Church or Club?

avatar for shadowcat
Do you club on Sundays? Why or why not? It seems that a lot of clubs are either closed on Sundays or open late.

In Atlanta there are only 5 of 40+ clubs open on Sundays. I have to wonder if it is religion that keeps them closed or is it just the fact that the dancers need a day of rest? Or is it that the customers would rather do other things on Sundays.

As for me, I am heading to Follies in a few hours. It rarely disappoints on Sunday afternoons.


last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Yes, Bogarts is a good place in the Detroit area to go on Sunday afternoon and have sex. LOL Have fun, shadowcat.
avatar for steve229
12 years ago

Not during football season - some things are sacred, after all.
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
I club when I can and often as not that is a Sunday. In fact I had a great time last Sunday. But yes, it can be difficult to find a club open early on Sunday.
avatar for boomer37
12 years ago
Follies on a Sunday, very chill. i may be there today as well!
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
I'm an atheist, so no church for me.

However, I did have the idea of starting my own church in my 20s. The plan was a version of xianity that involve lots of sex with hot chicks. An cruising around in a bus following the Dead. And shrooms and acid and weed were necessary to keep in good standing.

Clubbing would be a sacrament because strip club beer can be transformed into the blood of Christ. The Catholics have it wrong, you see, because it is the presence of beer in close proximity to a strippers exposed pussy that causes transsubstantiation. Priests can't do it. At least that was my story at the time. Idea seemed really good when I had dropped some windowpane and the walls were melting.

Alas, I didn't begin my religion. But at least I can afford strippers now that I'm middle aged. And who knows, perhaps I'll retire and go cruise the country convincing hot ass strippers to become my deciples. Wife wouldn't understand, but a man has got to follow his god...
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Just another day of the week. Sometimes drop in, all clubs are open in Seattle as usual. Only thing is it's work the next day and Fridays and Saturdays tend to have hotter chicks. On the three day weekends though - count me in!
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
I think it's pro football not church lol
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
The club IS my church.
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
I don't think I've ever clubbed on a Sunday. The only reason I would want to is watch to watch football and be in at club at the same time, but the Vikings are rarely televised in my area. So I have to go to a bar that has NFL Sunday Ticket.

I prefer weekends because usually the dancers are a lot hotter.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I go on Sundays. Organized Religion has no place in my life.
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
I am an atheist. So religion plays no role in my life. I hate it when the church comes into the strip clubs and tries to get the girls out of the industry. It causes for an annoyance. I always go to the strip clubs on Saturdays so I don't really know what they are like on Sundays. I go on Saturdays since nothing beats watching UK football or basketball during the day and then hitting up the club at night!
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
I'm a grace movement abrihamic faith person with a touch of.Hindu and budism so ya I'm churchimg it up on Sundays put if I can finds a club near me I would so go
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
Atheist here also so church is no issue for me (though I still love gospel music). There was a club in town that used to be excellent on Sunday afternoons. They had plenty of extremely hot dancers and waitresses, and $10 dances all day long. Even better, although the dances were half price, it was still pretty much a no hustle environment.

Well the club is still around but the talent is pathetic. Things really started to go downhill a few years ago (as did SCs in general). I would love to find another club situation like that again. But I know those days are gone
avatar for txtittyfan
12 years ago
In Houston, St James is called "The Church", I used to have some good times in there on Sunday afternoons.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
In my town of asheville north Carolina their is a funny rule wear if a club stays open their can be no pole dancing but vip rooms are ok....what the hell ?....the club tried Sundays for a few football seasons hoping to draw a crowd with beer, wings, nfl season tickets and naked girls but for sum Damn reason it never took off ? Must be to many quests in my town lol......I was their after church when they tried and it was fun for me....
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
Clubs near me a closed on Sundays. If I did it would have to be afternoon shift so I could still make it to work on Monday.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Another atheist here. I go whenever it strikes my fancy to do so. A couple of the clubs here are open Sunday evenings, and the talent is usually decent.
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
In Columbus, clubs have reduced hours on Sunday. Sirens opens 11am monday-saturday but doesn't open until 7pm on sundays. Kahoots opens 11:30am monday-saturday but not until 4pm or maybe 6pm now. Kahoots is the earliest club that opens on Sundays in Columbus. Unfortunately it is the slowest day of the week usually.

