Okay, everyone has their own tastes in music. But sometimes certain songs or types of music and drive you insane. My fix for this is take a set of headphones (earbuds actually) and listen to my own music. This helps during the idle time between dances/conversation when the music grates on my nerves.
Its also a nice affect once you get a nice buzz on. I just grab my iPhone and play The Beatles "All Too Much" or Shugie Oates "Strawberry Letter 22".
I hope that they are isolating earbuds and not the simple kind, because with the SPL already present in clubs to pump in additional sound enough to overwhelm it you are talking about the potential for serious hearing damage in a short time.
yeah, I rarely even notice the music, unless the chick really knows how to dance and the music is real funky or excellent hard rock and she's really getting into it. Or maybe while she's dancing on my dick the music enhances the motion and the mood.
But getting annoyed at the music? Never. Okay, if I was at a club in Podunk Corners, Iowa and they were playing country music I might throw up and leave the club, but I can't think of any other music that would annoy me. Well, unless it was that crap that Mexicans listen to with accordians and trumpets and shit that sounds like Ooo-Pah-Pah music. That crap is just weird.
Anyway, I also agree with whoever said you need to be real careful about exceeding the USDA recommended daily allowance of sound pressure in your ear canals. I suggest that if you REALLY want to take such a foolhardy risk to your well being, you should take a sound pressure monitor into the club and set it up, and perform some tests to measure maxiumum dB levels as well as SPL levels taking all factors into consideration.
Also, don't run around the house while holding scissors. You could fall down, the scissors go into your chest, it rips your heart out, and BAM, you're dead.
By the way, seriously, my take on wearing headphones in a club is this:
It is freakin' rude, IMO, to be sitting there with headphones in your ears, so when a dancer comes up to talk to you she has to figure out if you hear her or not. People don't seem to understand the concept of rude anymore, but geezus, if that ain't freakin' rude I don't know what is. When some kid is sitting there with headphones, and I'm trying to talk to them, I feel like ripping them things out and tossing them in the street.
Almost as rude as someone having their head buried in their texting when you're trying to talk to them, or dancers spending their shift on their asses texting off in a corner when you want a dance from them. But I guess nowadays you have to put up with that rude shit.
That's just plain weird to listen to your own headphones in a strip club. There is music I don't like to hear, but usually, the cure to that is to wait for the next song. (And BTW, jerikson40, I have been in a strip club in Podunk Corners, Iowa where they played country music. The last time I was at Shotgun Geniez in Hamburg, Iowa, I saw a sheet of paper on the table which says Thursdays are now country and oldies night. But there, you don't have to wait til Thursday to hear country.)
Okay, Dan, please don't tell me that the strippers wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots and hook their fingers into their belt loops and do the Texas two step on stage.
jerikson40- I haven't actually been there on a Thursday night, at least since they announced this change, to know what it's like. But there is one girl there who does wear a cowboy hat and boots. Near as I can tell, though, she doesn't do the Texas two step on stage. But that's only one of her outfits.
last commentBut getting annoyed at the music? Never. Okay, if I was at a club in Podunk Corners, Iowa and they were playing country music I might throw up and leave the club, but I can't think of any other music that would annoy me. Well, unless it was that crap that Mexicans listen to with accordians and trumpets and shit that sounds like Ooo-Pah-Pah music. That crap is just weird.
Anyway, I also agree with whoever said you need to be real careful about exceeding the USDA recommended daily allowance of sound pressure in your ear canals. I suggest that if you REALLY want to take such a foolhardy risk to your well being, you should take a sound pressure monitor into the club and set it up, and perform some tests to measure maxiumum dB levels as well as SPL levels taking all factors into consideration.
Also, don't run around the house while holding scissors. You could fall down, the scissors go into your chest, it rips your heart out, and BAM, you're dead.
It is freakin' rude, IMO, to be sitting there with headphones in your ears, so when a dancer comes up to talk to you she has to figure out if you hear her or not. People don't seem to understand the concept of rude anymore, but geezus, if that ain't freakin' rude I don't know what is. When some kid is sitting there with headphones, and I'm trying to talk to them, I feel like ripping them things out and tossing them in the street.
Almost as rude as someone having their head buried in their texting when you're trying to talk to them, or dancers spending their shift on their asses texting off in a corner when you want a dance from them. But I guess nowadays you have to put up with that rude shit.
I just kinda threw up in my mouth.
I haven't actually been there on a Thursday night, at least since they announced this change, to know what it's like. But there is one girl there who does wear a cowboy hat and boots. Near as I can tell, though, she doesn't do the Texas two step on stage. But that's only one of her outfits.