is getting close to representing my real position fairly. A little bit of silliness left, but very close nevertheless. I feel almost proud of him now. :-)
As for acm, I stand by the Burger King test. If the behavior/appearance would hurt your chance of getting service at Burger King it is likely to hurt your OTC chances. Otherwise you should be fine for p4p with those strippers (the majority) who do! Have fun! Just remember the secret - ask!
Rickdugan and Douchester have some good points, just from different perspectives. Rick travels and finds variety. Douchester, on the other hand finds OTC with his relatives in his home town.
Douchester did just write a review of a brothel on a trip he just appears to have made. But with all of his supposed acumen, he travels 100's of miles to go to a brothel, but doesn't get laid. Kind of brings to mind the old cliche, that he is such a dickwad, he can't even get laid in a whorehouse.
And txtittyfan recommended shorting treasuries this year into their big surge recently. Down about -15% on that trade. Meanwhile I recommended long dollars and that went up +25%. Nevertheless, I am sure tittyfan will find a way to spin this, that he is has better market savvy than me. After all treasuries should have gone down and the dollar should have gone down too right? And "should have" is what count right? Just like nice guys "should have" better chances with strippers. :-)
As for the brothel and not getting laid. Not following tittyfan's logic. If you go to one and there is no girl of your liking there, so you go across the street to another where do you find a girl you like, how is that not accomplishing the goal?
Yep, I'm also interested in how it goes. Also do a comparison with my advice versus Rick's. I can't remember all the details but it's something like dress well enough so that you stand out relative to other customers, try to target single mothers, avoid the young girls... Rick will have to fill in the rest or correct any mistakes I made. I didn't really pay much attention to his fanciful "system" (some would say just mental maturbation and stroking of his already over sized ego) to remember it to well.
Once again Dougster has it down. I, too, would be interested in seeing how his "Yo, ho' I have money - wanna fuck?" system works out. ;) I suspect that it hasn't seen much field testing, or at least by him, but I'd be fascinated to hear how it works in practice.
Right, Rick. Getting strippers to have sex with you OTC for money is a major accomplishment. Not many guys can pull it off it's so super tricky. Takes lots of thought, and years of experience. No way it could be as simple as just asking. Why, your whole world (ego) would collapse if it was that simple won't it? What a fuckin' dumbass you are...
Play-by-Play: After outside interference by tittyfan, Dougster was able to find his way back into this back and forth battle with rickdugan. With six rounds in the books who will win this slobber-knocker of a grudge-match? Stay tuned!
This is too much fun. I've got to say Burger King was the best choice of dining establishments for this comparison. Have it Your Way. It takes two hands to handle a Whopper. They write themselves!
Stax - you sound like good 'ole JR - Jim Ross from the WWE. I haven't heard too many other people refer to a fight as a slobber-knocker other than him and to add in the ad. Classic!
lol stax, but Dougster was never in it to begin with. Does the nail fight the hammer?
Seriously, I am probably giving him what he wants by debating his silly theories, but every once in a while I decide to have a little fun with it. Here is a guy who barely goes to strip clubs, yet posts his ass off on a strip club site. Now fair enough - he likes strip clubs but just can't afford them, so he wants to hang with the guys that can. Ok, I get it, even if I find it to be a little pathetic. But what is truly baffling to me is his need to post and defend ridiculous bullshit, obviously based more in theory than practice, to a group of guys who actually do these things routinely.
Now perhaps this whole Dougster thing is one big gag played by someone running multiple characters on this site, so I could be the dupe here, but if that is not the case then I am truly puzzled. half-baked bullshit that is really nothing but theory to him to a group of guys who do this stuff routinely in practice.
You've been on here for over 3 years and manage to squeak out about 6 shitty reviews per annum. And if the your Vegas reviews were any indicator, then you either didn't really visit those clubs at all or, at most, went in and had a beer. Hell, I could have written those reviews without ever visitng those clubs based solely upon what other reviewers have posted.
The guys who you are trying to compare yourself with post a review each month - no doubt doing what is minimally required to keep VIP status - and clearly could post more if they had to. And as far as gmd is concerned, he's out there clubbing and fucking strippers while you sit there whacking off to other men's realities in your basement room, at least when you are not scrounging up materials for your dubious reviews and otherwise dreaming up more ridiculous BS for your uninformed posts.
Along with being an envious Dickwad. Douchester exhibits his lack of maturity in his responses. One of his last responses to me ended with a "tee-hee-hee", now really, when is the last time anyone heard an intelligent adult talk like that?