There is a new columbus club opening called Roadhouse Revue that is suppose to be open noon-midnight 7 days a week so hopefully this will be a good sunday day shift club. Unfortunately this club is in the old location of Candy Shop and that place was a dive so I can't see this place being much better. The only thing different is that there is now a mega casino opened up on the west side that is suppose to revitalize the area...but I just don't see it happening!

avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
Wow there are a lot of atheist on this website. I also work with a couple atheist. Seems like there are a lot more atheist out there than I once thought years ago when I first starting thinking of myself as an atheist. Love it :)
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Church or club, you ask?

Both are in the business of peddling a fantasy.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@art: True, but only one is honest about the fact that it *is* (or to be fair, *likely* is) a fantasy.
avatar for jack0505
12 years ago
I know of some clubs that are closed a day or two of the week. Let's the employees all have a day off and also some days aren't really lucrative to be open on.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
My experiences in L.A. and Seattle are that all of the strip clubs are open on Sundays. Most open a few hours later than the rest of the week, but Sunday afternoons has to be the slowest time of the week. I have one fave that works that time, but I'll go to see her on another day. I like going when the clubs are busy, not dead, like Sunday's usually are. Like many of the above, Sunday afternoons are prime sports times, not just during football season. If I don't have any plans outside, I'm home watching sports on TV on Sundays. But, I don't usually even THINK of going to a strip club on Sunday afternoons.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
I would have to put it up to a lack of customers, although there might be local laws. If there were local customers the management would certainly add or extend the weekend shift.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Here in the Northeast, it has been a very long standing tradition for clubs to either stay closed on Sundays or to open in the evening. This applies to NY, CT (with some scattered exceptions) and MA. RI is the notable exception as most of the Providence clubs open on or about noon on Sundays.

Even in NYC, as large and cosmopolitan as it may be, you would have trouble finding a club that is open on Sunday afternoon and some of them do not open at all on Sundays.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Nah, the only club in NYC I saw that's actually closed on sundays is Private Eyes, but that shit is full of fugly, skinny rusiian bitches anyway. I don't wanna visit them on fri-saturdays. There is more than a little slightly less than some clubs are open on sundays, they just open later and close earlier.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
^Penthouse, NY Dolls and the Hustler Club are also closed on Sundays.

As for the rest, that is why I said "or open in the evening." Shadow's initial complaint was that either the clubs were not open at all of that they opened late. I was sharing the fact that the same situation exists here.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Miami, FL is not exactly the bible belt and it being very touristy, businesses tend to be open every day and for lots of hours during the day – thus all the clubs that I know off down here are definitely open on Sundays. I would say many of the smaller ones are probably closed during the day on Sundays most likely to give the staff some time off and since Su. afternoons are probably the deadest times. I’ve never clubbed on Sat. or Su. afternoons but have clubbed w/ good success on weekday afternoons (usually past 4:00 p.m.) and Su. eves.

I’ve always had the sense that ATL is a pretty conservative/religious area and that may be the reason for the clubs being closed on Sundays? The ATL also has a large African American (AA) population and the church tends to often have a significant role in the AA community. Many urban/AA radio stations will play gangsta rap during the week and yet will only play gospel music on Su. mornings/afternoons. Could there be a connection b/w the large AA ATL community and the fact than Su. are treated differently – not sure but could be?

Having said this, I lived in Dallas, TX for a few years and that area tends to be pretty conservative – yet I don’t recall the clubs being closed on Sundays (at least not in the evenings which is when I would go).
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