Hottest Stripper EVER !!!

avatar for jerikson40
Ooo, I'm so excited !!! I think this is the first discussion I've ever started here. I'm all nervous and stuff. I hope I don't mess it up...

Okay, so I had an idea for a thread, and it's where everyone has to describe, in detail, the absolute, #1, hottest dancer you have ever experienced in your entire life. And the challenge is to make the description so good that we really understand why you thought she was hot.

Okay, me first...

First of all, I like nasty girls. Some guys like sweet young things, all innocent and stuff. Not me. Others like the perfect, Miss America girls. Or maybe the cute and pretty girl next door. Not me.

I like ‘em nasty. I like ‘em toned and tanned, with huge tits, big hair, tiny waists, big tight butts, and long toned legs. More of a Pam Anderson type. And I tend to prefer Black and Asian girls, although a real hot, nasty, white or Latina girl will work fine. Although women of color tend to be more exotic and exude nastiness more than others, IMO.

Anyway, back in the mid '90s (not sure what year exactly), I visited Tampa for the first time. Solely to visit the strip clubs. Crazy, huh? Coming all the way from LA to Tampa just to go to the strip clubs I'd read so much about. I was after hot girls and super high mileage. And, of course, one of my primary destinations was Mons Venus.

So, one day, around lunchtime I head over to Mons. This could have been my first ever trip to Mons, or more likely the second. And since my whole goal for the trip was high mileage with hot girls, I wore my commando perv shorts, and I was ready for action. I arrived just after they opened, expecting that there would be few if any decent chicks that early in the day.

I walk in the club, and as expected it was dead. Don't recall any other customers, maybe there were a few, and only a few dancers. I stroll around the club for a while, figuring out the layout, waiting for someone decent to show up so I could get some laps.

Maybe after a half hour of waiting around, and getting kind of disappointed, and considering bailing and trying another club I'd heard about, I'm standing by the dressing room. I turn my head to the left and notice there's a bleached blonde standing next to me. Holy shit. I was startled, and then amazed. She turns and smiles at me, and my jaw drops. I suddenly realize that it's a black girl with deep bronze skin. And she's wearing a bleached blonde wig, super straight all the way down to the middle of her back. And she has absolutely huge round tits that are what I call “healthy”, sitting high on her chest. And they are almost busting out of her short, white, cutoff wifebeater t-shirt, which is cut just below her areolas. Big hard hipples making a tent in the shirt. This chick was a hardbody in every sense. Tight and toned, but with a black girl's body: curvy, big apple-bottom booty, incredibly tiny waist, and long, muscular legs. She had a tiny slingshot thong bikini, and white stiletto fuck-me pumps.

I'm sure she saw my jaw drop, and heard my heart stop beating. I was mesmerized. She's the kind of girl who can just look at you and you cum in your pants. Well, me at least. Dayshift, nearly empty club, and I'm standing next to my version of a 12. This chick was just oozing hot, nasty, and sexy. Big eyelashes, big pink lips and shiny lipstick, and a barbie-doll body.

She asks if I want a lap dance, and it's all I can do to nod frantically. We go over to one of the bench seats (?), and she starts a slow, sexy groove. As I recall, at least at the time, some of the bench seats along the wall were slightly elevated so that your crotch is about at the same level as the dancer, or slightly higher, so she didn't have to bend over to grind on your crotch. Though maybe my memory is off on that. Anyway, being new to Mons at the time, I wasn't sure of the rules, so I start out a little tentative. I slowly start to move my hands to her waist, and she just keeps slowly grooving to the music in front of me. Then she turns with her back to me, and backs that tight butt up to my crotch. And I tentatively slide my hands up along her tiny waist to her tits. She then backs up even more so that her butt is pushing against my crotch and does a slow grind on me. As I recall, at the time it was pretty much one-way contact at Mons, where you could put your hands all over the dancer, but they wouldn't grab your dick or anything. So I get kinda bold and slide my hands over her massive globes and start massaging. She's fine with that, and is tossing her hair in my face while she grooves on my crotch. By this time I'm sportin' a big boner in my shorts, and she reaches behind to adjust it so it's riding right between her butt cheeks. I slide down in my seat a little to get closer to her grinding butt.

And suddenly I realize that I'm getting a lap dance from perhaps the hottest stripper I've even encountered, and I freakin' lose control. Suddenly I'm shootin' a big load in my shorts, and this nasty fantasy girl is still just groovin' up against me, while my hands are strapped on her huge boobs.

Damn. The first song hadn't even finished, and I totally lost it. So she seems totally cool that I splooged my pants (I'm sure it happened to her a lot), so I pay her and probably give her some exhorbitant tip, and she's off.