I can't speak for GMD, but I don't usually go to a variety of Clubs. I'm usually a repeat customer at a particular Club because I've found a dancer I want to spend $$$ on. And usually these Clubs have been reviewed TO DEATH by others. Hence I don't feel a need to write an additional review that will NOT add any NEW info. So as a result, my review count is NOT very high. Besides, I thought that sort of review was discouraged on this site.
Now if Dougster & rickdugan want to have an adolescent pissing contest &/or Dick measuring session, PLEASE leave me out of it.
@txtittyfan: Your posts on here exhibit profound lack of market insight. You totally bombed your calls on the direction of treasuries and the dollar this year. You know your wrong too, and it's funny how I've beaten you down so much on it, you are scared shitless to stick your neck out on the subject now. Run, tittyfan, run!
@Alucard: Actually, I wasn't taking a swipe at you. I was just pointing on how silly Rick's assertion that "number of reviews is a measure of you e-penis length" is. If it's someone he doesn't like (e.g. someone who threatens his ego by calling him down on his bullshit that you need a system to fuck strippers when you are paying) he'll cry like a baby that they have no credibility because they haven't reviewed enough clubs. If it's someone who strokes his ego by agreeing with his non-sense he'll make up excuses for their low number of reviewed clubs. Now he has gotten to the sad state of resorting to conspiracy theories to explain away those who dare disagree with him (you didn't really visit those clubs! your not even a single poster, you are multiple people!). Poor Rick, so serious out of touch with reality.
@Alucard: Btw, I don't give a fuck about anybody's review count. I can tell by reading their posts here if their credible or not, so I could care less what the number is.
Your explanation of why your count is low make sense to me and seem completely reasonable. Many of your reasons are the same as mine, e.g. I didn't bother reviewing most local clubs more than once, because what's the point? I gave enough details and people knew my opinion.
Now you'll see that Rick didn't jump all over you. He doesn't feel threatened by you, because you are someone who subscribes to the "have to be a nice guy" philosophy. I, on the other hand, threaten him, so if I give the exact same explanations, he'll won't accept them and will blather on with his nutty conspiracy theories. A serious lack of consistency in his so called "standards".
Also, I looked at some of Rick's reviews. I don't see any significant difference in the amount of details he gives versus my reviews. Some of his are more detailed, some are less. In some cases it appears his stopped in for no more than a drink or could have go the same information by reading others' reviews. But again, because I am such a threat to his ego by calling him down on his "system" bullshit, the exact same level of details in my reviews must mean that one of his conspiracy theories is true.
To all: I have to apologize for this thread and I blame myself for this train wreck. I gave this moron what he wanted, which is someone who bothered to interact with him and address his ridiculous comments.
Dougster, I am still baffled by what you get from this site, but I guess that attention is enough. Now coming on a strip club site and telling tall tales is probably not the approach I would take, but to each his own.
For example, I enjoyed one of your recent comments: "For whatever reason, I've always found the super-hottest girls the easiest to hook up with for OTC."
No you haven't and everyone here knows it. In fact, if you have ever taken a single stripper outside of a club I would be very surprised. So why do you do this to yourself? I am genuinely curious. What do you get out of this? As I've said before, club intel is obviously not your gig, nor is sharing valuable information with others, so is it all about the reactions that you can get? I'm not buying the "other people share my point of view" explanation, because as far as I can tell you have no idea what you are talking about, but perhaps some do find you entertaining.
LOL Dougster, I don't really put that kind of pressure on myself. I do what I do, enjoy myself, and share tidbits on a couple of sites. Ego and the SC hobby do not mix well together and, in fact, people with ego issues tend to do stupid things in strip clubs.
No, I continue with this because I am both baffled and genuinely curious. This thread is a disaster anyway so I might as well indulge a bit. Now we've established that you are not really posting for the reasons that most other guys in here do and I doubt that you are actually in clubs very often, so what drives you? Is this really entertaining for you? Why do you bother, unless of course simply posting for reaction is enough?
You are posting during school hours, so you are not a student. Also, you relative freedom to monitor and respond during the day rules out work in a large corporate setting, most of which generally monitor Internet traffic anyway. So more than likely you are sitting at home while you post. Are you wheel chair bound? Unemployed or underemployed? Have some type of dibilitating illness? So I Do you feel the need to feel important somewhere? I am not trying to be mean now - just truly trying to understand how we get the combination of a guy who is unable to accumulate real SC data, likely due to money issues, but who has ample time, and is motivated, to post false and incendiary (and sometimes both) comments on a SC customer site.
This time I am truly not taking shots, but just trying to understand how you have come to be on this thing. And my questions would be largely the same whether you are truly one person or simply the product of someone who feels the need to post using multiple characters.
Geez, Rick your logic is airtight (as usual) so one of your explanation must be true. But wait a second, you respond with the same patterns I do, so one of the explanations must apply to you, right? Which one I'm not sure, but my guess is you have no money due to following txtittyfan's market advice.
