
After OTC $ Requests

Friday, September 21, 2012 11:16 AM
For those experienced with OTC. How do you mitigate the inevitable requests for cash that seem to always come after establishing the <cough> relationship? I'm talking about the emergencies like a broken down car, electric bill etc...things that are difficult to say no to. Of course it is SS but the need often appears real. The good OTC friendships often take a great deal of time, money and effort to establish. Making this a little more complicated than just telling them to go away.


  • inno123
    12 years ago
    Easiest way to avoid this is to use escorts for OTC instead. But an escort isn't the same thing as OTC! Is it? What do you ask the dancer? Is it "do you do ever do escort work?" or is it "Do you want to date?" or "Would you like to meet me after work"? The first implies a job, the other two implies wanting to create some form of a relationship. Be careful how you ask it because you will get what you are asking for.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Just say NO !!
  • londonguy
    12 years ago
    Exactly Vince, they have their problems like we have ours. Shit happens. That's life.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    In for a penny, in for a pound. It comes with the territory. What did you expect? Why are you confused? Have I run out of cliches, yet?
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    If you say yes to one financial request, she will then keep on asking. I assume you are paying her for OTC and that is reason she agreed to be w/ you and will probably keep on being with you. It is BUSINESS; don’t confuse it with anything else. You don’t owe her anything past your OTC arrangement and she will milk you for everything she can if you let her – she will just try to see how much she can get away with and how much she can milk you for. Like I said, she will most likely keep seeing you as long as you keep paying her for the OTC. If you think you have to pay up every time she asks for something then you are being a sucker and all you’ll have to show for it in the end is an empty bank account and she won’t be around either.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    What do you think would happen if one evening you were to say: "Dang, I really want to have sex with you so much but I had some unexpected car repair bills and I have no money this week. Will you have sex with me anyway?" You'll learn real fast that this is a business transaction.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Only loans I will do is if they are long time regulars. And then it will max $100, and they we be working part of it off each session. Even then you got to assume they could drop completely out of society any day, so just assume your $100 is toast. Tell them you spent it all in the club this weekend, had to loan it to a cousin, spent it all on cocaine, whatever it takes to get them to stop asking...
  • Longneck
    12 years ago
    Two ways to look at this 1. She is a prostitute and her job is to make money if she can make you into an ATM she will. 2. You are looking for the GFE and this is what you want and got. If its the later don't complain you now have a expensive girlfriend if it's the first set an amount and stick to it and tip if you like but do not confuse to two cause she won't. She is well aware her vagina is a business and business is good.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "For those experienced with OTC. How do you mitigate the inevitable requests for cash that seem to always come after establishing the relationship?" By avoiding ambiguous OTC arrangements. I am married and have no interest in having undefined stripper friendships. My OTC activities are straight up p4p. I get laid and she gets paid. Simple. What is really fun for me is visiting a girl in a club and then having an OTC nightcap with her. After that, she leaves and I don't really interact with her too much again until I am ready to repeat.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    You pay or you don't pay. And then you see what the consequences are.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @Lone_Wolf: "For those experienced with OTC. How do you mitigate the inevitable requests for cash that seem to always come after establishing the relationship?" Depends. If I have the time and cash to see her again, I'll say something like "Sure, when can we get together for some more sugar." If I don't, I'll say "No." I guess I've been pretty lucky in that regard. Other than very occasional incidentals, like lunch, cigarettes, a little gas, my SB doesn't do that sort of thing. Of course, I don't ask her to put out without putting up, either, so it can work both ways.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    If you do have $100 outstanding to them it you gives the perfect reason not to lend them more "hey, you already owe me $100, I can't go any deeper until you show you can pay that back, it's just a rule I have". (no need to mention you know the $100 is toast.)
  • canny
    12 years ago
    Keep the amount that you loan her small, make it an advance for the next time, and make sure that she agrees that it's an advance on the next time. The important part is keep it small.
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