I recall her name was something like Angel, maybe Angel Love or something like that. Well, after that experience, the next day I was hoping to re-enact it, so I show up same place, same time, but no luck. Angel's not there. Later on, after I get home, I do a little research on the internet and find out she's also done spreads for men's magazines, under the same name. Needless to say I download every photo I can find and use it for my own perverted purposes.

Anyway, since that day I think that either consciously or subconsciously I've been looking for Angel in every club I go to. Which is why I tend to go to black clubs. I'm always looking for Angel.

Okay, now you guys....


last comment
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago

I like the ones that do atm at the rail.
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
Jerky40, that was a damn good story! I won't tell you that I was getting a little wood reading it cause that might sound gay, but you did a very good job describing the "turn on".

I too, made the trek to Tampa in the late 90's. My goal was to visit Mons, and to get a nude lap dance. Got the nudie at a place that is no longer there because they widened the road along the causeway and tore the club down. I wasn't that impressed with the dance because it was very low contact and she stood far enough away to be annoying. I liked the view at Mons, but didn't get any dances.

I like the girl next door who lets me slide my hand up her skirt to feel the soft, wet kitty.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Okay, first of all I really like your modification of my username. Jerky40 is pretty cool, kind of descriptive, and easier to say. In fact I might change my username to that. If I can figure out how.

And second, gay? Because you got wood at the description of a hot girl giving a lap dance? Dude, that's not gay, that's what guys do. We get wood at the thought, sight, smell, or touch of a hot girl. Be proud of it.

Now, if I was describing getting a lap dance from a guy, and you especially like the part where he put his dinky in my mouth, then yeah, that's totally gay.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
"everyone has to describe, in detail, the absolute, #1, hottest dancer you have ever experienced in your entire life. And the challenge is to make the description so good that we really understand why you thought she was hot."

Well, I can't describe her in much detail. All I remember is the top of her blonde head.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I also flew to Tampa in the mid 90's just to spend a 3-day weekend at the Mons.

I think I was the guy right next to you on the couch with the blonde, tanned chick.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
you are pretty cool
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Awesome "came in my shorts" story.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Good story, especially since it’s kind of up my alley – I am a white guy but love/big-time-lust black women/dancers for the reasons you described; mainly their curvaceous figures and super grinding ability. Like mmdv26, I also got a boner picturing “your girl”.

I like variety. Very rarely will I just stick w/ one dancer in a club and rarely will I get dances from the same dancer in back to back visits to the same club. I’ve been SCing consistently since 2000 and in all that time I can only count 3 dancers as “semi” faves (not even ATF at that). What I mean by “semi” faves is that if I went to their SCs and I saw them there, I would always get LDs from them but rarely did I ever go to their SCs specifically to see them or hoping to see them.

Now, one of the 3 “semi” faves did have me hooked though. She had certain qualities that attract me in a woman:

1) She was black although pretty light skinned. She had been born in Oklahoma and raised in Texas and actually had some Native American in her.
2) She was short – about 5”2. I like short women since I like curvy women - short women tend to be, or look, more stacked.
3) She had the most AWESOME pair of tits I can recall. She must have been about a 38DD. But her breasts looked so awesome to me b/c not only were they large, but they were very very full; i.e. her breasts were full in every direction – top, sides, inside, bottom – she had cleavage in all directions. This dancer was only 20 when I met her w/ no kids at the time so those puppies were big and also perky. And probably my favorite thing about her boobs was that she had some BIG round brown areolas – for me often times large areolas/nipples turn me on more than large boobs.
4) Her butt and thighs were nice and full – although she did not have that huge booty that sticks out about a foot that many black women have (which I tend to like also). But, it is often hard to find a woman w/ really big boobs that also has a really big ass – not impossible, but seems more rare (it could be that her boobs were so darn good that it made any other part of her body look avg?).

Anyway, I met this ebony back in ~2003 on a Saturday night visit to a SC in Arlington, TX (near Dallas where I lived at the time). I remember scoping out the club when I suddenly saw this ebony for the 1st time dancing in one of the satellite stages. It seemed that everything stood still when I laid eyes on her (I was about 15 to 20 feet away from her stage). I walked (glided) over to her stage – it was one of those small stages that is at floor level so one could get real close to the dancer. I went up to this ebony and could not stop staring at her incredible breasts – I still remember it as if it was last night (although this was back in ’03). When she saw me staring at her boobs she squeezed those big round puppies together and those huge brown areolas were inches from my eyes. I was hooked on her from that moment and my mouth still waters when I think/recall those boobs. Her dancing was pretty good but nothing out of this world – although she never complained about my persistent groping of her massive boobs – so the dancing skill was not much of an issue. I was a customer of hers on and off for a few years after that.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
With respect to the original post:

“I walk in the club, and as expected it was dead … waiting for someone decent to show up so I could get some laps. Maybe after a half hour of waiting around, and getting kind of disappointed, and considering bailing … I’m standing by the dressing room. I turn my head to the left and notice there’s a bleached blonde standing next to me. Holy shit. I was startled, and then amazed …”

Man, some of my best experiences at SCs have been like this. You go to the SC not expecting much and bam out of the blue you see a dancer that will make your eyes not be able to blink the whole time you are staring at her for the 1st time. Add to that that you can have her pretty much to yourself due to the lack of customers and it makes for a very worthwhile trip to the SC in that particular day.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Too wordy.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
"Ooo, I'm so excited !!! I think this is the first discussion I've ever started here. I'm all nervous and stuff. I hope I don't mess it up..."