C'mon Doug, now you're just being silly. As I've posted on here before, I can do all of this because I own my business, which givs me the freedom to post when I see fit. And the intel I've provided about clubs spread out all over the country, shared in reviews, articles and a variety of threads, speaks for itself.
But you provide little to no real intel, yet you frequently post on a SC site, so I can only guess that you would visit clubs more if you could but that something prevents you from doing so. And since your posts contain no intel and your positions are based primarily on theory instead of fact, I further wondered what you actually get from this.
You've dodged this question several times in the past and I expect you'll do the same now, but there it is.
Oh, I'm the one being silly, huh? Geee, Rick, so your logic wasn't as airtight as I thought it was? There are explanations besides the ones you originally mentioned now that you think of it? Were you being honest in your list of "only explanations" in the first place? I doubt it!
@rick: "intel I've provided about clubs spread out all over the country"
I've noticed a couple of things about your reviews. First of all there are none from the west coast (so "all over" the country is a "tall tale" on your part). Secondly, your review count is really starting to tapper off lately. There is only one logically possible explanation! You lost so much money in the market by following tittyfan's advice that you, at first, had to confine your travels to close to home, and then, when it was all gone, you can't even post reviews at all now. Not even as frequently as I can. In the last couple months, I have posted what? Four, five times as many reviews as you. My advice to you: fire that tittyfan guy as your financial adviser.
It was you who in a discussion with rickdugan back in July said that you were going 4 or 5 to 1 leverage in the dollar when it was about 75.58. The problem was that that was the top for 3 months, and you had a losing leveraged position until recently.
Funny how you were silent about this for three months, but now that the dollar has rallied, you are on here mouthing off. Seems like you did the same thing over a year ago.
All this shows to me is that you buy at the end of trends, probably because you are afraid to enter at the beginning of trends. You have to quietly wait out losing positions, and when you do finally see a profit you are so excited you finally made money you annoint yourself genius status, when in reality you are still a loser.
I eagerly await one of those "other explanations" if you have one. ;)
Lol on my review count - 30 club reviews per year isnt enough? ;) My clubbing has been more local lately and, given that I already have VIP status through the end of 2015, am not really feeling much pressure to post repeat club reviews. But I have road trips coming soon so fresh material is in the works. And yes, my west coast experiences are far more limited and it's been a few years since I was out there.
In trading, timing is far more important than patience. You said yourself recently that you were expecting it to be a short term trade but was wrong. You always seem to forget how often you are wrong.
And it still seems like you fail to understand the concept of hedging with short treasuries.
You go back to playing make believe. IMO you are no more a trader than you are a SC patron. Your only claim to fame is being a dickhead.
"timing" tittyfan? Like when you said to short treasuries the day before they bottom? Yes you are an excellent example of a good market timer aren't you?
And, yes, tittyfan as the market conditions, world, change so do my opinions. Admitting you are wrong, along with patience is another big virture for a trader, but you apparently haven't figure that one out since: since you said to short treasures at the bottom two years and then no matter what happened, no matter how much marker evidence that you were wrong, you never admitted you were wrong. Still haven't to this day.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%. Therefore Dougster at least a 40% better trader than tittyfan. And I'll be long that dollar again, shortly, making even more money.
Also it seems you don't understand the concept of a "hedge" since your hedge went down like the thing it was supposed to protect.)
********************************************************************** Bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%. ***************************************************************
Oh I don't understand? You short treasuries to hedge long stocks, stocks go down and so does your hedge, made you lose more, not less. Yeah, I'm the one who doesn't understand...
************************************************************** Bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%. ************************************************************** TXTITTYFAN LOSES AGAIN! ***************************************************************
You really are an idiot troll. Holding short treasuries to maturity results in a profit as you sell at higher than par and buy back at par. Your only cost is the carrying cost, which IMO is worth it.
People with large portfolios diversify. We don't buy at the top and wait until we breakeven as you do.
I just bought 1,000 HAL at 32.88 and sold the Oct 14 34 call at .77. It s a beautiful day in Phx and I need to leave for a tee time. Eat you heart out loser Douchester.
See this is what is great about tittyfan, he thinks he can tell arbitrary lies and get away with it. In tittyfan's books +25% (or even +40%) is "breakeven". So in tittyfan's books +25% must equal 0%.
@RickDugan: Rick, even you can get this one. If someone makes 25% or 40% on a trade is that a good profit, or is it "breakeven"?
@tittyfan: As for you stupid "hedging scheme". Lets look at some real numbers as of today.
Today the 10y treasury is trading at 100.53 with a 2.125 coupon. That means tittyfan is suggesting to short for 10y till maturity and buy back at 100. Very good tittyfan, you made 53 cents in ten years, right (a whopping 0.053% a year)?
Oooops! One little problem. You had to pay $21.25 in coupons so your scheme is a guaranteed loser of $20.74 over 10 years or a loss of around 2% a year! But I guess in your universe where +25% = "breakeven" the math works out to -2% being making money right?
Truly amazing how dumb Rick and tittyfan are, and how big the lies they think they can get away with telling are.
!!! Utterly anihilated tittyfyan once again. Too easy !!!
@tittyfan: "Holding short treasuries to maturity results in a profit as you sell at higher than par and buy back at par"
This was your original claim, which I proved was a guarenteed loser of about -2% a year. Interesting that you try and change your scheme now after I point out the flaws in it. OTOH, at least you finally admitted you were wrong about something, i.e. shorting treasuries and holding until maturity is a guareenteed loser. You are at least making some progess.
Looks like txtittyfan has a real problem now. The most his trade can make is (34.77-32.88)/32.88 or 5.7%. Meanwhile I've already locked in a 20% profit. Therefore I was 3.5x times as smart as txittyfan even if his trade works out perfect. :-)
Sorry, txtittyfan, I actually *like* your HAL trade, although I think it would be better without the selling those calls and limiting your upside so much.
In any case, I beat you again (guarenteed 20% > 5.7%), on your home turf too even though day trading really isn't my thing, thus I do get to say.....
Dickhead, don't forget your commission costs, selling at 750 after buying at 625, you probably had 25 in commission for a 100 profit. I will take my 600 any day. Again, it looks like I trade dollars and you trade pennies.
There is probably a lot of truth to rickdugan's comment that you don't have funds to go clubbing.
I trade percentages. :-) And my 20% beats your 2% by a factor of 10. And the one thing we can conclude from this thread is that I was 1000% smarter than you today.
txtittyfan: comissions were accounted for. Otherwise it would have been 25% 0.75-0.60=.15 and .15/.60=25%. Commission is 0.015 per contract or 0.03 round trip. So that makes it a .12 profit divided by 0.60 is 20% (minus the $20 flat fee, which is <0.5% at the amounts I trade at).
I really love what a pathological liar you are and how you think you can get away with anything. Even when my 20% trade beats you 2% trade, you still think you did better than me somehow. Guess the normal laws of mathematics don't apply in your universe.)
Dickhead, your lack of trading acumen is showing. Since HAL is up from below 28 this week, it prudent to hedge the position for the trade when entering at 32.88.
If you are buying bulk short term OTM options for pennies like you do, you are throwing Hail Mary's. But then, that again is if you are actually making the trades.
One day maybe you will grow up and begin trading real dollars like us big boys.
See guys? Doug has the worst case of Puppy Dick Syndrome I've ever seen. "I win!, You lose!, You're an ass!, an idiot!" A pussy in real life, a jerk here.
Right Mike, about 75% of your posts for the last month have been about me, and it's closer to 90% if you include posts about Doc as well, yet I'm the one obsessed.
Also, you are the one who thinks strippers are only doing paid OTC with you and no one else (because you are so much nicer than most customers), and you are neither stupid, nor an egomanic...
Yes Doug, your second paragraph is true. Sorry you cant handle it without having name calling hissyfits. About you calculating my posts.......obsessive...and weird.
Hmmm... dummy #1 (mikeya) beleives the stripper when she says she only does OTC with him. dummy #2 (txtittyfan) thinks you can only buy 10 options contracts at a time. Mind-boggling that there are people in the world this dumb! I think they are having a contest with each other to see who is the stupidest.
^^^ "Lack of self control" ah, like when RickDugan had BBFS with those strippers despite the fact that he was married and, hence, was putting his wife at risk of STDs. Ok, throw Rick into the dumb contest as well. :-)
last comment10/02/11 4:18 PM
fucking them up the ass is a nice start"
Packer fan!!!
Fuck them in the ass and/or cum on their face. Seriously, for all their unsavory qualities, the biggest redeeming feature is how freaky these girls like to get. Most seem to be up for anything if you get 'em OTC.
I might suggest, however, that you pm Dougster if you are looking for information of a more carnal nature. As you can see from his responses, he has obviously found the key to enjoying deeper relationships with strippers. He brings to us deep insights regarding clubs and strippers, drawn no doubt from his vast experiences in dealing with both, and I am sure that he can point you in the right direction.
In any event, good luck!…
I don't know what they do elsewhere, but in my part of the country no club will knowingly "permit" dancers to openly leave with customers. What happens in the club stays in the club, but as soon as you step outside, the club now has a public image. Dancers leaving with customers looks too much like prostitution. So if the girl likes you and you want OTC you have to "arrange" a meeting time and place and hope she shows.