That still throws me?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
^^^ "Ooo, I'm so excited !!! I think this is the first discussion I've ever started here. I'm all nervous and stuff. I hope I don't mess it up..."

I believe he was trying to be sarcastic/facetious.
avatar for looneylarry
12 years ago
Solid story, j40. Your taste in women is definitely something on which we can agree. I don't care much for the black girl with the big, cottage cheese ass that she bounces around like you enjoy watching somebody rearranging a couple of beanbag chairs. And that's ALL they have--no personality, no boobs, no waist, no allure. But if you exclude those types, I'd take a hot black dancer any time. These clubs that only hire a "certain number" of black girls are really missing out. And the (white) guys that still have a lingering aversion to getting a dance from a black girl? I'll take your spot any day and let me tell you: that girl will show me her appreciation. But if you want to bypass all that, be my guest.

I think my story is certainly not the hottest or the nastiest, but it had a huge impact on me at the time. I was a struggling young office worker, just out of college, paying back student loans and car loans and trying to eke by in a little apartment. My entertainment budget was tiny. I'd go to a strip joint every so often and spend maybe $20 or $30 for the whole night, including drinks.

One night there was a handful of dancers that came in from KC, to this Midwest town. There was a thin brunette with beautiful green eyes and a hot g-string and smaller tits. She had a huge shock of wavy hair that was slowly morphing into an afro. If it had been straightened out, it would have gone to about her mid-back. I was trying to get her attention all night long, but she had many admirers. At the end of the night they announced the last dance and all the dancers came out. The stage was an open area around which all the tables were arranged. Kind of like if all the tables were on the hardwood dance floor of a ballroom dancing place and they just pushed the tables away from the center and directed the lights into the middle. So the dancers would just stay in the middle during their sets and dance over to the nearby tables for a dollar tip and then go back into the middle. They didn't have to leave the stage or step down or anything.

During the last dance, she came by and I went for broke. I showed her a twenty and you would have thought that it was a $500 bill. Her eyes lit up and she sat down on my lap and grinded and kissed and mauled me, ran her fingers through my hair, and stayed with me the whole song. We were lost inside of that huge mane of hair. This was years ago, in the Eighties, when a twenty meant something. So I overpaid for a dance but it was one of the very few times when the girl was genuinely surprised and tried her hardest to make that song into a great experience. That was the best $20 I have probably ever spent in a SC, because it was a dream come true for a broke young guy. Now I'm just a broke old guy.
avatar for arizonaflyer
12 years ago
I made the pilgrimage to Mons in the early 90's - cant say I had quite as memorable a time as you did....but I also made the trip several times to Dallas and Baby Dolls in the 90s and it made a lasting impact on me. I ran into the most gorgeous Latina with a beautiful face, little pointy nose, man made beauties that were nearly impossible to tell from naturals ( that was when silicone was still allowed), and an amazing JLo ass before I had ever heard of JLo. It was not a fat ass either but round, elegant and full of muscles that she said were from playing soccer. One nite after a few dances when I was popping my tent, she got up and winked at me. I sat wondering what she was doing as she rolled up my short pants leg and arranged me down my leg. She turned around, pulled aside the thong, spread those amazing checks and sat back down. Not insertion, but more like a hotdog in the bun. I have called it the "lucky dog" position ever since. She then proceeded to rock back and forth while squeezing that ass. It was my first taste of the better side of the YMMV slogan, and I have yet to find a better lucky dog than the first one...but I keep looking.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Jeez, I'm getting old. I've lost count of the strippers I've thought were the "hottest ever."
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
The funny thing is that the hottest stripper I have ever seen I never got a dance from, never heard her name, and in fact did not see a full stage show for.

It was at the old Hawaii Theater. I had already used my budget and had hit the restrooms before leaving. I came out and as I was heading toward the exit I looked over to the stage and there was this tall shapely blonde with beautiful large natural tits. She wasn't doing a typical stripper dance but was moving very slowly with the music, but her moves were so fluid and graceful it was amazing. But I was running late and had no money to spend on her anyway. So I left. And never got back there before it closed.
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