That being said I have a story:
I had a favorite once, I spent a lot of time with her at her club, trips to the vip, lots of dances on the floor, well you get the picture.
One night my flight was delayed by four hours so I did not arrive at the club until midnight. When I arrived I thought "well at least I will have a couple of hours with "Selina". I asked for my favorite waitress, Alicia. Alicia quickly informs me that "Selina" is toasted.
Well, toasted was a mild term. "Selina" was shit-faced. Damn, there goes my night I thought. And worse, I see the manager approaching me. "Hi Kim, how's things going?" "Pablo, you have to take Selina home right now" she said "or she's suspended. "Ok, help we get her to a cab" I said. "No, pull your car up to the front door under the awning" Kim instructed me.
I pulled the car around, Kim told the bouncers "Pablo is taking Selina home". We loaded a very drunk Selina into my car and a few minutes later I was on my way to my favorites apartment. Like a true gentleman, I helped her up the steps, keeping her steady as she threw up. I got her to the door, assisted her with her keys, and managed to her inside the apartment. By now she was somewhat less drunk and told me "I will see you tomorrow. "Ok, lock the door behind me" I said. When I heard the lock turn, I headed home myself. That was the first and last time I ever took a stripper home.
And I did not go very far that night.
TOO much!!!!! LMFAO
acm, whatever you do don't go too far. You'll wanna have her home before gets too dark out.
After they get to know you, acm, some of the (naughtier) girls will let you kiss them on the cheek! Oh, and one even let me kiss her on the lips!! (of course she was drunk).
Perhaps they know I know vm!
In the back of their minds so many guys on TUSCL seem to have the idea that yes the stripper is primarily engaging in sexual activities with you because of money, but doesn't the nice guy factor also play at least some role? Doesn't all of their imagined considerablely more experience and game also play a role?
Sorry guys but it just does not work that way. As an example, look at guys like whackjob psycho Dudester who is on record as calling all women (not just stippers) "commodities" and threatening people with violence in real life because of silly disputes on the internet. Is Dudester a nice guy? You cannot honestly say that he is. Do I believe this non-niceness or his, self-admitted, 101 mental problems prevents him from paying strippers to have sex with him? No. Why is that? Because strippers don't care who you are. Nice guy or not your chances are the same with them, provided you have learned one thing.
And what is the one thing you have to learn to have sex with strippers if you are willing to pay? The revelation is this - ask. This is something some of the smarter ones of us caught onto really quickly. Ask. It doesn't matter who you are. Are you a nice guy? Do you (claim) you have deep inherent respect for strippers, as opposed to those guys who think they are just whores? It makes zero difference in your chances for OTC, if you have learned one thing - ask.
And that's what really frustrates Rick an co. Rick thinks he is much nicer guy then me. Is he really? Do nice guys cheat on their wives, have so little self control that they engage in BBFS with strippers when they are married and thus put their wives at risk of STDs? Rick is no nicer than me try as hard to project that he does.
Does Rick's imagined "considerably more experience with OTC" than the rest of us mean he is more likely to get some than I am? Nope. And why is that? It's because once you learn the trick (which is to "ask", they don't care who you are, it's the money, stupid!) there really isn't anything else to learn. You can kid yourself to try and boost your ego, like Rick seems to have the need to, but that's really all there is to it. Ask, doesn't matter if you think you are a nice guy or not. Your chances are the same.
Is this a sad state of affairs that nice, "experienced" guys don't have any more advantage than some supposedly not so nice guy who just learned to ask early on? Does it mean strippers aren't really different than whores who will do it with anyone and thus "scoring" with them by paying proves nothing? I'll let the reader draw their own conclusions. Just don't let your ego lead you to believe things you want as opposed to what is real.
See that acm, I TOLD you that Dougster was the guy to ask, and he was even kind enough to share his insights for all to read!
Now remember what Dougter told you: all strippers are whores and they will have sex with any ol' guy who asks them for it! So don't bother showering if you don't feel like it and if you look like a deranged psycho, no problem! It's all about the money baby! And certainly don't bother getting a hotel room - no doubt that any of these strippers will be perfectly happy fucking you in the backseat of your car. Oh, and don't worry about who overhears you making the offer to her - after all, remember that the other strippers are whores too so they will understand, as will club management if they happen to overhear.
Acm, armed with Dougster's clear eyed advice, I say don't waste any time. The next time you are in Vegas, you should go to the club of your choice and, once you see a girl that you like, immediately ask her if you can fuck her for...let's say $400 (Dougster, please correct me if that number seems too high or low). Don't waste valuable time and money in get to know you chatter and with overpriced club drinks. After all, what's the point in all of that when she will fuck you anyway regardless? In fact, even better, see if you can catch one in the parking lot on the way in - this will save you the cover charge too.
I feel like such a fool after all this time. It could have been so much easier, not only for me but for all of the other guys on this board who claim to struggle with procuring OTC. We should have just asked!
Anyway acme, good luck with this and be sure to let us know how this works for you!
Rick can't argue with my real position (because it is right) so can only argue by pretending I've said things that I haven't.
Anyway, Rick is right to think that readers are kind of cluless like that you know? They might also think I meant if you offer them a penny that is good enough. Can't be too careful about how literally brain damaged people here will read things (when it suits them) but then take statements which are meant to be literal as generalities when that suits them... Try to get the gist of what I'm saying at least, if, like Rick, you are too dumb to get close to the exact meaning.
So acm, to recap, a majority of strippers will have sex with you for money, regardless of how you look, act, etc., and most that won't will at least do you the courtesy of giving you a HJ or grinding you until you cum. All you have to do is ask!
Acm, you're in for a good time on your next trip, courtesy of Dougster! Now remember, if she starts to walk away in a huff after you offer her money for sex, don't forget to quickly ask, "Well can I at least have a handjob?!"
Thank you Dougster, as always, for your continuing contributions.
Dougster, is there anything else that acm should avoid doing? ;)
Wow, this is good stuff. In fact, Dogster, I think you might be on to a great rule of thumb here.
This is great stuff. Thank you as always for all of your help.
As for acm, I stand by the Burger King test. If the behavior/appearance would hurt your chance of getting service at Burger King it is likely to hurt your OTC chances. Otherwise you should be fine for p4p with those strippers (the majority) who do! Have fun! Just remember the secret - ask!
Rickdugan and Douchester have some good points, just from different perspectives. Rick travels and finds variety. Douchester, on the other hand finds OTC with his relatives in his home town.
Douchester did just write a review of a brothel on a trip he just appears to have made. But with all of his supposed acumen, he travels 100's of miles to go to a brothel, but doesn't get laid. Kind of brings to mind the old cliche, that he is such a dickwad, he can't even get laid in a whorehouse.
As for the brothel and not getting laid. Not following tittyfan's logic. If you go to one and there is no girl of your liking there, so you go across the street to another where do you find a girl you like, how is that not accomplishing the goal?
Making sense never was tittyfan's strong suit.
Calling the direction of the bond and currency markets don't appear to be his strong suit either, tee-hee-hee.
Good luck!
Seriously, I am probably giving him what he wants by debating his silly theories, but every once in a while I decide to have a little fun with it. Here is a guy who barely goes to strip clubs, yet posts his ass off on a strip club site. Now fair enough - he likes strip clubs but just can't afford them, so he wants to hang with the guys that can. Ok, I get it, even if I find it to be a little pathetic. But what is truly baffling to me is his need to post and defend ridiculous bullshit, obviously based more in theory than practice, to a group of guys who actually do these things routinely.
Now perhaps this whole Dougster thing is one big gag played by someone running multiple characters on this site, so I could be the dupe here, but if that is not the case then I am truly puzzled.
half-baked bullshit that is really nothing but theory to him to a group of guys who do this stuff routinely in practice.
lose my patience.
Yet, I've reviewed more clubs than txtittyfan. How can that be? Try saying something that makes sense once in a while, yah?
The guys who you are trying to compare yourself with post a review each month - no doubt doing what is minimally required to keep VIP status - and clearly could post more if they had to. And as far as gmd is concerned, he's out there clubbing and fucking strippers while you sit there whacking off to other men's realities in your basement room, at least when you are not scrounging up materials for your dubious reviews and otherwise dreaming up more ridiculous BS for your uninformed posts.
Good try though. ;)
Along with being an envious Dickwad. Douchester exhibits his lack of maturity in his responses. One of his last responses to me ended with a "tee-hee-hee", now really, when is the last time anyone heard an intelligent adult talk like that?
I can't speak for GMD, but I don't usually go to a variety of Clubs. I'm usually a repeat customer at a particular Club because I've found a dancer I want to spend $$$ on. And usually these Clubs have been reviewed TO DEATH by others. Hence I don't feel a need to write an additional review that will NOT add any NEW info. So as a result, my review count is NOT very high. Besides, I thought that sort of review was discouraged on this site.
Now if Dougster & rickdugan want to have an adolescent pissing contest &/or Dick measuring session, PLEASE leave me out of it.
@Alucard: Actually, I wasn't taking a swipe at you. I was just pointing on how silly Rick's assertion that "number of reviews is a measure of you e-penis length" is. If it's someone he doesn't like (e.g. someone who threatens his ego by calling him down on his bullshit that you need a system to fuck strippers when you are paying) he'll cry like a baby that they have no credibility because they haven't reviewed enough clubs. If it's someone who strokes his ego by agreeing with his non-sense he'll make up excuses for their low number of reviewed clubs. Now he has gotten to the sad state of resorting to conspiracy theories to explain away those who dare disagree with him (you didn't really visit those clubs! your not even a single poster, you are multiple people!). Poor Rick, so serious out of touch with reality.
Your explanation of why your count is low make sense to me and seem completely reasonable.
Many of your reasons are the same as mine, e.g. I didn't bother reviewing most local clubs more than once, because what's the point? I gave enough details and people knew my opinion.
Now you'll see that Rick didn't jump all over you. He doesn't feel threatened by you, because you are someone who subscribes to the "have to be a nice guy" philosophy. I, on the other hand, threaten him, so if I give the exact same explanations, he'll won't accept them and will blather on with his nutty conspiracy theories. A serious lack of consistency in his so called "standards".
Also, I looked at some of Rick's reviews. I don't see any significant difference in the amount of details he gives versus my reviews. Some of his are more detailed, some are less. In some cases it appears his stopped in for no more than a drink or could have go the same information by reading others' reviews. But again, because I am such a threat to his ego by calling him down on his "system" bullshit, the exact same level of details in my reviews must mean that one of his conspiracy theories is true.
I think this Rick guy is seriously losing it!
To all: I have to apologize for this thread and I blame myself for this train wreck. I gave this moron what he wanted, which is someone who bothered to interact with him and address his ridiculous comments.
Dougster, I am still baffled by what you get from this site, but I guess that attention is enough. Now coming on a strip club site and telling tall tales is probably not the approach I would take, but to each his own.
For example, I enjoyed one of your recent comments: "For whatever reason, I've always found the super-hottest girls the easiest to hook up with for OTC."
No you haven't and everyone here knows it. In fact, if you have ever taken a single stripper outside of a club I would be very surprised. So why do you do this to yourself? I am genuinely curious. What do you get out of this? As I've said before, club intel is obviously not your gig, nor is sharing valuable information with others, so is it all about the reactions that you can get? I'm not buying the "other people share my point of view" explanation, because as far as I can tell you have no idea what you are talking about, but perhaps some do find you entertaining.
Inquiring minds want to know. ;)
No, I continue with this because I am both baffled and genuinely curious. This thread is a disaster anyway so I might as well indulge a bit. Now we've established that you are not really posting for the reasons that most other guys in here do and I doubt that you are actually in clubs very often, so what drives you? Is this really entertaining for you? Why do you bother, unless of course simply posting for reaction is enough?
You are posting during school hours, so you are not a student. Also, you relative freedom to monitor and respond during the day rules out work in a large corporate setting, most of which generally monitor Internet traffic anyway. So more than likely you are sitting at home while you post. Are you wheel chair bound? Unemployed or underemployed? Have some type of dibilitating illness? So I Do you feel the need to feel important somewhere? I am not trying to be mean now - just truly trying to understand how we get the combination of a guy who is unable to accumulate real SC data, likely due to money issues, but who has ample time, and is motivated, to post false and incendiary (and sometimes both) comments on a SC customer site.
This time I am truly not taking shots, but just trying to understand how you have come to be on this thing. And my questions would be largely the same whether you are truly one person or simply the product of someone who feels the need to post using multiple characters.
But you provide little to no real intel, yet you frequently post on a SC site, so I can only guess that you would visit clubs more if you could but that something prevents you from doing so. And since your posts contain no intel and your positions are based primarily on theory instead of fact, I further wondered what you actually get from this.
You've dodged this question several times in the past and I expect you'll do the same now, but there it is.
I've noticed a couple of things about your reviews. First of all there are none from the west coast (so "all over" the country is a "tall tale" on your part). Secondly, your review count is really starting to tapper off lately. There is only one logically possible explanation! You lost so much money in the market by following tittyfan's advice that you, at first, had to confine your travels to close to home, and then, when it was all gone, you can't even post reviews at all now. Not even as frequently as I can. In the last couple months, I have posted what? Four, five times as many reviews as you. My advice to you: fire that tittyfan guy as your financial adviser.
It was you who in a discussion with rickdugan back in July said that you were going 4 or 5 to 1 leverage in the dollar when it was about 75.58. The problem was that that was the top for 3 months, and you had a losing leveraged position until recently.
Funny how you were silent about this for three months, but now that the dollar has rallied, you are on here mouthing off. Seems like you did the same thing over a year ago.
All this shows to me is that you buy at the end of trends, probably because you are afraid to enter at the beginning of trends. You have to quietly wait out losing positions, and when you do finally see a profit you are so excited you finally made money you annoint yourself genius status, when in reality you are still a loser.
Lol on my review count - 30 club reviews per year isnt enough? ;) My clubbing has been more local lately and, given that I already have VIP status through the end of 2015, am not really feeling much pressure to post repeat club reviews. But I have road trips coming soon so fresh material is in the works. And yes, my west coast experiences are far more limited and it's been a few years since I was out there.
But you are still dodging the question...
Your trade (short treasuries) is down about -15%. Therefore my trading acumen is at least 40% greater than yours.
Give all the convoluted dishonest explanations you want, the bottom line speaks for itself as opposed to the "should have".
And yes, patience is one of the number one traits a trader can have, in case you haven't figure that one out on your own.
In trading, timing is far more important than patience. You said yourself recently that you were expecting it to be a short term trade but was wrong. You always seem to forget how often you are wrong.
And it still seems like you fail to understand the concept of hedging with short treasuries.
You go back to playing make believe. IMO you are no more a trader than you are a SC patron. Your only claim to fame is being a dickhead.
And, yes, tittyfan as the market conditions, world, change so do my opinions. Admitting you are wrong, along with patience is another big virture for a trader, but you apparently haven't figure that one out since: since you said to short treasures at the bottom two years and then no matter what happened, no matter how much marker evidence that you were wrong, you never admitted you were wrong. Still haven't to this day.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%. Therefore Dougster at least a 40% better trader than tittyfan. And I'll be long that dollar again, shortly, making even more money.
Also it seems you don't understand the concept of a "hedge" since your hedge went down like the thing it was supposed to protect.)
Bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
Again, bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
Bottom line. My trade up +25%. Your trade down -15%.
People with large portfolios diversify. We don't buy at the top and wait until we breakeven as you do.
@RickDugan: Rick, even you can get this one. If someone makes 25% or 40% on a trade is that a good profit, or is it "breakeven"?
@tittyfan: As for you stupid "hedging scheme". Lets look at some real numbers as of today.
Today the 10y treasury is trading at 100.53 with a 2.125 coupon. That means tittyfan is suggesting to short for 10y till maturity and buy back at 100. Very good tittyfan, you made 53 cents in ten years, right (a whopping 0.053% a year)?
Oooops! One little problem. You had to pay $21.25 in coupons so your scheme is a guaranteed loser of $20.74 over 10 years or a loss of around 2% a year! But I guess in your universe where +25% = "breakeven" the math works out to -2% being making money right?
Truly amazing how dumb Rick and tittyfan are, and how big the lies they think they can get away with telling are.
!!! Utterly anihilated tittyfyan once again. Too easy !!!
This was your original claim, which I proved was a guarenteed loser of about -2% a year. Interesting that you try and change your scheme now after I point out the flaws in it. OTOH, at least you finally admitted you were wrong about something, i.e. shorting treasuries and holding until maturity is a guareenteed loser. You are at least making some progess.
Looks like txtittyfan has a real problem now. The most his trade can make is (34.77-32.88)/32.88 or 5.7%. Meanwhile I've already locked in a 20% profit. Therefore I was 3.5x times as smart as txittyfan even if his trade works out perfect. :-)
Sorry, txtittyfan, I actually *like* your HAL trade, although I think it would be better without the selling those calls and limiting your upside so much.
In any case, I beat you again (guarenteed 20% > 5.7%), on your home turf too even though day trading really isn't my thing, thus I do get to say.....
I notice that you bought you VIX at .60/share. Kind of looks like I am trading dollars and you are trading pennies.
Dickhead, don't forget your commission costs, selling at 750 after buying at 625, you probably had 25 in commission for a 100 profit. I will take my 600 any day. Again, it looks like I trade dollars and you trade pennies.
There is probably a lot of truth to rickdugan's comment that you don't have funds to go clubbing.
I really love what a pathological liar you are and how you think you can get away with anything. Even when my 20% trade beats you 2% trade, you still think you did better than me somehow. Guess the normal laws of mathematics don't apply in your universe.)
It's funny how even when my 20% trade beats your piddly little 2% trade, you are going to try to spin it that you did better... What a joke.
If you are buying bulk short term OTM options for pennies like you do, you are throwing Hail Mary's. But then, that again is if you are actually making the trades.
One day maybe you will grow up and begin trading real dollars like us big boys.
Time to tee up.
For some reason I'm reminded of the crazy homeless person you cross the street to avoid...
I am suprised nobody has gone to the corner drugstore with a stripper.
Also, you are the one who thinks strippers are only doing paid OTC with you and no one else (because you are so much nicer than most customers), and you are neither stupid, nor an egomanic...
Got it!